
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                       TABLE DES MATIÈRES


Applications for leave to appeal                                                                                      800                                 Demandes d'autorisation d'appels

filed                                                                                                                                                                                                        produites


Applications for leave submitted                                                                                 801 - 806                                          Demandes soumises à la Cour depuis la

to Court since last issue                                                                                                                                                                  dernière parution


Oral hearing ordered                                                                                                          -                              Audience ordonnée


Oral hearing on applications for                                                                                -                                 Audience sur les demandes d'autorisation



Judgments on applications for                                                                                       807                                   Jugements rendus sur les demandes

leave                                                                                                                                                                                                     d'autorisation


Motions                                                                                                                                808 - 810                                          Requêtes


Notices of appeal filed since last                                                                                811                                 Avis d'appel produits depuis la dernière

issue                                                                                                                                                                           parution


Notices of intervention filed since                                                                                    -                                           Avis d'intervention produits depuis la

last issue                                                                                                                                                                                              dernière parution


Notices of discontinuance filed since                                                                              -                                 Avis de désistement produits depuis la

last issue                                                                                                                                                                                              dernière parution


Appeals heard since last issue and                                                                             812 - 813                                     Appels entendus depuis la dernière

disposition                                                                                                                                                                                           parution et résultat


Pronouncements of appeals reserved                                                                        814                                 Jugements rendus sur les appels en



Headnotes of recent judgments                                                                                  815 - 822                                     Sommaires des arrêts récents


Weekly agenda                                                                                                                     823                                 Ordre du jour de la semaine


Summaries of the cases                                                                                                      -                         Résumés des affaires


Cumulative Index ‐ Leave                                                                                             824 - 835                 Index cumulatif ‐ Autorisations


Cumulative Index ‐ Appeals                                                                                         836 - 838                                   Index cumulatif ‐ Appels


Appeals inscribed ‐ Session                                                                                                -                                 Pourvois inscrits ‐ Session

beginning                                                                                                                                                                  commençant le


Notices to the Profession and                                                                                            -                            Avis aux avocats et communiqué

Press Release                                                                                                                                                                                     de presse


Deadlines: Motions before the Court                                                                            839                                           Délais: Requêtes devant la Cour


Deadlines: Appeals                                                                                                              840                                        Délais: Appels


Judgments reported in S.C.R.                                                                                            841                                   Jugements publiés au R.C.S.





Edwin Pearson

Edwin Pearson


c. (24107)


Her Majesty The Queen (Qué.)

James L. Brunton

Dept. of Justice





Dimitry Bovbel

Lorne Waldman


v. (24108)


The Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.)

Barbara McIsaac, Q.C.

Dept. of Justice


FILING DATE  25.4.1994



Shelley Marie Wilson

James J. Vogel

Merchant Law Group


v. (24109)


Harold James Grassick (Sask.)

Elaine Husk

Elaine Husk Law Firm


FILING DATE  27.4.1994



Steve Webber

James O'Grady, Q.C.

O'Grady & Young


v. (24110)


Melvin Unruh (an infant by his guardian ad litem Gail Unruh, but now of full age) (B.C.)

Robert D. Gibbens

Laxton & Co.


FILING DATE  29.4.1994



Arthur Andersen, Inc. et al.

Brian Morris

Morris and Morris


v. (24111)


Toronto-Dominion Bank et al. (Ont.)

Laurence A. Pattillo

Tory, Tory, DesLauriers & Binnington


FILING DATE  3.5.1994


Lucille Dubé

Lucille Dubé


c. (24112)


Ville de Hull (Qué.)

Pierre Dallaire

Beaudry, Bertrand





Rempel Bros. Concrete Ltd.

Charles F. Willms

Russell & DuMoulin


v. (24118)


Corporation of the District of Chilliwack (B.C.)

Robert J. Bauman

Bull, Housser & Tupper


FILING DATE  28.4.1994



Robert Gerald Wessell

Norville T. Getty

Paul & Gaffney and Assoc.


v. (24119)


Her Majesty The Queen (N.S.)

Kenneth W.F. Fiske, Q.C.

Crown Prosecution Service


FILING DATE  4.5.1994









                                                                                                                                               MAY 10, 1994 / LE 10 MAI 1994





                                                                                                                                     Her Majesty the Queen


                                                                                                                                                    v. (24087)


                                                                                                                      Jatinderpal Singh Ubhi (Crim.)(B.C.)




Criminal law - Offences - Interpretation - Evidence - Mens rea - Respondent convicted of criminal negligence - New evidence sought to be adduced regarding Respondent's mental capacity - Test for admission of fresh evidence set out in Palmer v. The Queen, [1980] 1 S.C.R. 759 - Test for capacity set out in R. v. Creighton, [1993] 3 S.C.R. 3.




November 28, 1991

Supreme Court of British Columbia (Wong J.)


Convictions:  criminal negligence causing death and criminal negligence causing bodily harm




February 9, 1994

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Legg, Rowles and Finch JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed:  convictions set aside and new trial ordered




April 7, 1994

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






                                                                                                                                            Lawrence Quinn


                                                                                                                                                    v. (24075)


                                                                                                                                        Regina (Crim.)(B.C.)




Criminal law - Torts - Motor Vehicles - Offences - Evidence - Appeal - Absolute liability offence - Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c. 288 - Road construction - Temporary sign at intersection prohibiting left turns - Degree of visibility of sign.




September 14, 1992

Provincial Court of British Columbia (Taylor J.P.)


Conviction:  Disobeying a "no left turn" contrary to section 163(b) of the Motor Vehicle Act




December 11, 1992

Supreme Court of British Columbia (Hood J.)


Appeal dismissed




August 24, 1993

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Taggart J.A., in chambers)


Application for leave to appeal dismissed




April 6, 1994

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal and for an extension filed









                                                                                                             International Lottery Distributors Inc., 67164

                                                                                            Manitoba Limited, carrying on business under the firm name

                                                                                            and style of Capital Distribution Services, and Ray Velazquez


                                                                                                                                                    v. (24100)


                                                                                                          The Government of Manitoba, Western Lottery -

                                                                                         Manitoba Distributors Inc., The Manitoba Lotteries Foundation

                                                                                                       and Western Canada Lottery Corporation, formerly

                                                                                                                       Western Lottery Foundation (Man.)




Commercial law - Contracts - Damages - Costs - Lotteries - Whether promissory estoppel can be raised as a cause of action - Whether awarding of costs jointly against a co-Plaintiff whose claim involves a minor portion of the issues involved and was joined to the main action so as to avoid duplicity of actions is an improper exercise of judicial discretion without a finding of mala fides or other improper conduct - Whether all dealings between a private party and the government regarding lotteries constitute or involve illegal activities - Clarification of the legal status of arrangements between private parties and the government concerning lotteries.




April 1, 1992

Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba (Ferg J.)


Applicant's action for damages for breach of contract dismissed;  costs awarded against them.





July 8, 1992

Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba (Ferg J.)


Applicants' jointly and severally liable for costs




February 11, 1994

Court of Appeal of Manitoba (Huband, Philp and Lyon JJ.A.)


Appeal from costs dismissed




April 12, 1994

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed



                                                                                                                                           Henry A. Rasanen


                                                                                                                                                    v. (24084)


                                                                                                                              Rosemont Instruments (Ont.)




Labour law - Appeal - Estoppel - Labour Relations - Statutes - Interpretation - Issue estoppel - Wrongful dismissal - Constructive dismissal - Interpretation and application of the Employment Standards Act R.S.O. 1980 as amended - Parameters for common law concepts of wrongful and constructive dismissal with respect to geographic transfers.




June 22, 1989

Supreme Court of Ontario (Holland J.)


Wrongful dismissal action dismissed




February 10, 1994

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Morden, A.C.J.O., Carthy and Abella JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




April 6, 1994

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






                                                                                                                                              Miroslav Novak


                                                                                                                                                    v. (24083)


                                                                                                                              Marie Novak Pedersen (Alta.)




Family law - Divorce - Division of property - Maintenance - Whether the trial judge and Court of Appeal erred in making the division of property between the parties and awarding maintenance for the children of the marriage.




July 8, 1991

Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta (Conrad J.)


Divorce judgment granted




September 6, 1991

Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta (Sulatycky J.)


Order:  transfer of properties to Respondent;  Applicant to pay $125 monthly in child support




June 2, 1993

Court of Appeal of Alberta (McClung, Kerans and Rawlins JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




March 30, 1994

Supreme Court of Canada



Application for leave to appeal filed




                                                                                                                                              Georges Dupuy


                                                                                                                                                    c. (24088)


                                                                                                                         Sa Majesté la Reine (Crim.)(Qué.)




Droit criminel - Infractions - Interprétation - Procès - Preuve - Versions contradictoires des faits en litige - La Cour d'appel a-t-elle erré en droit en concluant que le juge de première instance n'avait commis aucune erreur dans l'appréciation de la preuve? - La Cour d'appel a-t-elle erré en droit en concluant que le juge de première instance n'avait commis aucune erreur quant à l'intention requise pour commettre l'infraction de proférer des menaces décrite à l'art. 264.1(1) a) du Code criminel , L.R.C. 1985, ch. C-46 ?




Le 24 avril 1992

Cour du Québec (chambre criminelle et pénale)

(Girouard j.c.q.)


Demandeur déclaré coupable d'avoir proféré des menaces




Le 15 février 1994

Cour d'appel du Québec (McCarthy, Chouinard et Steinberg jj.c.a.)


Pourvoi rejeté




Le 15 avril 1994

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée






                                                                                                                                     Mohamed Ou Hammou


                                                                                                                                                    c. (23990)


                                                                                          Ministère de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration (C.A.F.)(Qué.)




Immigration - Procédure - Recours - Brefs de prérogative - Contrôle judiciaire - Compétence - Jugements et ordonnances - Mandamus - Revendication du statut de réfugié - La section de première instance de la Cour fédérale a-t-elle erré en rejetant la demande du demandeur visant à obtenir l'autorisation de présenter une demande de contrôle judiciaire et ce, au motif de chose jugée? - Le demandeur peut-il présenter une demande d'autorisation d'appel devant cette Cour à l'encontre de cette décision? - Article 82.2 de la Loi sur l'immigration, L.R.C. (1985), ch. I-2.




Le 5 février 1992

Division de l'arbitrage et Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié (Section du statut de réfugié)


Revendication du statut de réfugié jugée sans minimum de fondement




Le 14 septembre 1993

Cour fédérale, section de première instance

(Tremblay-Lamer j.)


Demande d'autorisation pour introduire une demande de contrôle judiciaire rejetée




Le 14 avril 1994

Cour suprême du Canada (Cory j.)


Requête en prorogation de délai accordée




Le 18 avril 1994

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée






                                                                                                                                                    Rod Jazra


                                                                                                                                                    c. (24096)


                                                                                                                                Banque de Montréal (Qué.)




Droit commercial - Code civil - Banques et opérations bancaires - Contrats - Créancier et débiteur - Action de l'intimée en paiement des versements mensuels minimums dus par suite de l'utilisation d'une carte Master Card Or émise par l'intimée accueillie - La Cour d'appel du Québec a-t-elle commis une erreur en rejetant la requête du demandeur pour permission d'interjeter appel à la Cour d'appel?




Le 19 janvier 1994

Cour du Québec (Bilodeau J.C.Q.)


Action de l'intimée accueillie




Le 16 février 1994

Cour d'appel du Québec (Brassard J.C.A.)


Requête du demandeur pour permission d'appel rejetée




Le 14 avril 1994

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée






                                                                                                                                           Guillaume Kibale


                                                                                                                                                    c. (24082)


                                                                                                                        Sa Majesté La Reine (C.A.F.)(Qué.)




Responsabilité civile - Dommages-intérêts - Procédures - Prescription - Naissance de la cause d'action - Action en responsabilité en application de la Loi sur la responsabilité de la Couronne, S.R.C. 1970, ch. C-38 - Concours - Principe du mérite - Le demandeur se classe premier à la suite d'un examen visant à combler un poste d'économiste-analyste stratégique au ministère fédéral des Transports - Au moment de l'examen, il apprend que le concours vise également à combler deux autres postes à la direction de la planification des systèmes du ministère - À la suite d'une entrevue, aucun candidat n'est retenu pour le poste d'analyste et le demandeur ne s'est pas classé pour les deux autres postes - Le demandeur intente divers recours devant divers forums dont une action en responsabilité pour omission de l'intimée de le nommer à l'un des postes visés par le concours - Action rejetée en Section de première instance et en Cour d'appel fédérale - La Cour d'appel fédérale a-t-elle commis une erreur?




Le 2 novembre 1992

Cour fédérale, Section de première instance

(Dubé J.)


Action en dommages rejetée




Le 8 février 1994

Cour d'appel fédérale

(Marceau, Décary et Létourneau JJ.C.A.)


Appel rejeté




Le 8 avril 1994

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée












MAY 12, 1994 / LE 12 MAI 1994


23996            MAJOR A.G. JOHNSTONE v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crim.)(Ont.)


CORAM:      The Chief Justice and Cory and Iacobucci JJ.


The application for extension of time is granted and the application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande de prorogation de délai est accordée et la demande d'autorisation d'appel est rejetée.





Criminal law - Administrative Law - Jurisdiction - General Court Martial - Convening order rescinded and a new one issued - Whether a convening order is merely an administrative order and not judicial in nature - Whether Applicant should have be allowed to make submissions before rescission of convening order - Termination of proceedings.






CORAM:      The Chief Justice and Cory and Iacobucci JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d'autorisation d'appel est rejetée avec dépens.





Constitutional law - Indians - Highways - Road running through Shawanaga Indian Reserve used for years by members of the public - Road maintained by federal and provincial funds and by Shawanaga Band - Whether road through reserve is "common and public highway".








Before / Devant:  LE REGISTRAIRE


Requête en acceptation d'un mémoire de demande d'autorisation de plus de 20 pages


Guillaume Kibale


   c. (24082)


Sa Majesté La Reine (C.A.F.)(Qué.)


Motion for acceptance of memorandum of argument on leave to appeal over 20 pages


L'intimée ne s'objecte pas.













Before / Devant:  THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the response


Christie MacKay & Co.


   v. (24063)


Her Majesty The Queen (Man.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de signification et de production d'une réponse


With the consent of the parties.







GRANTED / ACCORDÉE  Time extended to April 28, 1994.






Before / Devant:  THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the response


Dean Baril


   v. (24035)


Monique Lorraine Liard et al. (Ont.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de signification et de production de la réponse


With the consent of the parties.







GRANTED / ACCORDÉE  Time extended to May 9, 1994.






Before / Devant:  THE REGISTRAR


Motion to file a 22-page response



International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District Lodge No. 692


    v. (24039)


United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 2736 et al. (B.C.)


Requête en production d'une réponse de 22 pages


With the consent of the parties.













Before / Devant:  MAJOR J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file an application for leave


Robert Gerald Wessell


   v. (24119)


Her Majesty The Queen (N.S.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de signification et de production d'une demande d'autorisation


With the consent of the parties.




GRANTED / ACCORDÉE  Time extended to May 16, 1994.






Before / Devant:  MAJOR J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the notice of appeal


William B. Stinchcombe


   v. (24117)


Her Majesty The Queen (Alta.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de signification et de production de l'avis d'appel


With the consent of the parties.




GRANTED / ACCORDÉE  Time extended to May 5, 1994.






Before / Devant:  THE REGISTRAR


Motion to file a factum notwithstanding the failure to comply with rule 37


D.S.H. and J.D.N.


   v. (23689)


Her Majesty The Queen (B.C.)


Requête en production d'un mémoire malgré l'omission de se conformer à la règle 37


With the consent of the parties.










Before / Devant:  MAJOR J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file an application for leave


Shelley Marie Wilson


   v. (24109)


Harold James Grassick (Sask.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de signification et de production de la demande d'autorisation


With the consent of the parties.







GRANTED / ACCORDÉE  Time extended to April 27, 1994.







Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the case on appeal and further extending the time to serve and file the appellant's factum




Verlie Ann Halcrow


   v. (23542)


Her Majesty The Queen (B.C.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de signification et de production du dossier d'appel et en prorogation supplémentaire du délai de signification et de production du mémoire de l'appelante


With the consent of the parties.













Derik Christopher Lord


v. (23943)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.)






David George Naugler


v. (24113)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.)








Hubert Patrick O'Connor


v. (24114)


Regina (Crim.)(B.C.)








Garnet White


v. (24115)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.)








Wayne Scott Crosby


v. (24116)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.)








William B. Stinchcombe


v. (24117)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.)







William Robert Doucet


v. (24120)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(Man.)













CORAM:      The Chief Justice Lamer and La Foret, L'Heureux-Dubé, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory and Iacobucci JJ.


Jacques Bilodeau et al.


    c. (23095)


Roland Boutin et al. (Qué.)


Dominique Jobin, pour les appelants.




Sylvie Poulin, pour les intimés.





LE JUGE EN CHEF (oralement) -- Malgré toute votre éloquence Me Poulin, nous sommes d'avis de prononcer notre jugement, séance tenante. J'invite M. le juge Iacobucci à énoncer les motifs au soutien de notre conclusion.



THE CHIEF JUSTICE (orally) -- Despite your eloquence, Ms. Poulin, we wish to render our judgment forthwith.  I would ask Mr. Justice Iacobucci to give the reasons for our conclusion.




LE JUGE IACOBUCCI -- Nous sommes tous d'avis d'accueillir ce pourvoi et de rétablir le jugement de première instance, avec dépens dans toutes les cours. Le juge du procès a correctement énoncé les critères d'une contrefaçon et les a adéquatement appliqués aux faits qu'il a constatés et au soutien desquels il y avait amplement de preuves. Quoique la Cour d'appel ait accepté ces critères et ces faits, elle y a erronément ajouté que la contrefaçon doit être une simple copie de l'original.


IACOBUCCI J. -- We are all of the view that this appeal should be allowed and the trial judgment restored, with costs throughout.  The trial judge correctly stated the criteria for infringing and applied them appropriately to the facts he found, in support of which there was ample evidence.  Although the Court of Appeal accepted these criteria and facts, it erroneously added thereto that the infringing must be a simple copy of the original.













CORAM:      The Chief Justice Lamer and La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


Her Majesty The Queen


   v. (23385)


M.L.M. (Crim.)(N.S.)


Robert C. Hagell and William Delaney, for the appellant.


Chantal Tie and Jean Whalen, for the intervener L.E.A.F.


M. Jane McClure and M. Jane Beeler, for the respondent.





THE CHIEF JUSTICE -- The appeal is allowed, the order of the Court of Appeal is set aside and the conviction is restored.  Mr. Justice Sopinka will give the reasons of the Court.


SOPINKA J. -- The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal from conviction on the ground that the decision of the trial judge was unreasonable and could not be supported by the evidence.  In our opinion, taking into account all of the circumstances including the evidence of the complainant which was accepted by the trial judge, we are of the view that there was evidence upon which a jury, properly instructed, could convict.  The trial judge was in the same position.  The majority of the Court of Appeal was in error in holding that a victim is required to offer some minimal word or gesture of objection and that lack of resistance must be equated with consent.




LE JUGE EN CHEF -- Le pourvoi est accueilli, l'ordonnance de la Cour d'appel est annulée et la déclaration de culpabilité est rétablie.  Le juge Sopinka exposera les motifs de la Cour.


LE JUGE SOPINKA -- La Cour d'appel a accueilli l'appel contre la déclaration de culpabilité pour le motif que la décision du juge du procès était déraisonnable et n'était pas appuyée par la preuve.  À notre avis, compte tenu de toutes les circonstances y compris la preuve de la plaignante qui a été acceptée par le juge du procès, il y avait des éléments de preuve à partir desquels un jury ayant reçu des directives appropriées et agissant de façon judiciaire pouvait raisonnablement prononcer un verdict de culpabilité.  Le juge du procès était dans la même situation.  La Cour d'appel à la majorité a commis une erreur en statuant qu'une victime doit opposer un minimum de résistance, par des paroles ou des gestes, et que l'absence de résistance équivaut à consentement.








Reasons for judgment are available




Les motifs de jugement sont disponibles



MAY 12, 1994 / LE 12 MAI 1994


23157            SCOTT JONES v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Crim.)(B.C.)


CORAM:      The Chief Justice and La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin, Iacobucci and Major JJ.                                                                            


The appeal is dismissed, the Chief Justice and Sopinka, Cory and Major JJ.  dissenting.


L'appel est rejeté.  Le Juge en chef et les juges Sopinka, Cory et Major sont dissidents.






CORAM:      The Chief Justice and La Forest, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin and Iacobucci JJ.


The appeal is dismissed.  No order is made as to costs.


L'appel est rejeté.  Il n'y aura pas d'adjudication de dépens.










Indexed as:  R. v. Jones / Répertorié:  R. c. Jones

Judgment rendered May 12, 1994 / Jugement rendu le 12 mai 1994

                                                                                                                                               Present:  Lamer C.J. and La Forest, L'Heureux‐Dubé, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


Criminal law ‐‐ Dangerous offenders ‐‐ Sexual offences ‐‐ Defence counsel requesting psychiatric assessment to determine whether accused mentally ill ‐‐ Accused later pleading guilty to sexual assault ‐‐ Trial judge finding accused to be dangerous offender on basis of pre‐trial psychiatric assessments ‐‐ Whether admission in evidence of results of pre‐trial psychiatric examinations violated accused's right against self‐incrimination ‐‐ Criminal Code, R.S.C., 1985, c. C‐46, ss. 537(1) (b), 755 .


Constitutional law ‐‐ Charter of Rights  ‐‐ Fundamental justice ‐‐ Right against self‐incrimination ‐‐ Defence counsel requesting psychiatric assessment to determine whether accused mentally ill ‐‐ Accused later pleading guilty to sexual assault ‐‐ Trial judge finding accused to be dangerous offender on basis of pre‐trial psychiatric assessments ‐‐ Whether admission in evidence of results of pre‐trial psychiatric examinations violated accused's right against self‐incrimination ‐‐ Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s. 7 .


Constitutional law ‐‐ Charter of Rights  ‐‐ Right to counsel ‐‐ Defence counsel requesting psychiatric assessment to determine whether accused mentally ill ‐‐ Accused later pleading guilty to sexual assault ‐‐ Trial judge finding accused to be dangerous offender on basis of pre‐trial psychiatric assessments ‐‐ Whether accused's right to counsel violated when he was not advised that psychiatric investigation could include observations with respect to his future dangerousness ‐‐ Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s. 10(b) .


The accused was convicted of rape, gross indecency and attempted rape of three girls in 1982 and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment.  In 1986, while on parole, he was charged with three counts of sexual assault with a weapon and three counts of unlawful confinement.  His counsel obtained an order under s. 537(1) (b) of the Criminal Code  remanding the accused into custody for observation to assess his mental state.  The accused was examined by two psychiatrists and one psychologist.  He was warned that whatever he told the psychiatrists could be used against him and might be included in a report to the court.  He was not specifically told, however, that what he said on the examination could be used to assist in determining whether he was a dangerous offender.  One psychiatrist told the accused that he had the right to refuse to answer questions and had the right to consult counsel prior to answering any questions.  The accused pleaded guilty to one count each of sexual assault and sexual assault with a weapon.  During the dangerous offender proceedings that followed, the trial judge held a voir dire to determine the admissibility of evidence from the two psychiatrists and the psychologist.  He rejected defence counsel's argument that admitting the evidence would violate the accused's rights under s. 7  of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms .  He declared the accused to be a dangerous offender and gave him an indeterminate sentence.  The Court of Appeal upheld the decision.


Held (Lamer C.J. and Sopinka, Cory and Major JJ. dissenting):  The appeal should be dismissed.


Per La Forest, L'Heureux‐Dubé, Gonthier, McLachlin and Iacobucci JJ.:  Where there is psychiatric evidence legally obtained pursuant to an order under s. 537(1)(b) of the Code relevant to assessing the extent of an offender's dangerousness, it should be admitted at the sentencing stage.  The results of the psychiatric observation are not used to "incriminate" the accused at his dangerous offender proceedings, since he has already been found guilty of the offence with which he was charged.  Once guilt has been established, the court places greater emphasis on the interests of society in developing a sentence that is appropriate to the guilty party.  As with all sentencing, both the public interest in safety and the general sentencing interest of developing the most appropriate penalty for the particular offender dictate the greatest possible range of information on which to make an accurate evaluation of the danger posed by the offender.  Dangerous offender sentencing allows the justice system to tailor more precisely the actual time served by the offender to the threat that he poses to society.  The overriding aim is not the punishment of the offender but the prevention of future violence through the imposition of an indeterminate sentence.  An indeterminate sentence is not an unlimited sentence:  the offender faces incarceration only for the period of time that he poses a serious risk to the safety of society.  To deny the court access to the earlier findings of the psychiatrists may hinder the effective determination of the true risk posed by the offender.  While it is true that under s. 753 the court may remand the offender for observation for the purposes of gathering evidence on his dangerous offender status, the offender may attempt to hide elements of his character or refuse to answer the psychiatrists' questions.  As a result, there is a real danger that evidence from the pre‐trial psychiatric evaluation which is excluded may not surface in the post‐trial phase.  While such an exclusion may be acceptable while the guilt of the accused is in question, it cannot be justified after his guilt has been established.


The accused's rights under s. 10( b )  of the Charter  were not violated during the psychiatric examinations.  Dangerous offender proceedings are part of the sentencing process, and it is the duty of counsel to make an accused aware of the possible sentence he will be facing as a result of being found guilty of a particular crime.  Given the accused's past record, counsel should have been aware that dangerous offender proceedings would likely be pursued by the Crown.  The accused requested the tests and was made aware that his statements could be used against him.  This general warning was sufficient.  Further, the accused was not entitled to a second opportunity to exercise his right to counsel.

Given that the examinations of the accused were designed to provide an assessment of his mental health, they fell within the parameters of the s. 537(1)(b) order made by the trial judge.  The evidence so obtained is covered by s. 755 and must be heard by the court on the dangerous offender application if, in the opinion of the court, it is relevant.  It is admissible under the Charter  and there is no basis for reading down s. 755.


Per Lamer C.J. and Sopinka, Cory and Major JJ. (dissenting):  Section 7  of the Charter  is engaged in this case because of the serious limitation of liberty inherent in dangerous offender proceedings.  This Court has recognized implicitly that the principle against self‐incrimination is a principle of fundamental justice.  The word "incriminate" in this context need not be equated with "tending to prove guilt of a criminal offence".  Even if dangerous offender proceedings are characterized as part of the sentencing process rather than as a separate proceeding with new penal consequences, the operation of the principle against self‐incrimination is by no means excluded.


Under s. 755 of the Code, in dangerous offender proceedings "the court shall hear the evidence of at least two psychiatrists and all other evidence that, in its opinion, is relevant".  A broad interpretation of this section allows evidence gathered from the accused during psychiatric observation ordered to determine if the accused is or was mentally ill to be used for the purposes of dangerous offender proceedings.  This allows for self‐incrimination and is thus not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.  It is irrelevant that the accused in this case requested the order remanding him into custody for observation.  The accused requested the order for purposes other than a dangerous offender proceeding.  Furthermore, s. 537 does not require the consent of the accused and therefore an order can be made under this section for observation against the wishes of the accused.  This is sufficient to constitute a limit on the s. 7 right to liberty.


The limitation on the right to liberty arising on a broad interpretation of s. 755 is not justified under s. 1  of the Charter .  While the objective of s. 755, which is to protect society from dangerous offenders, is a pressing and substantial concern in our society and is of sufficient importance to warrant limiting a constitutionally protected right or freedom, the means chosen to achieve this objective are unfair in the present case.  In order to benefit from the protection afforded by the principles of fundamental justice to the mentally ill against committal or an unfair trial, the accused should not be forced into incriminating him or herself for dangerous offender proceedings.  There is also more than minimal impairment of s. 7 here, since observation may be ordered under s. 756 of the Code, which has safeguards for the offender and therefore impairs the s. 7 rights less than s. 537(1)(b).  A remand order under s. 756 can only be made once the offender has been convicted, whereas a remand order under s. 537(1)(b) can be made before conviction.  The presumption of constitutionality approach to statutory interpretation dictates that s. 755 not be read as rendering evidence gathered during psychiatric observation ordered under s. 537(1)(b) admissible at dangerous offender proceedings.


APPEAL from a judgment of the British Columbia Court of Appeal (1992), 16 B.C.A.C. 161, 28 W.A.C. 161, 75 C.C.C. (3d) 327, 11 C.R.R. (2d) 65, dismissing the accused's appeal against a sentence of indeterminate detention imposed by Spencer J. (1988), 6 W.C.B. (2d) 208.  Appeal dismissed, Lamer C.J. and Sopinka, Cory and Major JJ. dissenting.


Richard P. Anderson, Q.C., and G. D. McKinnon, for the appellant.


Alexander Budlovsky, for the respondent.


Solicitors for the appellant:  Richard P. Anderson and G. D. McKinnon, Vancouver.


Solicitor for the respondent:  The Ministry of the Attorney General, Vancouver.



Présents:  Le juge en chef Lamer et les juges La Forest, L'Heureux‐Dubé, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin, Iacobucci et Major.


Droit criminel ‐‐ Délinquants dangereux ‐‐ Infractions d'ordre sexuel ‐‐ Demande par l'avocat de la défense d'une évaluation psychiatrique afin de déterminer si l'accusé était atteint d'une maladie mentale ‐‐ Accusé plaidant par la suite coupable relativement à un chef d'agression sexuelle ‐‐ Juge du procès concluant que l'accusé est un délinquant dangereux sur la foi d'évaluations psychiatriques préalables au procès ‐‐ L'admission en preuve des résultats des examens psychiatriques préalables au procès a‐t‐elle violé le droit de l'accusé de ne pas s'incriminer? ‐‐ Code criminel, L.R.C. (1985), ch. C‐46, art. 537(1) b), 755 .


Droit constitutionnel ‐‐ Charte des droits ‐‐ Justice fondamentale ‐‐ Droit de ne pas s'incriminer ‐‐ Demande par l'avocat de la défense d'une évaluation psychiatrique afin de déterminer si l'accusé était atteint d'une maladie mentale ‐‐ Accusé plaidant par la suite coupable relativement à un chef d'agression sexuelle ‐‐ Juge du procès concluant que l'accusé est un délinquant dangereux sur la foi d'évaluations psychiatriques préalables au procès ‐‐ L'admission en preuve des résultats des examens psychiatriques préalables au procès a‐t‐elle violé le droit de l'accusé de ne pas s'incriminer? ‐‐ Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, art. 7 .


Droit constitutionnel ‐‐ Charte des droits ‐‐ Droit à l'assistance d'un avocat ‐‐ Demande par l'avocat de la défense d'une évaluation psychiatrique afin de déterminer si l'accusé était atteint d'une maladie mentale ‐‐ Accusé plaidant par la suite coupable relativement à un chef d'agression sexuelle ‐‐ Juge du procès concluant que l'accusé est un délinquant dangereux sur la foi d'évaluations psychiatriques préalables au procès ‐‐ Le droit de l'accusé à l'assistance d'un avocat a‐t‐il été violé du fait qu'on ne l'a pas avisé que l'examen psychiatrique pourrait inclure des observations sur sa dangerosité future? ‐‐ Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, art. 10b) .


En 1982, l'accusé a été reconnu coupable d'avoir commis des infractions de viol, de grossière indécence et de tentative de viol contre trois fillettes et il a été condamné à cinq ans de prison.  En 1986, alors qu'il était en liberté conditionnelle, il a fait l'objet de trois chefs d'agression sexuelle armée et de trois chefs de séquestration.  Son avocat a obtenu que soit rendue, conformément à l'al. 537(1) b) du Code criminel , une ordonnance renvoyant l'accusé sous garde pour observation afin d'évaluer son état mental.  L'accusé a été examiné par deux psychiatres et un psychologue.  Il a été averti que tout ce qu'il dirait aux psychiatres pourrait être utilisé contre lui et être inclus dans un rapport destiné à la cour.  Toutefois, on ne lui a pas dit expressément que ce qu'il dirait lors de l'examen pourrait servir à déterminer s'il était un délinquant dangereux.  Un psychiatre a expliqué à l'accusé qu'il avait le droit de ne pas répondre aux questions et de consulter un avocat avant de répondre à quelque question que ce soit.  L'accusé a plaidé coupable relativement à un chef d'agression sexuelle et à un chef d'agression sexuelle armée.  Pendant les procédures qui ont été engagées par la suite en vue de déterminer si l'accusé était un délinquant dangereux, le juge du procès a tenu un voir‐dire portant sur l'admissibilité de la preuve émanant des deux psychiatres et du psychologue.  Il a rejeté l'argument de l'avocat de la défense selon lequel l'admission de cette preuve porterait atteinte aux droits que garantissait à l'accusé l'art. 7  de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés .  Le juge du procès a déclaré l'accusé  délinquant dangereux et lui a infligé une peine de durée indéterminée.  La Cour d'appel a confirmé cette décision.


Arrêt (le juge en chef Lamer et les juges Sopinka, Cory et Major sont dissidents):  Le pourvoi est rejeté.


Les juges La Forest, L'Heureux‐Dubé, Gonthier, McLachlin et Iacobucci:  Lorsqu'on dispose d'une preuve psychiatrique qui a été légalement obtenue en exécution d'une ordonnance fondée sur l'al. 537(1)b) du Code et qui est pertinente pour apprécier la dangerosité du délinquant, cette preuve devrait être admise à l'étape de la détermination de la peine.  Les résultats de l'observation psychiatrique ne servent pas à *incriminer+ l'accusé lors des procédures visant à déterminer s'il est un délinquant dangereux, puisqu'il a déjà été reconnu coupable de l'infraction qui lui était reprochée.  Une fois la culpabilité établie, la cour tient davantage compte des intérêts de la société en décidant de la peine appropriée pour le coupable.  Comme c'est toujours le cas en matière de détermination de la peine, l'intérêt public en matière de sécurité ainsi que l'intérêt général à ce que soit fixée la peine la plus appropriée pour le délinquant en question exigent que l'on dispose de la plus grande gamme possible de renseignements pour faire une évaluation exacte du danger que présente le délinquant.  Le processus de détermination de la peine à infliger à un délinquant dangereux permet au système de justice de fixer plus exactement la peine que devra effectivement purger le délinquant en fonction de la menace qu'il représente pour la société.  L'objet prépondérant est non pas de punir le délinquant, mais de prévenir l'accomplissement de futurs actes de violence par l'imposition d'une peine de durée indéterminée.  La peine de durée indéterminée n'est pas illimitée:  le délinquant ne sera incarcéré que pendant le temps où il présente un risque sérieux pour la sécurité de la société.  En refusant à la cour la possibilité de prendre connaissance des constatations antérieures des psychiatres, on pourrait entraver la détermination efficace du véritable risque que présente le délinquant.  Même s'il est vrai qu'aux termes de l'art. 753 la cour peut renvoyer le délinquant pour observation aux fins de recueillir des éléments de preuve sur son statut de délinquant dangereux, le délinquant peut tenter de dissimuler certains aspects de son caractère ou refuser de répondre aux questions des psychiatres.  Par conséquent, il y a vraiment un danger que la preuve écartée, qui émane de l'évaluation psychiatrique préalable au procès, ne se manifeste pas postérieurement au procès.  Bien qu'une telle exclusion puisse être acceptable au moment où la culpabilité de l'accusé n'est pas encore établie, elle ne saurait se justifier par la suite.


Les droits que l'al. 10 b )  de la Charte  garantissait à l'accusé n'ont pas été violés au cours des examens psychiatriques.  Les procédures visant à déterminer si un délinquant est dangereux s'insèrent dans le processus de détermination de la peine et il est du devoir de l'avocat d'informer l'accusé de la peine à laquelle il sera exposé s'il est déclaré coupable d'avoir commis un crime donné.  Compte tenu des antécédents de l'accusé, l'avocat aurait dû savoir que le ministère public engagerait vraisemblablement des procédures visant à déterminer si l'accusé était un délinquant dangereux.  L'accusé a demandé à subir les tests et il a été informé que ses déclarations pourraient être utilisées contre lui.  Cette mise en garde générale était suffisante.  De plus, l'accusé n'avait pas droit à une seconde possibilité d'exercer son droit à l'assistance d'un avocat.


Comme les examens qu'a subis l'accusé visaient à évaluer sa santé mentale, ils relevaient de l'ordonnance que le juge du procès a rendue en vertu de l'al. 537(1)b).  L'article 755 s'applique à la preuve ainsi obtenue, laquelle doit être présentée à la cour saisie de la demande d'attribution du statut de délinquant dangereux si elle la tient pour pertinente.  Cette preuve est recevable en vertu de la Charte  et il n'y a aucune raison de donner à l'art. 755 une interprétation atténuée.


Le juge en chef Lamer et les juges Sopinka, Cory et Major (dissidents):  L'article 7  de la Charte  s'applique en l'espèce en raison de la restriction importante de la liberté qu'entraînent nécessairement les procédures visant à déterminer si un délinquant est dangereux.  Notre Cour a reconnu implicitement que le principe interdisant l'auto‐incrimination est un principe de justice fondamentale.  Dans ce contexte, le mot *incriminer+ n'est pas nécessairement synonyme de *tendant à prouver la culpabilité relativement à une infraction criminelle+.  Même si les procédures visant à déterminer si un délinquant est dangereux sont considérées comme faisant partie du processus de la détermination de la peine plutôt que comme une procédure distincte entraînant de nouvelles conséquences pénales, l'application du principe interdisant l'auto‐incrimination n'est pas pour autant exclue.


Aux termes de l'art. 755 du Code, dans des procédures visant à déterminer si une personne est un délinquant dangereux, *le tribunal entend la preuve d'au moins deux psychiatres et toute autre preuve qu'il considère pertinente+.  L'interprétation large de cet article permet d'utiliser, aux fins des procédures visant à déterminer si l'accusé est un délinquant dangereux, la preuve obtenue de lui au cours d'une observation psychiatrique ordonnée pour déterminer s'il est ou s'il était atteint d'une maladie mentale.  Cela permet l'auto‐incrimination, ce qui n'est donc pas conforme aux principes de justice fondamentale.  Il est sans importance que ce soit l'accusé qui, en l'espèce, a demandé l'ordonnance de renvoi sous garde pour observation.  L'accusé a sollicité cette ordonnance à d'autres fins que la tenue de procédures visant à déterminer s'il était un délinquant dangereux.  De plus, l'art. 537 n'exige pas le consentement de l'accusé, de sorte qu'une ordonnance de renvoi pour observation peut être rendue en vertu de cet article contre le gré de l'accusé.  Cela suffit pour constituer une restriction au droit à la liberté garanti par l'art. 7.


La restriction du droit à la liberté que soulève l'interprétation large de l'art. 755 n'est pas justifiée au sens de l'article premier de la Charte .  Bien que l'objectif de l'art. 755, qui est de protéger la société contre les délinquants dangereux, représente une préoccupation urgente et réelle dans notre société et qu'il soit suffisamment important pour justifier la restriction d'un droit ou d'une liberté garantis par la Constitution, les moyens choisis pour atteindre cet objectif sont inéquitables en l'espèce.  Pour bénéficier de la protection contre l'incarcération ou un procès inéquitable que les principes de justice fondamentale assurent aux personnes atteintes d'une maladie mentale, l'accusé ne devrait pas être contraint à s'incriminer pour les fins de procédures visant à déterminer s'il est un délinquant dangereux.  De plus, en l'espèce, il y a davantage qu'une atteinte minimale à l'art. 7, puisqu'une observation peut être ordonnée en vertu de l'art. 756 du Code, qui comporte des garanties pour le délinquant et porte donc moins atteinte que l'al. 537(1)b) aux droits conférés par l'art. 7.  Une ordonnance de renvoi ne peut être rendue en vertu de l'art. 756 qu'une fois que le délinquant a été déclaré coupable, tandis que l'ordonnance de renvoi fondée sur l'al. 537(1)b) peut être rendue avant.  La présomption de constitutionnalité en matière d'interprétation législative exige que l'art. 755 ne soit pas interprété comme rendant admissibles, dans des procédures visant à déterminer si une personne est un délinquant dangereux, les éléments de preuve recueillis au cours d'une observation psychiatrique ordonnée en vertu de l'al. 537(1)b).


POURVOI contre un arrêt de la Cour d'appel de la Colombie‐Britannique (1992), 16 B.C.A.C. 161, 28 W.A.C. 161, 75 C.C.C. (3d) 327, 11 C.R.R. (2d) 65, qui a rejeté l'appel interjeté par l'accusé contre la peine de détention pour une période indéterminée imposée par le juge Spencer (1988), 6 W.C.B. (2d) 208.  Pourvoi rejeté, le juge en chef Lamer et les juges Sopinka, Cory et Major sont dissidents.


Richard P. Anderson, c.r., and G. D. McKinnon, pour l'appelant.


Alexander Budlovsky, pour l'intimée.


Procureurs de l'appelant:  Richard P. Anderson et G. D. McKinnon, Vancouver.


Procureur de l'intimée:  Le ministère du Procureur général, Vancouver.





Indexed as:  R. v. Howard / Répertorié:  R. c. Howard

Judgment rendered May 12, 1994 / Jugement rendu le 12 mai 1994

                                                                                                                                               Present:  Lamer C.J. and La Forest, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin and Iacobucci JJ.


Indians ‐‐ Fishing rights ‐‐ Treaty ‐‐ Whether 1923 treaty extinguished Hiawatha Band's fishing rights on Otonabee River.


Indians ‐‐ Validity of treaty ‐‐ Treaty surrendering fishing rights not ratified by order‐in‐council ‐‐ Whether treaty valid.


Courts -- Appellate courts -- Jurisdiction -- Main issues factual and subject of concurrent findings in courts below -- Findings of courts below affirmed in absence of overriding or palpable error.


The appellant, a status Indian and a member of the Hiawatha Band whose reserve is located in Ontario, was convicted of unlawfully fishing during a prohibited period.  The trial judge concluded that the treaty signed by the representatives of the Band in 1923 had extinguished the fishing rights held by the Band in the Otonabee River area where the offence occurred.  Both the summary convictions appeal court and the Court of Appeal upheld the conviction.


Held:  The appeal should be dismissed.


The issues in this case are essentially factual in nature and the subject of concurrent findings in the courts below.  In the absence of palpable and overriding error which affected the trial judge's assessment of the facts, an appellate court should not reverse the conclusions of the lower court.  On a careful review of the factual record, there is no basis for overturning the result reached by the courts below.  By the clear terms of the 1923 treaty, the Hiawatha Band surrendered any remaining special rights to hunt and fish in the Otonabee River area. The historical context does not provide any basis for concluding that the terms of the 1923 treaty are ambiguous or that they would not have been understood by the Hiawatha signatories.


The 1923 treaty was not invalidated by the absence of a federal order‐in‐council ratifying it since there was no legal or constitutional requirement of an order-in-council to ratify the treaty.  Further, to the extent that the government commission negotiating the treaty went beyond its original mandate, it is clear that the Government of Canada was made aware of this fact and ratified the treaty by its subsequent conduct.


APPEAL from a judgment of the Ontario Court of Appeal (1992), 8 O.R. (3d) 225, 55 O.A.C. 189, [1992] 2 C.N.L.R. 122, dismissing the accused's appeal from a judgment of a summary convictions appeal court rendered March 9, 1987, upholding his conviction for unlawfully fishing during a prohibited period.  Appeal dismissed.


William B. Henderson and Alan Pratt, for the appellant.


J. T. S. McCabe, Q.C., for the respondent.


John B. Edmond, for the intervener the Attorney General of Canada.


Thomas R. Berger, Q.C., for the intervener the United Indian Councils.


Timothy S. B. Danson and  Stephen Reich, for the intervener the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.


Solicitors for the appellant:  Lang, Michener, Toronto.


Solicitor for the respondent:  The Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto.


Solicitor for the intervener the Attorney General of Canada:  John C. Tait, Ottawa.


Solicitors for the intervener the United Indian Councils:  Berger & Nelson, Vancouver.


Solicitors for the intervener the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters:  Danson, Recht, & Freedman, Toronto.



Présents:  Le juge en chef Lamer et les juges La Forest, Sopinka, Gonthier, Cory, McLachlin et Iacobucci.

Indiens ‐‐ Droits de pêche ‐‐ Traité ‐‐ Le traité de 1923 a‐t‐il éteint les droits de pêche de la bande Hiawatha dans la rivière Otonabee?


Indiens ‐‐ Validité d'un traité ‐‐ Traité cédant les droits de pêche non ratifié par décret ‐‐ Le traité est‐il valide?


Tribunaux ‐‐ Tribunaux d'appel ‐‐ Compétence ‐‐ Principales questions portant sur des faits et ayant donné lieu à des conclusions concordantes des juridictions inférieures ‐‐ Confirmation des conclusions des juridictions inférieures en l'absence d'erreur manifeste ou dominante.


L'appelant, Indien inscrit et membre de la bande Hiawatha dont la réserve est située en Ontario, a été déclaré coupable d'avoir pêché illégalement pendant une période interdite.  Le juge de première instance a conclu que le traité signé par les représentants de la bande en 1923 avait éteint les droits de pêche que la bande détenait dans la rivière Otonabee où l'infraction a été commise.  La cour d'appel en matière de poursuites sommaires et la Cour d'appel ont confirmé la déclaration de culpabilité.


Arrêt:  Le pourvoi est rejeté.


Les questions soulevées en l'espèce portent essentiellement sur des faits et ont donné lieu à des conclusions concordantes des juridictions inférieures.  Si le juge de première instance n'a pas commis d'erreur manifeste et dominante dans son appréciation des faits, une cour d'appel ne devrait pas en infirmer les conclusions.  Un examen approfondi des faits ne révèle aucun motif d'infirmer la décision des juridictions inférieures.  Par les dispositions claires du traité de 1923, la bande Hiawatha a cédé tout droit spécial existant de chasse et de pêche dans la région de la rivière Otonabee.  Le contexte historique n'offre aucun motif de conclure que les dispositions du traité de 1923 sont ambiguës ou qu'elles n'auraient pas été comprises par les signataires de la bande Hiawatha.


Le traité de 1923 n'a pas été invalidé par l'absence d'un décret fédéral de ratification puisqu'il n'était ni légalement ni constitutionnellement nécessaire de faire ratifier ce traité par décret.  En outre, dans la mesure où la commission gouvernementale qui a négocié le traité a excédé son mandat initial, il est évident que le gouvernement du Canada le savait et qu'il a, par sa conduite ultérieure, ratifié le traité.


POURVOI contre un arrêt de la Cour d'appel de l'Ontario (1992), 8 O.R. (3d) 225, 55 O.A.C. 189, [1992] 2 C.N.L.R. 122, qui a rejeté l'appel de l'accusé contre la décision d'une cour d'appel en matière de poursuites sommaires, rendue le 9 mars 1987, qui avait confirmé la déclaration de culpabilité de pêche illégale pendant une période interdite.  Pourvoi rejeté.


William B. Henderson et Alan Pratt, pour l'appelant.


J. T. S. McCabe, c.r., pour l'intimée.


John B. Edmond, pour l'intervenant le procureur général du Canada.


Thomas R. Berger, c.r., pour l'intervenant United Indian Councils.


Timothy S. B. Danson et Stephen Reich, pour l'intervenante Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.


Procureurs de l'appelant:  Lang, Michener, Toronto.


Procureur de l'intimée:  Le ministère du Procureur général, Toronto.


Procureur de l'intervenant le procureur général du Canada:  John C. Tait, Ottawa.


Procureurs de l'intervenant United Indian Councils:  Berger & Nelson, Vancouver.


Procureurs de l'intervenante Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters:  Danson, Recht, & Freedman, Toronto.











AGENDA for the week beginning May 16, 1994.

ORDRE DU JOUR pour la semaine commençant le 16 mai 1994.





Date of Hearing/                                                                  Case Number and Name/    

Date d'audition                                              NO.                Numéro et nom de la cause





The Court is not sitting this week




La Cour ne siège pas cette semaine







This agenda is subject to change.  Hearing dates should be confirmed with Process Registry staff at (613) 996-8666.


Cet ordre du jour est sujet à modification.  Les dates d'audience devraient être confirmées auprès du personnel du greffe au (613) 996-8666.

This index includes applications for leave to appeal standing for judgment at the beginning of 1994 and all the applications for leave to appeal filed or heard in 1994 up to now.


Cet index comprend les requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi en délibéré au début de 1994 et toutes celles produites ou entendues en 1994 jusqu'à maintenant.


*01         Refused/Refusée

*02         Refused with costs/Refusée avec dépens

*03         Granted/Accordée

*04         Granted with costs/Accordée avec dépens

*05         Discontinuance filed/Désistement produit

*A           Applications for leave to appeal filed/Requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi produites

*B           Submitted to the Court/Soumises à la Cour

*C           Oral Hearing/Audience

*D           Reserved/En délibéré


                                                                                                 Status/              Disposition/

 CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                         Statut                   Résultat



1229-1605 Québec Inc. c. Marché A.J.T. Inc. (Qué.),

   23880, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                                                       2373(93)                                            355(94)

146919 Canada Ltd. v. Sherwin (Ont.), 23559, *B                                                                                                                                    1182(93)

2108496 Manitoba Ltd. v. Assessor for the City of

   Winnipeg (Man.), 23999, *B                                                                                                                                                                  511(94)

332415 Alberta Ltd. v. Edmonton Oilers Hockey Corporation

   (Alta.), 23994, *A                                                                                                                                                                                        336(94)

715341 Ontario Ltd. v. Minister of National Revenue (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   23912, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    165(94)                                               563(94)

A.J. v. Government of Manitoba (Man.), 23770, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                  2250(93)                                            349(94)

A.J.L. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23919, *01 24.3.94                                                                                                                             207(94)                                               552(94)

A.K. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 23808, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                             88(94)                                                 698(94)

Accurpress Manufacturing Ltd. v. Stoddard (B.C.), 23882, *A                                                                                                              2282(93)

Alain v. Attorney General of Canada (B.C.), 23373, *A                                                                                                                           4(93)

Alberta Human Rights Commission v. Co-operators General

   Insurance Co. (Alta.), 23951, *B                                                                                                                                                            396(94)

Allam c. Nessia Investments Ltd. (Qué.), 23168, *A                                                                                                                                2048(92)

Allegretti v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24053, *B                                                                                                                                       733(94)

Alouette Amusements Canada Inc. c. Sous-ministre du Revenu du Québec

   (Qué.), 23954, *01 7.4.94                                                                                                                                                                        281(94)                                               556(94)

Anderson v. Anderson (Man.), 24066, *A                                                                                                                                                    498(94)

Archambault c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24078, *B                                                                                                                                   738(94)

Arndt v. Arndt (Ont.), 23854, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                       2367(93)                                            351(94)

Arthur Andersen, Inc. v. Toronto-Dominion Bank (Ont.), 24111, *A                                                                                                   800(94)

Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association v. Halifax-Dartmouth

   Bridge Commission (N.S.), 24051, *B                                                                                                                                                 735(94)

Atta c. Malouf (Qué.), 23672, *02 27.1.94                                                                                                                                                   2138(93)                                            93(94)

Attis v. Board of School Trustees, District No. 15

   (N.B.), 24002, *B                                                                                                                                                                                        506(94)

Attorney General for the Province of Ontario v. Pamajewon

   (Ont.), 23986, *02 12.5.94                                                                                                                                                                       532(94)                                               807(94)

Attorney General of Canada c. Floyd (F.C.A.)(Qué.), 24018, *B                                                                                                          517(94)

Attorney General of British Columbia v. McCallum (B.C.),

   23767, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      282(94)

Attorney General of Ontario v. Franks (Ont.), 24069, *A                                                                                                                       728(94)

Attridge v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 23926, *B                                                                                                                                       340(94)

Auto Concrete Curb Ltd. v. South Nation River

   Conservation Authority (Ont.), 23090, *A                                                                                                                                         1732(92)

Avrith c. Richter, Usher & Vineberg (Qué.), 24036, *B                                                                                                                            534(94)

B.C.C. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24062, *B                                                                                                                                             734(94)

Baldwin v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23737, *B                                                                                                                                         7(94)

Baril v. Liard (Ont.), 24035, *B                                                                                                                                                                         541(94)

Baron c. Karas (Qué.), 23967, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                   404(94)                                               564(94)

Baroni v. The Queen (N.S.), 23439, *A                                                                                                                                                          478(93)

Barrons v. Hyundai Auto Canada Inc. (Ont.),

   23853, *01 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    166(94)                                               563(94)

Barrys Ltd. v. Fishermen, Food and Allied Workers' Union

   (Nfld.), 23877, *B                                                                                                                                                                                       508(94)

Barzal v. The Queen (B.C.), 23730, *05 13.4.94                                                                                                                                         594(94)                                               594(94)

Bateman v. Doiron (N.B.), 23980, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                             446(94)                                               745(94)

Bazinet c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23714, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                            1843(93)                                            16(94)

Bekar v. Bekar (B.C.), 23971, *B                                                                                                                                                                     504(94)

Bell v. The Queen (B.C.), 23756, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                                                2363(93)                                            173(94)

Bellefleur c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.),

   23762, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                                                       2140(93)                                            354(94)

Bempong v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23856, *01 10.2.94                                                                                                                    2362(93)                                            215(94)

Benner v. Secretary of State of Canada (F.C.A.), 23811, *03

   10.3.94   2287(93)                                                                                                                                                                                      413(94)

Bennett v. Superintendent of Brokers (B.C.), 23979, *B                                                                                                                         528(94)

Biddle v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23734, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                           1842(93)                                            218(94)

Biddle v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23885, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                             2361(93)                                            173(94)

Bishop v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23871, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                            2363(93)                                            356(94)

Bleasdale v. The Queen (B.C.), 23729, *05 14.4.94                                                                                                                                  594(94)                                               594(94)

Boileau c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23942, *01 7.4.94                                                                                                                               168(94)                                               556(94)

Bovbel v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.),

   24108, *A                                                                                                                                                                                                      800(94)

Branco v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24060, *B                                                                                                                                           736(94)

Brault c. Fontaine (Qué.), 23953, *A                                                                                                                                                              196(94)

Bremner v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23789, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                      2200(93)                                            14(94)

Bridges Brothers Ltd. v. The Queen in the name of the

   Minister of National Revenue (F.C.A.), 24101, *A                                                                                                                          678(94)

Brock v. Attorney General of Canada (B.C.), 23774, *02

   27.1.94   2209(93)                                                                                                                                                                                      93994)

Brown v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24047, *B                                                                                                                                            542(94)

Burton c. City of Verdun (Qué.), 24105, *A                                                                                                                                                  679(94)

Butchart v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23956, *01 24.3.94                                                                                                                      268(94)                                               550(94)

C & M McNally Engineering Inc. v. Greater Moncton Sewage

   Commission (N.B.), 23768, *02 17.2.94                                                                                                                                             2206(93)                                            238(94)

C.A.S. v. J.F.T. (B.C.), 23796, *02 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                      2072(93)                                            216(94)

C.C. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23920, *01 24.3.94                                                                                                                               208(94)                                               552(94)

Campbell v. Campbell (Ont.), 23921, *01 21.4.94                                                                                                                                     505(94)                                               560(94)

Canadian Association of Regulated Importers v. Attorney

   General of Canada (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24025, *B                                                                                                                                   524(94)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Attorney General of the

   province of Saskatchewan (Crim.)(Sask.), 23738, *B                                                                                                                    1797(93)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Pierre (B.C.), 23837, *02

   3.3.94      2367(93)                                                                                                                                                                                      351(94)

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce v. Sayani (B.C.),

   23862, *02 10.3.94                                                                                                                                                                                    9(94)                                                    413(94)

Canadian Jewish Congress v. Board of School Trustees, District No. 15

   (N.B.), 24002, *B                                                                                                                                                                                        508(94)

Canadian Life and Health Insurance Compensation Corporation c.

   Services de santé du Québec (Qué.), 23746, *02 28.4.94                                                                                                            2369(93)                                            698(94)

Canadian Pacific Ltd. v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Crim.)(Ont.),

   23721, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                                    1940(93)                                            211(94)

Canadian Union of Postal Workers v. Canada Labour Relations

   Board (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23989, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                              447(94)                                               745(94)

Canassurance, Compagnie d'assurance-vie Inc. c. Bourassa

   (Qué.), 24090, *B                                                                                                                                                                                       687(94)

Castaldo v. Lento (Ont.), 23908, *02 31.3.94                                                                                                                                              272(94)                                               553(94)

Chaba v. Greschuk (Alta.), 23000, *A                                                                                                                                                            1216(92)

Chan v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.)(B.C.),

   23813, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2246(93)                                            214(94)

Chen v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   23984, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    519(94)                                               699(94)

Chisan v. The Queen (Alta.), 24032, *B                                                                                                                                                        539(94)

Christie MacKay & Co. v. The Queen in right of the province

   of Manitoba (Man.), 24063, *A                                                                                                                                                             498(94)

Coalition of Citizens for a Charter Challenge v. Metropolitan

   Authority (N.S.), 23911, *02 27.1.94                                                                                                                                                    9(94)                                                    91(94)

Commercial Union Assurance Co. of Canada v. Bank

   of Nova Scotia (N.S.), 23777, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                                            2204(93)                                            347(94)

Compagnie minière Lamaque Ltée c. Sous-ministre de

   l'Énergie et des Ressources du Québec (Qué.),

   23684, *01 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                                    1561(93)                                            211(94)

Compagnie minière Québec Cartier c. Métallurgistes unis

   d'Amérique, local 6869 (Qué.), 23960, *B                                                                                                                                         280(94)

Consolidated Enfield Corporation v. Blair (Ont.), 23887, *03

   28.4.94   338(94)                                                                                                                                                                                        690(94)

Construction Amtron Inc. c. Corbeil (Qué.),

   22562, *A                                                                                                                                                                                                      1783(91)

Constructions Drumco Inc. c. Canaassurance, Compagnie

   d'Assurance-vie Inc. (Qué.), 24050, *B                                                                                                                                               537(94)

Coopérative Forestière du Nord-Ouest c. Deschênes (Qué.),

   23779, *02 27.1.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2075(93)                                            92(94)

Coopers & Lybrand OYDL Inc. v. Royal Trust Co. (Ont.),

   23771, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    78(94)                                                 561(94)

Cormier c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23847, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                              2251(93)                                            176(94)

Corporation of the City of London v. Mortimer (Ont.),

   24094, *A                                                                                                                                                                                                      500(94)

Corporation of the City of Stratford v. Large (Ont.),

   24004, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      522(94)

Côté c. La Reine (Qué.), 23707, *03 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                  1799(93)                                            353(94)

Cousineau c. Petitpas (Qué.), 23830, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                                     2141(93)                                            17(94)

Craig v. Lahey (N.B.), 23828, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                      2365(93)                                            350(94)

Crawford v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23711, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                     2133(93)                                            212(94)

Cross v. Wood (Man.), 24065, *A                                                                                                                                                                   498(94)

D.E.P. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23892, *01 10.3.94                                                                                                                            11(94)                                                 411(94)

D.M.S. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23878, *01 10.2.94                                                                                                                         5(94)                                                    216(94)

D.S c. V.W. (Qué.), 23765, *B                                                                                                                                                                           2005(93)

Darryl C. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23852, *01 10.3.94                                                                                                                      5(94)                                                    406(94)

Delgamuukw v. The Queen in right of the province of

   British Columbia (B.C.), 23799, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                                                      82(94)                                                 548(94)

Delitcheva c. La Reine (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 23788, *01 27.1.94                                                                                                                     2141(93)                                            93(94)

Delorey v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24030, *B                                                                                                                                         734(94)

Del Zotto v. Minister of National Revenue (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   23842, *01 10.3.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2211(93)                                            412(94)

Descoteaux c. Banque nationale du Canada (Qué.),

   23863, *02 27.1.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2372(93)                                            94(94)

Deshane v. Deere & Co. (Ont.), 23870, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                                206(94)                                               695(94)

Desloges v. Canadian Kennel Club (Ont.), 23981, *01 14.4.94                                                                                                            446(94)                                               558(94)

Devereaux v. Morrow (Ont.), 23798, *A                                                                                                                                                      2068(93)

Dick v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24059, *B                                                                                                                                               730(94)

Dilling v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23759, *B                                                                                                                                             527(94)

District of Chilliwack v. Jesperson's Brake & Muffler Ltd.

   (B.C.), 24104, *A                                                                                                                                                                                         679(94)

Doman v. Superintendent of Brokers (B.C.), 23938, *B                                                                                                                          528(94)

Dominique c. Abramowitz (Qué.), 24044, *A                                                                                                                                              495(94)

Dompierre c. Provost (Qué.), 24049, *B                                                                                                                                                       545(94)

Dow Corning Corporation v. Hollis (B.C.), 23776, *03

   10.3.94   2202(93)                                                                                                                                                                                      412(94)

Dubé c. Ville de Hull (Qué.), 24112, *A                                                                                                                                                         800(94)

Dubois c. Raymond, Chabot, Fafard, Gagnon Inc. (Qué.),

   23993, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      685(94)

Duchesneau c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23716, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                     2290(93)                                            354(94)

Dunn v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24041, *B                                                                                                                                              533(94)

Dupuy c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24088, *B                                                                                                                                               804(94)

EBCO Industries Ltd. v. ICAM Technologies Corporation (B.C.),

   23963, *05 7.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                       397(94)                                               594(94)

Edwards v. Solicitor General of Ontario (Ont.), 23932, *B                                                                                                                      279(94)

Elliot v. Elliot (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23896, *B                                                                                                                                                           395(94)

Employers Insurance of Wausau v. Burns (Ont.), 24054, *B                                                                                                                 682(94)

Eneas v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24086, *B                                                                                                                                             732(94)

Engerdahl v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23758, *B                                                                                                                                     340(94)

English v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 23832, *01 31.3.94                                                                                                                        2287(93)                                            554(94)

Eryomin v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.),

   23383, *A                                                                                                                                                                                                      4(93)

Fabrikant c. The Queen (Crim.)(Qué.), 23795, *B                                                                                                                                     532(94)

Fadelle v. The Queen (N.S.), 24046, *B                                                                                                                                                        531(94)

Fiqia v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23945, *B                                                                                                                                               680(94)

Firscliff Development Inc. c. Raymond, Chabot, Fafard, Gagnon Inc.

   (Qué.), 23850, *02 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                      2291(93)                                            222(94)

Firscliff Development Inc. c. Raymond, Chabot, Fafard, Gagnon Inc.

   (Qué.), 23851, *02 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                      2292(93)                                            222(94)

Fiumara v. Commissioner of Corrections (Crim.)(F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   23735, *01 20.1.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2244(93)                                            22(94)

Fletcher v. Corporation of the Township of Scugog (Ont.),

   23699, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    79(94)                                                 562(94)

Foster v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23745, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                           2047(93)                                            14(94)

Foyer de Val d'Or Inc. c. Syndicat des employés du Foyer de

  Val d'Or (Qué.), 23998, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                           512(94)                                               749(94)

Frankie v. Commissioner of Corrections (Crim.)(F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   23736, *01 20.1.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2243(93)                                            21(94)

Friedman c. Sous-ministre du Revenu du Québec (Qué.), 23844, *02

   3.2.94      2253(93)                                                                                                                                                                                      171(94)

Friesen v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 23922, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                        164(94)                                               692(94)

G.L.B. c. M.P. (Qué.), 23744, *B                                                                                                                                                                       1943(93)

Gaulin (Pierre André) c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.),

   23874, *01 31.3.94                                                                                                                                                                                    167(94)                                               555(94)

Gaulin (Raymonde) c. Centre des services sociaux de la

   Gaspésie et des Îles de la Madeleine (Qué.), 23793, *B                                                                                                              686(94)

Gilbert c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 23723, *02 24.3.94                                                                                                                                         2371(93)                                            550(94)

Gill v. The Queen (B.C.)(Crim.), 23903, *01 24.3.94                                                                                                                                 202(94)                                               549(94)

Gillespie v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.B.), 22771, *01 27.1.94                                                                                                                      13(94)                                                 95(94)

Gladstone v. The Queen (B.C.), 23801, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                                                 83(94)                                                 408(94)

Godin c. Société conadienne de la Croix-Rouge (Qué.),

   23702, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                                                    1751(93)                                            15(94)

Godon v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23790, *01 10.3.94                                                                                                                          6(94)                                                    406(94)

Gold v. Gold (B.C.), 23817, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                        2254(93)                                            19(94)

Golden Horse Farms Inc. v. Household Trust Co. (B.C.),

   23710, *02 24.3.94                                                                                                                                                                                    89(94)                                                 551(94)

Government of Manitoba v. A.J (Man.), 23770, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                   2250(93)                                            349(94)

Greenbaum c. Public Curator of Quebec (Qué.),

   23700, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2142(93)                                            17(94)

Greer v. Commission national des libérations conditionnelles

   (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23724, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                        1844(93)                                            16(94)

Gresham v. Ernst & Young Inc. (Sask.), 22888, *A                                                                                                                                    716(92)

Grimard v. Berry (Sask.), 24079, *A                                                                                                                                                               499(94)

Gyori v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23907, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                              162(94)                                               356(94)

Gyorvari v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 23807, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                                401(94)                                               696(94)

Hammou c. Ministère de la Citoyenneté et de l'Immigratioin

   (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 23990, *B                                                                                                                                                                         804(94)

Hamon c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23857, *01 27.1.94                                                                                                                            2289(93)                                            94(94)

Hansen v. Westminer Canada Ltd. (N.S.), 24043, *B                                                                                                                              683(94)

Hanson v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24037, *B                                                                                                                                         680(94)

Harrigan v. The Queen (Ont.), 22958, *A                                                                                                                                                     916(92)

Harvey v. Attorney General for New Brunswick (N.B.), 23968, *B                                                                                                    203(94)

Harvey v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.B.), 23894, *B                                                                                                                                          78(93)

Haughton v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23665, *03 3.2.94                                                                                                                      1541(93)                                            173(94)

Hawrish v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 23898, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                     202(94)                                               689(94)

Hecht v. Reid (B.C.), 23751, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                      2209(93)                                            18(94)

Heggie v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24023, *B                                                                                                                                         523(94)

Helo Enterprises Ltd. v. Ernst & Young Inc. (B.C.), 23924, *B                                                                                                                345(94)

Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia v. Novia Scotia Utility and

   Review Board (N.S.), 24068, *A                                                                                                                                                            498(94)

Herman v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24040, *B                                                                                                                                         544(94)

Hibbert v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23815, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                        2198(93)                                            213(94)

Hill v. The Registrar, South Alberta Land Registration District

   (Alta.), 23650, *02 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                      1753(93)                                            221(94)

Horan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23855, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                             10(94)                                                 177(94)

Human Rights Commission v. Board of School Trustees, District No. 15

   (N.B.), 24002, *B                                                                                                                                                                                        507(94)

Hunt v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 23845, *B                                                                                                                                             731(94)

Huot v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23849, *01 21.4.94                                                                                                                             163(94)                                               563(94)

Hutchins v. Commission nationale des libérations conditionnelles

   (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23725, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                        1845(93)                                            16(94)

Hutter v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23950, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                          268(94)                                               690(94)

Hynes v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 23718, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                             2135(93)                                            174(94)

Industrielle-Alliance, compagnie d'assurance-vie c. Deslauriers

   (Qué.), 23824, *02 28.4.94                                                                                                                                                                      89(94)                                                 699(94)

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia v. Petersen (B.C.),

   23961, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      403(94)

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers,

   District Lodge No. 692 v. United Brotherhood of Carpenters

   and Joiners of America, Local 2736 (B.C.), 24039, *B                                                                                                                    737(94)

International Lottery Distributors Inc. v. Government of

   Manitoba (Man.), 23958, *B                                                                                                                                                                  510(94)

International Lottery Distributors Inc. v. Government of

   Manitoba (Man.), 24100, *B                                                                                                                                                                  802(94)

J.L.D. c. Vallée (Qué.), 24028, *B                                                                                                                                                                     538(94)

J.W.S. v. H.A.D. (Alta.), 23915, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                    12(94)                                                 355(94)

Jaffe v. Hatch (Ont.), 23755, *01 20.1.94                                                                                                                                                     2049(93)                                            23(94)

Janes v. The Queen in right of Newfoundland (Nfld.), 22997, *01

   13.1.94   1544(93)                                                                                                                                                                                      20(94)

Jazra c. Banque de Montréal (Qué.), 24096, *B                                                                                                                                         805(94)

Johnstone v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23996, *01 12.5.94                                                                                                                   520(94)                                               807(94)

Jones (Ronald Stuart) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23667, *B                                                                                                              1467(93)

Jones (Scott David) v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23916, *01

   24.3.94   162(94)                                                                                                                                                                                        549(94)

Jorgensen v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23787, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                   160(94)                                               688(94)

Kasvand v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 24103, *A                                                                                                                                                  728(94)

Kean c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23957, *B                                                                                                                                                  536(94)

Kettle River Sawills Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 23944, *B                                                                                                                     448(94)

Khan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23947, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                               338(94)                                               742(94)

Kibale c. La Reine (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 24082, *B                                                                                                                                               806(94)

Kinsella v. Solicitor General of Canada (Crim.)(Ont.), 24014, *B                                                                                                         516(94)

Kopen v. 61345 Manitoba Ltd. (Man.), 23498, *02 17.3.94                                                                                                                  940(93)                                               454(94)

Kreuzer v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24067, *B                                                                                                                                         682(94)

Kumar v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23975, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                             449(94)                                               747(94)

L.D. c. G.R. (Qué.), 24033, *B                                                                                                                                                                           530(94)

L.M. c. L.L. (Qué.), 23829, *01 17.2.94                                                                                                                                                          2253(93)                                            239(94)

Laboratories Nordic Inc. c. Gagnon (Qué.), 23977, *05 30.3.94                                                                                                           405(94)                                               594(94)

Lahey v. Craig (N.B.), 23828, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                      2365(93)                                            350(94)

Laisa v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.W.T.), 23819, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                        2199(93)                                            15(94)

Lajoie v. The Queen (Ont.), 21436, *A                                                                                                                                                          975(89)

Lakeview National Hotels Inc. v. Assessor for the City of

   Winnipeg (Man.), 23999, *B                                                                                                                                                                  510(94)

Lee v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23831, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                                  2247(93)                                            347(94)

Leung v. Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (Alta.),

   24029, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      529(94)

Lewery v. Governing Council of the Salvation Army in Canada

   (N.B.), 23775, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                                       2048(93)                                            21(94)

Lewis v. The Queen (B.C.), 23802, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                                                          84(94)                                                 408(94)

Liberati v. Canada Employment and Immigration Commission

   (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23869, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                           2368(93)                                            352(94)

Lord v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23943, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                               271(94)                                               690(94)

Loubier c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23969, *B                                                                                                                                              343(94)

Lunn v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23983, *01 14.4.94                                                                                                                             395(94)                                               557(94)

M.S. v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23848, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                               2251(93)                                            19(94)

MacCulloch v. Price Waterhouse Ltd. (N.S.), 23652, *B                                                                                                                          535(94)

MacGillivray v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 23933, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                              399(94)                                               695(94)

MacKinlay v. MacKinlay (N.S.), 23783, *02 10.2.94                                                                                                                                2073(93)                                            220(94)

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Youell (B.C.), 23899, *B                                                                                                                                   344(94)

Maheu c. Ministère du Revenu national ((C.A.F.)(Qué.), 23873, *02

   24.3.94   169(94)                                                                                                                                                                                        551(94)

Mainland Sand & Gravel Ltd. v. Tutinka (B.C.), 24003, *B                                                                                                                    525(94)

Mangion v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24061, *B                                                                                                                                      730(94)

Manship Holdings Ltd. v. Muise (N.B.), 23941, *B                                                                                                                                   342(94)

Manson Insulation Inc. v. Wallace Construction Specialties Ltd.

   (Sask.), 23784, *02 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                     2137(93)                                            220(94)

Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. v. Marystown Shipyard Ltd.

   (Nfld.), 23901, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                                        275(94)                                               743(94)

Martin v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23761, *01 14.4.94                                                                                                                          270(94)                                               556(94)

Martin & Stewart Inc. v. Superintendent of Pensions (Nova Scotia)

   (N.S.), 24021, *B                                                                                                                                                                                         533(94)

Martselos Services Ltd. v. Arctic College (N.W.T.),

  24048, *B  543(94)

Mastercraft Properties Ltd. v. El Ef Investments Inc.

   (Ont.), 23827, *02 3.2.94                                                                                                                                                                         2284(93)                                            172(94)

Mayer v. Mayer (B.C.), 23782, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                   2248(93)                                            348(94)

Mayfield Investments Ltd. v. Stewart (Alta.), 23739,

   *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                                                   77(94)                                                 213(94)

McCain Foods Ltd. v. National Transportation Agency

   (F.C.A.)(N.B.), 23318, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                           483(93)                                               749(94)

McCarten v. Government of Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.),

   24098, *A                                                                                                                                                                                                      678(94)

Mercer v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 23838, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                          2247(93)                                            348(94)

Merck & Co. v. Apotex Inc. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23905, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                             401(94)                                               697(94)

Mercs v. Nanji (Alta.), 23497, *01 17.3.94                                                                                                                                                   939(93)                                               453(94)

Messinger v. Bramalea Ltd. (Ont.), 23797, *02 17.2.94                                                                                                                          2205(93)                                            238(94)

Michaud c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 23764, *B                                                                                                                 2207(93)

Midland Seafoods Inc. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24045, *B                                                                                                             541(94)

Milad v. Milad (Ont.), 23976, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                      445(94)                                               742(94)

Milk Board v. Grisnich (B.C.), 23927, *B                                                                                                                                                       346(94)

Mills v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23728, *B                                                                                                                                               1842(93)

Millstream Enterprises Ltd. v. Corporation of the City of New

   Westminster (B.C.), 23959, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                               278(94)                                               747(94)

Minister of Employment and Immigration v. Nguyen (F.C.A.)(Man.),

   23834, *01 17.2.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2204(93)                                            237(94)

Modes Cohoes Inc. c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.),

   23929, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    451(94)                                               565(94)

Moisescu c. Garmaise (Qué.), 23949, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                      511(94)                                               748(94)

Moore v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23810, *03 17.2.94                                                                                                                          2198(93)                                            237(94)

Morgan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23579, *01 24.3.94                                                                                                                       76(94)                                                 548(94)

Morley v. Kalaka Housing Co-Operative Ltd. (Alta.),

   23997, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                                                       448(94)                                               746(94)

Moutisheva c. Solliciteur général du Canada (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 23884, *01

   21.4.94   449(94)                                                                                                                                                                                        565(94)

Mowers v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23891, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                                       200(94)                                               410(94)

Mumford v. Health Sciences Centre (F.C.A.)(Man.), 23715, *02 10.2.94                                                                                         1750(93)                                            217(94)

NTC Smokehouse Ltd. v. The Queen in right of the province

   of British Columbia (B.C.), 23800, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                                                 83(94)                                                 407(94)

Nagra v. Secretary of State of Canada (F.C.A.), 24097, *A                                                                                                                    678(94)

Nassif c. Nassif (Qué.), 23836, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                 2210(93)                                            18(94)

National Automobile v. Wolverine Tube (Canada) Inc. (B.C.),

   23781, *01 17.3.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2245(93)                                            453(94)

National Hockey League Pension Society v. Bathgate (Ont.),

   24095, *A                                                                                                                                                                                                      678(94)

National Party of Canada v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

   (Alta.), 23726, *02 3.2.94                                                                                                                                                                         2201(93)                                            170(94)

Naylor v. Naylor (Ont.), 23985, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                444(94)                                               560(94)

Neuzen v. Korn (B.C.), 23773, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                  2137(93)                                            221(94)

Neve v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23991, *01 21.4.94                                                                                                                            503(94)                                               561(94)

Nicholson v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23821, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                      2133(93)                                            170(94)

Nikal v. The Queen in right of Canada (B.C.), 23804, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                       85(94)                                                 409(94)

No. 100 Sail View Ventures Ltd. v. Janwest Equities Ltd.

   (B.C.), 23965, *B                                                                                                                                                                                         514(94)

Noppers v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24019, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                        518(94)                                               749(94)

Norbert v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23952, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                          277(94)                                               746(94)

Novak v. Pedersen (Alta.), 24083, *B                                                                                                                                                            803(94)

O'Leary v. The Queen (N.B.), 23928, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                                     164(94)                                               693(94)

Omineca Enterprises Ltd. v. Minister of Forests (B.C.),

   23939, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      345(94)

Ontario Homebuilders' Association v. York Region Board of

   Education (Ont.), 24085, *A                                                                                                                                                                    500(94)

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board v. Hugh (Ont.),

   23720, *02 3.2.94                                                                                                                                                                                       1944(93)                                            175(94)

Orlesky v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23888, *01 10.3.94                                                                                                                       11(94)                                                 410(94)

Otto v. Hamilton & Olsen Surveys Ltd. (Alta.), 23840, *02

   3.3.94      2369(93)                                                                                                                                                                                      352(94)

Ouaknine c. Cohen (Qué.), 23858, *02 17.2.94                                                                                                                                          2371(93)                                            239(94)

P.L. v. Director of Child Welfare (Nfld.), 23886, *B                                                                                                                                   2293(93)

Pacificador v. Republic of the Philippines (Ont.),

   23792, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    204(94)                                               693(94)

Partridge v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23995, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                        503(94)                                               741(94)

Patenaude c. Ville de Saint Hubert (Qué.), 24076, *B                                                                                                                              737(94)

Patrick Press Ltd. v. Pierre (B.C.), 23837, *A                                                                                                                                                2069(93)

Paulet v. Brandon University Faculty Association (Man.),

   22729, *A                                                                                                                                                                                                      4(92)

Peace Valley Ranch Ltd. v. Coconut Grove Management &

   Development Corporation (Ont.), 23814, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                    2285(93)                                            172(94)

Pearson c. The Queen (Qué.), 24107, *A                                                                                                                                                      800(94)

Pilon v. Bouaziz (B.C.), 23866, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                  513(94)                                               566(94)

Prinse v. Fraser Valley Foods (B.C.), 23859, *02 14.4.94                                                                                                                        87(94)                                                 559(94)

Procureur général du Québec c. Téléphones Guèvremont Inc.

   (Qué.), 23345, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                      2139(93)                                            222(94)

Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada v.

   Senate of Canada (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23934, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                      276(94)                                               744(94)

Quick v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23757, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                               273(94)                                               743(94)

Quinn v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24075, *B                                                                                                                                             801(94)

R. v. Barrett (Crim.)(Ont.), 23749, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                                           2000(93)                                            688(94)

R. v. Bernshaw (Crim.)(B.C.), 23748, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                      1999(93)                                            212(94)

R. v. C. A. M. (Crim.)(B.C.), 24027, *B                                                                                                                                                            530(94)

R. c. Charbonneau (Crim.)(Qué.), 23906, *01 10.3.94                                                                                                                              207(94)                                               411(94)

R. c. Chevrier (Qué.), 23126, *A                                                                                                                                                                       2510(92)

R. c. Côté (Qué.), 23707, *03 3.3.94                                                                                                                                                               1799(93)                                            353(94)

R. v. Crown Forest Industries Ltd. (F.C.A.), 23940, *03

   28.4.94   399(94)                                                                                                                                                                                        691(94)

R. v. E. T. (Ont.), 24022, *B                                                                                                                                                                                520(94)

R. v. Fisher (Ont.), 24102, *A                                                                                                                                                                            678(94)

R. v. Giesecke (Crim.)(Ont.), 23772, *01 10.2.94                                                                                                                                       2134(93)                                            213(94)

R. c. Gosselin (Crim.)(Qué.), 23833, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                                        2290(93)                                            697(94)

R. v. Hawkins (Crim.)(Ont.), 23913, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                                        161(94)                                               688(94)

R. v. Hogben (Crim.)(B.C.), 24092, *B                                                                                                                                                           732(94)

R. v. Houlahan (Crim.)(Man.), 23786, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                    2244(93)                                            214(94)

R. v. MacLeod (Crim.)(N.S.), 23722, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                                       1841(93)                                            20(94)

R. v. McIntosh (Crim.)(Ont.), 23843, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                      2284(93)                                            215(94)

R. v. Parks (Crim.)(Ont.), 23860, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                                              273(94)                                               695(94)

R. v. Perry (Crim.)(N.B.), 23910, *01 14.4.94                                                                                                                                               86(94)                                                 559(94)

R. v. Pontes (Crim.)(B.C.), 24020, *B                                                                                                                                                              536(94)

R. v. Province of Alberta Treasury Branches (Alta.),

   24056, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      739(94)

R. v. R.H.J. (Crim.)(B.C.), 23972, *01 14.4.94                                                                                                                                               270(94)                                               557(94)

R. v. Sylliboy (Crim.)(N.S.), 21929, *A                                                                                                                                                            1015(90)

R. v. Ubhi (Crim.)(B.C.), 24087, *B                                                                                                                                                                  801(94)

R. in right of Ontario v. Kansa General Insurance Co.

   (Ont.), 24055, *B                                                                                                                                                                                        735(94)

R. in right of Ontario v. Prete (Ont.), 23973, *02 28.4.94                                                                                                                         505(94)                                               692(94)

The Queen in right of the province of  British Columbia v.

   Delgamuukw (B.C.), 23799, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                                                           82(94)                                                 548(94)

R. in right of the province of New Brunswick v. Coopers &

   Lybrand Ltd. (N.B.), 23740, *02 10.2.94                                                                                                                                             2001(93)                                            219(94)

R.B. c. G.F. (Qué.), 23953, *B                                                                                                                                                                            280(94)

R.C.D. v. B.B.D. (Alta.), 23937, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                    450(94)                                               748(94)

Rasanen v. Rosemount Instruments (Ont.), 24084, *B                                                                                                                           803(94)

Redpath Industries Ltd. v. The Ship ("Cisco") (F.C.A.),

   24006, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      518(94)

Regional Assessment Commissioner v. Graham (Ont.), 23904, *02

   5.5.94      444(94)                                                                                                                                                                                        741(94)

Regional Municipality of Peel v. Andani (Ont.), 23823, *02

   3.3.94      2288(93)                                                                                                                                                                                      350(94)

Rempel Bros. Concrete Ltd. v. Corporation of the District of

   Chilliwack (B.C.), 24118, *A                                                                                                                                                                    800(94)

Rhymer v. The Queen (B.C.), 23732, *05 12.4.94                                                                                                                                     594(94)                                               594(94)

Richardson v. Avery (B.C.), 24034, *B                                                                                                                                                           545(94)

Riendeau c. Economical Compagnie mutuelle d'assurance

   (Qué.), 23902, *02 10.3.94                                                                                                                                                                      209(94)                                               411(94)

Rizzo v. Hanover Insurance Co. (Ont.), 23769, *02 3.2.94                                                                                                                     2136(93)                                            174(94)

Robinson v. Laushway (Ont.), 24024, *B                                                                                                                                                     522(94)

Rose v. Mitton (N.S.), 24058, *B                                                                                                                                                                     543(94)

Roy c. Corporation municipale de St-Jules, Cté Beauce (Qué.),

   23918, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    209(94)                                               564(94)

Royal Bank of Canada v. Mitsui & Co. (Canada) Ltd. (N.S.),

   23914, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      341(94)

S. (Compton Winston) v. The Queen (Ont.), 23477, *A                                                                                                                           561(93)

SDC Sterling Development Corporation v. Katz (Ont.), 23897, *B                                                                                                     526(94)

Sagharichi v. Minister of Employment and Immigration

   (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23826, *01 17.2.94                                                                                                                                                        2203(93)                                            237(94)

Saint-Laurent c. Hétu (Crim.)(Qué.), 23982, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                          402(94)                                               747(94)

Salois c. Ville de Montréal (Crim.)(Qué.), 23785, *02 27.1.94                                                                                                               2075(93)                                            92(94)

Samsoondar v. Minister of Employment and Immigration

   (F.C.A.)(Man.), 23900, *01 10.3.94                                                                                                                                                      76(94)                                                 406(94)

Saskatchewan Power Corporation v. Bighetty (Man.), 24026, *B                                                                                                      539(94)

Schachtschneider v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23698, *B                                                                                                                     1747(93)

Schwartz v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24093, *A                                                                                                                                      499(94)

Scott v. Morrow (Ont.), 23798, *02 21.4.94                                                                                                                                                 87(94)                                                 562(94)

Scottish & York Insurance Co. v. Co-Operators General

   Insurance Co. (Ont.), 23841, *02 28.4.94                                                                                                                                           204(94)                                               694(94)

Seafarers' International Union of Canada v. Canada Labour

   Relations Board (F.C.A.), 23696, *02 10.2.94                                                                                                                                   1558(93)                                            217(94)

Sept-Îles (Ville de) c. Lussier (Qué.), 23825, *02 3.2.94                                                                                                                           2208(93)                                            176(94)

Sequa Chemicals Inc. v. United Color and Chemical Ltd.

   (F.C.A)(Ont.), 24005, *B                                                                                                                                                                           509(94)

Service Special de vidanges Inc. c. Régie intermunicipale

   de gestion des déchets de la Mauricie (Qué.), 24081, *A                                                                                                            499(94)

Services M.L. Marengère Inc. c. Corporation de la copropriété La Caserne

   (Qué.), 23681, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                                                                      2252(93)                                            19(94)

Shaw Cable Systems British Columbia Ltd. v. British Columbia

   Telephone Co. (F.C.A.), 23717, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                      1943(93)                                            218(94)

Shore Boat Builders Ltd. v. Moses (B.C.), 23868, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                 8(94)                                                    353(94)

Shulman v. McCallum (B.C.), 23767, *05 28.2.94                                                                                                                                     1937(93)                                            365(94)

Sinclair v. Sinclair (Ont.), 24089, *A                                                                                                                                                                500(94)

Singh v. University of Western Ontario (Ont.), 23883, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                       275(94)                                               744(94)

Siska Indian Band v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (F.C.A.),

   23643, *A                                                                                                                                                                                                      1312(93)

Sivakumar v. Minister of Employment and Immigration

   (F.C.A)(Ont.), 23962, *B                                                                                                                                                                           339(94)

Skender v. Anderson (B.C.), 23750, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                                        2003(93)                                            21(94)

Skinner v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 24007, *B                                                                                                                                        521(94)

Smith (Kenneth Benjamin) v. Filmer (Crim.)(B.C.), 23366, *B                                                                                                              2202(93)

Société canadienne d'indemnisation pour les assurances de

   personnes c. Services de santé du Québec (Qué.),

   23746, *02 28.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2369(93)                                            698(94)

Sohrabian v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23835, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                      2246(93)                                            347(94)

Sowa v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 23806, *01 13.1.94                                                                                                                          2071(93)                                            14(94)

St. Denis v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23895, *01 24.3.94                                                                                                                     80(94)                                                 550(94)

St-Jacques c. Fédération des employées et employés de services

   publics Inc. (Qué.), 22339, *B                                                                                                                                                                 729(94)

St. Joseph's Hospital v. Lahey (N.B.), 23828, *02 3.3.94                                                                                                                         2366(93)                                            350(94)

Starzecki v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 23935, *01 21.4.94                                                                                                                   271(94)                                               560(94)

Steinberg Inc. c. Cavendish Shopping Center Co. (Qué.),

   24064, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      686(94)

Stewart v. Mayfield Investments Ltd. (Alta.), 23739, *B                                                                                                                        540(94)

Strickland v. Ermel (Sask.), 23864, *01 28.4.94                                                                                                                                          205(94)                                               694(94)

Tardi c. Banque nationale du Canada (Qué.), 23872, *A                                                                                                                        2358(93)

Telecommunications Workers' Union v. Canadian Radio-television

   and Telecommunications Commission (F.C.A.), 23778, *03 10.2.94                                                                                        2131(93)                                            219(94)

Téléphone Guévremont Inc. c. Procureur général du Québec

   (Qué.), 23345, *03 10.2.94                                                                                                                                                                      2139(93)                                            222(94)

Tempelaar v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23909, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                  201(94)                                               689(94)

Teodorescu c. La Reine (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 23917, *01 31.3.94                                                                                                                   80(94)                                                 554(94)

Terrasses Zarolega Inc. c. Régie des installations olympiques

   (Qué.), 24042, *B                                                                                                                                                                                       546(94)

Terrie's Plumbing & Heating Ltd. v. Grosvenor Fine Furniture

   (1982) Ltd. (Sask.), 23818, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                                                 2286(93)                                            171(94)

Thomas v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 23879, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                                        7(94)                                                    352(94)

Thornbury-Cook v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24052, *B                                                                                                                        681(94)

Thornhurst Corporation v. Harvey Hubbell Canada Inc. (Ont.),

   23743, *02 20.1.94                                                                                                                                                                                    2002(93)                                            22(94)

Tierney-Hynes v. Hynes (Man.), 23930, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                                 343(94)                                               741(94)

Timpson v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23754, *02 3.2.94                                                                                                                        2047(93)                                            170(94)

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. United Brotherhood of Carpenters

   and Joiners of America, Local 785 (Ont.), 23752, *02 27.1.94                                                                                                    2050(93)                                            91(94)

Tousignant c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23955, *01 31.3.94                                                                                                                     166(94)                                               555(94)

Tran v. The Queen (N.S.), 23224, *A                                                                                                                                                              2325(92)

Van Boeyen v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23805, *B                                                                                                                                 2364(93)

Van Der Peet v. The Queen (B.C.), 23803, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                                           85(93)                                                 408(94)

Vezina v. CTV Television Network (Ont.), 23881, *02 5.5.94                                                                                                                277(94)                                               745(94)

Victor c. 134154 Canada Inc. (Qué.), 23820, *02 13.1.94                                                                                                                       2207(93)                                            17(94)

Vigeant c. Langlois (Qué.), 24016/17, *B                                                                                                                                                     684(94)

Vout v. Hay (Ont.), 24009, *B                                                                                                                                                                          524(94)

Waddell v. United States of America (Crim.)(B.C.),

   23925, *05 2.2.94                                                                                                                                                                                       159(94)                                               183(94)

Waddell v. United States of America (Crim.)(B.C.),

   23925, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      513(94)

Wade v. Brewer (N.B.), 23964, *02 28.4.94                                                                                                                                                400(94)                                               696(94)

Walker (Elizabeth Rebecca) v. Bank of New York Inc.

   (Ont.), 24057, *A                                                                                                                                                                                        496(94)

Walker (Thomas P.) v. Government of Prince Edward Island

   (P.E.I.), 23861, *B                                                                                                                                                                                       274(94)

Walz v. Hayre (B.C.), 23043, *02 24.3.94                                                                                                                                                     2301(92)                                            552(94)

Watson v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23875, *05 22.3.94                                                                                                                       594(94)                                               594(94)

Webber v. Unruh (B.C.), 24110, *A                                                                                                                                                                800(94)

Webster v. The Queen (Crim.)(P.E.I.), 23948, *05 4.5.94                                                                                                                        75(94)                                                 758(94)

Wessell v. The Queen (N.S.), 24119, *A                                                                                                                                                       800(94)

Wheatle v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23970, *B                                                                                                                                        269(94)

Whitley v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23890, *03 10.3.94                                                                                                                        200(94)                                               409(94)

Wijesinha v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24015, *B                                                                                                                                     516(94)

Wilson v. Grassick (Sask.), 24109, *A                                                                                                                                                            800(94)

Winder v. Review Panel under Mental Health Act, (B.C.), 24080, *B                                                                                                739(94)

Wisotzki v. Bannon (Ont.), 23823, *A                                                                                                                                                            2065(93)

Workers' Compensation Board v. Husky Oil Operations Ltd.

   (Sask.), 23936, *03 28.4.94                                                                                                                                                                     398(94)                                               691(94)

Y.L. v. Children's Aid Society of Halifax (N.S.), 23680, *01 3.3.94                                                                                                        2249(93)                                            349(94)

Young v. Attorney General for Newfoundland (Nfld.),

   23893, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      342(94)

Yukon Human Rights Commission v. Yukon Order of Pioneers (Yuk.),

   23584, *B                                                                                                                                                                                                      81(94)

Zabukovec v. Zabukovec (Ont.), 23946, *02 15.3.94                                                                                                                              502(94)                                               548(94)

Zurmati v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23668, *01 3.2.94                                                                                                                          2003(93)                                            175(94)

This index includes appeals standing for judgment at the beginning of 1994 and all appeals heard in 1994 up to now.


Cet index comprend les pourvois en délibéré au début de 1994 et tous ceux entendus en 1994 jusqu'à maintenant.

                                                                                                                                               *01 dismissed/rejeté

*02 dismissed with costs/rejeté avec dépens

*03 allowed/accueilli

*04 allowed with costs/accueilli avec dépens

*05 discontinuance/désistement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Hearing/             Judgment/

CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                            Audition                               Jugement


                                                                                                                                               Air Products Canada Ltd. v. Schmidt (Alta.), 23047                                                            2225(93)

Antosko v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(N.B.), 23282                                                                                                                                        190(94)

Arcangioli v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23380, *03 27.1.94                                                                                                             2090(93)                                            105(94)

Attorney General of Canada v. Attorney General of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 22758, *03 Lamer C.J. and McLachlin J. dissenting

   5.5.94                                                                                                                                                                                                       2226(93)                                            765(94)

Bartle v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23623                                                                                                                                             370(94)

Bilodeau c. Boutin (Qué.), 23095, *03 4.5.94                                                                                                                                        762(94)                                               812(94)

Bois c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), *01 16.3.94                                                                                                                                           464(94)                                               464(94)

Branch v. British Columbia Securities Commission (Crim.)(B.C.),

   22978                                                                                                                                                                                                      368(94)

British Columbia Securities Commission v. Pezim (B.C.), 23113                                                                                                   366(94)

Brown v. The Queen in right of the province of

   British Columbia (B.C.), 22946, *02 17.3.94                                                                                                                               2058(93)                                            466(94)

C.M. v. Catholic Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto

   (Ont.), 23644, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                                   2274(93)                                            765(94)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Canada Labour Relations

   Board (Ont.), 23142                                                                                                                                                                            461(94)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Dagenais (Ont.), 23403                                                                                                   100(94)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. The Queen (Sask.), 23596                                                                                              100(94)

Colarusso v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 22433, *01 26.1.94                                                                                                             687(93)                                               103(94)

Comité paritaire de l'industrie de la chemise c. Potash

   (Qué.), *03 27.1.94                                                                                                                                                                              185(94)                                               185(94)

Cunningham v. Wheeler (B.C.), 22867, *03 La Forest, L'Heureux-

   Dubé and McLachlin JJ. are dissenting in part 17.3.94                                                                                                           2025(93)                                            466(94)

Darryl R. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23685, *03 27.4.94                                                                                                               711(94)                                               759(94)

Daviault c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 23435                                                                                                                                            231(94)

Dickson v. The Queen (Crim.)(Yuk.), 23580 *01 2.2.94                                                                                                                    190(94)                                               231(94)

Dunphy Leasing Enterprises Ltd. v. Bank of Nova Scotia

   (Alta.), 22819, *02 18.3.94                                                                                                                                                                596(94)                                               596(94)

Farinacci v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23059, *03 L'Heureux-Dubé,

   Gonthier and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 17.3.94                                                                                                                          2060(93)                                            467(94)

Finta v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23097, *01 La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé

   and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 24.3.94                                                                                                                                            1157(93)                                            598(94)

François v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23677                                                                                                                                         764(94)

Gagnon v. Lucas (Ont.), 23445                                                                                                                                                                 289(94)

Galaske v. Stauffer (B.C.), 23109, *03 Sopinka and Major JJ. dissenting

   14.4.94                                                                                                                                                                                                    2272(93)                                            598(94)

Gibney v. Gilliland (B.C.), 23159, *02 22.2.94                                                                                                                                      290(94)                                               290(94)

Grand Council of the Crees (of Quebec) c. Hydro-Québec (F.C.A.)(Qué.),

   22705, *03 24.2.94                                                                                                                                                                              1832(93)                                            292(94)

Harper v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 23160                                                                                                                                         370(94)

Hodgkinson v. Simms (B.C.), 23033                                                                                                                                                        2273(93)

Howard v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 22999, *01 12.5.94                                                                                                                 291(94)                                               814(94)

Hydro Electric Commission of the Town of Kenora v. Vacationland

   Dairy Co-operative Ltd. (Ont.), 22947, *02 Lamer C.J. and La Forest,

   McLachlin and Iacobucci JJ. dissenting 27.1.94                                                                                                                         1772(93)                                            104(94)

In the Matter of a Reference in Respect of the Quebec Sales

   Tax (Qué.), 23690                                                                                                                                                                               2275(93)

International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union v.

   The Queen (B.C.), 23306, *02 31.1.94                                                                                                                                          187(94)                                               187(94)

Jeffreys v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23061, *03 L'Heureux-Dubé,

   Gonthier and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 17.3.94                                                                                                                          2060(93)                                            467(94)

Jensen v. Tolofson (B.C.), 22980                                                                                                                                                               289(94)

Jobin v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23190                                                                                                                                               368(94)

Jones v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23157, *01 12.5.94                                                                                                                      1830(93)                                            814(94)

Lépine v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23026, *03 L'Heureux-Dubé,

   Gonthier and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 17.3.94                                                                                                                          2060(93)                                            467(94)

Maritime Life Assurance Co. v. Saskatchewan River Bungalows Ltd.

   (Alta.), 23194                                                                                                                                                                                        461(94)

Masters v. Masters (Sask.), 22676, *02 28.4.94                                                                                                                                 712(94)                                               712(94)

McNee v. Shanks (B.C.), 22863, *01 La Forest, L'Heureux-

   Dubé and McLachin JJ. dissenting in part 17.3.94                                                                                                                    2025(93)                                            466(94)

Miller v. Cooper (B.C.), 22860, *01 La Forest, L'Heureux-

   Dubé and McLachlin JJ. are dissenting in part 17.3.94                                                                                                           2025(93)                                            466(94)

Ministre du Revenu du Québec c. Arcuri (Qué.), 22989                                                                                                                   1772(93)

Miron v. Trudel (Ont.), 22744, adjourned to the next term                                                                                                             1833(93)

Mobil Oil Canada Ltd. v. Canada-Newfoundland Offshore

   Petroleum Board (Nfld.), 22948, *01 24.2.94                                                                                                                             2224(93)                                            292(94)

Nagra v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23582, *03 15.3.94                                                                                                                     462(94)                                               462(94)

Peat Marwick Thorne Inc. v. Director of Maintenance Enforcement

   (Alta.), 23273                                                                                                                                                                                        191(94)

Pittman v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 23436, *01 28.1.94                                                                                                                  186(94)                                               186(94)

Pozniak v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23642                                                                                                                                          370(94)

Primeau v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 23613                                                                                                                                       368(94)

Procureur général du Québec c. Téléphone Guèvremnt Inc.

   (Qué.), 23345, *02 26.4.94                                                                                                                                                               709(94)                                               709(94)

Prosper v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 23178                                                                                                                                           370(94)

R. v. Burns (Crim.)(B.C.), 23115, *03 14.4.94                                                                                                                                        101(94)                                               599(94)

R. v. Chartrand (Crim.)(Ont.), 23340                                                                                                                                                       462(94)

R. v. Finta (Crim.)(Ont.), 23023, *01 La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé

   and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 24.3.94                                                                                                                                            1157(93)                                            598(94)

R. v. Heywood (Crim.)(B.C.), 23384                                                                                                                                                        710(94)

R. v. M.B.P. (Crim.)(Ont.), 23088, *01 La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé

   and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 14.4.94                                                                                                                                            2089(93)                                            598(94)

R. v. M.L.M. (Crim.)(N.S.), 23385, *03 3.5.94                                                                                                                                       760(94)                                               812(94)

R. v. Matheson (Crim.)(P.E.I.), 23312                                                                                                                                                      370(94)

R. v. Mohan (Crim.)(Ont.), 23063, *03 5.5.94                                                                                                                                       2059(93)                                            765(94)

R. v. Native Women's Association of Canada (Ont.), 23253                                                                                                          421(94)

R. v. Oommen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23608                                                                                                                                                        708(94)

R. c. Pétel (Crim.)(Qué.), 23424, *01 La Forest,

   L'Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier and Major JJ. dissenting

   20.1.94                                                                                                                                                                                                    2025(93)                                            43(94)

R. v. Power (Crim.)(Nfld.), 23566, *03 Sopinka, Cory and Major JJ.

   dissenting 14.4.94                                                                                                                                                                               2272(93)                                            599(94)

R. in right of Canada v. Reza (Ont.), 23361                                                                                                                                           708(94)

Richard B. v. Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto

   (Ont.), 23298, *01 17.3.94                                                                                                                                                                464(94)                                               595(94)

Richardson c. La Reine (Crim.)(N.-B.), 23413, 01 4.2.94                                                                                                                   232(94)                                               232(94)

S. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23581                                                                                                                                                      368(94)

Schmidt v. Air Products Canada Ltd. (Alta.), 23057                                                                                                                            2225(93)

Shanks v. McNee (B.C.), 22863, *03 La Forest, L'Heureux-

   Dubé and McLachlin JJ. dissenting in part 17.3.94                                                                                                                   2025(93)                                            466(94)

Shell Canada Products Ltd. v. City of Vancouver (B.C.),

   22789, *03 Lamer C.J. and L'Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier and

   McLachlin JJ. dissenting 24.2.94                                                                                                                                                     897(93)                                               292(94)

Stevenson v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23478                                                                                                                                    763(94)

Superintendent of Brokers v. Pezim (B.C.), 23107                                                                                                                             366(94)

Swinamer v. Attorney General of Nova Scotia (N.S.), 22915, *01 17.3.94                                                                                2058(93)                                            446(94)

Syndicat de l'enseignement de Champlain c. Commission scolaire

   régionale de Chambly (Qué.), 23188                                                                                                                                           188(94)

Tataryn v. Tataryn (B.C.), 23398                                                                                                                                                              760(94)

Téléphone Guèvremont Inc. c. Procureur général du Québec

   (Qué.), 23345, *01 26.4.94                                                                                                                                                               709(94)                                               709(94)

Thomson v. Thomson (Man.), 23794, *01 26.1.94                                                                                                                             102(94)                                               184(94)

Toneguzzo-Norvell v. Savein (B.C.), 23195, *03 in part 27.1.94                                                                                                    2022(93)                                            104(94)

Tran v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), *03 25.2.94                                                                                                                                       367(94)                                               367(94)

Trzop v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(N.B.), 23283/84                                                                                                                                      190(94)

Whittle v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23466                                                                                                                                           367(94)

Willick v. Willick (Sask.), 23141                                                                                                                                                                 463(94)

Willmor Discount Corporation c. Ville de Vaudreuil (Qué.),

   23220, *01 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                                                189(94)                                               766(94)

Zazulak v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23713 *01 4.5.94                                                                                                                    761(94)                                               761(94)

Zeitel v. Ellscheid (Ont.), 22792, *02 Sopinka and Iacobucci JJ.

   dissenting 5.5.94                                                                                                                                                                                  188(94)                                               766(94)









Pursuant to Rule 23.1 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, the following deadlines must be met before a motion before the Court can be heard:




Conformément à l'article 23.1 des Règles de la Cour suprême du Canada, les délais suivants doivent être respectés pour qu'une requête soit entendue par la Cour:







Motion day                   :                June 6, 1994


Service                              :                   May 16, 1994

Filing                                  :                   May 23, 1994

Respondent                    :                   May 30, 1994



Audience du                :                   6 juin 1994


Signification                    :                   16 mai 1994

Dépot                                :                   23 mai 1994

Intimé                               :                   30 mai 1994











The next session of the Supreme Court of Canada commences on April 25, 1994. 



La prochaine session de la Cour suprême du Canada débute le 25 avril 1994.




Pursuant to the Supreme Court Act and Rules, the following requirements for filing must be complied with before an appeal will be inscribed and set down for hearing:


Conformément à la Loi sur la Cour suprême et aux Règles, il faut se conformer aux exigences suivantes avant qu'un appel puisse être inscrit pour audition:




Case on appeal must be filed within three months of the filing of the notice of appeal.


Le dossier d'appel doit être déposé dans les trois mois du dépôt de l'avis d'appel.




Appellant's factum must be filed within five months of the filing of the notice of appeal.


Le mémoire de l'appelant doit être déposé dans les cinq mois du dépôt de l'avis d'appel.




Respondent's factum must be filed within eight weeks of the date of service of the appellant's factum.


Le mémoire de l'intimé doit être déposé dans les huit semaines suivant la signification de celui de l'appelant.




Intervener's factum must be filed within two weeks of the date of service of the respondent's factum.



Le mémoire de l'intervenant doit être déposé dans les deux semaines suivant la signification de celui de l'intimé.

The Registrar shall inscribe the appeal for hearing upon the filing of the respondent's factum or after the expiry of the time for filing the respondent's factum


Le registraire inscrit l'appel pour audition après le dépôt du mémoire de l'intimé ou à l'expiration du délai de signification du mémoire de l'intimé.




The Registrar shall enter on a list all appeals inscribed for hearing at the April 1994 Session on March 1, 1994.


Le 1 mars 1994, le registraire met au rôle de la session d'avril 1994 tous les appels inscrits pour audition.













Judgments reported in [1994] 1 S.C.R., Part 3


Brown v. British Columbia (Minister of Transportation and Highways), [1994] 1 S.C.R. 420


Cunningham v. Wheeler; Cooper v. Miller; Shanks v. McNee, [1994] 1 S.C.R. 359


R. v. Bois, [1994] 1 S.C.R. 357


R. v. Nagra, [1994] 1 S.C.R. 355


RJR -- MacDonald Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General), [1994] 1 S.C.R. 311


Swinamer v. Nova Scotia (Attorney Genernal), [1994] 1 S.C.R. 445





Jugements publiés dans [1994] 1 R.C.S., partie 3


Brown c. Colombie-Britannique (Ministre des Transports et de la Voirie), [1994] 1 R.C.S. 420


Cunningham c. Wheeler; Cooper c. Miller; Shanks c. McNee, [1994] 1 R.C.S. 359


R. c. Bois, [1994] 1 R.C.S. 357


R. c. Nagra, [1994] 1 R.C.S. 355


RJR -- MacDonald Inc. c. Canada (Procureur général), [1994] 1 R.C.S. 311


Swinamer c. Nouvelle-Écosse (Procureur général), [1994] 1 R.C.S. 445










 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.