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January 31, 2025 |
1 - 16 |
Le 31 janvier 2025 |
© Supreme Court of Canada (2025) |
© Cour suprême du Canada (2025) |
Table des matières
Leave applications filed / Demandes d’autorisation déposées
Judgments on leave applications / Jugements sur demandes d’autorisation
Hearing schedule for February 2025 / Calendrier de février 2025
NOTICE Case summaries included in the Bulletin are prepared by the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (Law Branch) for information purposes only. AVIS Les résumés des causes publiés dans le bulletin sont préparés par le Bureau du registraire (Direction générale du droit) uniquement à titre d’information. |
Abdullahi Abdulrehman Mohamed Wiebe, Gerri K.C. Gindin Wiebe Segal Law
v. (41595)
His Majesty the King (Man.) Savage, Craig Manitoba Prosecution Service
FILING DATE: December 17, 2024
A.B. A.B.
v. (41636)
AN.B (Que.) Lalonde, Felix Leinhos Lalonde, S.E.N.C.R.L.
FILING DATE: January 13, 2025
Tanja Natasha Majcen Tanja Natasha Majcen
v. (41580)
Joseph Ryan Nelson (Ont.) Joseph Ryan Nelson
FILING DATE: December 4, 2024
Michael Del Grande Giordano, Cory Supreme Advocacy LLP
v. (41593)
Toronto Catholic District School Board (Ont.) Lisus, Jonathan C. Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
FILING DATE: December 13, 2024
Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited Parrish, Michael Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
v. (41594)
Catherwood Towing Ltd., et al. (B.C.) Swanson, H. Peter Bernard LLP
FILING DATE: December 16, 2024
His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario Green, S. Zachary Attorney General of Ontario
v. (41596)
Sophia Mathur, a minor by her litigation guardian Catherine Orlando, et al. (Ont.) Hasan, Nader R. Stockwoods LLP
FILING DATE: December 17, 2024
Ishiang Shih, Winnie Shih, and Jys Technologies Inc. Eljarrat, Stéphane Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
v. (41597)
Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecution (Que.) Fournier, Maxime Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales du Québec
FILING DATE: December 17, 2024
Aaren Jagadeesh Aaren Jagadeesh
v. (41598)
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) (Fed.) Jamieson-Davies, Elisha Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP
FILING DATE: December 18, 2024
Peter Wu Peter Wu
v. (41599)
City of Toronto (Ont.) Barclay, Alison
FILING DATE: December 18, 2024
January 30, 2025
Marc Gauthier v. His Majesty the King (Ont.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (41513)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Number C68998, 2024 ONCA 621, dated August 20, 2024, is dismissed.
Edwin George-El v. Nicolson Poussard, Martine Garon, Protection de la jeunesse (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41391)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Superior Court of Quebec, Number 500-17-123993-233, dated June 20, 2023, is quashed pursuant to s. 44 of the Supreme Court Act.
Éric Benoit and Richard Duff v. CRH Canada Group Inc., and Bau-Val inc. (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41406)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Quebec (Montréal), Number 500-09-030117-220, 2024 QCCA 703, dated May 30, 2024, is dismissed with costs to the respondent Groupe CRH Canada inc.
Marguerite Crete v. Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41428)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Number COA-23-CV-1209, 2024 ONCA 459, dated June 11, 2024, is dismissed with costs.
Sirajali Jafarali Gadhia v. Ilan Gewurz (Nuntip Deux inc.) (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41467)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Quebec (Montréal), Number 500-09-700267-248, 2024 QCCA 1025, dated August 8, 2024, is dismissed.
Karen Adelberg, Matthew Anderson, Wyatt George Baiton, Paul Barzu, Neil Bird, Curtis Bird, Beau Bjarnason, Lacey Blair, Mark Bradley, John Doe #1, Daniel Bulford, John Doe #2, Shawn Carmen, John Doe #3, Jonathan Corey Chaloner, Cathleen Collins, Jane Doe #1, John Doe #4, Kirk Cox, Chad Cox, Neville Dawood, Richard de Vos, Mike Desson, Jane Doe #2 , Stephane Drouin, Sylvie Filteau, Kirk Fisler, Thor Forseth, Glen Gabruch, Brett Garneau, Tracy Lynn Gates, Kevin Gien, Jane Doe #3, Warren Green, Jonathan Griffioen, Rohit Hannsraj, Kaitlyn Hardy, Sam Hilliard, Richard Huggins, Lynne Hunka, Joseph Isliefson, Leposava Jankovic, John Doe #5, Pamela Johnston, Eric Jones-Gatineau, Annie Joyal, John Doe #6, Marty (Martha) Klassen, John Doe #7, John Doe #8, John Doe #9, Ryan Koskela, Jane Doe #4, Julians Lazoviks, Jason Lefebvre, Kirsten Link, Morgan Littlejohn, John Doe #10, Diane Martin, John Doe #11, Richard Mehner, Celine Moreau, Robin Morrison, Morton Ng, Gloria Norman, Steven O’Doherty, David Obirek, John Robert Queen, Nicole Quick, Ginette Rochon, Louis-Marie Roy, Emad Sadr, Matt Silver, Jinjer Snider, Maureen Stein, John Doe #12, John Doe #13, Robert Tumbas, Kyle Van de Sype, Chantelle Vien, Joshua (Josh) Vold, Carla Walker, Andrew Wedlock, Jennifer Wells, John Wells, Melanie Williams, David George John Wiseman, Daniel Young, Gratchen Grison, (Officers with the Royal Canadian Mountain Police), Nicole Auclair, Michael Baldock, Sabrina Baron, William Dean Booth, Charles Borg, Marie-Ève Caron, Thomas Dalling, Joseph Israel Marc Eric De Lafontaine, Ricardo Green, Jordan Hartwig, Rodney Howes, Christopher Mark Jacobson, Jane Doe #5, Pascal Legendre, Kimberly Lepage, Kim MacDonald, Cindy Mackay, Kim Martin-McKay, David Mason, Alexandra Katrina Moir, Joseph Daniel Eric Montgrain, Radoslaw Niedzielski, Leanna June Nordman, Donald Poole, Edward Dominic Power, Norman L. Reed, Jane Doe #6, Brenden Sangster, Timothy Joseph Seibert, Ann Marie Lee Traynor, Carl Barry Wood, Eddie Edmond Andrukaitis, Ruby Davis, Jennifer Schroeder, Joseph Shea employed by the (Department of National Defence), Stefanie Allard, Jake Daniel Boughner, Brent Carter, Brian Cobb, Laura Constantinescu, Sonia Dinu, Aldona Fedor, Jane Doe #7, Malorie Kelly, Matthew Stephen MacDonald, Mitchell Macintyre, Hertha McLendon, Marcel Mihailescu, Michael Munro, Sebastian Nowak, Diana Rodrigues, Natalie Holden, Adam Dawson Winchester, (Canada Border Services Agency), Christine Clouthier, Debbie Gray, Jennifer Penner, Dale Wagner, Joseph Ayoub, (Agriculture and Agri-food Canada), Jane Doe #8, (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency), Melanie DuFour, (Bank of Canada), Jennifer Auciello, Sharon Ann Joseph, Eric Munro, (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation), Jane Doe #9, (Canada Pension Plan), Natalie Boulard, Beata Bozek, John Doe #14, Nerin Andrea Carr, Sara Jessica Castro, Debbie (Dubravka) Cunko, Josée Cyr, Jane Doe #10, Carol Gaboury, Tania Gomes, Julita Grochocka, Monique Harris, William Hooker, Kirstin Houghton, Leila Kostyk, Michelle Lamarre, Nicolas LeBlond, Suana-Lee Leclair, Paulette Morissette, Jennifer Neave, Pierre-Alexandre Racine, Benjamin Russell, Robert Snowden, Aabid Thawer, Heidi Wiener, Svjetlana Zelenbaba, Nadia Zinck, Aaron James Thomas Shorrock, Deirdre McIntosh, (Canada Revenue Agency), Tamara Stammis, (Canada School of the Public Service), Jasmin Bourdon, (Canada Space Agency), Sharon Cunningham, Allen Lynden, Rory Matheson, (Canadian Coast Guard), Tatjana Coklin, John Doe #15, Raquel Delmas, Jane Doe #11, Chelsea Hayden, Helene Joannis, Zaklina Mazur, Jane Doe #12, Jessica Simpson, Katarina Smolkova, (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), Alexandre Charland, (Canadian Forestry Service), Catherine Provost, Kristina Martin, (Canadian Heritage), Jane Doe #13, (Canadian Institutes of Health Research), Beth Blackmore, Roxanne Lorrain, (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), Rémi Richer, (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission), Octavia La Prairie, (Canadian Security Intelligence Service), Robert Bestard, (City of Ottawa Garage Fed regulated), Kimberly Ann Beckert, (Core Public Service), Sarah Andreychuk, Francois Bellehumeur, Pamela Blaikie, Natasha Cairns, Angela Ciglenecki, Veronika Colnar, Randy Doucet, Kara Erickson, Jesse Forcier, Valérie Fortin, Roxane Gueutal, Melva Isherwood, Milo Johnson, Valeria Luedee, Laurie Lynden, Annette Martin, Craig McKay, Isabelle Methot, Samantha Osypchuk, Jane Doe #14, Wilnive Phanord, Alexandre Richer Levasseur, Kathleen Sawyer, Trevor Scheffel, (Correctional Service of Canada), Jordan St-Pierre, (Courts Administration Service), Brigitte Surgue, Jane Doe #15, (Department of Canadian Heritage), Ghislain Cardinal, Heather Halliday, Paul Marten, Celine Rivier, Ngozi Ukwu, Jeannine Bastarache, Jane Doe #16, Hamid Naghdian-Vishteh, (Department of Fisheries and Ocean), Ishmael Gay-Labbe, Jane Doe #17, Leanne James, (Department of Justice), Danielle Barabe-Bussieres, (Elections Canada), Tanya Daechert, Jane Doe #18, Francois Arseneau, Chantal Authier, Nathalie Benoit, Aerie Biafore, Rock Briand, Arnaud Brien-Thiffault, Sharon Chiu, Michel Daigle, Brigitte Daniels, Louise Gaudreault, Karrie Gevaert, Mark Gevaert, Peter Iversen, Derrik Lamb, Jane Doe #19, Anna Marinic, Divine Masabarakiza, James Mendham, Michelle Marina Micko, Jean Richard, Stephanie Senecal, Jane Doe #20, Ryan Sewell, Kari Smythe, Olimpia Somesan, Lloyd Swanson, Tyrone White, Elissa Wong, Jenny Zambelas, Li yang Zhu, Patrice Lever, (Employment and Social Developement Canada), Jane Doe #21, Brian Philip Crenna, Jane Doe #22, Bradley David Hignell, Andrew Kalteck, Dana Kellett, Josée Losier, Kristin Mensch, Elsa Mouana, Jane Doe #23, Jane Doe #24, Valentina Zagorenko, (Environment and Climate Change Canada), Pierre Trudel, (Export Development Canada), Stephen Alan Colley, (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario), Vladimir Raskovic, (Garda Security Screeing Inc), Mélanie Borgia, Jonathan Kyle Smith, Donna Stainfield, Annila Tharakan, Renee Michiko Umezuki, (Global Affairs Canada), Dennis Johnson, (Global Container Terminals Canada), Alexandre Guilbeault, Tara (Maria) McDonough, France Vanier, (Government of Canada), Alex Braun, Marc Lescelleur Paquette, (House of Commons), Aimee Legault, (Human Resource Branch), Dorin Andrei Boboc, Jane Doe #25, Sophie Guimard, Elisa Ho, Kathy Leal, Caroline Legendre, Diana Vida, (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada), Nathalie Joanne Gauthier, (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada), Christine Bizier, Amber Dawn Kletzel, Verona Lipka, Kerry Spears, (Indigenous Services Canada), Sun-Ho Paul Je, (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada), Giles Roy, (National Film Board of Canada), Ray Silver, Michelle Dedyulin, Letitia Eakins, Julie-Anne Kleinschmit, Marc-Andre Octeau, Hugues Scholaert, (National Research Council Canada), Felix Beauchamp, (National Security and Intelligence Review Agency), Julia May Brown, Caleb Lam, Stephane Leblanc, Serryna Whiteside, (Natural Resources Canada), Nicole Hawley, Steeve L’italien, Marc Lecocq, Tony Mallet, Sandra McKenzie, (NAV Canada), Muhammad Ali, (Office of the Auditor General of Canada), Ryan Rogers, (Ontario Northland Transportation Commission), Theresa Stene, Michael Dessureault, John Doe #16, (Parks Canada), Charles-Alexandre Beauchemin, Brett Oliver, (Parliamentary Protection Service), Carole Duford, (Polar Knowledge Canada), Joanne Gabrielle de Montigny, Ivana Eric, Jane Doe #26, Salyna Legare, Jane Doe #27, Angie Richardson, Jane Doe #28, (Public Health Agency of Canada), Fay Anne Barber, (Public Safety Canada), Denis Laniel, (Public Sector Pension Investment Board), Kathleen Elizabeth Barrette, Sarah Bedard, Mario Constantineau, Karen Fleury, Brenda Jain, Megan Martin, Jane Doe #29, Isabelle Paquette, Richard Parent, Roger Robert Richard, Nicole Sincennes, Christine Vessia, Jane Doe #30, Pamela McIntyre, (Public Services and Procurement Canada), Isabelle Denis, (Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada), Jane Bartmanovich, (Royal Canadian Mint), Nicole Brisson, (Service Canada), Denis Audet, Mathieu Essiambre, Alain Hart, Andrea Houghton, Natalia Kwiatek, Dany Levesque, David McCarthy, Pascal Michaud, Mervi Pennanen, Tonya Shortill, Stephanie Tkachuk, Marshall Wright, (Shared Services Canada), Eve Marie Blouin-Hudon, Marc Antoine Boucher, Christopher Huszar, (Statistics Canada), Steve Young, (Telestat Canada), Nathan Aligizakis, Stephen Daniel, Alain Douchant, Krystal McColgan, Debbie Menard, Clarence Ruttle, Dorothy Barron, Robert McLachlan, (Transport Canada), Scott Erroll Henderson, Denis Theriault, (Treasury Board of Canada), Josiane Brouillard, Alexandra McGrath, Nathalie Ste-Croix, Jane Doe #31, (Veterans Affairs Canada), Olubusayo (Busayo) Ayeni, John Doe #17, Cynthia Bauman, Jane Doe #32, Laura Crystal Brown, Ke(Jerry) Cai, Nicolino Campanelli, Donald Keith Campbell, Colleen Carder, Kathy Carriere, Melissa Carson, David Clark, Bradley Clermont, Laurie Coelho, Estee Costa, Antonio Da Silva, Brenda Darvill, Patrick Davidson, Eugene Davis, Leah Dawson, Marc Fontaine, Jacqueline Genaille, Eldon Goossen, Joyce Greenaway, Lori Hand, Darren Hay, Krista Imiola, Catherine Kanuka, Donna Kelly, Benjamin Lehto, Anthony Leon, Akemi Matsumiya, Jane Doe #33, Jane Doe #34, Jane Doe #35, Anne Marie McQuaid-Snider, Lino Mula, Pamela Opersko, Gabriel Paquet, Christine Paquette, Carolin Jacqueline Paris, Jodie Price, Kevin Price, Giuseppe Quadrini, Saarah Quamina, Shawn Rossiter, Anthony Rush, Anthony Shatzko, Charles Silva, Ryan Simko, Norman Sirois, Brandon Smith, Catharine Spiak, Sandra Stroud, Anita Talarian, Daryl Toonk, Ryan Towers, Leanne Verbeem, Eran Vooys, Robert Wagner, Jason Weatherall, Melanie Burch, Steven Cole, Toni Downie, Jodi Stammis, (Canada Post), Nicolas Bell, John Doe #18, John Doe #19, Jane Doe #36, John Doe #20, Paola Di Maddalena, Nathan Dodds, John Doe #21, Jane Doe #37, Nunzio Giolti, Mario Girard, Jane Doe #38, Jane Doe #39, You Hui Kim, Jane Doe #40, Sebastian Korak, Ada Lai, Mirium Lo, Melanie Mailloux, Carolyn Muir, Patrizia Paba, Radu Rautescu, Aldo Reano, Jacqueline Elisabeth Robinson, John Doe #22, Frederick Roy, John Doe #23, Taeko Shimamura, Jason Sisk, Beata Sosin, Joel Szostak, Mario Tcheon, Rebecca Sue Thiessen, Jane Doe #41, Maureen Yearwood, (Air Canada), John Doe #24, Josée Demeule, Jacqueline Gamble, Domenic Giancola, Sadna Kassan, Marcus Steiner, Christina Trudeau, (Air Canada Jazz), John Doe #25, Emilie Despres, (Air Inuit), Rejean Nantel, (Bank of Montreal), Lance Victor Schilka, (BC Coast Pilots Ltd), Elizabeth Godler, (BC Ferries), John Doe #26, Jane Doe #42, Tamara Davidson, Jane Doe #43, Brad Homewood, Chad Homewood, Charles Michael Jefferson, John Doe #27, Janice Laraine Kristmanson, Jane Doe #44, Darren Louis Lagimodiere, John Doe #28, John Doe #29, Mirko Maras, John Doe #30, John Doe #31, John Doe #32, John Doe #33, John Doe #34, Jane Doe #45, John Doe #35, Kendal Stace-Smith, John Doe #36, Steve Wheatley, (British Columbia Maritime Employers Association), Paul Veerman, (Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions), Mark Barron, Trevor Bazilewich, John Doe #37, Brian Dekker, John Gaetz, Ernest Georgeson, Kyle Kortko, Richard Letain, John Doe #38, Dale Robert Ross, (Canadian National Railway), Tim Cashmore, Rob Gebert, Micheal Roger Mailhiot, (Canadian Pacific Railway), Karin Lutz, (DP World), Crystal Smeenk, (Farm Credit Canada), Sylvie M.F. Gelinas, Susie Matias, Stew Williams, (G4S Airport Screening), Shawn Corman, (Geotech Aviation), Juergen Bruschkewitz, Andre Deveaux, Bryan Figueira, David Spratt, Guy Hocking, Sean Grant, (Greater Toronto Airports Authority), Dustin Blair, (Kelowna Airport Fire Fighter), Hans Peter Liechti, (National Art Centre), Bradley Curruthers, Lana Douglas, Eric Dupuis, Sherri Elliot, Roben Ivens, Jane Doe #46, Luke Van Hoekelen, Kurt Watson, (Ontario Power Generation), Theresa Stene, Michael Dessureault, Adam Pidwerbeski, (Parks Canada), John Doe #39, (Pacific Pilotage Authority), Angela Gross, (Purolator Inc.), Gerhard Geertsema, (Questral Helicopters), Amanda Randall, Jane Doe #47, Frank Veri, (RBC Royal Bank), James (Jed) Forsman, (Rise Air), Jane Doe #48, (Rogers Communications Inc), Jerrilynn Rebeyka, (SaskTel), Eileen Fahlman, Mary Treichel, (Scotiabank), Judah Gaelan Cummins, (Seaspan Victoria Docks), Darin Watson, (Shaw), Richard Michael Alan Tabak, (SkyNorth Air Ltd), Deborah Boardman, Michael Brigham, (Via Rail Canada), Kevin Scott Routly, (Wasaya Airways), Bryce Sailor, (Waterfront Employers of British Columbia), Joseph Bayda, Jamie Elliott, John Doe #40, Randall Mengering, Samantha Nicastro, Veronica Stephens, Jane Doe #49, (WestJet) and Melvin Gerein, (Westshore Terminals) v. His Majesty the King, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland, Chief Medical Officer Teresa Tam, Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra, Deputy Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino, Johns and Janes Doe (Fed.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41415)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal, Number A-67-23, 2024 FCA 106, dated June 7, 2024, is dismissed with costs.
Serge Lapierre v. Pareclemco inc. and Clément Pépin (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41419)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Quebec (Montréal), Number 500-09-031037-245, 2024 QCCA 758, dated June 10, 2024, is dismissed.
Kevin Mark Clarke (on behalf of the people) v. City of Toronto (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41436)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Number COA-23-CV-1333, 2024 ONCA 567, dated July 15, 2024, is dismissed.
Harry Mansuy v. Hubert Larose - and - Conseil d’arbitrage des comptes des avocats du Barreau du Québec (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41460)
The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Quebec (Montréal), Number 500-09-030974-240, 2024 QCCA 866, dated June 28, 2024, is dismissed.
Le 30 janvier 2025
Marc Gauthier c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Ont.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (41513)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel de l’Ontario, numéro C68998, 2024 ONCA 621, daté du 20 août 2024, est rejetée.
Edwin George-El c. Nicolson Poussard, Martine Garon, Protection de la jeunesse (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41391)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour supérieure du Québec, numéro 500-17-123993-233, daté du 20 juin 2023, est cassée en vertu de l’art. 44 de la Loi sur la Cour suprême.
Éric Benoit et Richard Duff c. Groupe CRH Canada inc., et Bau-Val inc. (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41406)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel du Québec (Montréal), numéro 500-09-030117-220, 2024 QCCA 703, daté du 30 mai 2024, est rejetée avec dépens en faveur de l’intimée Groupe CRH Canada inc.
Marguerite Crete c. La Société de Logement Communautaire d’Ottawa (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41428)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel de l’Ontario, numéro COA-23-CV-1209, 2024 ONCA 459, daté du 11 juin 2024, est rejetée avec dépens.
Sirajali Jafarali Gadhia c. Ilan Gewurz (Nuntip Deux inc.) (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41467)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel du Québec (Montréal), numéro 500-09-700267-248, 2024 QCCA 1025, daté du 8 août 2024, est rejetée.
Karen Adelberg, Matthew Anderson, Wyatt George Baiton, Paul Barzu, Neil Bird, Curtis Bird, Beau Bjarnason, Lacey Blair, Mark Bradley, John Doe #1, Daniel Bulford, John Doe #2, Shawn Carmen, John Doe #3, Jonathan Corey Chaloner, Cathleen Collins, Jane Doe #1, John Doe #4, Kirk Cox, Chad Cox, Neville Dawood, Richard de Vos, Mike Desson, Jane Doe #2, Stephane Drouin, Sylvie Filteau, Kirk Fisler, Thor Forseth, Glen Gabruch, Brett Garneau, Tracy Lynn Gates, Kevin Gien, Jane Doe #3, Warren Green, Jonathan Griffioen, Rohit Hannsraj, Kaitlyn Hardy, Sam Hilliard, Richard Huggins, Lynne Hunka, Joseph Isliefson, Leposava Jankovic, John Doe #5, Pamela Johnston, Eric Jones Gatineau, Annie Joyal, John Doe #6, Marty (Martha) Klassen, John Doe #7, John Doe #8, John Doe #9, Ryan Koskela, Jane Doe #4, Julians Lazoviks, Jason Lefebvre, Kirsten Link, Morgan Littlejohn, John Doe #10, Diane Martin, John Doe #11, Richard Mehner, Celine Moreau, Robin Morrison, Morton Ng, Gloria Norman, Steven O’Doherty, David Obirek, John Robert Queen, Nicole Quick, Ginette Rochon, Louis Marie Roy, Emad Sadr, Matt Silver, Jinjer Snider, Maureen Stein, John Doe #12, John Doe #13, Robert Tumbas, Kyle Van de Sype, Chantelle Vien, Joshua (Josh) Vold, Carla Walker, Andrew Wedlock, Jennifer Wells, John Wells, Melanie Williams, David George John Wiseman, Daniel Young, Gratchen Grison, (Agents pour la Gendarmerie royale du Canada), Nicole Auclair, Michael Baldock, Sabrina Baron, William Dean Booth, Charles Borg, Marie-Ève Caron, Thomas Dalling, Joseph Israel Marc Eric De Lafontaine, Ricardo Green, Jordan Hartwig, Rodney Howes, Christopher Mark Jacobson, Jane Doe #5, Pascal Legendre, Kimberly Lepage, Kim MacDonald, Cindy Mackay, Kim Martin-McKay, David Mason, Alexandra Katrina Moir, Joseph Daniel Eric Montgrain, Radoslaw Niedzielski, Leanna June Nordman, Donald Poole, Edward Dominic Power, Norman L. Reed, Jane Doe #6, Brenden Sangster, Timothy Joseph Seibert, Ann Marie Lee Traynor, Carl Barry Wood, Eddie Edmond Andrukaitis, Ruby Davis, Jennifer Schroeder, Joseph Shea employé par la (Défense nationale), Stefanie Allard, Jake Daniel Boughner, Brent Carter, Brian Cobb, Laura Constantinescu, Sonia Dinu, Aldona Fedor, Jane Doe #7, Malorie Kelly, Matthew Stephen MacDonald, Mitchell Macintyre, Hertha McLendon, Marcel Mihailescu, Michael Munro, Sebastian Nowak, Diana Rodrigues, Natalie Holden, Adam Dawson Winchester, (Agence des services frontaliers du Canada), Christine Clouthier, Debbie Gray, Jennifer Penner, Dale Wagner, Joseph Ayoub, (Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada), Jane Doe #8, (Agence de promotion économique du Canada atlantique), Melanie DuFour, (Banque du Canada), Jennifer Auciello, Sharon Ann Joseph, Eric Munro, (Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement), Jane Doe #9, (Régime de pensions du Canada), Natalie Boulard, Beata Bozek, John Doe #14, Nerin Andrea Carr, Sara Jessica Castro, Debbie (Dubravka ) Cunko, Josée Cyr, Jane Doe #10, Carol Gaboury, Tania Gomes, Julita Grochocka, Monique Harris, William Hooker, Kirstin Houghton, Leila Kostyk, Michelle Lamarre, Nicolas LeBlond, Suana-Lee Leclair, Paulette Morissette, Jennifer Neave, Pierre Alexandre Racine, Benjamin Russell, Robert Snowden, Aabid Thawer, Heidi Wiener, Svjetlana Zelenbaba, Nadia Zinck, Aaron James Thomas Shorrock, Deirdre McIntosh, (Agence du revenu du Canada), Tamara Stammis, (École de la fonction publique du Canada), Jasmin Bourdon, (Agence spatiale Canadienne), Sharon Cunningham, Allen Lynden, Rory Matheson, (Garde côtière canadienne), Tatjana Coklin, John Doe #15, Raquel Delmas, Jane Doe #11, Chelsea Hayden, Helene Joannis, Zaklina Mazur, Jane Doe #12, Jessica Simpson, Katarina Smolkova, (Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments), Alexandre Charland, (Service canadien des forêts), Catherine Provost, Kristina Martin, (Patrimoine canadien), Jane Doe #13, (Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada), Beth Blackmore, Roxanne Lorrain, (Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire), Rémi Richer, (Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes), Octavia La Prairie, (Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité), Robert Bestard, (Ville d’Ottawa assujettie à la réglementation fédérale), Kimberly Ann Beckert, (Core Public Service), Sarah Andreychuk, Francois Bellehumeur, Pamela Blaikie, Natasha Cairns, Angela Ciglenecki, Veronika Colnar, Randy Doucet, Kara Erickson, Jesse Forcier, Valérie Fortin, Roxane Gueutal, Melva Isherwood, Milo Johnson, Valeria Luedee, Laurie Lynden, Annette Martin, Craig McKay, Isabelle Methot, Samantha Osypchuk, Jane Doe #14, Wilnive Phanord, Alexandre Richer Levasseur, Kathleen Sawyer, Trevor Scheffel, (Service correctionnel Canada), Jordan St-Pierre, (Service administratif des tribunaux judiciaires), Brigitte Surgue, Jane Doe #15, (Patrimoine canadien), Ghislain Cardinal, Heather Halliday, Paul Marten, Celine Rivier, Ngozi Ukwu, Jeannine Bastarache, Jane Doe #16, Hamid Naghdian-Vishteh, (Pêches et Océans Canada), Ishmael Gay-Labbe, Jane Doe #17, Leanne James, (Ministère de la Justice), Danielle Barabe-Bussieres, (Élections Canada), Tanya Daechert, Jane Doe #18, Francois Arseneau, Chantal Authier, Nathalie Benoit, Aerie Biafore, Rock Briand, Arnaud Brien Thiffault, Sharon Chiu, Michel Daigle, Brigitte Daniels, Louise Gaudreault, Karrie Gevaert, Mark Gevaert, Peter Iversen, Derrik Lamb, Jane Doe #19, Anna Marinic, Divine Masabarakiza, James Mendham , Michelle Marina Micko, Jean Richard, Stephanie Senecal, Jane Doe #20, Ryan Sewell, Kari Smythe, Olimpia Somesan, Lloyd Swanson, Tyrone White, Elissa Wong, Jenny Zambelas, Li yang Zhu, Patrice Lever, (Emploi et Développement social Canada), Jane Doe #21, Brian Philip Crenna, Jane Doe #22, Bradley David Hignell, Andrew Kalteck, Dana Kellett, Josée Losier, Kristin Mensch, Elsa Mouana, Jane Doe #23, Jane Doe #24, Valentina Zagorenko, (Environnement et Changement climatique Canada), Pierre Trudel, (Exportation et développement Canada), Stephen Alan Colley, (Agence fédérale de développement économique pour le sud de l'Ontario), Vladimir Raskovic, (Garda Security Screeing Inc), Mélanie Borgia, Jonathan Kyle Smith, Donna Stainfield, Annila Tharakan, Renee Michiko Umezuki, (Affaires mondiales Canada), Dennis Johnson, (Terminaux de conteneurs mondiaux Canada), Alexandre Guilbeault, Tara (Maria) McDonough, France Vanier, (Gouvernement du Canada), Alex Braun, Marc Lescelleur-Paquette, (Chambre des communes), Aimee Legault, (Direction générale des ressources humaines), Dorin Andrei Boboc, Jane Doe #25, Sophie Guimard, Elisa Ho, Kathy Leal, Caroline Legendre, Diana Vida, (Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada), Nathalie Joanne Gauthier, (Affaires autochtones et du Nord Canada), Christine Bizier, Amber Dawn Kletzel, Verona Lipka, Kerry Spears, (Services aux autochtones Canada), Sun-Ho Paul Je, (Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada), Giles Roy, (Office national du film du Canada), Ray Silver, Michelle Dedyulin, Letitia Eakins, Julie Anne Kleinschmit, Marc Andre Octeau, Hugues Scholaert, (Conseil national de recherches Canada), Felix Beauchamp, (Office de surveillance des activités en matière de sécurité nationale et de renseignement), Julia May Brown, Caleb Lam, Stephane Leblanc, Serryna Whiteside, (Ressources naturelles Canada), Nicole Hawley, Steeve L’italien, Marc Lecocq, Tony Mallet, Sandra McKenzie, (NAV Canada), Muhammad Ali, (Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada), Ryan Rogers, (Commission de transport Ontario Northland), Theresa Stene, Michael Dessureault, John Doe #16, (Parcs Canada), Charles-Alexandre Beauchemin, Brett Oliver, (Service de protection parlementaire), Carole Duford, (Savoir polaire Canada), Joanne Gabrielle de Montigny, Ivana Eric, Jane Doe #26, Salyna Legare, Jane Doe #27, Angie Richardson, Jane Doe #28, (Agence de la santé publique du Canada), Fay Anne Barber, (- Sécurité publique Canada), Denis Laniel, (Office d’investissement des régimes de pensions du secteur public), Kathleen Elizabeth Barrette, Sarah Bedard, Mario Constantineau, Karen Fleury, Brenda Jain, Megan Martin, Jane Doe #29, Isabelle Paquette, Richard Parent, Roger Robert Richard, Nicole Sincennes, Christine Vessia, Jane Doe #30, Pamela McIntyre, (Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada), Isabelle Denis, (Registraire de la Cour suprême du Canada), Jane Bartmanovich, (Monnaie royale canadienne), Nicole Brisson, (Service Canada), Denis Audet, Mathieu Essiambre, Alain Hart, Andrea Houghton, Natalia Kwiatek, Dany Levesque, David McCarthy, Pascal Michaud, Mervi Pennanen, Tonya Shortill, Stephanie Tkachuk, Marshall Wright, (Services partagés Canada), Eve Marie Blouin-Hudon, Marc Antoine Boucher, Christopher Huszar, (Statistique Canada), Steve Young, (Télésat Canada), Nathan Aligizakis, Stephen Daniel, Alain Douchant, Krystal McColgan, Debbie Menard, Clarence Ruttle, Dorothy Barron, Robert McLachlan, (Transports Canada), Scott Erroll Henderson, Denis Theriault, (Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada), Josiane Brouillard, Alexandra McGrath, Nathalie Ste-Croix, Jane Doe #31, (Anciens Combattants Canada), Olubusayo (Busayo) Ayeni, John Doe #17, Cynthia Bauman, Jane Doe #32, Laura Crystal Brown, Ke(Jerry) Cai, Nicolino Campanelli, Donald Keith Campbell, Colleen Carder, Kathy Carriere, Melissa Carson, David Clark, Bradley Clermont, Laurie Coelho, Estee Costa, Antonio Da Silva, Brenda Darvill, Patrick Davidson, Eugene Davis, Leah Dawson, Marc Fontaine, Jacqueline Genaille, Eldon Goossen, Joyce Greenaway, Lori Hand, Darren Hay, Krista Imiola, Catherine Kanuka, Donna Kelly, Benjamin Lehto, Anthony Leon, Akemi Matsumiya, Jane Doe #33, Jane Doe #34, Jane Doe #35, Anne Marie McQuaid-Snider, Lino Mula, Pamela Opersko, Gabriel Paquet, Christine Paquette, Carolin Jacqueline Paris, Jodie Price, Kevin Price, Giuseppe Quadrini, Saarah Quamina, Shawn Rossiter, Anthony Rush, Anthony Shatzko, Charles Silva, Ryan Simko, Norman Sirois, Brandon Smith, Catharine Spiak, Sandra Stroud, Anita Talarian, Daryl Toonk, Ryan Towers, Leanne Verbeem, Eran Vooys, Robert Wagner, Jason Weatherall, Melanie Burch, Steven Cole, Toni Downie, Jodi Stammis, (Postes Canada), Nicolas Bell, John Doe #18, John Doe #19, Jane Doe #36, John Doe #20, Paola Di Maddalena, Nathan Dodds, John Doe #21, Jane Doe #37, Nunzio Giolti, Mario Girard, Jane Doe #38, Jane Doe #39, You-Hui Kim, Jane Doe #40, Sebastian Korak, Ada Lai, Mirium Lo, Melanie Mailloux, Carolyn Muir, Patrizia Paba, Radu Rautescu, Aldo Reano, Jacqueline Elisabeth Robinson, John Doe #22, Frederick Roy, John Doe #23, Taeko Shimamura, Jason Sisk, Beata Sosin, Joel Szostak, Mario Tcheon, Rebecca Sue Thiessen, Jane Doe #41, Maureen Yearwood, (Air Canada), John Doe #24, Josée Demeule, Jacqueline Gamble, Domenic Giancola, Sadna Kassan, Marcus Steiner, Christina Trudeau, (Air Canada Jazz), John Doe #25, Emilie Despres, (Air Inuit), Rejean Nantel, (Banque de Montréal), Lance Victor Schilka, (BC Coast Pilots Ltd), Elizabeth Godler, (BC Ferries), John Doe #26, Jane Doe #42, Tamara Davidson, Jane Doe #43, Brad Homewood, Chad Homewood, Charles Michael Jefferson, John Doe #27, Janice Laraine Kristmanson, Jane Doe #44, Darren Louis Lagimodiere, John Doe #28, John Doe #29, Mirko Maras, John Doe #30, John Doe #31, John Doe #32, John Doe #33, John Doe #34, Jane Doe #45, John Doe #35, Kendal Stace- Smith, John Doe #36, Steve Wheatley, (Association des employeurs maritimes de la Colombie-Britannique), Paul Veerman, (Brookfield solutions globales intégrées Canada), Mark Barron, Trevor Bazilewich, John Doe #37, Brian Dekker, John Gaetz, Ernest Georgeson, Kyle Kortko, Richard Letain, John Doe #38, Dale Robert Ross, (Compagnie des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada), Tim Cashmore, Rob Gebert, Micheal Roger Mailhiot, (Chemin de fer Canadien Pacifique), Karin Lutz, (DP World), Crystal Smeenk, (Financement agricole Canada), Sylvie M.F. Gelinas, Susie Matias, Stew Williams, (G4S Airport Screening), Shawn Corman, (Geotech Aviation), Juergen Bruschkewitz, Andre Deveaux, Bryan Figueira, David Spratt, Guy Hocking, Sean Grant, (Autorité aéroportuaire du Grand Toronto), Dustin Blair, (Pompier de l’aéroport de Kelowna), Hans-Peter Liechti, (Centre national des arts), Bradley Curruthers, Lana Douglas, Eric Dupuis, Sherri Elliot, Roben Ivens, Jane Doe #46, Luke Van Hoekelen, Kurt Watson, (Ontario Power Generation), Theresa Stene, Michael Dessureault, Adam Pidwerbeski, (Parcs Canada), John Doe #39, (Administration de pilotage du Pacifique Canada), Angela Gross, (Purolator Inc.), Gerhard Geertsema, (Questral Helicopters), Amanda Randall, Jane Doe #47, Frank Veri, (RBC Banque Royale), James (Jed) Forsman, (Rise Air), Jane Doe #48, (Rogers Communications Inc), Jerrilynn Rebeyka, (SaskTel), Eileen Fahlman, Mary Treichel, (Banque Scotia), Judah Gaelan Cummins, (Seaspan Victoria Docks), Darin Watson, (Shaw), Richard Michael Alan Tabak, (SkyNorth Air Ltd), Deborah Boardman, Michael Brigham, (Via Rail Canada), Kevin Scott Routly, (Wasaya Airways), Bryce Sailor, (Employeurs du secteur riverain de la Colombie-Britannique), Joseph Bayda, Jamie Elliott, John Doe #40, Randall Mengering, Samantha Nicastro, Veronica Stephens, Jane Doe #49, (WestJet) et Melvin Gerein, (Westshore Terminals) c. Sa Majesté le Roi, Premier ministre Justin Trudeau, Vice-première ministre et ministre des finances Chrystia Freeland, Administratrice en chef de la santé publique Teresa Tam, Ministre des transports Omar Alghabra, Sous-ministre de sécurité publique Marco Mendicino, Johns et Janes Doe (Féd.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41415)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel fédérale, numéro A-67-23, 2024 FCA 106, daté du 7 juin 2024, est rejetée avec dépens.
Serge Lapierre c. Pareclemco inc. et Clément Pépin (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41419)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel du Québec (Montréal), numéro 500-09-031037-245, 2024 QCCA 758, daté du 10 juin 2024, est rejetée.
Kevin Mark Clarke (on behalf of the people) c. City of Toronto (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41436)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel de l’Ontario, numéro COA-23-CV-1333, 2024 ONCA 567, daté du 15 juillet 2024, est rejetée.
Harry Mansuy c. Hubert Larose - et - Conseil d’arbitrage des comptes des avocats du Barreau du Québec (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41460)
La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel du Québec (Montréal), numéro 500-09-030974-240, 2024 QCCA 866, daté du 28 juin 2024, est rejetée.
January 24, 2025 / Le 24 janvier 2025
Motion to adduce new evidence |
Requête pour déposer de nouveaux éléments |
(Alta.) (41126)
UPON APPLICATION by the respondent, Paul Sheppard, for an order to adduce new evidence;
AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;
The motion to adduce new evidence is deferred to the panel hearing the appeal on April 23, 2025.
À LA SUITE DE LA DEMANDE de l’intimé, Paul Sheppard, pour obtenir l’autorisation de produire un nouvel élément de preuve;
ET APRÈS EXAMEN des documents déposés;
La requête pour obtenir l’autorisation de produire un nouvel élément de preuve est déférée à la formation de juge qui entendra l’appel le 23 avril 2025.
January 24, 2025 / Le 24 janvier 2025
Order to set aside order /re-open file |
Ordonnance pour l’annulation de l’ordonnance /la réouverture du dossier |
Christiane Jobin et Roger Couture c. Martin Hudon
(Qc) (41365)
ATTENDU QU’une ordonnance rejetant la présente demande d’autorisation d’appel à titre de demande abandonnée a été rendue le 12 décembre 2024 à la suite du préavis émis conformément au formulaire 64 des Règles de la Cour suprême du Canada qui avait été signifié aux parties;
ATTENDU QU’après vérification, le greffe de la Cour a confirmé que les demandeurs avaient signifié et déposé le document exigé dans le délai prévu.
L’ordonnance datée du 12 décembre 2024 rejetant la présente demande d’autorisation d’appel à titre de demande abandonnée est annulée.
Le dossier est réouvert et les documents déposés par les parties seront soumis à l’examen de la Cour.
WHEREAS an order dismissing this application for leave to appeal as abandoned was made on December 12, 2024, further to the notice of intention in Form 64 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada that had been served on the parties;
WHEREAS upon verification, the Registry of the Court has confirmed that the applicants had served and filed the required document within the specified time.
The order dated December 12, 2024, dismissing this application for leave to appeal as abandoned is set aside.
The file is reopened and the documents filed by the parties will be submitted to the Court for consideration.
January 29, 2025 / Le 29 janvier 2025
Motion for leave to intervene |
Ordonnance sur requête en autorisation d’intervention |
P.B. v. His Majesty the King
(Sask.) (41422)
UPON APPLICATION by the Attorney General of Ontario for leave to intervene in the above appeal;
AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;
The motion for leave to intervene is granted and the intervener shall be entitled to serve and file a factum not to exceed ten (10) pages in length, and a book of authorities, if any, on or before February 28, 2025.
The intervener is granted permission to present oral argument not exceeding five (5) minutes at the hearing of the appeal.
The appellant is granted permission to serve and file a factum in reply to the intervention not to exceed 5 pages in length on or before March 7, 2025.
The intervener is not entitled to raise new issues or to adduce further evidence or otherwise to supplement the record of the parties.
À LA SUITE DE LA DEMANDE du procureur général de l’Ontario en autorisation d’intervenir dans le présent appel;
ET APRÈS EXAMEN des documents déposés;
La requête en autorisation d’intervenir est accueillie et l’intervenant est autorisé à signifier et à déposer un mémoire d’au plus dix (10) pages, et un recueil de sources, le cas échéant, au plus tard le 28 février 2025.
L’intervenant est autorisé à présenter une plaidoirie orale d’au plus cinq (5) minutes lors de l’audition de l’appel.
L’appelant est autorisé à signifier et à déposer un mémoire en réponse à l’intervention d’au plus cinq (5) pages au plus tard le 7 mars 2025.
L’intervenant n’a pas le droit de soulever de nouvelles questions, de produire d’autres éléments de preuve ni de compléter de quelque autre façon le dossier des parties.
Conformément à l’alinéa 59(1)a) des Règles de la Cour suprême du Canada, l’intervenant paiera à l’appelant et à l’intimé tous dépens supplémentaires résultant de son intervention.
January 30, 2025 / Le 30 janvier 2025
Order on Motion to adduce further evidence |
Ordonnance pour déposer d’autres éléments de preuve |
Mohawk Council of Kanesatake v. Louis-Victor Sylvestre, et al.
(Que.) (41131)
UPON APPLICATION by the respondents for an order granting leave to adduce further evidence;
AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;
The motion is granted in part.
The respondents may adduce as supplementary evidence pages 24 and 34 of the transcript of the post-judgment examination of Grand Chief Serge Simon, held June 28, 2016, being part of Exhibit PS-1 to the Affidavit of Hélène Fuhr, affirmed January 7, 2025.
À LA SUITE DE LA DEMANDE des intimés en autorisation de produire de nouveaux éléments de preuve;
ET APRÈS EXAMEN des documents déposés;
La requête est accueillie en partie.
Les intimés sont autorisés à produire à titre d’éléments de preuve supplémentaires les pages 24 et 34 de la transcription de l’interrogatoire du grand chef Serge Simon mené après le prononcé du jugement, soit le 28 juin 2016, faisant partie de la pièce PS-1 jointe à l’affidavit d’Hélène Fuhr souscrit le 7 janvier 2025.
January 31, 2025
2025-02-11 – 2025-02-12 |
Kuldeep Kaur Ahluwalia v. Amrit Pal Singh Ahluwalia (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41061) |
2025-02-13 |
His Majesty the King v. Enrico Di-Paola (Que.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40777) |
2025-02-17 |
Ville de Sainte-Julie v. Investissements Laroda Inc. (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41036) |
2025-02-18 |
His Majesty the King v. Wayne Lester Singer (Sask.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (41090) |
2025-02-19 |
Roger Patrick Bilodeau v. His Majesty the King (Alta.) (Criminal) (As of Right) (41320) |
2025-02-20 |
Maxime Chicoine-Joubert v. His Majesty the King (Que.) (Criminal) (As of Right) (41262) |
Le 31 janvier 2025
2025-02-11 – 2025-02-12 |
Kuldeep Kaur Ahluwalia c. Amrit Pal Singh Ahluwalia (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41061) |
2025-02-13 |
Sa Majesté le Roi c. Enrico Di-Paola (Qc) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40777) |
2025-02-17 |
Ville de Sainte-Julie c. Investissements Laroda inc. (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41036) |
2025-02-18 |
Sa Majesté le Roi c. Wayne Lester Singer (Sask.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (41090) |
2025-02-19 |
Roger Patrick Bilodeau c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Alb.) (Criminelle) (De plein droit) (41320) |
2025-02-20 |
Maxime Chicoine-Joubert c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Qc) (Criminelle) (De plein droit) (41262) |
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18 sitting weeks / semaines séances de la Cour 85 sitting days / journées séances de la Cour |
Rosh Hashanah / Nouvel An juif Yom Kippur / Yom Kippour |
Court conference / Conférence de la Cour |
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9 Court conference days / jours de conférence de la Cour |
Orthodox Easter / Pâques orthodoxe Naw-Rúz |
Holiday / Jour férié |
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5 holidays during sitting days / jours fériés durant les séances |
Ridván |
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