
Decision Information

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SUPREME COURT                                       COUR SUPRÊME

OF CANADA                                            DU CANADA   

             BULLETIN  OF                                          BULLETIN DES

             PROCEEDINGS                                          PROCÉDURES

This Bulletin is published at the direction of the Registrar and is for general information only.  It is not to be used as evidence of its content, which, if required, should be proved by Certificate of the Registrar under the Seal of the Court.  While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.


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The Bulletin, being a factual report of recorded proceedings, is produced in the language of record.  Where a judgment has been rendered, requests for copies should be made to the Registrar, with a remittance of $10 for each set of reasons.  All remittances should be made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.


Le Bulletin rassemble les procédures devant la Cour dans la langue du dossier.  Quand un arrêt est rendu, on peut se procurer les motifs de jugement en adressant sa demande au registraire, accompagnée de 10 $ par exemplaire.  Le paiement doit être fait à l'ordre du Receveur général du Canada.






April 7, 2000  579 - 654 (INDEX)                                                            le 7 avril 2000

CONTENTS                                                   TABLE DES MATIÈRES




Applications for leave to appeal



Applications for leave submitted

to Court since last issue


Oral hearing ordered


Oral hearing on applications for



Judgments on applications for



Judgment on motion




Notices of appeal filed since last



Notices of intervention filed since

last issue


Notices of discontinuance filed since

last issue


Appeals heard since last issue and disposition


Pronouncements of appeals reserved





Headnotes of recent judgments


Weekly agenda


Summaries of the cases


Cumulative Index ‑ Leave


Cumulative Index ‑ Appeals


Appeals inscribed ‑ Session



Notices to the Profession and

Press Release


Deadlines: Motions before the Court


Deadlines: Appeals


Judgments reported in S.C.R.


579 - 582



583 - 598








599 - 616





617 - 623























626 - 631


632 - 644


645 - 646


647 - 651










653 - 654


Demandes d'autorisation d'appel



Demandes soumises à la Cour depuis la dernière parution


Audience ordonnée


Audience sur les demandes d'autorisation



Jugements rendus sur les demandes                                                                                  d'autorisation


Jugement sur requête




Avis d'appel déposés depuis la dernière parution


Avis d'intervention déposés depuis la                                                                                    dernière parution


Avis de désistement déposés depuis la     dernière parution


Appels entendus depuis la dernière

parution et résultat


Jugements rendus sur les appels en



Nouvelle audition


Sommaires des arrêts récents


Ordre du jour de la semaine


Résumés des affaires


Index cumulatif ‑ Autorisations


Index cumulatif ‑ Appels


Appels inscrits ‑ Session

commençant le


Avis aux avocats et communiqué

de presse


Délais: Requêtes devant la Cour


Délais: Appels


Jugements publiés au R.C.S.





Michael Nikkanen

Alan D. Gold

Gold & Fuerst


v. (27645)


Her Majesty the Queen (Ont.)

Susan G. Ficek

A.G. for Ontario


FILING DATE 14.12.1999



Donald Russell

Dirk Derstine

Derstine, Penman and Associates


v. (27732)


Her Majesty the Queen (Ont.)

David Finley

A.G. for Ontario


FILING DATE 1.2.2000




Fred C. Lowther

MacLean Nicol


v. (27814)


W.B. (Que.)

Roland Yves Gagné

Magdelénat Tobolewski Gagné


FILING DATE 23.3.2000



Joseph William Hnatiw

Joseph William Hnatiw



v. (27601)


Hilda Scamstad et al. (Sask.)

Frank G. Quennell

Robertson Stromberg


FILING DATE 20.3.2000




Marvin R. Bloos

Beresh Depoe Cunningham


v. (27709)


Her Majesty the Queen (Alta.)

Arnold Schlayer

A.G. for Alberta


FILING DATE 18.1.2000



David Masmarti

Pierre-Hugues Fortin

Kalman Samuels, Q.C., & Associés


c. (27712)


Me Bernard Cohen et al. (Qué.)

Murielle Lahaye

Commission des affaires sociales





Mansour Ahani

Barbara Jackman

Jackman, Waldman & Associates


v. (27792)


The Minister of Citizenship & Immigration et al. (F.C.A.)


A.G. of Canada


FILING DATE 7.3.2000



Gérald Robitaille & Associés Ltée

Daniel Des Aulniers

Grondin, Poudrier, Bernier


c. (27799)


Sa Majesté la Reine du Canada (Qué.)

Robert Monette

DeBlois & Associés





Chief Councillor Mathew Hill, also known as Tha-lathatk, on his own behalf and on behalf of all other members of the Kitkatla Band and Kitkatla Band

Jack Woodward

Woodward & Company


v. (27801)


The Minister of Small Business, Tourism and Culture et al. (B.C.)

Paul Pearlman, Q.C.

Fuller Pearlman & McNeil


FILING DATE 16.3.2000



Wilton Anthony Smith

David M. Tanovich

Pinkofsky Lockyer


v. (27802)


Her Majesty the Queen (Ont.)

Milan Rupic

A.G. for Ontario - Crown Law Office - Criminal


FILING DATE 16.3.2000



Murray Ernest Greenwood, as administrator ad litem for Don Wilhelm

Peter Foley, Q.C.

Gauley & Co.


v. (27807)


Vernon Hickson et al. (Sask.)

Michael S. Hall

Hall & Revering


FILING DATE 20.3.2000



André Ledoux

André Blanchet



c. (27808)


Sa Majesté la Reine (C.A.F.)

Martin Gentile

Procureur général du Canada





Titus Nguiagain

Titus Nguiagain



c. (27809)


Ville de Québec et al. (Qué.)

Guy Bilodeau

Boutin, Roy & Assoc.





Franceschina Martelli

Franceschina Martelli



c. (27811)


La Commission des affaires sociales et al. (Qué.)

Luce Terrien

Lemieux, Chrétien, Lahaye & Corriveau





Ronald John Baas et al.

Michael R. Giroday



v. (27812)


Gail Lorraine Jellema (B.C.)

Robert C. Brun

Harris & Brun


FILING DATE 22.3.2000



Russell Kalashnikoff

David M. Rosenberg

Rosenberg & Rosenberg


v. (27803)


Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.)

Robert Frater

A.G. of Canada


FILING DATE 16.3.2000



Autobus Thomas Inc.

Daniel Bourgeois

Pothier Delisle, s.e.n.c.


c. (27804)


Sa Majesté la Reine (C.A.F.)

Marie-Andrée Legault

P.G. du Canada





Walter Antkiw

Jeanie DeMarco

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


v. (27806)


Susan Verscheure et al. (Ont.)

Sheena J. MacAskill

McCarthy, Tétrault


FILING DATE 20.3.2000



Barry Robert Morrison

Frederick C. McElman

Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales


v. (27813)


The Society of Lloyd’s (N.B.)

Terrence L.S. Teed

Bingham Blair MacAulay Erhardt Teed


FILING DATE 23.3.2000










MARCH 27, 2000 / LE 27 MARS 2000


                                              CORAM:   Chief Justice McLachlin and Iacobucci and Major JJ. /

Le juge en chef McLachlin et les juges Iacobucci et Major


Ravi Devgan


v. (27567)


Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario (Crim.)(Ont.)




Criminal law - Procedure - Appeals - Abandonment of appeal - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law in failing to set aside the notice of abandonment of the Applicant’s appeal against conviction when the notice was filed by the solicitor for the Applicant without the Applicant himself knowingly giving his consent to such filing - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law by denying the Applicant the right to pursue his appeal against conviction when he had clear and cogent grounds for succeeding on his appeal - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law in rendering its decision without considering that there would be no prejudice to permit the Applicant to argue his conviction  appeal and that there would be a miscarriage of justice not to permit him to proceed with his appeal - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law in failing to give effect to the overwhelming evidence before it that the Applicant would have pursued his appeal against conviction, had he known he could have?




January 26, 1996

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) (German J.)


Applicant convicted of one count of fraud and one count of making a false statement




May 26, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Labrosse, Charron and Feldman JJ.A.)


Application for leave to appeal granted; appeal against sentence allowed




August 17, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario (Feldman J.A.)


Appeal against conviction dismissed as abandoned




February 7, 2000

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Carthy, Charron and Sharpe JJ.A.)


Motion for an order setting the Applicant's notice of abandonment and the previous order dated August 17, 1999 dismissed




October 29, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

Application for leave to appeal sentence filed

February 28, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada

Application for leave to appeal conviction filed

March 23, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada

(McLachlin C.J., Iacobucci and Major JJ.)

Application for leave to appeal sentence dismissed


Atlas Industries Ltd.


v. (27402)


The Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board and The Sheet Metal Workers' International Association,

Local 296 (Sask.)




Labour law - Labour relations – Construction industry under special regime of province-wide negotiations - Firm with small portion of work force involved in construction industry - Labour Relations Board including all firm’s work force in the construction industry regime - Board’s decision found to be in error on judicial review - Court of Appeal reversing decision of chambers judge - Whether Court of Appeal erred in allowing the appeal and reversing the decision of the learned Chambers Judge in the Court of Queen's Bench.




January 12, 1999

Court of Queen's Bench of Saskatchewan

(Baynton J.)


Order: Respondents’ order made under the provisions of Trade Union Act and The Construction Industry Labour Relations Act quashed




June 2, 1999

Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan

(Cameron [dissenting], Gerwing, and Sherstobitoff JJ.A)


Appeal allowed




July 22, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Glaxo Group Limited and Glaxo Wellcome Inc.


v. (27457)


Novopharm Limited and The Minister of National Health and Welfare (F.C.A.)




Property law - Patents - Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations, SOR/93-133, s. 2 “medicine” - Whether the decision of the Court of Appeal is in conflict with  Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. v. Canada (Minister of National Health and Welfare) (1995), 67 C.P.R. (3d) 25 (F.C.A.), leave to appeal ref’d [1996] 3 S.C.R. xi - Whether the Court of Appeal correctly found that “medicine” did not include devices for delivering medicaments.




February 9, 1998

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division

(Tremblay‑Lamer J.)






Applicants’ motion for an order of prohibition dismissed; confirmation that the Minister is prohibited from issuing a Notice of Compliance until all appeals are exhausted or all appeal periods have expiredMay 26, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Décary, Robertson, and Rothstein JJ.A.)


Appeals allowed on latter issue; cross-appeal dismissed on former issue




August 25, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Stanley Magda


v. (27420)


The St. Catharines Standard, a division of Southam Inc.




 Burgoyne Holdings Inc. (Ont.)




Property law - Trusts and trustees - Misappropriation - Knowing assistance- Knowing receipt - Whether, in a case of knowing receipt by a stranger to a trust (which receives misappropriated funds), there must be evidence that the stranger to the trust actually benefited from those misappropriated funds - Whether there was any evidence of actual knowledge that the property and funds in issue were the product of or derived from misappropriation - Interpretation of Air Canada v. M & L Travel Ltd. [1993] 3 S.C.R. 787.




August 7, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Quinn J.)


Applicant liable for funds fraudulently misappropriated from Respondents




May 13, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Doherty, Austin and Goudge JJ.A.)


Applicant’s appeal dismissed




August 11, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Alpha Laboratories Inc., Reese Nuclear Medical Laboratories Ltd.,

Bio‑Test Laboratory Inc., and Metro Medical Laboratory Limited


v. (27419)


Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.)




Statutes - Interpretation - Regulations - Validity - Retroactivity - Ontario Regulation 2/98 adopted under Health Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.6 - Whether Regulation valid - Whether a government paying for services under a regulatory funding formula can change that formula retroactively so as to confiscate payments made under a previous formula without express statutory authority to do so - Whether such a retroactive change can be made on the rationale that service providers should be deprived of earnings resulting from conduct which the government presumed to have occurred and perceived to be harmful to the public interest but which was never proven to be illegal.




March 2, 1999

Ontario Court (General Division)

Divisional Court

(Boland, Kozak and MacKenzie JJ.A.)


Application for judicial review dismissed, interim order vacated




April 27, 1999

Ontario Court of Appeal

(Catzman, Osborne and Austin JJ.A.)


Motion for leave to appeal dismissed




August 9, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





CORAM:   L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ. /

Les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache et LeBel


Son Mach


v. (27674)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.)




Criminal Law - Trial - Jury Charge - Procedural Law - Severance - Flight and concealment - Reputation for dishonesty and manipulation - Whether a jury charge should have instructed that evidence of flight and concealment could not be used to show that the Applicant had the requisite intent for murder  - Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding that post-offence conduct could be used as evidence of consciousness of guilt to determine level of intent - Whether a jury charge should have instructed that evidence of a reputation for dishonesty and manipulation should not be considered when assessing weight to be given to a statement to police - Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding that the trial judge did not err in failing to give jury a limiting instruction on the use of evidence led by co-accused that the applicant had a disposition for lying and manipulation - Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding that trial judge did not err in failing to grant severance.




November 27, 1993

Ontario Court of Justice

(Keenan J.)


Conviction: first degree murder (one count) and attempted murder (one count)




July 13, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Brooke, Austin, Moldaver JJ.A.)






Appeal from conviction dismissedDecember 23, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Applications for leave to appeal and for time extension filed





Spire Freezers Limited, Patrick Gouveia, John O'Neill, Edward Butcher, John Dobrei, Maroje Miloslavic


v. (27415)


Her Majesty the Queen (F.C.A.)




Taxation - Assessment - Statutes - Interpretation - Whether the Federal Court of Appeal erred in finding that the Canadian parties had not entered into a partnership - Proper interpretation and application of Continental Bank Leasing v. Canada, [1998] 2 S.C.R. 298 - Section 96  of the Income Tax Act , R.S.C., 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp .).




November 27, 1997

Tax Court of Canada

(Rip J.T.C.C.)


Appeals from the assessments made under the Income Tax Act  dismissed




May 25, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Strayer, Linden, Robertson JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




August 5, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Theodore J. Tait


v. (27422)


Royal Insurance Company of Canada (N.S.)




Commercial law - Insurance - Claims - Defences - Applicant filing insurance claim for loss arising out of fire - Respondent insurer declining coverage, claiming that fire had been deliberately set - Trial judge dismissing Applicant’s claim - Whether an individual has the right to have counsel present during his trial in civil proceedings - Whether there is a duty upon an insurer to conduct a thorough and credible investigation in assessing the merits of an insured’s claim.




September 5, 1997

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia

(MacAdam J.)






Applicant’s action against Respondent dismissedMay 13, 1999

Nova Scotia Court of Appeal

(Bateman, Hart and Flinn JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




August 12, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Bertrix Corporation et Tierra Del Sol Beach Resort Hotel C Por A


c. (27401)


Valeurs mobilières Desjardins Inc. et autres (entités corporatives) et

Claude Béland et autres (administrateurs) (Qué.)




Procédure civile -  Cautionnement pour frais -  Résidence à l’étranger - Situation financière - Détermination de la valeur du cautionnement pour frais par les juges - Code de procédure civile, L.R.Q., c. C-25, art. 65 (ci-après “C.p.c.”).




Le 15 avril 1998

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Guthrie j.c.s.)


Requête en révision pour cautionnement pour frais accueillie en partie




Le 25 mai 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Gendreau, Baudouin et  Chamberland jj.c.a.)


Appel rejeté




Le 16 juillet 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée





Eustace Reeves


v. (27086)


Reginald Arsenault, Mary Kyra Lynn Gauthier, Herbert Gauthier

and Home Insurance Company (P.E.I.)




Torts - Damages - Soft tissue injury - Aggravation of pre-existing injury - Application of “crumbling skull” doctrine - Applicant diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome - Trial judge reducing award of damages by 25% due to Applicant’s pre-existing condition and further 10% for failure to mitigate his damages - Non-pecuniary damages of $75,000 reduced to $45,000 by Court of Appeal - Whether lower courts erred in application of principles in Athey v. Leonati, [1996] 3 S.C.R. 458.




October 23, 1996

Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island, Trial Division

(DesRoches J.)


Damages of 245,713.52 awarded to Applicant




November 19, 1998

Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island, Appeal Division

(Carruthers C.J., McQuaid, Mitchell JJ.A. )


Appeal dismissed; Cross-appeal allowed in part, reducing damages to 226,213.52




July 16, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





CORAM:   Gonthier, Binnie and Arbour JJ. /

Les juges Gonthier, Binnie et Arbour


Daniel Matthew Nette


v. (27669)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(B.C.)




Criminal Law - Murder - Causation - Whether the causation test for second degree murder is lower that the standard articulated by R. v. Harbottle, [1993] 3 S.C.R. 306, for first degree murder - What is the correct formulation for the standard of causation for second degree murder?




May 6, 1997

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Wilkinson J.)


Conviction: Second degree murder

Sentence: Life imprisonment, parole eligibility after 10 years




December 13, 1999

Court of Appeal of British Columbia

(McEachern, Lambert and Braidwood JJ.A.)


Appeal against conviction dismissed




December 31, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





James Matthew Carrie


v. (27684)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(B.C.)




Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Criminal law -  Evidence - Right to fair trial - Sexual assault -  Use of a firearm during commission of indictable offence - Corroboration - Whether Court of Appeal erred in its assessment of corroborative evidence and in accepting trial judge’s finding as to credibility and use of weapons - Whether Court of Appeal erred by failing to recognize that the accused did not hear the proceedings of the trial because of his hearing impairment and as a result was not able to advise his counsel on the proceedings of the trial.




May 29, 1997

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Thackray J.)


Conviction: sexual assault (2 counts); firearm use in commission of an offence (1 count)




June 16, 1998

Court of Appeal of British Columbia

(Esson, Huddart and Hall JJ.A.)


 Appeal dismissed




January 4, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Emmanuel Feuerwerker


c. (27664)


Sa Majesté la Reine (Crim.)(Ont.)




Charte canadienne des droits et libertés  - Droit criminel - Fraude - Procédure - Détermination de la peine - Opinion médicale sur la capacité mentale du demandeur - Plaidoyer de culpabilité - Capacité d’acquiescer ou de refuser de plaider coupable.




Le 15 octobre 1996

Cour de justice de l'Ontario  

(Roy j.)


Le demandeur a plaidé coupable de 21 chefs d’accusation de fraude et 6 chefs d’accusation de trafic d’influence; peine conditionnelle de 2 ans moins 1 jour




Le 8 décembre 1999

Cour d'appel de l'Ontario

(Labrosse, Weiler et Charron jj.a.)


Appel rejeté




Le 17 décembre 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée





Janine Bailey


v. (27427)


Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada and The Public Service Commission (F.C.A.) (Ont.)




Elisabeth Lavoie and Jeanne To Thanh Hien


v. (27427)


Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada and The Public Service Commission (F.C.A.) (Ont.)




Canadian  Charter  - Civil - Civil rights - Equality - Whether s. 15(1) of the Charter  protects against discrimination between citizens and non-citizens in referral to open competitions for positions in the federal public service - Whether the Federal Court of Appeal erred in finding that it did not - Public Service Employment Act , R.S.C. 1985, c. P-33, s. 16(4) (c).




April 21, 1995

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division (Wetston J.)

Applicants’ actions dismissed

May 19, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Marceau, Desjardins and Linden [dissenting] JJ.A.)

Appeals dismissed

August 12, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

Application for leave to appeal filed by Applicant Bailey

August 18, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

Application for leave to appeal filed by Applicants Lavoie and To Thanh Hien


Conrad P. Godbout et Yvette Pilié


c. (27428)


La Municipalité de la paroisse de Saint‑Pie (Qué.)




Droit Municipal - Environnement - Nuisances - Procédure civile - Requête pour permission d’appel hors délai - Le règlement sur les nuisances de l’intimée est-elle ultra vires - Les droits des demandeurs garantis par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne, L.R.Q., ch. C-12, ont-ils été violés - Le juge de première instance avait-elle l’obligation d’aviser les demandeurs de la nécessité d’un avis sous l’art. 95 du Code de procédure civile, L.R.Q., ch. C-25 - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en rejetant la requête des demandeurs pour permission d’appeler hors délai en vertu de l’art. 505 du Code de procédure civile - L’intimée a-t-elle violé la Loi sur la protection des arbres, L.R.Q., ch. P-37?




Le 2 février 1999

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Julien j.c.s.)


Requête de l’intimée pour obtenir une ordonnance de nettoyer des lieux pour les rendre conformes à la réglementation municipale et à la loi accueillie




Le 16 mars 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Proulx j.c.a.)


Requête des demandeurs pour permission d’appeler rejetée




Le 26 avril 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Dussault, Deschamps et Robert jj.c.a.)


Requête des demandeurs pour permission d’appeler hors délai rejetée




Le 12 août 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée





APRIL 3, 2000 / LE 3 AVRIL 2000


CORAM:   Chief Justice McLachlin and Iacobucci and Major JJ. /

Le juge en chef McLachlin et les juges Iacobucci et Major


Kin Yung Ku


v. (27466)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(B.C.)




Canadian  Charter  - Criminal - Criminal law - Pre-trial procedure - Judicial interim release - Whether the Supreme Court of British Columbia erred in upholding the order denying the Applicant judicial interim release pursuant to Part XVI of the Criminal Code  of Canada - Whether s. 515(10)(c) of the Criminal Code  is inconsistent with ss. 7 , 9 , 11 (d) and 11 (e) of the Charter.




January 8, 1999

Provincial Court of British Columbia

(Stone J.)


Detention order granted




January 21, 1999

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Sigurdson J.)


Applicant’s application to be released from custody dismissed, detention order upheld




June 9, 1999

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Ralph J.)






Application for review of detention order dismissedSeptember 7, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Lynne Palmer


v. (27574)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(Sask.)




Criminal law - Practising medicine without licence - Whether the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal erred in applying ss. 21(1) , (2) , 465(1) (b), 137 , 134 , 136 , 139 , 131 , 132 , 140 , 786(2)  and 361  of the Criminal Code  - Whether the Court of Appeal did not recognize there was no defence submitted by the accused’s lawyer.




February 19, 1998

Provincial Court of Saskatchewan

(Bekolay J.)


Conviction: four counts of practising medicine without a licence contrary to s. 80 of the Medical Profession Act, 1981, S.S. 1988-89, c. 43

Sentence: Fine of $1,500.00 on each charge




January 26, 1999

Court of Queen's Bench of Saskatchewan

(Smith J.)


Appeal from conviction and sentence dismissed




May 10, 1999

Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan

(Tallis, Vancise and Sherstobitoff JJ.A.)


Leave to appeal from conviction denied




October 4, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for extension of time to file application for leave to appeal filed




November 5, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Glengarry Bingo Association


v. (27166)


Her Majesty the Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.)




Taxation - Agency - Goods and services tax - Applicant bingo association conducting bingo games for its members which are registered and non-registered charities - Whether, pursuant to section 178  of the Excise Tax Act , R.S.C., 1985, c. E-15 , as amended by S.C. 1990, c. 45, the Applicant is exempt from collecting and remitting GST for services and equipment supplied to its members.




July 10, 1995

Tax Court of Canada

(Beaubier J.T.C.C.)


Appeal from assessment allowed and referred back to Minister of National Revenue for reconsideration and reassessment




March 5, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Isaac C.J., Linden and Sexton JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed;  assessment referred back to the Minister for reconsideration and reassessment





May 3, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





CORAM:   L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ. /

Les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache et LeBel


Rosario Bernier, Ferme Mailloux et Fils, Ferme Bessette & Frères Waterville inc.,

 Le Regroupement provincial pour le maintien des droits des producteurs de lait inc.


c. (27416)


Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec et

La Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec (Qué.)




Droit administratif - Contrôle judiciaire - Législation - Textes réglementaires - Interprétation - La Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires du Québec exerçait-elle des fonctions quasi judiciaires lorsqu’elle a rendu ses décisions modifiant et approuvant les règlements soumis par la Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec? - L’apparence de partialité causée par les actes du président de la Régie justifiait-elle l’annulation des décisions rendues par la Régie? - La Régie a-t-elle commis des erreurs manifestement déraisonnables en décidant que les règlements ne portaient pas atteinte aux droits acquis des demandeurs et en confirmant la validité du référendum tenu pour l’approbation des règlements?




Le 12 décembre 1996

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Julien j.c.s.)


Action directe en nullité des demandeurs contre la décision 5672 rendue par la Régie intimée accueillie




Le 7 mai 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Baudouin, Proulx et Deschamps jj.c.a.)


Pourvois des intimées accueillis




Le 6 août 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée





Fraternité des préposés à l'entretien des voies


c. (27434)


Canadien Pacifique Limitée




Michel Picher, arbitre pour le Bureau

d’arbitrage des chemins de fer du Canada (Qué.)




Droit du travail - Convention collective - Interprétation -  Contrôle judiciaire - Décision d’un arbitre nommé en vertu d’une convention collective -  Erreur manifestement déraisonnable - Plainte pour traitement injuste - Clause ouverte.




Le 22 janvier 1993

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Tessier j.c.q.)


Requête en évocation de la demanderesse accueillie




Le 19 mai 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Dussault, Deschamps et Robert jj.c.a.)


Jugement de la Cour supérieure infirmé;

requête en évocation rejetée




Le 16 août 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée





Union québécoise pour la conservation de la nature


c. (27421)


Jacques Brassard en sa qualité de ministre des Transports




Paul Bégin en sa qualité de ministre de l’Environment et de la Faune,

Procureur général du Québec et Bernard Gauthier (Qué.)




Droit de l’environnement - Droit administratif - Admission d’une nouvelle preuve - Études de l’impact sur l’environnement d’un projet de construction d’une voie routière - Pouvoir discrétionnaire du Ministre du Transport.




Le 11 novembre 1998

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Boisvert j.c.s.)


Requête en mandamus et demande d’ordonnance de sursis rejetées                 




Le 8 janvier 1999

Cour d’appel du Québec

(Mailhot, Rousseau-Houle et Forget j.c.a.)


Requête pour demander une ordonnance de sursis rejetée




Le 12 mai 1999

Cour d’appeal du Québec

(Proulx, Pidgeon et Letarte j.c.a.)


Appel rejeté




Le 11 août 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d’autorisation d’appel déposée





CORAM:   Gonthier, Binnie and Arbour JJ. /

Les juges Gonthier, Binnie et Arbour




v. (27670)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(Ont.)




Criminal Law - Young Offenders - Right to Counsel -  Young Offenders Act  permits an order to appoint counsel if a young person is unable to obtain counsel - Accused before Youth Court was denied legal aid and applied for an order appointing counsel claiming she was unable to obtain counsel - Whether Youth Court is required to conduct a hearing into the youths ability to obtain counsel before granting order - Whether hearing should consider a young person's  ability to access the financial  resources of his or her parents -  Meaning of unable to” in s. 11(4) (b) of the Young Offenders Act , R.S.C. 1985, c. Y‑1 .




August 24, 1998

Ontario Court (Provincial Division)

(King J.)


Order appointing counsel granted




October 21, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Finlayson, Weiler and Moldaver JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed




December 20, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Marcia Robertson


v. (27514)


The Ontario Human Rights Commission and  Maple Leaf Foods Inc. (Ont.)




Procedural law - Extension of time to apply for leave to appeal - Whether the Court of Appeal correctly denied the extension of time.




May 11, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Hart, Koo and Karam JJ.)


Application for judicial review dismissed




June 24, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Laskin J.A.)


Appeal seeking an order for an extension of time dismissed




September 28, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Crestwood Lake Limited, Percy St. Pierre and Margaret St. Pierre


v. (27462)


Robert Pizzey, Marc E. Lefebvre and Robert Owen Pizzey, Executors of the Estate of Mabel Pizzey, deceased, Glenn Pizzey and Cameron Pizzey (Ont.)




Property law - Real property - Breach of contract - Damages - Purchaser of trailer park obtaining fewer potential sites than he believed he was purchasing - Vendor ordered to pay purchaser damages for breach of contract - Court ordering that damages to which purchaser was entitled might be set off against balance overdue under mortgage back - Correct procedure for calculating amounts owing under mortgage back - Whether Court of Appeal should have corrected arithmetic error alleged by purchaser.




March 13, 1998

Ontario Court (General Division)

(Kent J.)


Respondents ordered to pay Applicants damages for breach of contract




June 14, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Krever, Abella and Rosenberg JJ.A.)


Appeal and cross-appeal dismissed




August 31, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Gunnar Kjelstrup Madsen


v. (27473)


Her Majesty the Queen (F.C.A.)




Taxation - Assessment - Income tax reduction scheme - Whether a court may deny a taxpayer the right to claim an expense deduction in computing his income (pursuant to s. 18(1)(a) of Act) on the ground that the taxpayer did not incur the expense for the purpose of earning income in circumstances where the earning of income is an absolute certainty and has resulted (or will result) directly from the expense being paid - Whether the trial judge erred when he concluded that the advance royalties and licence fees were not paid by the Applicant for the purpose of earning income within the meaning of s. 18(1) (a) of the Income Tax Act .




May 2, 1997

Tax Court of Canada

(Bonner T.C.J.)


Applicant’s appeal from assessment dismissed




June 10, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Marceau, Noël, Sexton JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




September 9, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed











MARCH 30, 2000 / LE 30 MARS 2000


27582                    HARRY CAVAN v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Ont.)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Canadian Charter  - Criminal - Evidence - Disclosure - Crown referred to fact of Applicants’ access to disclosure during cross-examination of accused and in closing address to jury - Whether the Crown can urge a jury to find that an accused has tailored his evidence to conform to the disclosure provided - Whether the drawing of such an adverse inference violates s. 7  of the Charter by undermining and creating a trap of the constitutional right to disclosure.




February 13, 1997

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) (Hoilett J.)


Applicants convicted of trafficking in a narcotic




November 5, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Osborne A.C.J.O., Abella J.A., MacPherson J.A. [ad hoc])


Appeals from convictions and sentences dismissed




December 14, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Applications for leave to appeal filed





27587                    DOUGLAS SCOTT v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Ont.)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Canadian Charter  - Criminal - Evidence - Disclosure - Crown referred to fact of Applicants’ access to disclosure during cross-examination of accused and in closing address to jury - Whether the Crown can urge a jury to find that an accused has tailored his evidence to conform to the disclosure provided - Whether the drawing of such an adverse inference violates s. 7  of the Charter by undermining and creating a trap of the constitutional right to disclosure.




February 13, 1997

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) (Hoilett J.)






Applicants convicted of trafficking in a narcoticNovember 5, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Osborne A.C.J.O., Abella J.A., MacPherson J.A. [ad hoc])


Appeals from convictions and sentences dismissed




December 14, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

Applications for leave to appeal filed


27195                    JOHN MARTIN CRAWFORD v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Sask.)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Criminal Law - Procedural Law - Appeals - Competence of counsel - Standards for assessing competence of counsel as a grounds for appeal - Whether appellate review guidelines of the right to a fair trial and effective assistance of counsel under ss. 7  and 11 (d) of the Charter are dramatically divergent from province to province.




May 30, 1996

Court of Queen’s Bench of Saskatchewan

(Wright J.)


Convictions: first degree murder and two counts of second degree murder

Sentence: Life imprisonment, parole in 25 years on each count




January 21, 1999

Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan

(Tallis, Gerwing and Lane JJ.A.)


Appeal from convictions and sentence dismissed




November 9, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal from convictions filed







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Criminal  Law ‑ Treaty rights to hunt under Treaty No. 6 - Whether the courts below erred with respect to the visible, incompatible use of land test set out in R. v. Badger, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 771 - Whether the test for “right of access” in R. v. Sutherland,  [1980] 2 S.C.R. 451 applied.




June 18, 1997

Provincial Court of Alberta

(Norheim J.)


Darrell Brertton convicted of unlawful hunting; Each Applicant convicted of unlawful possession of wildlife and unlawful trespass




March 11, 1998

Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta

(Moreau J.)


Summary conviction appeals allowed in part: Darrell Brertton’s conviction of unlawful possession of wildlife quashed




October 14, 1999

Court of Appeal for Alberta

(Côté, Picard, Sulatycky JJ.A.)


Appeals dismissed




December 10, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Property law - Trusts and trustees - Constructive trust - Insurance proceeds - Canoe Club depositing insurance proceeds from theft of Applicant’s tractor in its general account - Deposit reducing amount owing under Club’s line of credit - Club found liable for breach of a constructive trust - Whether Club’s general manager or officers liable for Club’s breach of trust - Circumstances, if any, in which liability ought to be imposed on a stranger to a trust for breach of a constructive trust.




February 17, 1997

Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba

(Schulman J.)


Winnipeg Canoe Club and Respondent Stewart found liable for damages for breach of a constructive trust 




April 14, 1999

Court of Appeal of Manitoba

(Scott C.J.M., Huband and Kroft JJ.A.)






Respondent Stewart’s appeal allowed; Applicant’s appeal as against other personal Respondents dismissedJune 14, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The motion for extension of time is dismissed.  The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande de prorogation de délai est rejetée.  La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Procedural law - Actions - Civil Procedure - Pre-trial procedure - Class actions - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in applying the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure to the proposed class proceeding herein as if it were “any action”, without due regard to the essential representative nature of class proceedings - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in determining the appropriateness of the proposed representative plaintiff in isolation from, and prior to, the plaintiff’s motion for certification - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in determining that the proposed representative could not be said to be a member of the proposed class on the basis that she was barred from recovering against but two of several defendants - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in disposing of the action brought on behalf of a class of persons on the basis of a legal defence particular to the individual commencing the proposed class proceeding and certain of the defendants only.




June 29, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(McKenzie J.)


Applicant’s claim as an individual declared to be statute barred on basis of limitation period; action against both Respondents dismissed




March 10, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(McMurthy, Weiler and Goudge JJ.A)


Appeal dismissed




July 15, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               Les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache et LeBel.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.




Droit administratif - Centres d’hébergement et de soins de longues durées (C.H.S.L.D.) - Services de santé et services sociaux - Lavage et entretien du linge personnel des usagers à titre gratuit - Convention de financement - Jugement déclaratoire - Est-ce qu’en vertu de la convention de financement signée avec le ministre en 1994, les établissements privés conventionnés ont convenu de fournir à titre gratuit le service de lavage et d’entretien normal de la lingerie personnelle et des vêtements personnels des usagers?




Le 20 mars 1997

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Tellier j.c.s.)


Requête pour jugement déclaratoire visant à faire déclarer les demanderesses non tenues de fournir gratuitement des services de lavage et d’entretien de vêtements des usagers accueillie




Le 15 avril 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Brossard, Chamberland et Forget jj.c.a.)    


Appel accueilli; jugement de la Cour supérieure cassé; requête pour jugement déclaratoire rejetée




Le 11 juin 1999

Cour suprême du Canada                               


Demande d’autorisation d’appel déposée





27642                    BYRON LESLIE DERKSEN and KERRY BEGRAND-FAST - v. - HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crim.)(Sask.)


CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Criminal Law - Pretrial procedure - Indictments - Preliminary inquiries - Following a preliminary inquiry, crown counsel withdrew a joint indictment against two accused and replaced it with two separate indictments - Whether Crown counsel may unilaterally change an indictment after a pretrial conference has been held pursuant to s. 625.1(2)  of the Criminal Code , R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46 , as amended?




April 5, 1999

Court of Queen's Bench of Saskatchewan

(Milliken J.)


Stay of proceedings granted




October 13, 1999

Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan

(Gerwing, Sherstobitoff and Jackson JJ.A.)






Appeal allowed December 13, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





27589                    ANTONIO FLAMAND - c. - SA MAJESTÉ LA REINE (Qué.)


CORAM:               Les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache et LeBel.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.




Droit criminel - Abus de confiance - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en droit en refusant de statuer que la «voix au chapitre» était un élément essentiel du crime d’abus de confiance prévu à l’article 122  C.cr .? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en droit en concluant que le verdict de culpabilité prononcé contre le demandeur par le juge du procès n’était pas déraisonnable au sens du sous-al. 686 (1) a)(i) C.cr .?




Le 28 octobre, 1994

Cour du Québec

(Lavergne, j.c.q.)


Demandeur déclaré coupable d’abus de confiance




Le 13 septembre 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Gendreau, Nuss, et  Letarte [ad hoc] jj.c.a)


Appel rejeté




Le 12 novembre 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée







CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The motion for extension of time is granted and the application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande de prorogation de délai est accordée et la demande dautorisation dappel est rejetée.




 Labour law - Statutes - Interpretation - Collective agreement - Arbitrator given power to determine issues pursuant to collective agreement by terms of that agreement and The Trade Union Act, R.S.S. 1978, c. T-17 - Board of Inquiry given power to determine issues pursuant to The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, S.S. 1979, c. S-24.1 - Whether the jurisdiction of a statutory administrative tribunal is ousted by the mandatory arbitration procedures of trade union legislation - Whether the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan erred in allowing the appeal and in remitting the matter back to the Board of Inquiry.



January 7, 1998

Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan

(Grotsky J.)


Applicant’s application for prohibition  granted




April 15, 1999

Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan

(Vancise, Wakeling and Jackson JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed




October 7, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal and extension of time filed







CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Labour law - Statutes - Interpretation - Collective agreement - Arbitrator given power to determine issues pursuant to collective agreement by terms of that agreement and Trade Union Act, R.S.S. 1978, c. T-17 - Adjudicator given power to determine issues pursuant to The Labour Standards Act, R.S.S. 1978, c. L-1 - Whether St Anne-Nackawic Pulp and Paper C. v. Canadian Paper Workers Union, Local 219, [1986] 1 S.C.R. 704 and Weber v. Ontario Hydro, [1995] 2 S.C.R. 967, apply to determine which body has jurisdiction - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in deciding that adjudicators should determine if the benefits offered to workers pursuant to their collective agreements are consistent with The Labour Standards Act.




November 13, 1997

Court of Queen’s Bench of Saskatchewan

(Gerein J.)


Appeal from adjudicator’s decision that he had jurisdiction under The Labour Standards Act allowed




April 15, 1999

Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan

(Vancise, Wakeling, Jackson JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed; matter remitted to adjudicator for determination




June 14, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               Les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache et LeBel.


La demande de prorogation de délai est accordée et la demande dautorisation dappel est rejetée avec dépens.


The motion for extension of time is granted and the application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.




Droit du travail - Droit administratif - Arbitrage - Convention collective - Contrôle judiciaire - Compétence - Un arbitre a-t-il la juridiction d’interpréter une loi qui ne confère aucun droit additionnel alors qu’il est d’avis que le grief dont il est saisi devrait être rejeté en regard des dispositions de la convention collective? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en droit et dénaturé l’intention du législateur en considérant conforme à la loi la décision de l’arbitre de permettre le rachat d’années de service antérieur par l’utilisation des congés-maladie non monnayables? - Art. 17 de la Loi sur le régime de retraite de certains enseignants, L.R.Q., ch. R-9.1.




Le 12 novembre 1993

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Mayrand j.c.s.)


Requête en révision judiciaire à l’encontre de la sentence arbitrale ayant accueilli le grief du Syndicat intimé rejetée




Le 24 mars 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Baudouin, Otis et Denis [ad hoc] jj.c.a.)


Appel rejeté




Le 21 juin 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel et requête en prorogation de délai déposées





27354                    DAVID K. MORRIS - v. - THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA (F.C.A.)


CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Labour law - Unemployment Insurance - Administrative law - Judicial review - Natural Justice - Procedural law - Evidence - Hearsay - Cross-examination - Whether the principles of natural justice are denied to unemployment insurance claimants in that the Board regularly relies on hearsay evidence or third party written accounts of the Commission’s Insurance Officers with no opportunity for the claimants to cross-examine or otherwise contest the validity of such evidence - Whether there are conflicting decisions of the Federal Court that require resolution on the application of the principles of natural justice to hearings involving allegations of misconduct by an employee.




September 17, 1996

Board of Referees

(Martin, Bates, Sabina [dissenting])

Applicant’s appeal from decision of the Commission dismissed: Applicant disqualified from receiving benefits

March 26, 1998

(Hollingworth Umpire)

Applicant’s appeal allowed; matter remitted to the Commission

April 15, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Stone, Linden, Robertson JJ.A.)


Respondent’s application for judicial review allowed;  matter remitted to the Chief Umpire for reconsideration




June 14, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





27522                    EDWARD DEL GRANDE - v. - THE TORONTO DOMINION BANK (Ont.)


CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Procedural law - Courts - Judgments and orders - Commercial law - Banks/banking operations - Bank loaning money to commercial group holding real estate - Economic downturn causing land to be unsaleable - Bank not advising against purchase or recommending sale - Bank suing for outstanding loan - Whether palpable and overriding error in trial judge’s findings of fact.




July 4, 1995

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Coo J.)


Respondent’s claim based on certain loan transactions were established




July 13, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Catzman, Labrosse, and Moldaver JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed; Respondent’s cross-appeal against denial of solicitor-and-client costs dismissed




September 29, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





APRIL 6, 2000 / LE 6 AVRIL 2000




CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Procedural law - Pre-trial procedure - Summary judgment - Commercial law - Company law - Personal liability of corporate director and employees - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in dismissing motion for summary judgment - Whether individual officers, directors and senior employees of a corporation should be made personally liable in respect of acts done in the course of their duties as such to the corporation and not in their personal capacities, where the acts in question are integral to the core competitive business activities of the corporation and are alleged to cause economic loss to a competitor.




April 19, 1995

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Mercier J.)


Applicants’ motion for summary judgment dismissed




October 3, 1997

Ontario Court (Divisional Court)

(Smith, Chilcott and Greer JJ.)


Applicants’ appeal allowed, action dismissed




January 12, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Carthy, Laskin and Goudge JJ.A.)


Respondent’s appeal allowed, Applicants’ motion for summary judgment dismissed




March 12, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The applications for leave to appeal are dismissed with costs.


Les demandes d’autorisation d’appel sont rejetées avec dépens.




Procedural law - Pre-trial procedure - Motion to strike - Commercial law - Company law - Personal liability of corporate directors, officers and employees - Whether the Court of Appeal applied the correct legal test to determine whether a plea of personal liability against officers, directors or employees of a corporation for conduct undertaken by them in their corporate capacities was sustainable.




October 13, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Molloy J.)


Respondent’s claims against the Applicants dismissed without leave to amend and without prejudice to its right to add the Applicants by motion or in response to defence pleadings




September 9, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Carthy, Labrosse and Feldman JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed in part




November 1, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed by Applicants Bloom, Konviser and Anderson




November 5, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Separate applications for leave to appeal filed by the Applicants Mallon, Fevang and Hirsch







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The applications for leave to appeal are dismissed.


Les demandes d’autorisation d’appel sont rejetées.




Commercial law - Torts - Liability of employee officers for negligent misrepresentation - Statutes - Interpretation - Whether employee officers are personally liable for negligent misrepresentations made to parties who have voluntarily chosen to deal with a limited liability company - Whether the Applicants were acting in the best interests of their corporate employer - Whether policy reasons limit the Applicants’ liability - Whether a claim for negligent misrepresentation can succeed where the plaintiff fails to testify that he recalls the statements upon which he is found to have relied - Whether the lower courts imposed a positive duty of disclosure on the Applicants - Whether s. 8 of the Statute of Frauds, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.19 applies to a claim of negligent misrepresentation - Whether the corporate employer’s arrangement under the Companies Creditors Arrangement Act , R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36 , affects the Applicants’ liability.




March 27, 1997

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Crane J.)


Applicants found jointly and severally liable to Respondent in the amount of US$1,984,945.27 for negligent misrepresentation




December 15, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Krever, Carthy and Rosenberg JJ.A.)


Appeals by Applicants and cross-appeal by Respondent dismissed




February 11, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal by Applicant Melville filed




February 14, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal by Applicant Dofasco Inc. filed







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed without costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée sans dépens.




Commercial law - Property law - Creditor and debtor - Real property - Right of redemption - Judgment creditor proceeding to sell property of debtor in accordance with The Judgments Act,  R.S.M. c. J10 - Judgment debtor having sufficient funds to repay debt only after a master had authorized acceptance of an offer to purchase but before the approval was confirmed by the court - Whether a judgment debtor is pre-empted from redeeming its property once a master of the Court of Queen’s Bench has authorized the acceptance of an offer to purchase the property.




December 8, 1998

Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba

(Master Ring)

Motion granted approving offer to purchase

December 16, 1998

Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba (Kennedy J.)

Appeal allowed; order of Master set aside

April 15, 1999

Court of Appeal of Manitoba

(Twaddle, Lyon, Monnin JJ.A.)

Appeal allowed; order of Master confirmed

June 14, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

Application for leave to appeal filed





CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Taxation - Statutes - Interpretation - Assessment - Retail Sales Tax Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 454, s. 2(7) - Whether the interpretation of this statutory provision and other similar legislation involve an issue of public importance - Whether uncertainty has been created as a result of this decision - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law.




February 2, 1996

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Borins J.)


Applicant’s appeals from assessment were dismissed




May 19, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Morden, Laskin, and Rosenberg JJ.A )


 Appeal dismissed with costs






August 16, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Administrative Law - Judicial Review - Labour Law - Arbitration - Arbitrator cited a “central core” test for determining proper classification of an employee between two grades of employment - Arbitrator held employee should be classified at higher grade based on performance of tasks associated with that grade - Employee performing tasks associated with higher grade on average five percent of her time - Whether arbitrator departed from the cited test and asked a wrong question - Whether asking the wrong question gave rise to ground for review or resulted in a patently unreasonable decision - Degree of deference due to arbitrator’s decision - Whether decision of arbitrator was not correct or patently unreasonable - Whether decision of a consensual arbitrator acting within his jurisdiction is immune from judicial review even if wrong or patently unreasonable - Whether test in the arbitral jurisprudence on reclassification is a rigid formula with the authority of common law.



May 14, 1997

Supreme Court of Newfoundland

(Adams J.)


Arbitrator’s decision quashed




April 27, 1999

Court of Appeal of Newfoundland

(Mahoney, Green, O'Neill JJ.A.)


 Appeal dismissed 




June 28, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





27572                    TUAN VAN PHAM - v. - HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crim.)(B.C.)


CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Criminal law -  Narcotics - Evidence - Best evidence rule - Applicant convicted of possession of a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking - Court of Appeal upholding conviction - Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding that best evidence rule did not preclude admissibility of oral secondary evidence as to contents of certain documents and photographs - Whether Court of Appeal erred in upholding trial judge’s decision to admit oral secondary evidence because evidence was neither necessary nor reliable - Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding that evidence linking Applicant to third party was sufficient to establish Applicant’s control over narcotics in possession of third party.




May 28, 1998

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Baker J.)


June 11, 1998

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Baker J.)


Ruling on voir dire that certain evidence the Crown sought to admit was admissible



Conviction: possession of a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking




September 29, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Hollinrake, Braidwood and Mackenzie JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




November 29, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Labour law - Physicians and surgeons -  Professional misconduct - Unfitness to practise medicine - Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons ordering Applicant’s name erased from College register - Court of Queen’s Bench upholding decision - Court of Appeal setting aside order of erasure and ordering six-month suspension - Whether superior court entitled to review disciplinary bodies' deliberations with same authority as it is entitled to review decision of a superior court judge - Whether inquiry panel hearing fairly conducted - Whether participation of College’s solicitor in hearing leads to appearance of bias which would invalidate any discipline imposed - Whether fact major participants in a citation concerning a professional are all associated with the professional association results in an apprehension of bias - Whether citizen’s reliance on solicitor-client privilege as ground for excluding evidence raises inference against citizen with respect to evidence for which privilege is claimed.




January 8, 1997

Executive Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba


Erasure of Applicant’s name from College register ordered




July 30, 1998

Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba

(Krindle J.)


Application for review and application for fresh evidence dismissed




January 25, 1999

Court of Appeal of Manitoba

(Huband, Helper, and Monnin JJ.A.)


Applicant’s appeal respecting findings of professional misconduct and unfitness to practise medicine dismissed




May 14, 1999

Court of Appeal of Manitoba

(Huband, Helper and Monnin JJ.A.)


Order of erasure from register set aside; six-month suspension ordered




June 28, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Torts - Motor vehicles - Damages - Spoliation - Doctrine of spoliation has not been considered by this Court since the case of St. Louis v. The Queen, [1895] 25 S.C.R. 649 - Whether the state of the law, as a result of this appellate decision, will probably result in significant injustice in other cases as well as this case - Whether the Court of Appeal misapprehended its duty with respect to appeals based upon an argument of palpable and overriding error.




November 3, 1995

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Boyd J.)


Applicants’ action seeking damages for personal injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident dismissed




November 10, 1995

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Boyd J.)


Ruling: Respondent’s expert’s reports are relevant and admissible




April 14, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Prowse, Finch, and Mackenzie JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 10, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Esson J.A.)


Motion to extend time to file application for leave to appeal granted




July 23, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Administrative law - Judicial review - Standard of review - Whether standard of review on issue of bad faith involving general legal reasoning is one of correctness under s. 41 (d) of the Canadian   Human Rights Act,  R.S.C. 1985, c. H-6  - Whether Federal Court of Appeal erred in failing to hold that the Canadian Human Rights Commission exceeded its authority by taking into account whether other procedures were “more appropriate” rather than “otherwise available” pursuant to s. 41(d) of the Act




May 8, 1997

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division

(Rothstein J.)


Application for judicial review of a decision of the Canadian Human Rights Commission dismissed




April 29, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Isaac C.J., Stone and Desjardins JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 25, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               Gonthier, Binnie and Arbour JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Administrative law - Broadcasting - Judicial review - Jurisdiction - Copyright Board certifying Applicant’s tariff for commercial television stations - Whether Copyright Board had jurisdiction to incorporate the modified blanket licence in Applicant’s tariff as a new and additional form of licence that could be used by a broadcaster at its option - Whether Board in so amending Applicant’s tariff was motivated by an extraneous and irrelevant consideration.




March 19, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Décary, Robertson and Noël JJ.A.)


Application for judicial review of a decision of the Copyright Board certifying the Applicant’s tariff for the year 1997 dismissed




May 18, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               Les juges Gonthier, Binnie et Arbour


Les demandes d’autorisation d’appel sont rejetées avec dépens.


The applications for leave to appeal are dismissed with costs.




Droit du travail ‑ Droit administratif - Législation - Accidents du travail - Interprétation - Contrôle judiciaire ‑ Quelle est l'étendue du renvoi aux lois provinciales d'accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles qu'effectue la Loi sur l’indemnisation des employés de l’État, L.R.C. 1970, ch. C-9 (ci-après “la L.I.E.É.”)? - Quelle est la norme de contrôle applicable à l'égard de la décision d'un organisme provincial portant sur l'application d'une disposition de preuve et de procédure alors qu'il est habilité par le législateur fédéral en vertu de la L.I.E.É. à décider des questions d'admissibilité à l'indemnisation pour les employés de l'État fédéral? - Quelle est la norme de contrôle judiciaire applicable à la décision rendue par la Commission d’appel en matière de lésions professionnelles pour décider du droit à l'indemnité du demandeur Jean Lamy? - La Commission d’appel en matière de lésions professionnelles pouvait-elle décider du droit à l'indemnisation du demandeur Lamy en appliquant l'article 28 de la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles, L.R.Q., ch. A-3.001 (ci-après “la L.A.T.M.P.”)?




Le 23 décembre 1992

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Philippon j.c.s.)


Requête en révision judiciaire d’une décision de la Commission d’appel en matière de lésions professionnelles rejetée




Le 25 mars 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(LeBel, Nuss, et Denis [ad hoc] jj.c.a.)


Appel de l’intimée la Société canadienne des postes accueilli en partie; Requête en révision judiciaire accueillie en partie; Décision de la Commission d’appel en matière de lésions professionnelles annulée




Le 21 mai 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel du demandeur Lamy déposée




Le 25 mai 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel de la Commission des lésions professionnelles déposée




Le 25 mai 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel de la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail déposée













Motion on behalf of the mis en cause Attorney General of Quebec for additional time to present oral argument


Advance Cutting & Coring Ltd., et al.


     v. (26664)


Her Majesty the Queen (Que.)


Requête du mis-en- cause la Procureure générale du Québec en prorogation du temps accordé pour la plaidoirie











Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the appellant’s book of authorities


Advance Cutting & Coring Ltd., et al.


     v. (26664)


Her Majesty the Queen (Que.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine de l’appelante


GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to March 14, 2000.





Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the appellant’s record and for an order allowing the appellant’s record to be printed on legal size paper


Ahmad Abdulaal Al Sagban


     v. (27111)


Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le dossier de l’appelant et en autorisation d’imprimer le dossier de l’appelant sur papier de format légal



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE    Motion granted and time extended to March 3, 2000, nunc pro tunc.





Before / Devant:   LE REGISTRAIRE


Requête du mis-en-cause Le Club Juridique pour obtenir la permission de faire affaire avec le greffe sans correspondant


Le Barreau du Québec


    c. (27152)


Simon Fortin, et al. (Qué.)

Motion for an order permitting the mis en cause Le Club Juridique to deal with the Registry without agent








Before / Devant:   LE REGISTRAIRE


Requête des intimés pour obtenir la permission de faire affaire avec le greffe sans correspondant


Le Barreau du Québec


    c. (27152)


Simon Fortin, et al. (Qué.)

Motion for an order permitting the respondents to deal with the Registry without agent








Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the respondent’s book of authorities


Her Majesty the Queen


    v. (26930)


Marijana Ruzic (Crim.)(Ont.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine de l’intimée



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to March 6, 2000.





Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the appellants’ record, factum and book of authorities


Arthur David Gabriel, et al.


    v. (27161)


Her Majesty the Queen, et al. (Crim.)(Man.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le dossier, le mémoire et le recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine des appelants


GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to February 18, 2000, nunc pro tunc to serve an file the record and factum and to February 21, 2000, nunc pro tunc for its book of authorities.





Before / Devant:   LE REGISTRAIRE


Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et produire le mémoire, le dossier et le recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine des appelantes


Services des espaces verts Ltée / Chemlawn, et al.


    c. (26937)


Ville de Hudson (Qué.)

Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the appellants’ factum, record and book of authorities



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Délai prorogé au 11 avril 2000.





Before / Devant: BINNIE J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the application for leave


Jean-Claude Pascal


    v. (27769)


Household Trust Company (Ont.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et produire une demande d’autorisation








Before / Devant:   BINNIE J.


Motion for extension of time and leave to intervene


BY/PAR:                Senate of the Italian Republic


IN/DANS:              Minister of Justice


v. (26129)


Glen Sebastian Burns et al. (Crim.)(B.C.)

Requête en prorogation de délai et en autorisation d'intervenir







1)             The motion for an extension of time and for leave to intervene of the applicant Senate of the Italian Republic is granted and the applicant shall be entitled to serve and file a factum not to exceed 20 pages in length to be filed  no later than April 10, 2000.


2)             Leave to present oral argument is denied.


The intervener shall not be entitled to adduce further evidence or otherwise to supplement the record apart from its factum.


Pursuant to Rule 18(6) the intervener shall pay to the appellant and respondents any additional disbursements occasioned to the appellant and respondents by the intervention.





Before / Devant:   LE REGISTRAIRE


Taxation of the Bill of Costs


156036 Canada Inc.


     c. (27158)


Les pétroles Therrien Inc. (Qué.)

Taxation du mémoire de frais



Par jugement rendu le 27 janvier 2000, la Cour suprême du Canada a accordé la demande d’extension de délai et rejeté la demande d’autorisation d’appel avec dépens dans l’affaire en rubrique.


L’intimée a produit un mémoire de frais contesté en grande partie par la demanderesse.


Il est bien établi que les parties doivent minimiser les frais dans toute la mesure du possible, en particulier en ce qui a trait à la reproduction extensive des témoignages, de la jurisprudence et d’autres autorités.  L’alinéa 23(1) c) des Règles de la Cour et  l’Avis aux avocats de décembre 1993 sont très clairs à ce sujet.

Vu ce contexte, je conclus que contrairement à ce qu’elle demande, l’intimée a seulement droit à une fraction des honoraires pour le premier exemplaire de la réponse selon l’al. 2e) de la  Partie I de l’annexe B du Tarif d’honoraires et de débours, soit les honoraires correspondant à 11 pages pour la réponse elle-même et à 70 pages pour une partie seulement des témoignages et de la jurisprudence reproduits.  Le montant des débours fixés selon l’art. 2 de la Partie II sera ajusté en conséquence.


L’alinéa 1c) de la Partie I du Tarif confie au registraire le pouvoir discrétionnaire d’accorder des honoraires supplémentaires pour la rédaction du mémoire des arguments.  En l’espèce, je réduis le montant demandé à 100 $.


Les dépens sont taxés en conséquence.




In a judgment rendered on January 27, 2000, the Supreme Court of Canada granted the request for an extension of time and dismissed the application for leave to appeal with costs in the above-mentioned case.


The respondent filed a bill of costs most of which was contested by the applicant.


It is well established that the parties must do their utmost to minimize costs, in particular with regard to the extensive reproduction of testimony, case law and other authorities.  Paragraph 23(1)( c) of the Rules of the Court and the Notice to the Profession of December 1993 are very clear in this regard.


Given this situation, I conclude that, contrary to what the respondent is requesting, it is entitled only to a fraction of the fees for the first copy of the reply in accordance with para. 2(e) of Part I of Schedule B of the Tariff of Fees and Disbursements, i.e., the fees corresponding to 11 pages for the reply itself and to 70 pages for only part of the testimony and the case law reproduced.  The amount of the disbursements determined in accordance with s. 2 of Part II will be adjusted accordingly.


Paragraph 1(c) of Part I of the Tariff of Fees and Disbursements gives the Registrar discretion to grant an additional fee for preparation of the memorandum of argument.  In the instant case, I reduce the amount requested to $100.


The costs are taxed accordingly.





Before / Devant: THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the respondent’s response


Elwyn Patterson, et al.


     v. (27757)


Attorney General of British Columbia, et al. (B.C.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la réponse de l’intimé



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to March 22, 2000.





Before / Devant:   BINNIE J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the application for leave


Murray Ernest Greenwood, as administrator ad litem for Don Wilhelm


    v. (27807)


Vernon Hickson, et al. (Sask.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la demande d’autorisation



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to March 22, 2000.




Before / Devant: BINNIE J.


Motion on behalf of the Applicant to file a memorandum of argument on leave to appeal of over 20 pages


Raymond Haid Shalala


     v. (27810)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(N.B.)

Requête du demandeur pour permission de déposer un mémoire sur une demande d'autorisation de plus de 20 pages




Order to go extending the length of the memorandum of argument of 20 to 25 pages, provided usual margins, type size, spacing and format is complied with.  Except as aforesaid, motion is dismissed.





Before / Devant:   BINNIE J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the application for leave


Raymond Haid Shalala


    v. (27810)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(N.B.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la demande d’autorisation



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to April 20, 2000.





Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the appellant’s record and factum


Gerald Augustine Regan


     v. (27541)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(N.S.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le dossier et le mémoire de l’appelant



GRANTED/ ACCORDÉE   Time extended to June 20, 2000.





Before / Devant: BASTARACHE J.


Motion for extension of time and leave to intervene


BY/PAR:                Attorney General of Alberta


IN/DANS:              Karl Find


                                                v. (27495)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(Ont.)

Requête en prorogation de délai et en autorisation d'intervenir







1.             The motion for an extension of time and for leave to intervene of the applicant Attorney General of Alberta is granted, the applicant shall be entitled to serve and file a factum not to exceed 15 pages in length.


The intervener shall not be entitled to adduce further evidence or otherwise to supplement the record apart from its factum.


Pursuant to Rule 18(6) the intervener shall pay to the appellant and respondent any additional disbursements occasioned to the appellant and respondent by the intervention.










Tom Dunmore et al.


    v. (27216)


Attorney General for the Province of Ontario et al. (Ont.)





Werner Patek et al.


      c. (27817)


Sa Majesté la Reine (Qué.)









     v. (27822)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(Ont.)














AGENDA for the weeks beginning April 10 and April 17, 2000.

ORDRE DU JOUR pour les semaines commençant les 10 avril et 17 avril 2000.




Date of Hearing/                                     Case Number and Name/    

Date d'audition                                        Numéro et nom de la cause



2000/04/10                                                Motions - Requêtes


2000/04/11 &

2000/04/12                                                Neil Grandmaison, et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (26898)

Robert Jenkins, et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (26899)

Angela Araujo, et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (26904)

Kevin Lathangue v. Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (26943)

Jolene Irons v. Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.) (Criminal) (By Leave)(26968)


2000/04/13                                                Patrick Charlebois c. Sa Majesté la Reine (Qué.) (Criminelle) (De plein droit) (27213)


2000/04/17                                                Warren Laverne Knoblauch v. Her Majesty the Queen (Alta.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (27238)






This agenda is subject to change.  Hearing dates should be confirmed with Registry staff at (613) 996-8666.


Cet ordre du jour est sujet à modification.  Les dates d'audience devraient être confirmées auprès du personnel du greffe au (613) 996-8666.






26898, 26899, 26904, 26943 and 26968               Neil Grandmaison et al. v. Her Majesty The Queen


Criminal law - Intercepted private communications - Wiretaps - Judicial review - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that the test for the issuance of an authorization to intercept private communications is simply a showing that intercepts will be the most efficacious manner of investigation - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in ruling that the trial judge ought not to have relied on an adverse finding of credibility to hold that the affidavit could not be relied upon and an authorization could not have been granted in circumstances of an unreliable affiant - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that the Crown appeal was an appeal on a question of law.


A police investigation of the Appellants began in January 1995 and ended on October 24, 1995, with the execution of fourteen search warrants at various residences and with the arrests of the Appellants.  The Crown’s case included surveillance evidence, intercepted private communications, and the results of the searches, which yielded 4.3 kilograms of cocaine, a cocaine press, large amounts of cash, trafficking paraphernalia, score sheets, and several restricted as well as prohibited weapons. 


At trial, the Crown filed three Part VI authorizations pursuant to which the private communications were intercepted.  Due to alleged irregularities in the information sworn to obtain the warrants, counsel for the accused applied to cross-examine the affiant, Cst. Rosset, on the affidavit he swore in support of the authorization application.  The affidavit consisted of 130 pages  and contained information from different confidential sources.  Cst. Rosset testified that he had made a mistake in the description of his sources and that he discovered the error some time before the trial but did not tell anyone of the mistake.  He also testified that he did not have access to the debriefing report at the time but made a mental note of the error and had intended to correct it later, but he forgot about the mistake and did not remember it again until he was cross-examined.


The trial judge accepted that Cst. Rosset’s mistake was an inadvertent error, but he found that Cst. Rosset’s explanation about forgetting the mistake until a month or so before trial affected his credibility to such an extent that it cast doubt upon the existence of reasonable and probable grounds set out in the affidavit to the point that the authorizing judge could not have granted the authorization.  The trial judge also set aside the authorization on the basis that the requirements of s. 186(1) (b) of the Criminal Code  had not been met.  The authorization was set aside, and the Appellants were acquitted.  The Crown appealed the acquittals to the Court of Appeal.  The appeal was allowed and a new trial ordered. 


Origin of the case:                                                British Columbia


File No.:                                                                 26898, 26899, 26904, 26943 and 26968


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     June 30, 1998


Counsel:                                                                                Robert C. Claus for the Appellants Grandmaison and Khoury

Michael J.B. Munro for the Appellant Camara

Sidney B. Simons for the Appellants Jenkins, T. Leslie, Irons

Adrian F. Brooks for the Appellant Araujo

David N. Lyon for the Appellant S. Leslie

D. Mayland McKimm for the Appellant Lathangue

S. David Frankel Q.C. for the Respondent



26898, 26899, 26904, 26943 et 26968 Neil Grandmaison et autres c. Sa Majesté la Reine


Droit criminel - Interception de communications privées - Écoute électronique - Contrôle judiciaire - La Cour d’appel a‑t‑elle commis une erreur en décidant que le critère pour l’octroi d’une autorisation en vue d’intercepter des communications privées est simplement une démonstration que l’interception serait la façon la plus efficace de mener l’enquête? - La Cour d’appel a‑t‑elle commis une erreur en décidant que le juge du procès n’aurait pas du se fier à la décision défavorable relative à la crédibilité pour décider que l’on ne pouvait se fier à l’affidavit et qu’une autorisation n’aurait pu être octroyée dans des circonstances où le déposant était peu fiable? - La Cour d’appel a‑t‑elle commis une erreur en décidant que l’appel interjeté par le ministère public était un appel sur une question de droit?


La police a ouvert une enquête sur les appelants au mois de janvier 1995; l’enquête s’est terminée le 24 octobre 1995 par l’exécution de 14 mandats de perquisition dans diverses résidences et par l’arrestation des appelants. La preuve du ministère public comprenait de la preuve issue de surveillance, des communications privées interceptées et des résultats de perquisitions, qui ont rapporté 4,3 kilogrammes de cocaïne, une presse à cocaïne, d’importantes sommes d’argent, un attirail pour le trafic, des listes de comptes clients et plusieurs armes à autorisation restreinte de même que des armes prohibées.


Lors du procès, le ministère public a déposé trois autorisations relevant de la partie VI en vertu desquelles les communications privées ont été interceptées. En raison d’irrégularités alléguées relativement à l’information fournie sous serment pour obtenir les mandats, l’avocat de l’accusé a demandé de contre-interroger le déposant, le gend. Rosset, sur l’affidavit qu’il a produit au soutien de la demande d’autorisation. L’affidavit comprenait 130 pages et renfermait de l’information provenant de différentes sources confidentielles. Le gend. Rosset a témoigné qu’il avait commis une erreur dans la description de ses sources et qu’il avait découvert l’erreur quelque temps avant le procès mais qu’il n’avait mis personne au courant de l’erreur. Il a également témoigné qu’il n’avait pas eu accès au compte rendu du rapport à l’époque mais qu’il avait gardé l’erreur en tête et avait eu l’intention de la corriger plus tard, mais qu’il l’avait oubliée et ne s’en était pas rappelé jusqu’à ce qu’il soit contre-interrogé.


Le juge du procès a cru que l’erreur du gend. Rosset avait été commise par inadvertance, mais il a conclu que l’explication fournie par le gend. Rosset selon laquelle il ne s’était rappelé de l’erreur qu’environ un mois avant la tenue du procès avait affecté sa crédibilité à un point tel que cela mettait en doute l’existence de motifs raisonnables énoncés dans l’affidavit au point que le juge auquel la demande d’autorisation a été présentée n’aurait pu octroyer l’autorisation. Le juge du procès a également annulé l’autorisation au motif que les exigences posées par l’art. 186(1)b) du Code criminel  n’avaient pas été respectées. L’autorisation a été annulée et les appelants ont été acquittés. Le ministère public a interjeté appel des acquittements devant la Cour d’appel. L’appel a été accueilli et la tenue d’un nouveau procès a été ordonnée.


Origine :                                                                 Colombie-Britannique


No du greffe :                                                         26898, 26899, 26904, 26943 et 26968


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel :                                   Le 30 juin 1998


Avocats :                                                               Robert C. Claus pour les appelants Grandmaison et Khoury

Michael J. B. Munro pour l’appelant Camara

Sidney B.Simons pour les appelants Jenkins, T. Leslie, Irons

                                                                                Adrian F. Brooks pour l’appelant Araujo

David N. Lyon pour l’appelant S. Leslie

                                                                                D. Mayland McKimm pour l’appelant Lathangue

S. David Frankel, c.r., pour l’intimée



27213      Patrick Charlebois v. Her Majesty the Queen


Criminal law - Trial - Evidence - Defence - Self-defence - Evidence of good character - Whether the trial judge erred in law by allowing the prosecution to ask the accused if he was willing to undergo a psychiatric second assessment by a prosecution-appointed expert and provide a blood sample for analysis - Whether the trial judge erred in law by: (1) failing to present objectively to the jury the facts of the case relevant to the defence’s argument; (2) giving the jury incorrect instructions in law regarding the appellant’s defence of self-defence; (3) giving the jury incorrect instructions in law regarding the effect of the appellant’s evidence of good character - If so, whether those errors caused the appellant a substantial wrong or trigger subparagraph 686(1)(b)(iii) of the Criminal Code , R.S.C., 1985, c. C‑46 .


Over the years, the appellant developed a dependent personality. He befriended Éric Jetté, the victim, and became his whipping boy. The victim was a violent person, and the appellant was in constant fear of him. On the night of his death, Jetté came to the home of the appellant, much to his chagrin. Some time later, Jetté allegedly drew a knife across the appellant’s face, saying [TRANSLATION] “We’re gonna have ourselves some fun tonight.” The appellant admitted that he did not personally see that the object in question was a knife. He stated that after the victim had drawn the object across his face, he did see a knife in the victim’s hands. The incident was corroborated by one Lalancette, who was with the appellant and Jetté at the time, but never told investigators about the knife incident. The appellant’s fear was exacerbated when he noticed that the victim had seen a gun in the apartment, a gun Jetté had wanted to buy from him and he had refused to sell, claiming he no longer had it. Then the appellant’s roommate arrived. Jetté ordered the appellant to turn off the television, and the appellant went back to his room. When Jetté appeared to be sleeping, face down on a couch in the living room, the appellant got up, approached and shot him in the back of the head. He then left the premises, dialled 911 and confessed. By way of defence, the appellant quoted Dr. Lafleur, psychiatrist, who said that at the time of the homicide, the appellant was in such a state of anxiety that he could have felt threatened and thought it necessary to kill the victim to prevent the threat from being carried out. The appellant’s argument before the jury was that he had acted in self-defence. The appellant was accused of first degree murder but convicted of second degree murder. The appeal was dismissed by the Court of Appeal, Fish J.A. dissenting.


Origin of the case:                                                Quebec


File No.:                                                                 27213


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     February 26, 1999


Counsel:                                                                                Michel Pennou for the Appellant

Stella Gabbino for the Respondent



27213      Patrick Charlebois c. Sa Majesté la Reine


Droit criminel - Procès - Preuve - Défense - Légitime défense - Preuve de bon caractère - Le juge de première instance a-t-il erré en droit en permettant au poursuivant de poser une question à l’accusé sur sa volonté de se soumettre ou non à une contre-expertise psychiatrique par un expert désigné par la poursuite ainsi que sur sa volonté de se soumettre à la prise d’un échantillon de sang pour fin d’analyse? - Le juge de première instance a-t-il erré en droit en (1) ne présentant pas au jury de façon objective les faits de la cause pertinents à la thèse avancée par la défense; (2) donnant au jury des directives erronées en droit eu égard à la défense de légitime défense soumise par l’appelant; (3) donnant au jury des directives erronées en droit quant à la portée de la preuve de bon caractère présentée par l’appelant? - Dans l’affirmative, ces erreurs ont-elles causé à l’appelant un tort sérieux et donnent-elles lieu à l’application de l’article 686(1)b)iii) du Code criminel , L.R.C. (1985), ch. C-46 ?


L’appelant a développé, au fil des ans, une personnalité dépendante. Il s’est lié d’amitié avec Éric Jetté, la victime, dont il est devenu le souffre-douleur. La victime était un être violent dont l’appelant avait une peur chronique. La nuit de l’incident, la victime s’est présenté chez l’appelant à son grand déplaisir. Quelque temps après, la victime lui aurait passé un couteau sur la figure en lui disant «On va se faire du fun à soir». L’appelant a concédé qu’il n’avait pas personnellement vu que l’objet en question était un couteau. Il a affirmé qu’il avait vu qu’après lui avoir passé l’objet dans la figure, la victime avait un couteau dans les mains. L’incident a été corroboré par Lalancette, qui se trouvait avec l’appelant et la victime à ce moment-là, mais qui n’a jamais parlé de l’incident du couteau aux enquêteurs qui l’interrogeaient. La peur de l’appelant a été exacerbée lorsqu’il constata que la victime avait vu qu’il y avait une arme dans l’appartement, arme que la victime avait voulu acheter de l’appelant et que celui-ci avait refusé de lui vendre en prétextant qu’il ne la possédait plus. Le colocataire de l’appelant arriva ensuite. La victime intima l’ordre à l’appelant d’éteindre la télé et ce dernier regagna sa chambre. Au moment où la victime semblait dormir à plat ventre sur un canapé du salon, l’appelant se leva et, s’approchant de la victime, lui tira un coup de fusil derrière la tête. L’appelant quitta alors les lieux et composa le 911 où il avoua son geste. En guise de défense, l’appelant a cité le psychiatre Lafleur qui a affirmé que, lors de l’homicide, l’appelant était dans un état d’anxiété tel qu’il est possible qu’il se soit senti menacé et que, pour empêcher la réalisation de cette menace, il ait cru nécessaire de tuer la victime. La thèse de l’appelant devant le jury était qu’il avait agi en légitime défense. L’appelant a été accusé de meurtre au premier degré, mais a été trouvé coupable de meurtre au deuxième degré. Le pourvoi a été rejeté par la Cour d’appel, le juge Fish étant dissident.


Origine:                                                  Québec


No du greffe:                                          27213


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel:                    Le 26 février 1999


Avocats:                                                                Me Michel Pennou pour l’appelant

Me Stella Gabbino pour l’intimée



27238      Warren Laverne Knoblauch v. Her Majesty The Queen


Criminal Law - Sentencing - Conditional Sentence - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in  concluding that the phrase “would not endanger the safety of the community” in s. 742.1  of the Criminal Code  was not met given the psychiatric evidence adduced and the proposed place of service of the conditional sentence.


In 1993, the Appellant brought a firearm to work with intent to shoot a co-worker.  He received a conditional discharge, three years probation, and a ten year firearms prohibition for possession of weapons and explosives. In January, 1998, he injured a finger while designing and building a detonator device.  On July 20, 1998, the Respondent stated to a co-worker that he had thought about blowing up a dog to calm himself.  The next day he apologized to the co-worker, pulled a gym bag from his car and opened it.  Inside was a jar three-quarters full of fluids and wires extending from the jar which appeared to the co-worker to be a bomb.  The next day, the Appellant did not appear for work and the police were notified.  The police went to the Appellant’s residence and found pipe bombs, detonators and enough ammonia nitrate to damage the Appellant’s apartment and apartments two to three stories above, below and to the sides of the Appellant’s apartment. In the Appellant’s vehicle was a suicide bomb capable of destroying the vehicle and damaging people and property within a 75 metre radius.


The Appellant was charged and held in the locked, secure, psychiatric unit of the Alberta Hospital in Edmonton.  He pleaded guilty to possession of an explosive substance without lawful excuse contrary to s. 100(2)  of the Criminal Code  and with unlawful possession of a weapon, an explosive device, for a purpose dangerous to the public peace contrary to s. 87.  Chrumka J. of the Provincial Court held that serving his sentence in the community would not endanger the safety of the community.  Pursuant to s. 742.1  of the Criminal Code , he ordered a conditional sentence of two years less one day and imposed conditions that included that the community be defined as the Alberta Hospital and  that he remain in the locked unit of the hospital until a consensus of psychiatric professionals decided to transfer him from the locked unit.


The Respondent appealed from the sentence.  The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and ordered a sentence of three years in a penitentiary reduced to two years less one day in recognition of time already held in custody in the locked unit of the Alberta Hospital.  The Court of Appeal recommended that the sentence be served at the Fort Saskatchewan Provincial Correctional Institute.  It ordered a three year probation period subject to the same terms imposed on probation by the sentencing judge.


Origin of the case:                                                Alberta


File No.:                                                                 27238


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     March 2, 1999


Counsel:                                                                                Mona Duckett for the Appellant

Arnold Schlayer for the Respondent



27238      Warren Laverne Knoblauch c. Sa Majesté la Reine


Droit criminel - Détermination de la peine - Emprisonnement avec sursis - La Cour d’appel a‑t‑elle commis une erreur en concluant que la phrase « ne met pas en danger la sécurité de [la collectivité] » de l’art. 742.1  du Code criminel  n’avait pas été prise en compte étant donné la preuve psychiatrique présentée et l’endroit proposé pour purger l’emprisonnement avec sursis.


En 1993, l’appelant a apporté une arme à feu au travail avec l’intention de faire feu sur un collègue de travail. Il a reçu une absolution conditionnelle assortie d’une probation de trois ans et d’une interdiction d’avoir en sa possession une arme à feu ou des substances explosives pendant une période de dix ans. Au mois de janvier 1998, il s’est blessé à un doigt alors qu’il était à concevoir et construire un détonateur. Le 20 juillet 1998, l’appelant a dit à un collègue de travail qu’il avait pensé à faire sauter un chien pour se calmer. Le lendemain, il a présenté des excuses au collègue de travail, a sorti un sac de sport de sa voiture et l’a ouvert. À l’intérieur, il y avait un pot rempli de liquide aux trois‑quarts, des fils y étaient reliés et cela a paru être une bombe au collègue de travail. Le lendemain, l’appelant ne s’est pas présenté au travail et la police en a été avertie. La police s’est rendue à la résidence de l’appelant et y a trouvé des bombes tuyau, des détonateurs et du nitrate d’ammonium en quantité suffisante pour endommager son appartement ainsi que les appartements qui se trouvaient deux à trois étages au‑dessus, au‑dessous et de chaque côté du sien. À l’intérieur du véhicule de l’appelant, il y avait une bombe suicide capable de détruire le véhicule et de blesser les gens et endommager les biens dans un rayon de 75 mètres.


L’appelant a été accusé et détenu dans l’unité de psychiatrie sous clé et sécuritaire de l’hôpital de l’Alberta à Edmonton. Il a plaidé coupable relativement à l’infraction d’avoir eu en sa possession une substance explosive sans excuse légitime contrairement à l’art. 100(2)  du Code criminel  et de possession illégale d’une arme, d’un dispositif explosif, dans un dessein dangereux pour la paix publique contrairement à l’art. 87. Le juge Chrumka de la Cour provinciale a décidé que le fait qu’il purge sa peine dans la collectivité ne mettrait pas en danger la sécurité de cette dernière. Conformément à l’art. 742.1  du Code criminel , il a rendu une ordonnance d’emprisonnement avec sursis de deux ans moins un jour et a imposé des conditions qui prévoyaient notamment que la collectivité soit définie comme étant l’hôpital de l’Alberta et qu’il demeure dans l’unité sous clé de l’hôpital jusqu’à ce que des professionnels en psychiatrie soient d’avis de le transférer hors de l’unité sous clé.


L’appelant a interjeté appel contre la peine. La Cour d’appel a accueilli l’appel et a ordonné une peine de trois ans de pénitencier, réduite cependant à deux ans moins un jour en considération du temps déjà purgé en détention dans l’unité sous clé de l’hôpital de l’Alberta. La Cour d’appel a recommandé que la peine soit purgée au Fort Saskatchewan Provincial Correctional Institute.


Elle a ordonné une période de probation de trois ans assortie des mêmes modalités que celles imposées par le juge chargé de l’imposition de la peine.


Origine :                                                                 Alberta


No du greffe :                                                         27238


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel :                                   le 2 mars 1999


Avocats :                                                               Mona Duckett pour l’appelant

Arnold Schlayer pour l’intimée



CUMULATIVE INDEX -                                                                                                         INDEX CUMULATIF - REQUÊTES

APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE TO                                                                                   EN AUTORISATION DE POURVOI




This index includes applications for leave to appeal standing for judgment at the beginning of 2000 and all the applications for leave to appeal filed or heard in 2000 up to now.


Cet index comprend les requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi en délibéré au début de 2000 et toutes celles produites ou entendues en 2000 jusqu'à maintenant.



*01            Refused/Refusée

*02            Refused with costs/Refusée avec dépens

*03            Granted/Accordée

*04            Granted with costs/Accordée avec dépens

*05            Discontinuance filed/Désistement produit

*06            Others/Autres


*A             Applications for leave to appeal filed/Requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi produites

*B             Submitted to the Court/Soumises à la Cour

*C             Oral Hearing/Audience

*D             Reserved/En délibéré


Status/                     Disposition/

CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                                                                          Statut                       Résultat                                                                       Page                                                                                      



1858-0894 Québec Inc. c. Compagnie d’assurance Standard Life (Qué.), 27302,

   *02 27.1.00                                                                                                                                 1752(99)                           157(00)

2849-6180 Québec Inc. c. 3099-2325 Québec Inc. (Qué.), 27557, *A                              1815(99)

2858-0702 Québec Inc. c. Lac D’Amiante du Québec Ltée (Qué.), 27324, *03

   27.1.00                                                                                                                                         15(00)                               162(00)

2859-8803 Québec Inc. c. Jean Fortin & Associés Inc. (Qué.), 27368, *02 2.3.00           206(00)                             395(00)

156036 Canada Inc. c. Les Pétroles Therrien Inc. (Qué.), 27158, *02 27.1.00                  16(00)                               163(00)

539938 Ontario Ltd. v. Derksen (Ont.), 27524, *A                                                               1519(99)

610990 Ontario Inc. v. Business Development Bank of Canada (Ont.), 27479, *01

   3.2.00                                                                                                                                           19(00)                               214(00)

656203 Ontario Inc. v. Soloway, Wright (Ont.), 27525, *A                                                 1519(99)

A.K. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27697, *A                                                                                         132(00)

A.-L. T. v. W.B.  (Que.), 27814, *A                                                                                             579(00)

Abbott Laboratories, Ltd. v. Nu-Pharm Inc. (F.C.A.), 27051, *B                                        787(99)

Abi Biotechnology Inc. v. Apotex Inc. (Man.), 27795, *A                                                    538(00)

AGB Halifax Enterprises Inc. v. Wood Street Developments Inc.  (Ont.), 27668, *A       88(00)

Agricore Cooperative Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27347, *B                                              450(00)

Ahani v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (F.C.A.), 27792, *A                                580(00)

Ahluwalia v. College of Physician and Surgeons of Manitoba (Man.), 27382,

   *02 6.4.00                                                                                                                                   491(00)                             613(00)

Aiken v. Aitken (B.C.), 27728, *A                                                                                             294(00)

Albert v. Albert (Ont.), 27637, *A                                                                                             4(00)

Ali c. Compagnie d’Assurance Guardian du Canada (Qué.), 27458, *A                         1319(99)

Alpha Laboratories Inc. v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27419, *B                  585(00)

Antkiw v. Verscheure (Ont.), 27806, *A                                                                                  581(00)

Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co. (F.C.A.), 27764, *A                                                                    370(00)

Arcand c. Denharco Inc. (Qué.), 27372, *B                                                                             544(00)

Arcuri v. The Queen (Ont.), 27797, *A                                                                                     539(00)

Arthur c. Procureur général du Canada (C.A.F.), 27772, *A                                             371(00)

Ashmore v. Van Mol (B.C.), 27171, *01 20.1.00                                                                       2013(99)                           98(00)

Askey v The Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia (B.C.), 27607, *A      2010(99)

Association des policiers provinciaux du Québec c. Lauzon (Qué.), 27619, *A             1(00)

Association des radiologistes du Québec c. Rochon (Qué.), 27313, *02 20.1.00              1968(99)                           101(00)

Atlas Industries v. Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board (Sask.), 27402, *B               584(00)

Atomic Energy Control Board v. Danilow (Ont.), 27632, *A                                              3(00)

Attorney General of Canada v. Matthews (F.C.A.), 27456, *B                                            381(00)

Attorney General of Canada v. Pleau (N.S.), 27770, *A                                                      371(00)

Augustine v. The Queen (N.B.), 27695, *A                                                                              482(00)

Austie v. Aksnowicz (Alta.), 27248, *02 17.2.00                                                                      136(00)                             304(00)

Autobus Thomas Inc. c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 27804, *A                                                          581(00)

B. G. Schickedanz Investments Ltd. v. Szasz (Ont.), 27557, *A                                           1718(99)

Baas v. Jellema (B.C.), 27812, *A                                                                                             581(00)

Backman v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27561, *A                                                                            1961(99)

Bacon v. Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (Sask.), 27469, *A                       1490(99)

Bagola v. Ovadya (Ont.), 27691, *A                                                                                        91(00)

Bailey c. The Queen in Right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27427, *B                                              591(00)

Banca Commerciale Italiana of Canada c. Soeurs du Bon Pasteur de Québec

   (Qué.), 27627, *A                                                                                                                      2(00)

Banque nationale du Canada v. Sous-ministre du Revenu du Québec (Qué.),

   26988, *B                                                                                                                                    1153(99)

Bareau v. Governors of the University of Alberta (Alta.), 27330, *02 27.1.00                   2015(99)                           167(00)

Barreau de Montréal c. Association professionnelle des sténographes officiels du

   Québec (Qué.), 27472, *A                                                                                                       1319(99)

Bayer Inc. v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27436, *A                                          1318(99)

BDO Dunwoody Ltd. v. Superintendant of Bankruptcy (Man.), 27501, *A                      1516(99)

Beamish v. The Queen (P.E.I.), 27545, *A                                                                                369(00)

Beaver Lumber Co. v. Epoch (Ont.), 27193, *01 20.1.00                                                        1912(99)                           104(00)

Béliard c. Husbands (Qué.), 27241, *01 17.2.00                                                                      139(00)                             307(00)

Belships (Far East) Shipping (Pte.) Ltd. v. Canadian Pacific Forest Products Ltd

   (F.C.A.), 27471, *A                                                                                                                   1323(99)

Benard v. The Queen (Man.), 27175, *B                                                                                  386(00)

Ben-Hafsia c. City of Vancouver (B.C.), 27337, *02 27.1.00                                                  18(00)                               153(00)

Berendsen v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27312, *B                                            452(00)

Bernier c. Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec (Qué.), 27416, *B                   594(00)

Bertrix Corp. c. Valeurs mobilières Desjardins Inc. (Qué.), 27401, *B                              588(00)

Bérubé c. La Reine (Qué.), 27530, *01 20.1.00                                                                        1966(99)                           99(00)

Bhandar v. Bains (B.C.), 27199, *02 24.2.00                                                                            13(00)                               355(00)

Biron c. Arthur Anderson Inc. (Qué.), 27426, *A                                                                   87(00)

Bloom v. Meditrust Healthcare Inc. (Ont.), 27571, *02 6.4.00                                              485(00)                             608(00)

Bonamy v. The Queen (B.C.), 27631, *A                                                                                  3(00)

Boston v. Boston (Ont.), 27682, *03 16.3.00                                                                             298(00)                      502(00)

Boudreault c. Procureur général du Canada (C.A.F.), 27660, *A                       87(00)

Braintech Inc. v. Kostiuk (B.C.), 27296, *02 9.3.00                                         297(00)                    453(00)

Brault & Bisaillon (1986) Inc. c. Éditions Le Canada Français Ltée (Qué.),

   27409,  *B                                                                                                388(00)

Brertton v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *01 30.3.00                                           441(00)                    600(00)

Brett v. Halifax Regional Municipality (N.S.), 27640, *A                                    4(00)

Bri-Mel Developments Ltd. v. McLaren (Ont.), 27411, *B                                  495(00)                   

British Aviation Insurance Group (Canada) Ltd. v. West Central Air Ltd. (Sask.),

   27590, *A                                                                                                 1790(99)

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority v. Tenneco Canada Inc. (B.C.),

   27507, *A                                                                                                 1517(99)

Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees v. Litke (Man.), 27622, *A       1(00)

Brown v. Synchronics Inc. (F.C.A.), 27405, *01 16.3.00                                   347(00)                    499(00)

Bruce Agra Foods Inc. v. Trilwood Investments Ltd (Ont.), 27260, *02 23.3.00  207(00)                    557(00)

Bryan v. The Queen (Man.), 27222, *01 3.2.00                                               94(00)                      211(00)

Buck Consultants Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27707, *A                                270(00)

Buhlers v. Superintendent of Motor Vehicles for the Province of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 27268, *01 24.2.00                                                                         203(00)                    352(00)

Bull v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *01 30.3.00                                                 441(00)                    600(00)

Butcher v. Government of St. Lucia (Ont.), 27375, *B                                     497(00)

C.A.L. v. The Queen (N.S.), 27758, *A                                                          372(00)

C.L.L. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27564, *01 23.3.00                                    373(00)                    548(00)

C.M.V. v. The Queen (Alta.), 27779, *A                                                         483(00)

Cadillac Fairview Corp. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 27214, *02 3.2.00            92(00)                      209(00)

Cadillac Fairview Corp. v. Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (Sask.),

   27537, *01 30.3.00                                                                                    445(00)                    604(00)

Comeau c. Comeau, (Qué.), 27692, *A                                                                                    91(00)

Cameron v. Attorney-General of Nova Scotia (N.S.), 27584, *A                        1790(99)

Campbell (Dwaine) v. The Queen (Ont.), 27606, *05 23.12.99                          40(00)                      40(00)

Campbell v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27685, *A                                                   90(00)

Carrie v. The Queen (B.C.), 27684, *B                                                           589(00)

Canada Life Assurance Co. v. Ryan (Nfld.), 27603, *A                                     1961(99)

Canada Post Corp. v. Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (F.C.A.),

   27377, *02 6.4.00                                                                                     492(00)                    614(00)

Canadian Media Guild, Local 30213 of the Newspaper Guild v. Canadian

   Broadcasting Corp. (Nfld.), 27378, *02 6.4.00                                              540(00)                    611(00)

Cannella v. Toronto Transit Commission (Ont.), 27705, *A                              270(00)

Cardinal v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *01 30.3.00                                           441(00)                    600(00)

Carmichael v. The Queen (Ont.), 27634, *01 23.3.00                                       373(00)                    548(00)

Carrie v.  The Queen (B.C.), 27684, *A                                                          90(00)

Caswell v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27538, *01 2.3.00                                    272(00)                    392(00)

Cavan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27582, *01 30.3.00                                    440(00)                    599(00)

Centra Gas Manitoba v. Bohemier (Man.), 27197, *02 20.1.00                         1967(99)                   100(00)

Chan v. Chiasson (Ont.), 27498, *A                                                               1492(99)

Chase Manhattan Bank of Canada v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27740, *A               294(00)

Chaudhary v. The Queen (Ont.), 27672, *A                                                     89(00)

Chung v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27508, *01 27.1.00                                   2014(99)                   165(00)

Claveau c. Durand (Qué.), 27349, *02 2.3.00                                                  274(00)                    397(00)

Club Juridique c. Lafrenière (Qué.), 27633, *A                                                3(00)

Cobb v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27610, *03 17.2.00                 142(00)                    310(00)

Coca-Cola Ltd. v. Pardhan (F.C.A.), 27392, *B                                               542(00)

Committee for the Equal Treatment of Asbestos Minority Shareholders v. La Reine

   (Ont.), 27252, *03 27.1.00                                                                         1964(99)                   155(00)

Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail c. Société canadienne des

   postes (Qué.), 27311, *02 6.4.00                                                                350(00)                    616(00)

Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse c. Centre

   dhébergement et de soins de longue durée Champlain-Manoir de

   Verdun (Qué.), 27639, *A                                                                           4(00)

Commission des lésions professionnelles c. Société canadienne des postes (Qué.),

   27311, *02 6.4.00                                                                                     350(00)                    616(00)

Commission scolaire dIberville c. Syndicat de lenseignement du Haut-Richelieu

   (Qué.), 27369, *02 30.3.00                                                                         446(00)                    606(00)

Conex Services Inc. v. Bogner Developments Ltd.  (B.C.), 27671, *A                                89(00)

Conrad v. Imperial Oil Ltd. (N.S.), 27270, *02 2.3.00                                       274(00)                    396(00)

Conroy v. Friesen (B.C.), 27200, *01 27.1.00                                                  11(00)                      151(00)

Conseil scolaire de l’Île de Montréal c. Ville de l’Île Bizard (Qué.), 27651, *A     6(00)

Conway v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27519, *A                              1519(99)

Continentale Compagnie dAssurance du Canada c. Club de Golf Oka Inc (Qué.),

   27379, *B                                                                                                 544(00)

Co-pac Ltd. v. Toronto-Dominion Bank (Ont.), 27551, *A                                 1717(99)

Corporation of the City of Brampton v. Bisoukis (Ont.), 27742, *A                    295(00)

Corporation of the City of Kelowna v. Labour Relations Board of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 27315, *01 23.3.00                                                                         299(00)                    561(00)

Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay v. 1037618 Ontario Inc. (Ont.), 27549, *A                             1717(99)

Corporation of the City of Toronto v. Toronto Terminals Railways Co. (Ont.),

   27626, *A                                                                                                 2(00)

Corsano v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27319, *B                                                     451(00)

Côté c. La Reine (Qué.), 27656, *A                                                                88(00)

Coulombe c. Office municipal dhabitation de Pointe-Claire (Qué.), 27536, *A   1790(99)

Couture (François) c. Ferme La Champignière Inc. (Qué.), 27301, *A                1320(99)

Couture (Paul) c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.) 27530, *B                                         1966(99)                  

Crawford v. The Queen (Sask.), 27195, *01 30.3.00                                        440(00)                    600(00)

Crestwood Lake Ltd. v. Pizzey (Ont.), 27462, *B                                            597(00)

Dawes v. Jajcaj (B.C.), 27403, *02 6.4.00                                                      492(00)                    613(00)

Dawson v. Attorney General of Alberta (Alta.), 27629, *B                                 385(00)

De-Jai Holdings Inc. v. Corporation of the City of Guelph (Ont.), 27364,

   *02 3.2.00                                                                                                94(00)                      210(00)

Deane v. The Queen (Ont.), 27776, *05 22.2.00                                              461(00)

Del Grande v. Toronto Dominion Bank (Ont.), 27522, *02 30.3.00                    447(00)                    607(00)

Derksen v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 27642, *01 30.3.00                               444(00)                    603(00)

Devgan v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27567, *01 23.3.00                 374(00)                    549(00)

Devgan v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27567, *B                              583(00)

Devinat c. Commission de lImmigration et du Statut de réfugié (C.A.F.),

   27727, *A                                                                                                 293(00)

Devji v. Corporation of the District of Burnaby (B.C.), 27667, *A                       88(00)

Dick v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27641, *A                                                          4(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Collin (C.A.F.), 27451, *B                    383(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Couture (C.A.F.), 27447, *B                 380(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Cyr (C.A.F.), 27446, *B                       380(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27448, *B                 382(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27449, *B                 384(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27452, *B                 384(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Leblanc (C.A.F.), 27450, *B                382(00)

Dobie v. Boushey (Ont.), 27468, *01 23.12.99                                                1817(99)                   21(00)

Dominion Bridge Inc. v. The Queen (Sask.), 27355, *01 30.3.00                      445(00)                    605(00)

Dominion of Canada General Insurance Co. v. Marchand (Ont.), 27244, *02

   17.2.00                                                                                                                                   141(00) 309(00)

Doody v. Professional Training Committee of the Barreau du Québec (Qué.),

   27334, *02 27.1.00                                                                                    8(00)                        160(00)

Doyle v. The Queen (P.E.I.), 27702, *A                                                          271(00)

Dr. William N. Campbell Professional Corporation v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27687,

   *A                                                                                                           91(00)

Duca Community Credit Union Ltd. v. Sugarman (Ont.), 27417, *B                   545(00)

Duchesne c. Picard (Qué.), 27625, *A                                                           2(00)

Dunmore v. Attorney General for Ontario (Ont.), 27216, *03 24.2.00                 140(00)                    353(00)

Dwomoh v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Ont.), 27534, *B               495(00)

E.T.H. v. The Queen (Alta.), 27709, *A                                                          579(00)

Eamor v. Air Canada Ltd. (B.C.), 27661, *A                                                    87(00)

Eastern Power Ltd. v. Azienda Comunale Energia & Ambiente (Ont), 27595, *A                               1815(99)

Eholor v. The Queen (Ont.), 27504, *02 6.1.00                                               1963(99)                   22(00)

Elder v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27219, *05 26.1.00                                      752(99)                    181(00)

Ellis-Don Ltd. v. Naylor Group Inc. (Ont.), 27321, *B                                       376(00)

Emballage Graham du Canada Ltée c. Commission des droits de la personne et

   des droits de la jeunesse (Qué.), 27336, *02 17.2.00                                    138(00)                    307(00)

Endean v. The Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia (B.C.), 26679,

   05 19.1.00                                                                                                113(00)                    113(00)

Entreprises Ludco Ltée v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27320, *B                               487(00)

Epstein v. Salvation Army Scarborough Grace General Hospital (Ont.), 27608,

   *05 18.2.00                                                                                              2010(99)                   362(00)

Estate of Yuan Vercingetorix Woo v. Privacy Commissioner of Canada (F.C.A.)

   27497, *B                                                                                                 490(00)

Éthier c. Entreprises P. F. St-Laurent (Qué.), 27413, *02 2.3.00                       275(00)                    398(00)

Favreau c. Productions Avanti Cinévidéo Inc. (Qué.), 27527, *A                       1519(99)

Flamand c. La Reine (Qué.), 27589, *01 30.3.00                                             444(00)                    604(00)

Feuerweker c. La Reine (Ont.), 27664, *B                                                      590(00)

Firm of Kirkland, Murpphy & Ain v. Wernikowski (Ont.), 27763, *A                   483(00)

Filmaier v. O.K.W. Ltd. (Ont.) 27700, *A                                                        269(00)

Flexi-Coil Ltd. v. Bourgault Industries Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Sask.), 27273, *02 23.3.00  377(00)                    551(00)

Fortin c. Fonds dassurance responsabilité professionnelle de la chambre des

   notaires du Québec (Qué.), 27400, *B                                                         546(00)

Franks v. Attorney General of British Columbia (B.C.), 27414, *01 2.3.00         272(00)                    392(00)

Francis v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Ont.), 27615, *B                 137(00)

Fraternité des préposés à lentretien des voies c. Canadien Pacifique Ltée (Qué.),

   27434, *B                                                                                                 595(00)

Friedland v. United States of America (Ont.), 27773, *A                                  439(00)

Friends of the West Country Association v. Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

   (F.C.A.), 27644, *A                                                                                   5(00)

Frito Lay Canada Ltd. v. Heynen (Ont.), 27628, *A                                          2(00)

G.P. c. S.B. (Qué.), 27593, *02 3.2.00                                                           95(00)                      211(00)

Gajic v. Wolverton Securities Ltd. (B.C.), 27679, *A                                        269(00)

Gajic (Dragisa) v. The Queen (B.C.), 27750, *A                                              482(00)

Galuego v. Canadian Human Rights Commission (F.C.A.), 27553, *A               1718(99)

Gauthier c. Gauthier (Qué.), 27592, *A                                                           1790(99)

Gavelin v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27686, *A                                                      90(00)

General Manager, Liquor Control v. Ocean Port Hotel Ltd. (B.C.), 27371, *03

   16.3.00                                                                                                                                   377(00) 501(00)

Gérard Robitaille & Associés Ltée c. La Reine (Qué.), 27799, *A                      580(00)

Gill v. Gill (B.C.), 27025, *B                                                                          496(00)

Glaxo Group Ltd. v. Novopharm Ltd. (F.C.A.), 27457, *B                                 584(00)

Glengarry Bingo Association v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27166, *B                        593(00)

Godbout c. Municipalité de la paroisse de St-Pie (Qué.), 27428, *B                  591(00)

Golden v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27547, *03 23.3.00                                   143(00)                    553(00)

Gorenko v. The Queen (Qué.), 27266, *03 27.1.00                                          1965(99)                   155(00)

Gordon v. Winnipeg Canoe Club (Man.), 27358, *02 30.3.00                            442(00)                    601(00)

Gosselin c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 27418, *A                             1201(99)

Gramaglia v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27729, *A                          294(00)

Grant v. The Queen (Ont.), 27243, *B                                                            1151(99)

Great Lakes Power Ltd. v. Regional Assessment Commissioner, Region No. 31

   (Ont.), 27532, *A                                                                                      1520(99)

Greater Europe Mission (Canada) v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27696, *A                 269(00)

Greenwood v. Hickson (Sask.), 27807, *A                                                      580(00)

Groleau-Roberge c. Paradis (Qué.), 27591, *A                                                1790(99)

Grossman v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27610, *03 17.2.00          142(00)                    310(00)

Guignard c. Ville de Saint-Hyacinthe (Qué.), 27704, *A                                    269(00)

Guilbault v. Investors Group Trust Co. (Ont.), 27613, *A                                 2010(99)

Guyot c. La Reine (Qué.), 27739, *A                                                              346(00)

H.K. c. La Direction de la protection de la  jeunesse (Qué.), 27745, *B             543(00)

Halteren v. Wilhelm (B.C.), 27786, *A                                                            484(00)

Hammell v. Friesen (B.C.), 27200, *01 27.1.00                                               11(00)                      151(00)

Harel c. Montambault (Qué.), 27517, *A                                                         1518(99)

Hart v. The Queen (N.S.), 27784, *A                                                              538(00)

Hayat v. Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto (Ont.), 27698, *A                269(00)

Hettema Inc. v. Claude & Conrad Toner Ltd. (N.B.), 27755, *A                         369(00)

Hill v. Minister of Small Business, Tourism and Culture (B.C.), 27801, *A         580(00)

Hnatiw v. Scamstad (Sask.), 27601, *A                                                         579(00)

Hollick v. City of Toronto (Ont.), 27699, *A                                                     293(00)

Huard c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 27530, *B                                                    1966(99)

Hynes v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27443, *03 27.1.00                                    1816(99)                   149(00)

Imperial Oil Ltd. v. Lloyd (Alta.), 27744, *A                                                     296(00)

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia v. Bevacqua (B.C.), 27614, *A         2010(99)

Interboro Mutual Indemnity Insurance Co. v. Guardian Insurance Company of

   Canada (Ont.), 27431, *A                                                                          1317(99)

Isert v. Santos (B.C.), 27190,*02 17.2.00                                                       93(00)                      300(00)

J.H. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27670, *B                                                              596(00)

Jabarianha v. The Queen (B.C.), 27725, *A                                                    201(00)

Jagna Limited c. Techno Bloc Inc.  (C.A.F.), 27657, *A                                  88(00)

Jazairi v. Ontario Human Rights Commission (Ont.), 27500, *A                       1492(99)

Joly v. The Queen (Ont.), 27715, *A                                                              201(00)

Jordan v. Salgado de Leon (Sask.), 27404, *02 17.2.00                                   134(00)                    302(00)

Jorgensen c. Crédit M.P. Ltée (Qué.), 27560, *A                                             1719(99)

Jumelle c. Soloway (Man.), 27701, *B                                                            450(00)

K.M.C. v. The Queen (Nfld.), 27731, *A                                                          295(00)

Kadziolka v. Royal Bank of Canada (Sask.), 27220, *02 17.2.00                      747(99)                    303(00)

Kakfwi v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27577, *A                                                       1788(99)

Kalashnikoff v. The Queen (B.C.), 27803, *A                                                 581(00)

Karamouzos v. John and Jane Doe (B.C.), 27780, *A                                     483(00)

Katriuk v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27741 , *A             372(00)

Kebe c. Agbor (Qué.), 27612, *A                                                                   2010(99)

Kelemen v. El-Homeira (Ont.), 27693, *A                                                       293(00)

Ken Toby Ltd. v. British Columbia Buildings Corp. (B.C.), 27326, *02 17.2.00   133(00)                    304(00)

Khan v. The Queen (Ont.), 27737,  *A                                                           372(00)

Kiloh v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27511, *02 23.3.00                                            375(00)                    550(00)

Kieling v. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (Sask.), 27322, *01 27.1.00                    17(00)                      153(00)

Kilkanis v. Allstate Insurance Company of Canada (Ont.), 27309, *B                388(00)

Kinkartz v. Kinkartz (Ont.), 27689, *B                                                           390(00)

Kloepfer v. The Queen (N.S.), 27453, *A                                                        1322(99)

Kosikar v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27604, *B                                               386(00)

Ku v. The Queen (B.C.), 27466, *B                                                                592(00)

Lackowiak v. Maple Engineering & Construction Canada (Ont.), 27562, *A       1719(99)

Lafrentz v. Michel (Alta.), 27234, *02 24.2.00                                                 202(00)                    352(00)

Lamerton & Associates Professional Surveyors v. Quinn (Y.T.), 27746, *A       295(00)

Lamy c. Société canadienne des postes (Qué.), 27311, *02 6.4.00                   350(00)                    616(00)

Langlois c. La Reine (Qué.), 27430, *A                                                          1203(99)

Lanteigne c. La Reine (Crim.)(N.-B.), 27528, *01 27.1.00                                 15(00)                      162(00)

Lapointe v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 26578, *06 The case is remanded to the Court

    of Appeal of Alberta to be reconsidered in accordance with the decision of this

   Court in Her Majesty the Queen v. Thomas Andrew Bunn (Crim.)(Man.)(26339),

   Her Majesty the Queen v. Jeromie Keith D. Proulx (Crim.)(Man.)(26376), Her

   Majesty the Queen v. R.A.R. (Crim.)(Man.)(26377), Her Majesty the Queen v.

   R.N.S. (Crim.)(B.C.)(26462), Her Majesty the Queen v. L.F.W. (Crim.)(Nfld.)

   (26329)./Laffaire est renvoyée à la Cour dAppel de lAlberta pour réexamen

   conformément à larrêt de notre Cour dans Sa Majesté la Reine c. Thomas Andrew

   Bunn (Crim.)(Man.)(26339), Sa Majesté la Reine c. Jeromie Keith D. Proulx

   (Crim.)(Man.)(26376), Sa Majesté la Reine c. R.A.R. (Crim.)(Man.)(26377), Sa

   Majesté la Reine c. R.N.S. (Crim.)(B.C.)(26462), Sa Majesté la Reine c. L.F.W.

   (Crim.)(T.-N.)(26329) 3.2.00.                                                                      1134(98)                   209(00)

Laufer v. Bucklaschuk (Man.), 27761, *A                                                       370(00)

Laurendeau c. La Reine (Qué.), 27563, *02 20.1.00                                         2011(99)                   102(00)

Lavoie v. The Queen in Right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27427, *B                            591(00)

Lawpost, a division of Legal Research Consultants Inc. v. New Brunswick (N.B.),

   27683, *A                                                                                                                                   90(00)

Ledoux c. La Reine (Qué.), 27808, *A                                                            580(00)

Lenhardt v. The Queen (B.C.), 27396, *02 17.2.00                                          138(00)                    306(00)

Lévesque c. Commission des lésions professionnelles (Qué.), 27535, *A          1520(99)

Lévesque Automobile Ltée c. Denis (Qué.), 27730, *A                                     294(00)

Lewis Energy Management Inc. v. MacKinnon (Ont.), 27294, *02 2.3.00            204(00)                    393(00)

LHeureux c. Fortin (Qué), 27350, *B                                                             493(00)

Lim v. Lim (B.C.), 27635, *A                                                                         3(00)

Locke c. City of Calgary (Alta.), 27385, *02 23.3.00                                        208(00)                    559(00)

Lord v. Maritime Life Assurance Co. (Ont.), 27630, *02 23.3.00                        146(00)                    556(00)

Lortie c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions professionnelles (Qué.), 27331,

   *02 2.3.00                                                                                                204(00)                    394(00)

Lowe v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (N.S.), 27533, *A                                             1520(99)

Luscar Ltd. v. Smoky River Coal Ltd. (Alta.), 27432, *05 12.1.00                      1317(99)                   113(00)

M.E.P. c. K.R.O. (Qué.), 27602, *02 27.1.00                                                  8(00)                        160(00)

Mach v. The Queen (Ont.), 27674, *B                                                            586(00)

MacPherson v. Adga Systems International Inc. (Ont.), 27184, *02 6.4.00        485(00)                    608(00)

Madsen v. The Queen (F.C.A.) 27473, *B                                                      598(00)

Magda v. St. Catharines Standard, a division of Southam Inc. (Ont.), 27420, *B                               585(00)

Mankwe c. La Reine (Qué.), 27791, *A                                                           538(00)

Marcoux v. Bouchard (Qué.), 27554, *A                                                          1718(99)

Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline Management Ltd. v. Union of Nova Scotia

   Indians (F.C.A.), 27262, *01 17.2.00                                                           135(00)                    302(00)

Markel Insurance Co. of Canada v. Azevedo (Alta.), 27663, *A                        88(00)

Martelli c. Commission des affaires sociales (Qué.), 27811, *A                        580(00)

Martens v. Gulfstream Resources Canada Ltd. (Alta.), 27638, *A                     4(00)

Martin v. Municipalité de la paroisse de St-Hubert (Qué.), 27568, *A                 1787(99)

Masmarti c. Cohen (Qué.), 27712, *A                                                             579(00)

Mathers c. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (B.C.), 27387, *02 16.3.00                               349(00) 504(00)

Mattel Canada Inc. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27174, *03 16.3.00                        10(00)                      500(00)

Mayer Diamond c. Surintendant des faillites (Qué.), 27460, *A                         1442(99)

McCormack v. The Queen (B.C.), 27793, *A                                                  538(00)

McCorrister v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27677, *A                        89(00)

McDonald v. Lesage (Ont.), 27365, *01 2.3.00                                                205(00)                    395(00)

McKinley v. B.C. Tel (B.C.), 27410, *B                                                           488(00)

Melville v. NBD Bank (Ont.), 27754, *01 6.4.00                                               486(00)                    609(00)

Mennes (Emile) v. Attorney-General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27588, *A                  1790(99)

Mennes (Emile) v. Attorney-General of Canada (Ont.), 27706, *A                     270(00)

Merasty v. The Queen (Sask.), 27756, *A                                                      370(00)

Merck Frosst Canada Inc. v. Minister of National Health and Welfare (F.C.A.),

   27370, *02 17.2.00                                                                                    96(00)                      309(00)

Metzner v. Metzner (B.C.), 27529, *06 (The Court of Appeal having rendered its

   decision on the basis of the impact on custodial arrangements occasioned by the

   application of the Federal Child Support Guidelines, and under s. 17(6.2) of the

   Divorce Act , without the benefit of the judgment of this Court in Francis v. Baker,

   [1999] 3 S.C.R. 250, which provides for support corresponding to the actual

   conditions of the children, the matter is remanded to the Court of Appeal to be

   disposed of in accordance with the decision in Francis v. Baker/Étant donné que

   la Cour dappel a rendu sa décision en fonction de lincidence de lapplication des

   Lignes directrices fédérales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants sur les

   modalités de la garde, et du par. 17(6.2)  de la Loi sur le divorce , sans bénéficier

   de larrêt de notre Cour Francis c. Baker, [1999] 3 R.C.S. 250, qui prescrit une

   pension alimentaire correspondant aux conditions de vie réelles des enfants,

   laffaire est renvoyée à la Cour dappel pour que celle-ci la tranche conformément

   à larrêt Francis c. Baker) 27.1.00                                                              1910(99)                   159(00)

Midland Mortgage Corp. v. Jawl & Bundon (B.C.), 27520, *A                            1519(99)

Millette (Régent) c. Individual Investment Corp.(Qué.), 27585, *A                      1790(99)

Millette (Régent) c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 27605, *A                                            1962(99)

Ministère des affaires municipales c. Communauté urbaine de Québec (Qué.),

   27455, *A                                                                                                 1318(99)

Ministry of Finance v. Higgins (Ont.), 27191, *02 20.1.00                                 1969(99)                   105(00)

Minors v. Toronto Sun Publishing Corp. (Ont.), 27518, *A                                1518(99)

Mohammed v. The Queen in right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27690, *A                     91(00)

Mole Construction Inc. c. Compagnie dassurances Canadian Surety (Qué.),

   27643,   *05 20.3.00                                                                                  5(00)                        567(00)

Monenco Ltd. v. Commonwealth Insurance Co. (B.C.), 27258, *03 16.3.00        273(00)                    502(00)

Montreuil c. Directeur de l’État civil (Qué.), 27621, *A                                      1(00)

Morris v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27354, *01 30.3.00                   447(00)                    606(00)

Morrison v. Society of Lloyds (N.B.), 27813, *A                                              582(00)

Morrow (Valerie) v. Constantini (B.C.), 27332, *01 3.2.00                                 12(00)                      212(00)

Morrow (Valerie) v. Acedemy Mechanical Services Ltd. (Alta.), 27531, *A          1589(99)

Morrow (Valerie) v. The Queen (Alta.), 27441,*02 20.1.00                                1911(99)                   103(00)

Mulligan v. The Queen (Alta.), 27726, *A                                                        482(00)

Mullings v. The Queen (Ont.), 27710, *A                                                        369(00)

Nadeau v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27478, *01 27.1.00                                  1820(99)                   164(00)

Narvey v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27785, *A               483(00)

Nelson (Terrance) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 27594, *01 17.2.00                  92(00)                      300(00)

Nelson (Vena) v. Lodin (Ont.), 27437, *A                                                        1204(99)

Nette v. The Queen (B.C.), 27669, *B                                                            589(00)

Nguiagain c. Ville de Québec (Qué.), 27809, *A                                              581(00)

Nichols Gravel Ltd. v. Corporation of the Township of Delhi (Ont.), 27720, *A    293(00)

Nikkanen v. The Queen (Ont.), 27645, *A                                                      579(00)

Nourcy c. Compagnie dAssurance-vie Transamerica du Canada (Qué.), 27335,

   *02 23.3.00                                                                                              207(00)                    558(00)

Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital (Ont.), 27425, *01 23.3.00                            378(00)                    552(00)

Oerlikon Aérospatiale Inc. c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 27352, *B                              545(00)

Offei-Tsumasi v. The Queen (Ont.), 27749, *A                                               372(00)

Oger c. Boulakia (Ont.), 27681, *B                                                                390(00)

OGrady v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.) 27278, *01 23.12.99                                1816(99)                   21(00)

ONeill c. Sirois (Qué.) 27464, *05 10.2.00                                                     1322(99)                   316(00)

Olszynko v. Larocque (Ont.), 27665, *A                                                         88(00)

Olympia Interiors Ltd. v. Her Majesty The Queen (F.C.A.), 27550, *02 20.1.00   1969(99)                   105(00)

Ontario Power Generation Inc. v. Minister of Revenue (Ont.), 27435, *02 6.4.00 541(00)                    611(00)

Osoyoos Indian Band v. Town of Oliver (B.C.), 27408, *B                                540(00)

Palmer v. The Queen (Sask.), 27574, *B                                                       593(00)

Pan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27424, *03 27.1.00                                       2012(99)                   150(00)

Panduit Corp. v. Thomas & Betts Lld. (F.C.A.), 27789, *A                               484(00)

Paramount Resources Ltd. v. Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal Existing Leases

   Land Access Panel (Alta.), 27743, *A                                                         296(00)

Pardee Equipment Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 27165, *01 20.1.00          2013(99)                   98(00)

Paquet c. Les Banquets Fine-Gueule Inc. (Qué.), 27569, *A                            1787(99)

Pascal c. Household Trust Co. (Qué.), 27769, *A                                           371(00)

Patterson v. Attorney General of British Columbia (B.C.), 27757, *A                 372(00)

Paul DAoust Construction Ltd. v. Markel Insurance Company of Canada (Ont.),

   27438, *A                                                                                                 1318(99)

Pawar v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27578, *A                                                        1788(99)

Penfold v. The Queen (Alta.), 27794, *A                                                        538(00)

Penty v. The Law Society of British Columbia (B.C.), 27676, *A                       89(00)

Persaud v. The Queen (Ont.), 27771, *A                                                        371(00)

Pham v. The Queen (B.C.), 27572, *01 6.4.00                                                489(00)                    612(00)

Phillips v. R. D. Realty Ltd. (Ont.), 27566, *A                                                 1787(99)

Placements R.I.O. Inc. c. La Reine (Qué.), 27454, *A                                     1442(99)

Poulin c. Solidarité, Compagnie dassurance sur la vie (Qué.), 27303, *01 27.1.00                            1751(99)           156(00)

Premier Horticulture Ltée c. Lévesque (Qué.), 27654, *A                                  7(00)

Prévost-Masson c. Perras (Qué.), 27623, *A                                                   2(00)

Procureur général du Canada c. Thibault (C.A.F.), 27445, *B                           379(00)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Le Camp Watchichou Inc. (Qué.), 27463, *A                               1322(99)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Raymond, Chabot Inc. (Qué.), 27653, *A     7(00)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Ville de l’Île Bizard (Qué.), 27651, *A           6(00)

Provincial Superior v. Health Services Restructuring Commission (Ont.), 27475,

   *02 17.2.00                                                                                              202(00)                    305(00)

Quinlan v. The Queen in Right of Newfoundland (Nfld.), 27510, *A                    1518(99)

R. c. Bolduc (Crim.)(Qué.), 27580, *B                                                            387(00)

R. c. Cinous (Qué.), 27788, *A                                                                      483(00)

R. v. Denton (Crim.)(Qué.), 27579, *B                                                            448(00)

R. v. Dew (Crim.)(Man.), 27017, *01 27.1.00                                                   202(99)                    148(00)

R. v. Groot (Crim.)(Ont.), 26929, 4.3.99 (The application for leave to cross-appeal

   is dismissed/la demande dautorisation dappel incident est rejetée)              393(99)                   

R. v. Hoyles (Nfld.), 27678, *A                                                                                                   90(00)

R. c. Kébreau (Crim.)(Qué.), 27114, *01 27.1.00                                             667(99)                    148(00)

R. c. Maxwell (Qué.), 27759, *A                                                                     482(00)

R. v. McIntosh (Ont.), 27768, *A                                                                   371(00)

R. v. Mentuck (Man.), 27738, *A                                                                   439(00)

R. c. Parent (Crim.)(Qué.), 27652, *B                                                             542(00)

R. v. Peters (Crim.)(Qué.), 27581, *B                                                             449(00)

R. v. Rulli (Crim.)(Ont.), 27338, *01 27.1.00                                                    2015(99)                   166(00)

R. v. Sheppard (Nfld.), 27439, *A                                                                   1204(99)

R. v. Singleton (F.C.A.), 27477, *B                                                                488(00)

R. v. Walls (F.C.A.), 27724, *A                                                                     201(00)

R. v. Ward (Nfld.), 27717, *A                                                                         293(00)

R. in right of Alberta v. Alberta Provincial Judges Association (Alta.), 27516, *A                             1518(99)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Beadle (B.C.), 27318, *B        494(00)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Davies (B.C.), 27318, *B        494(00)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Rumley (B.C.), 27721, *A       201(00)

R. in right of the Province of New Brunswick v. Mackin (N.B.), 27722, *A          201(00)

Rahall v. Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Ont.), 27648, *A                  5(00)

Ramlall v. Ontario International Medical Graduate Program (Ont.), 27444,

   *02 23.3.00                                                                                              145(00)                    555(00)

Rauw v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27688, *A                                                         91(00)

Razac v. Lehrer (Qué.), 27552, *A                                                                 1718(99)

Reeves v. Arsenault (P.E.I.), 27086, *B                                                         588(00)

Richelieu Métal Inc. v. Éditions Le Canada Français Ltée (Qué.), 27409, *B       288(00)

Rideout v. The Queen (Nfld.), 27675, *A                                                         295(00)

Roberts v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27641, *A                                                     5(00)

Robertson v. Ontario Human Rights Commission (Ont.), 27514, *B                  596(00)

Rocky Mountain Ecosystem Coalition v. Joint Review Panel (F.C.A.)(Alta.),

   25618, *06 Application for leave to appeal deemed abandoned/demande

   dautorisation dappel réputée abandonnée 24.3.97                                       1958(96)

Rodrigue c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 26884, *A                             1657(98)

Romkey v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27777, *A                                                     372(00)

Rosati v.Liakus (Ont.), 27719, *A                                                                  201(00)

Roy v. The Queen (Ont.), 27650, *05 21.12.99                                                87(00)                      113(00)

Royal Shirt Co. v. Ontario Labour Relations Board (Ont.), 27412, *B                 497(00)

Ruggeberg v. Bancomer, S.A. (Ont.), 27344, *02 16.3.00                                347(00)                    499(00)

Russell v. The Queen (Ont.), 27732, *A                                                         579(00)

Ruttan v. The Queen (Ont.), 27736, *A                                                          296(00)

S. (B.) v. Director of Child, Family and Community Service (B.C.), 27048, *A    779(99)

Sam Lévy & Associés Inc. c. 2858-4665 Québec Inc. (Qué.), 27327, *02 20.1.00                             2011(99)           102(00)

Sarvanis v. The Queen in right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27796, *A                          539(00)

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27346, *B                         450(00)

Saskferco Products Inc. v. Wellington Insurance Co. (Sask.), 27218, *02 17.2.00                            133(00) 301(00)

Sauve v. The Chief Electoral Officer of Canada (F.C.A.), 27677, *A                 89(00)

Sawyer c. La Reine (Qué.), 27115, *A                                                            329(99)

Schepanow v. The Queen in right of Ontario (F.C.A.), 27733, *A                      294(00)

Scott (Douglas) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27587, *01 30.3.00                       440(00)                    599(00)

Scott (Yvette) v. Continental Insurance Co. of Canada (Ont.), 27573, *A           1788(99)

Sekhon v. The Queen (B.C.), 27647, *A                                                        5(00)

Serin Holdings Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27499, *A                                     1516(99)

Serré c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 27470, *01 27.1.00                                        1964(99)                   154(00)

Seward v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27298, *01 9.3.00                                    297(00)                    453(00)

Shearing v. The Queen (B.C.), 27782, *A                                                       538(00)

Sheppard v. Bank of Montreal (Sask.), 27407, *A                                           1200(99)

Sherriah v. The Queen in right of Canada (Y.T.), 27762, *A                              370(00)

Shuman v. Ontario New Home Warranty Program (Ont.), 27256, *01 23.3.00     276(00)                    559(00)

Sidbec-Dosco (ISPAT) Inc. c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions profes-

   sionnelles (Qué.), 27716, *A                                                                      270(00)

Sidbec-Dosco (ISPAT) Inc. c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions profes-

   sionnelles (Qué.), 27718, *A                                                                      270(00)

Simon (Christopher) v. Simon (Ont.), 27723, *B                                              389(00)

Simon (Llewelyn) v. The Queen (Ont.), 27345, *02 16.3.00                               348(00)                    503(00)

Singh v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27747, *A                295(00)

Singh v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27491, *B                546(00)

Smith v. New Brunswick Human Rights Commission (N.B.), 27596, *A             1815(99)

Smith (Wilton Anthony) v. The Queen (Ont.), 27802, *A                                  580(00)

Snider v. Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses (Man.), 27783, *A           483(00)

Société en commandite 2858-9893 Québec c. 2420-3242 Québec Inc.  (Qué.),

   27673, *A                                                                                                 89(00)

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Canadian

   Association of Broadcasters (F.C.A.), 27304, *02 6.4.00                              349(00)                    615(00)

Sokolov v. Minister of Immigration and Citizenship (F.C.A.)(Que.), 27328, *01

   27.1.00                                                                                                                                   14(00)  167(00)

Sokolov v. Ministry of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27546, *A           1717(99)

Solunac c. Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (Qué.), 27636, *A         4(00)

Spire Freezers Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27415, *B                                     587(00)

St-Jean v. Mercier (Qué.), 27515, *A                                                              1518(99)

Stanwick v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 27366, *05 10.3.00                              20(00)                      567(00)

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Vijeyekumar (Ont.), 27484, *A                               1490(99)

Steckmar National Realty & Investment Corp. v. Mirabelle (Qué.), 27760, *A    370(00)

Stenset v. The Queen (Queen)(Alta.), 27465, *01 27.1.00                                17(00)                      152(00)

Stone v. Wellington County Board of Education (Ont.), 27389, *02 30.3.00       443(00)                    602(00)

Stromberg v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27183, *01 27.1.00                              10(00)                      150(00)

Susin v. Harper Haney and White (Ont.), 27221, *02 20.1.00                           1970(99)                   106(00)

Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada v. McIsaac (B.C.), 27373, *02 23.12.99                             1909(99)           22(00)

Suresh v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (F.C.A.), 27790, *A                 484(00)

Syndicat canadien de la Fonction publique, section locale 302 c. Ville de Verdun

   (Qué.), 27461 , *A                                                                                     1490(99)

Syndicat des employé(es) du C.E.V. d’Aylmer c. Pavillon du Parc (Qué.), 27680,

   *A                                                                                                                                               90(00)

Syndicat des fonctionnaires municipaux de Montréal SCFP Section locale 429

   c. Communauté urbaine de Montréal (Qué.), 27600, *A                                 1961(99)

Syndicat des travailleurs des pavillons jeunesse v. Boivert (Qué.), 27548, *A    1717(99)

Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes c. Société canadienne des postes

   (Qué.), 27539, *A                                                                                      1716(99)

Syndicat national des employés de laluminium dAlma Inc. c. Fédération des

   syndicats du secteur de laluminium Inc. (Qué.), 27272, *A                          776(99)

Szasz v. Standard Trust Co. (Ont.), 27558, *A                                               1718(99)

T.V. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27556, *01 23.3.00                                                 375(00)                    550(00)

Tait v. Royal Insurance Company of Canada (N.S.), 27422, *B                         587(00)

Tamimi v. Toronto Hospital (Western Division) (Ont.), 27509, *A                      1517(99)

Tejani v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27459, *01 23.3.00                                    142(00)                    553(00)

Terra Energy Ltd. v. Kilborn Engineering Alberta Ltd. (Alta), 27341, *02 27.1.00                               1970(99)           165(00)

Thangarajan v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (F.C.A.), 27713, *A          271(00)

The Gazette c. Syndicat canadien des communications, de l’énergie et du papier,

   section locale 145 (Qué.), 27753, *A                                                           369(00)

Thériault c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions professionnelles (Qué.),

   27624, *A                                                                                                 7(00)

Thiffault c. Caisse populaire St-Frédéric La Poudrière (Qué.), 27544, *A            1(00)

Thomas v. Alcan Aluminium Ltd. (B.C.), 27583, *A                                         1908(99)

Thomas-Robinson v. Song (Ont.), 27323, *02 27.1.00                                     9(00)                        161(00)

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. Peat Marwick Thorne Inc. (Ont.), 27570, *A             1787(99)

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. Schumacher (Ont.), 27423, *02 20.1.00                  1967(99)                   100(00)

Total Leisure R.V. Manufacturing Ltd. v. Olympic Building Systems Ltd. (Man.),

   27357, *01 6.4.00                                                                                     487(00)                    610(00)

Tourigny c. La Reine (Qué.), 27646, *05 11.1.00                                             113(00)                    113(00)

Trifox, Inc. v. Angoss II Partnership (Ont.), 27649, *A                                     6(00)

Tri-Tex Co. c. Gideon (Qué.), 27575, *A                                                         1788(99)

Trussler v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27542, *A                                                     1716(99)

Tsioubris v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27774, *03 2.3.00             387(00)                    398(00)

Turmel c. La Reine (Qué.), 27752, *A                                                            369(00)

Twin City Mechanical v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27196, *02 17.2.00                              136(00) 305(00)

Ulybel Enterprises Ltd. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27543, the application for

   leave to appeal is dismissed and the application for leave to cross-appeal is

   granted, 23.3.00, la demande dautorisation dappel est rejetée et la demande

   dautorisation dappel incident est accordée                                                144(00)                    554(00)

Union québécoise pour la conservation de la nature c. Brassard (Qué.), 27421, *B                            595(00)

United States of America v. Cheema (B.C.), 27467, *B                                   1746(99)

United Transportation Union v. International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers

   (F.C.A.), 27765, *A                                                                                   370(00)

Vachon (Danyèle) c. Ville de Montréal (Qué.), 27565, *A                                  1787(99)

Vachon (Réjean) c. Caisse Desjardins Lachine/St-Pierre (Qué.), 27703, *A       269(00)

Vanek v. Great Atlantic & Pacific Co. of Canada, 27735, *A                            294(00)

Varma c. Canada Post Corporation (F.C.A.), 27662, *02 23.3.00                      146(00)                    557(00)

Venturedyne Ltd. v. General Refractories Co. of Canada Ltd. (Ont.), 27310,

   *02 23.3.00                                                                                              276(00)                    560(00)

Vigi Santé Ltée c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 27351, *02 30.3.00       378(00)                    602(00)

Vik v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Alberta (Alta),

   27359, *02 23.3.00                                                                                    376(00)                    551(00)

Ville dAmos c. Raymond, Chabot Inc. (Qué.), 27653, *A                                6(00)

Ville de l’Île Bizard c. Conseil scolaire de l’Île-de-Montréal (Qué.), 27651, *A     6(00)

Ville de Montréal c. Canderel Ltd. (Qué.), 27398, *B                                        490(00)

Ville de Montréal c. Samen Investments Inc. (Qué.), 27503, *A                        1516(99)

Ville de Sept-Îles c. Syndicat de la Fonction publique, section locale 2589 (Qué.)

   27291, *03 27.1.00                                                                                    1909(99)                   158(00)

Walters v. Northland Bank (In Liquidation) (B.C.), 27293, *02 23.3.00               277(00)                    561(00)

Waterloo County Board of Education v. Kennedy (Ont.), 27481, *02 23.3.00      145(00)                    556(00)

Web Offset Publications Ltd. v. Vickery (Ont.), 27505, *A                              1517(99)

Westec Aerospace Inc. v. Raytheon Aircraft Co. (B.C.), 27356, *B                  443(00)

Westergard-Thorpe v. Attorney General of Canada (Man.), 27778, *A               483(00)

White Spot Limited v. British Columbia Labour Relations Board (B.C.), 27249,

   *02 17.2.00                                                                                              139(00)                    308(00)