
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

SUPREME COURT                                       COUR SUPRÊME

OF CANADA                                            DU CANADA   

             BULLETIN  OF                                          BULLETIN DES

             PROCEEDINGS                                          PROCÉDURES

This Bulletin is published at the direction of the Registrar and is for general information only.  It is not to be used as evidence of its content, which, if required, should be proved by Certificate of the Registrar under the Seal of the Court.  While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.


Ce Bulletin, publié sous l'autorité du registraire, ne vise qu'à fournir des renseignements d'ordre général.  Il ne peut servir de preuve de son contenu.  Celle‑ci s'établit par un certificat du registraire donné sous le sceau de la Cour.  Rien n'est négligé pour assurer l'exactitude du contenu, mais la Cour décline toute responsabilité pour les erreurs ou omissions.





Subscriptions may be had at $200 per year, payable in advance, in accordance with the Court tariff.  During Court sessions it is usually issued weekly.


Le prix de l'abonnement, fixé dans le tarif de la Cour, est de 200 $ l'an, payable d'avance.  Le Bulletin paraît en principe toutes les semaines pendant les sessions de la Cour.





The Bulletin, being a factual report of recorded proceedings, is produced in the language of record.  Where a judgment has been rendered, requests for copies should be made to the Registrar, with a remittance of $10 for each set of reasons.  All remittances should be made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.


Le Bulletin rassemble les procédures devant la Cour dans la langue du dossier.  Quand un arrêt est rendu, on peut se procurer les motifs de jugement en adressant sa demande au registraire, accompagnée de 10 $ par exemplaire.  Le paiement doit être fait à l'ordre du Receveur général du Canada.






November 3, 2000  1923 - 1992 (INDEX)                                             le 3 novembre 2000

CONTENTS                                                   TABLE DES MATIÈRES




Applications for leave to appeal



Applications for leave submitted

to Court since last issue


Oral hearing ordered


Oral hearing on applications for



Judgments on applications for



Judgment on motion




Notices of appeal filed since last



Notices of intervention filed since

last issue


Notices of discontinuance filed since

last issue


Appeals heard since last issue and disposition


Pronouncements of appeals reserved





Headnotes of recent judgments


Weekly agenda


Summaries of the cases


Cumulative Index ‑ Leave


Cumulative Index ‑ Appeals


Appeals inscribed ‑ Session



Notices to the Profession and

Press Release


Deadlines: Motions before the Court


Deadlines: Appeals


Judgments reported in S.C.R.


1923 - 1925



1926 - 1934








1935 - 1939





1940 - 1944











1947 - 1948












1951 - 1964


1965 - 1987


1988 - 1990














Demandes d'autorisation d'appel



Demandes soumises à la Cour depuis la dernière parution


Audience ordonnée


Audience sur les demandes d'autorisation



Jugements rendus sur les demandes                                                                                  d'autorisation


Jugement sur requête




Avis d'appel déposés depuis la dernière parution


Avis d'intervention déposés depuis la                                                                                    dernière parution


Avis de désistement déposés depuis la     dernière parution


Appels entendus depuis la dernière

parution et résultat


Jugements rendus sur les appels en



Nouvelle audition


Sommaires des arrêts récents


Ordre du jour de la semaine


Résumés des affaires


Index cumulatif ‑ Autorisations


Index cumulatif ‑ Appels


Appels inscrits ‑ Session

commençant le


Avis aux avocats et communiqué

de presse


Délais: Requêtes devant la Cour


Délais: Appels


Jugements publiés au R.C.S.





The Attorney General of Nova Scotia

Edward A. Gores

A.G. of Nova Scotia


v. (28179)


Susan Walsh et al. (N.S.)

Katherine A. Briand

Nova Scotia Legal Aid


FILING DATE 5.9.2000



Christopher James Clay

Paul Burstein

Burstein & Paine


v. (28189)


Her Majesty the Queen (Ont.)

Morris Pistyner

A.G. of Canada


FILING DATE 17.10.2000



Raymond John Kowalchuk

Allan M.G. Botan

Levine, Levene, Tadman


v. (28200)


Venkateswara Rao Adduri, et al. (Man.)

Helga D. Van Iderstine

Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson


FILING DATE 16.10.2000



Marie-Louis Lessard

Marie-Louis Lessard



c. (28201)


Corporation municipale de Courcelles (Qué.)

Roland Veilleux






Corrpro Canada, Inc.

Rod J. Wasylyshyn

Ogilvie and Company


v. (28202)


Edmonton Centre West Ltd., et al. (Alta.)

Bryan M. Sarabin

Bishop & McKenzie


FILING DATE 17.10.2000



La province du Nouveau-Brunswick

Cedric L. Haines

P.G. du Nouveau-Brunswick


c. (28206)


Le juge Jocelyne Moreau-Bérubé, et al. (N.-B.)

Anne E. Bertrand

Bertrand & Bertrand





Attorney General of Canada

Thomas W. Wakeling

Fraser Milner Casgrain


v. (28210)


Stephen Joseph Harper, et al. (Alta.)

A.D. Hunter, Q.C.

Gowling Lafleur Henderson


FILING DATE 30.10.2000



David Jonathan Wild

Terrence L. Robertson, Q.C.

Harper Grey Easton


v. (26384)


Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.)

Robert A. Mulligan

A.G. of British Columbia


FILING DATE 25.10.2000



All Seasons Display Inc. et al.

David J. Whitelaw

Whitelaw & Twining


v. (28185)


Michael Mylett et al. (B.C.)

Paul W. Walker

Guild, Yule & Company


FILING DATE 10.10.2000



Ronald Biron

Viateur Bergeron, c.r.

Bergeron, Gaudreau, Laporte


c. (28203)


Lévesque Beaubien Geoffrion Inc.  (Qué.)

Jean-Pierre Rémillard

Dunton Rainville





Andrew James Maxwell

Joseph J. Blazina

McCullough Parsons


v. (28204)


Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.)

Gregory J. Fitch

A.G. of British Columbia


FILING DATE 18.10.2000



Jones Power Co. Limited et al.

Mark A. Gelowitz

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


v. (28205)


Mitsui & Co. (Point Aconi) Ltd. (N.S.)

David A. Miller

Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales


FILING DATE 20.10.2000



Louis Metzner

Charles G. Stein

Ratcliff & Company


v. (28208)


Martha Metzner (B.C.)

Martha Metzner



FILING DATE 20.10.2000



Abtar Singh Bains

Geoffrey B. Gomery

Nathanson, Schachter & Thompson


v. (28211)


Ragbier Singh Bhandar (B.C.)

Donald A. Farguhar, Q.C.

Pearlman & Lindholm


FILING DATE 16.10.2000













OCTOBER 30, 2000 / LE 30 OCTOBRE 2000


                                              CORAM:  Chief Justice McLachlin and Iacobucci and Major JJ. /

Le juge en chef McLachlin et les juges Iacobucci et Major


Emmanuel Solis


v. (27947)


The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.)(Man.)




Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Civil - Sections 6 , 7 , 12  and 15  of the Charter  - Immigration - Permanent resident - Applicant found to be a danger to the public pursuant to subparagraph 46.01(1)(e)(iv), paragraph 53(1)(d) and subsection 70(5) of the Immigration Act - Whether the word “citizen” in s. 6  of the Charter  has a meaning independent from statute - Whether an opinion under subsection 70(5) of the Immigration Act constitutes cruel and unusual treatment in violation of s. 12  of the Charter  - Whether the international human right norm is recognized in Canada which provides that long term residents of a country with substantial family connections to the county who have committed criminal offences have a right to remain in the country despite their criminality where removal would be disproportionate to the objective of removal - Whether this norm is protected in either sections 6 , 7 , 12  or 15  of the Charter  or the Immigration Act.




May 19, 1998

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division

(Campbell J.)


Application for judicial review dismissed




March 28, 2000

Federal Court of Appeal

(Rothstein, Décary and Malone JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed without costs




May 29, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






John Edwards and Nancy Edwards on behalf of themselves

and with leave of the court on behalf of the class herein described


v. (28108)


The Law Society of Upper Canada (Ont.)




Torts - Negligence - Whether a negligence suit against a statutory regulator lies for failure to conduct an adequate investigation into the conduct of a lawyer licensed by the regulator - Whether a careless investigation by a regulatory professional body is necessarily characterized as “judicial” so as to immunize the body from a negligence suit - Whether it is plain, obvious, and beyond reasonable doubt that a regulatory body owes no duty of care to clients of a member the body has actual notice of alleged misconduct on the part of the member and if so, whether policy considerations granting immunity to the regulator from civil suit negative the duty of care - Whether a statutory regulator is immune from a negligence suit in matters relating to its investigative function.




January 19, 1998

Superior Court of Justice

(Sharpe J.)


Applicants’ claim against Respondent dismissed as disclosing no reasonable cause of action




June 7, 2000 (Docket C29106)

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Finlayson, Moldaver and Goudge JJ.A)


Appeal dismissed




September 1, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






George Desnomie


v. (27972)


Her Majesty the Queen (F.C.A.)(Man.)




Taxation - Indians - Sections 87  and 90  of the Indian Act , R.S.C., 1985, c. I-5 - Whether the Applicant’s employment income is “situated on a reserve” and exempt from taxation - Application of the “connecting factors” test set forth in Williams v. Her Majesty the Queen, [1992] 1 S.C.R. 877 and whether the Federal Court of Appeal erred in its application of the law  - Whether there is a conflict between this case and Folster v. Her Majesty the Queen (1997), 97 DTC 5315 (FCA) - Whether there is confusion in the case law concerning the application of the Williams case - Whether  the Federal Court of Appeal erred in failing to find that the Applicant’s income came within the meaning of s. 90(1) (b) of the Indian Act .




June 23, 1998

Tax Court of Canada (Archambault J.T.C.C.)


Appeal from assessment made under the Income Tax Act dismissed with costs




April 19, 2000

Federal Court of Appeal

(Décary, Rothstein, Malone JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed with costs




June 16, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






Nicholas Y. Bonamy


v. (28003)


Correctional Service Canada (F.C.A.) (Ont.)




Administrative law - Judicial review - Inmate transfer request - Did the Federal Court of Appeal err in determining that the Trial Division was correct in concluding that the Third Level Grievance Board had taken into account those matters that it was required by law to consider and had placed no reliance on irrelevant considerations or acted in bad faith? 




February 26, 1998

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division

(Rothstein J.)


Application for judicial review of a decision of a Third Level Grievance Board refusing to transfer the Applicant from Alberta’s correctional facilities to correctional facilities located in British Columbia, dismissed




May 24, 2000

Federal Court of Appeal

(Strayer, Isaac and Sharlow JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 30, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






CORAM:    L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ. /

Les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache et LeBel


Daniel Gaudreault


c. (28040)


Sa Majesté la Reine (Crim.)(Qué.)




Droit criminel - Détermination de la peine - Une peine d’interdiction de conduire à perpétuité est-elle manifestement déraisonnable relativement à l’article 259(1)  du Code criminel ?




Le 25 janvier 2000

Cour du Québec

(Larouche j.c.q.)


Demandeur interdit de conduire un véhicule à moteur à perpétuité suite à une infraction à l’article 259(1) c) du Code criminel 




Le 19 mai 2000

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Dussault, Thibault et Letarte (ad hoc) jj.c.a.)






Appel rejetéLe 3 août 2000

Cour suprême du Canada  


Demande d’autorisation d’appel déposée






Alain Fortin


c. (28066)


Sa Majesté la Reine (Crim.)(Qué.)




Droit criminel - Procès - Le juge de première instance a-t-il erré dans ses directives sur la règle de l’unanimité des verdicts à rendre et a-t-il induit par le fait même les jurés en erreur quant à leurs obligations, fermant la porte à un éventuel désaccord? - Le juge de première instance a-t-il erré en permettant que soit utilisé en preuve contre l’accusé des discussions concernant un faux contrat de meurtre présenté par le délateur à l’accusé douze ans après les événements en litige, élément non pertinent et hautement préjudiciable à l’accusé? - Le juge de première instance a-t-il erré en ne permettant aux jurés de ne rendre que deux verdicts quant à l’accusation de meurtre au premier degré, soit coupable de meurtre au premier degré ou non coupable, usurpant ainsi les fonctions du jury en le privant de la possibilité de ne pas croire le délateur sur une partie de son témoignage?




Le 8 mars 1997

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Barrette‑Joncas j.c.s.)


Demandeur déclaré coupable du meurtre au premier degré




Le 16 mai 2000

Cour d'appel du Québec 

(Proulx, Fish et Chamberland jj.c.a.)


Pourvoi rejeté




Le 15 août 2000

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée






André Ouellet


c. (28064)


Sa Majesté la Reine (Crim.)(Qué.)




Droit commercial - Faillite -  Le déroulement du deuxième procès sur les accusations de fraude, en novembre 1998, a-t-il donné toutes les garanties d'obtenir justice ? - Le jugement du 17 décembre 1998, sur le verdict du deuxième procès, contient-il de nombreuses faussetés et erreurs de droit et de fait? - La permission d'appeler du 5 mai 1999 était-elle tellement restrictive qu'elle niait, à toute fin pratique, le droit d'appel ? - Le jugement du 16 mai 2000, a-t-il omis de traiter des vraies questions en litige ?




Le 17 décembre 1998

Cour du Québec

(Plante j.c.q.)


Demandeur déclaré coupable d’avoir disposé frauduleusement de ses biens, de valeurs mobilières et de deux immeubles à logement, en contravention du para. 198  b) de la Loi sur la faillite et l’insolvabilité 




Le 10 juillet 2000

Cour d'appel du Québec 

(Gendreau, Pidgeon et Thibault jj.c.a.)


Requête extraordinaire pour recommencer la procédure d’appel rejetée




Le 15 août 2000

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d’autorisation d’appel déposée








c. (27854)


Institut Philippe Pinel, Paul‑André Lafleur, Dr. Lucie Legault,Dr. Fréderic Millaud, Dr.Jacques Voyer et

Dr. Benoit Dassylva




Hôtel-Dieu de Sorel, Dr. Yves Dion (Qué.)




Procédure - Procédure civile - Procédure préalable au procès - Interprétation - Art. 402 du Code de procédure civile, L.R.Q., c. C-25 - Requête pour obtenir la communication des dossiers médicaux du demandeur - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en refusant la requête pour permission d’en appeler du demandeur ordonnant ainsi la communication des dossiers médicaux du demandeur aux intimés, portant ainsi atteinte aux droits fondamentaux du demandeur garantis par les articles 5 et 9 de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne, L.R.Q., c. C-12?




Le 22 décembre 1999

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Poulin j.c.s.)


Requête des intimés accueillie en partie; ordonnance de communication des dossiers médicaux du demandeur




Le 16 février 2000

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Baudouin j.c.a)


Requête pour permission d’en appeler rejetée




Le 17 avril 2000

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée








c. (27937)


Me Claude Melançon


- et -


Institut Philippe Pinel de Montréal, Dr. Paul-André Lafleur, Dr. Lucie Legault,

Dr. Frédéric Millaud, Dr. Benoit Dassylva, Dr. Yves Dion (Qué.)




CORAM:   Gonthier, Binnie and Arbour JJ. /

Les juges Gonthier, Binnie et Arbour


Ian Fergus Hunter


v. (26580)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(B.C.)





Criminal  Law ‑ Narcotics - Statutory interpretation - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in fact and law by not considering the unacceptable vagueness of the law with regards to what constitutes viable cannabis seeds.




September 25, 1997

Supreme Court of British Columbia (Drake J.)


Applicant convicted under ss. 6(1) and 4(2) of the Narcotic Control Act and under s. 49(1) of the Food and Drugs Act




February 17, 1998

Court of Appeal of British Columbia (Hall J.A.)


Applicant's motion dismissed




June 8, 2000

Court of Appeal of British Columbia

(Rowles, Finch and Hall JJ.A.)


Appeal against conviction dismissed




April 21, 1998

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed




May 7, 1998

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





September 6, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






Ernst Zundel


v. (27977)


The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, The Attorney General of Canada and The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (F.C.A.)




Immigration Law - Citizenship - Applicant applied for Canadian citizenship - Minister of Citizenship and Immigration made a report indicating that there were reasonable grounds to believe that the Applicant would engage in activity that constituted a threat to the security of Canada - Whether the Minister’s Report is a nullity in that it fails to allege circumstances amounting to a “threat to the security of Canada” within the meaning of section 2  of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act  - Whether the Minister’s Report is a nullity in that it fails to include reasonable grounds for the allegation as required by the statute - Whether the sufficiency of the Minister’s Report involves a question of jurisdiction which may be raised at any time during the hearings - Whether the case is of public and national importance as it raises the issue of the sufficiency of a Minister’s Report under section 19  of the Citizenship Act  - Whether the requirements for sufficiency of a Minister’s report is an issue of national importance, given that the Minister’s report is an extremely important document for any person accused of being a threat to the national security of Canada, and given the secrecy of hearings before Security Intelligence Review Committee, where an applicant is given only summaries of evidence in most cases, with no right of cross-examination of witnesses  - Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act , R.S.C., 1985, c. C-23, s. 2  - Citizenship Act , R.S.C., 1985, c. C-29, s. 19 




June 18, 1999

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division

(McKeown J.)


Application for judicial review quashed




May 17, 2000

Federal Court of Appeal

(Linden, Robertson and Sharlow JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 19, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






Sagaz Industries Canada Inc., Sagaz Industries Inc. and Joseph Kavana


v. (27820)


671122 Ontario Limited formerly Design Dynamics Limited (Ont.)




Torts - Master and servant - Vicarious liability - Procedural law - Trial - Evidence - Re-opening of trial to admit fresh evidence -  What is the proper test for determining whether, outside of traditional “master and servant” or “employment” relationships, a relationship exists that gives rise to vicarious liability for intentional torts? - May vicarious liability be imposed absent control? - What is the proper test for re-opening a civil trial to admit fresh evidence? - Should the trial judge reopen a trial after judgment but before formal judgment has been entered without assessing the credibility of the fresh evidence, and based only on the determination that the evidence, if believed, might probably change the result? - Is the reasonable diligence requirement met where a party makes a tactical decision not to call a witness at trial, and the witness changes his story after the trial decision is released?




May 28, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Cumming J.)


Action dismissed as against the Applicants




October 9, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Cumming J.)


Motion to re-open trial to admit fresh evidence dismissed




January 25, 2000

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Catzman, Borins and Sharpe JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed:  Applicants ordered to pay damages to Respondent




March 27, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






Carol Duguid


v. (27973)


Bank of Montreal (Ont.)




Commercial law - Creditor and debtor - Contracts - Suretyship - Undue influence - Bank bringing action against wife as co-signor of her husband’s investment loan - Whether relationship of husband and wife triggers presumption of undue influence when wife stands surety for debts of her husband - Whether a bank is placed under a duty to inquire when a wife stands surety for her husband’s debts - Whether existence of sexual and emotional ties between husband and wife provides sufficient evidence for a presumption of undue influence to arise.




May 30, 1997

Ontario Court (General Division) (Day J.)


Respondent`s action on a loan dismissed




April 20, 2000

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(McMurtry C.J.O., Osborne A.C.J.O. and  Feldman J.A. [dissenting])


Appeal allowed




June 19, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               Chief Justice McLachlin and L’Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier, Iacobucci, Major, Bastarache, Binnie, Arbour and LeBel JJ.


Glen Sebastian Burns, et al. v. United States of America (B.C.)(Criminal) (By Leave) (26211)









NOVEMBER 1, 2000 / LE 1 NOVEMBRE 2000


28017                    WYN RHYS‑JONES ‑ v. ‑ ELIZABETH KATHLEEN RHYS‑JONES (Ont.) (Civil)


CORAM:               Gonthier, Binnie and Arbour JJ.


The application for extension of time is granted and the application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande de prorogation de délai est accordée et la demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Family law - Maintenance - Variation of 1977 support order made under previous divorce legislation - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that the Ontario courts did not have a jurisdiction to hear the Applicant’s application to vary the support order made in favour of the Respondent against the Applicant in divorce proceedings between these parties, pronounced in1977 in the Supreme Court of Ontario pursuant to the 1968 Divorce Act , s. 11(1) .




June 30, 1999

Superior Court of Justice

(Manton J.)


Application to rescind or vary retroactively and prospectively 1977 support order allowed




April 20, 2000

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Carthy, Charron and Rosenberg JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed; application to vary spousal support order dismissed




July 18, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal and motion to extend time filed






NOVEMBER 2, 2000 / LE 2 NOVEMBRE 2000


28049                    FATHI OMARI ‑ v. ‑ HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (B.C.) (Criminal)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Criminal Law - Procedural Law - Whether applicant denied Charter right to retain and instruct counsel; Whether Crown used  part of a police report for the benefit of the Crown, without admitting all of the report to the detriment of the applicant; Whether full text of police report should have been tendered as proof of violation of s. 8  of the Charter; Truthfulness of an affidavit filed by defence counsel; Failure of summary conviction court of appeal to address issues.




July 14, 1999

Provincial Court of British Columbia

(Stansfield J.)


Convicted of sexual assault




September 8, 1999

Provincial Court of British Columbia

(Stansfield J.)


Sentenced to sixty day conditional sentence followed by one year on probation




February 9, 2000

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Wong J.)


Appeal from conviction dismissed




May 11, 2000

British Columbia Court of Appeal

(Southin J., in chambers)


Application for leave to appeal refused




August 9, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






28036                    L.K.W. ‑ v. ‑ HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Ont.) (Criminal)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for an extension of time is granted and the application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande de prorogation de délai est accordée et la demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Criminal law - Procedural law - Discharge of juror - Evidence - Instructions to jury - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law in deciding not to replace a juror who had been excused and in electing to proceed with only eleven jurors - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law in applying for proviso having found that the trial judge erred in failing to give the appropriate limiting instruction as to the use that could be made of the Applicant's criminal record - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law in applying the proviso having found that the trial judge erred in failing to give the appropriate limiting instruction as to the use that could be made of prior inconsistent statements - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law in applying the proviso having found that the trial judge erred in failing to give the appropriate limiting instruction as to the use of evidence relating to other counts on the indictment.




June 18, 1996

Superior Court of Justice

(Desotti J.)            






Applicant convicted on 20 counts, including sex-related offences, assault causing bodily harm, administering a noxious substance and unlawful confinement; applicant sentenced to a term of 18½ years of imprisonmentSeptember 28, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Osborne A.C.J.O., Moldaver and Farley JJ.A. (ad hoc))


Appeals against conviction and sentence dismissed




August 1, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






27975                    PETER JOHN STARK ‑ v. ‑ HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (Ont.) (Criminal)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The motion to file supplementary materials is granted.  The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La requête visant le dépôt de documents supplémentaires est accordée.  La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Criminal law - Evidence - Jail-house informant - Fresh evidence - Is the approach taken by the Ontario Court of Appeal to the determination of whether there exists a state agency relationship in accordance with the approach in Broyles? - Where the Respondent files fresh evidence which conflicts with an Applicant’s fresh evidence, to what extent is an appellate court to resolve the conflict when deciding whether the fourth branch of the Palmer test has been met?




December 1, 1994

Superior Court of Justice

(Glithero J.)


Applicant’s application to exclude Gerald Udall’s evidence dismissed




May 1, 2000

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Finlayson, Carthy and O’Connor JJ.A.)


Applicant’s appeal from his conviction of first degree murder dismissed




June 30, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed








CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs to the Respondents Castlerock Entertainment Inc., Needful Productions Ltd. and Emeneau Construction Limited.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens aux intimés Castlerock Entertainment Inc., Needful Productions Ltd. et Emeneau Construction Limited.




Commercial law - Insurance - Motor vehicles - Interpretation - Explosion caused by individual attempted to commit suicide by dousing the passenger seat of a truck with gasoline and lighting match - Engine not running - Fire and loss of commercial building - Whether the coverage provision in the Standard Automobile Policy ought to be construed according to its literal meaning and that the words “ordinary” should not be read into the provisions so as to restrict coverage - When an automobile is used for the purpose of suicide, whether the words of the Standard Automobile Policy coverage do not justify a distinction based upon whether or not the engine is running at the time of the suicide - Whether the coverage provision in the Standard Automobile Policy ought to be construed broadly and liberally.




July 26, 1999

Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Trial Division

(Wright J.)


Applicant’s action dismissed




April 7, 2000

Nova Scotia Court of Appeal

(Chipman, Pugsley and Bateman JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 2, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed






27869                    HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN ‑ v. ‑ WILLIAM A. DUDNEY (FC) (Civil)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Taxation - Assessment - Income Tax Act  - Whether the court of appeal erred in law in determining that the premises of PanCan were not a location through which the respondent carried on his business - Whether the court of appeal erred in law in determining that the premises of PanCan were not a ‘fixed base regularly available’ to the respondent within the meaning of Article XIV of the Canada-United States Income Tax Convention (1980) - Whether the court of appeal erred in law in  determining the factors which it deemed necessary criterion for those premises to constitute a ‘fixed base regularly available’ to the respondent within the meaning of Article XIV of the Convention.




October 30, 1998

Tax Court of Canada

(Bowie J.T.C.C.)






Respondent’s appeals from the assessments made under the Income Tax Act for the taxation years 1994 and 1995 allowed with costs, assessments were vacated February 24, 2000

Federal Court of Appeal

(Stone, Noël, and Sharlow JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed with costs




April 26, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed




May 9, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada (Iacobucci J.)


Motion to extend time to April 26, 2000 to serve and file application for leave to appeal granted






28095                    K.D.J. ‑ v. ‑ HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (B.C.) (Criminal)


CORAM:               Gonthier, Binnie and Arbour JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée.




Criminal law - Young offenders - Transfer of proceedings - Aboriginal offenders - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in failing to consider aboriginal background as a relevant factor in a transfer hearing under the Young Offenders Act , R.S.C., 1985, c. Y-1 ?




September 3, 1999

Provincial Court of British Columbia (Shupe P.C.J.)


Proceedings against the Applicant ordered to be transferred to ordinary court




August 16, 2000

British Columbia Court of Appeal

(Lambert, Rowles and Hall JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




August 31, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed








CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for reconsideration is dismissed with costs.


La demande de réexamen est rejetée avec dépens.









Before / Devant:   LE REGISTRAIRE


Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le mémoire, le dossier et le recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine de l’intimée


Werner Patek, et al.


    c. (27817)


Sa Majesté la Reine (Crim.)(Qué.)


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the respondent’s factum, record and book of authorities






GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Délai prorogé au 11 octobre 2000.





Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the factum of the intervener Reebok Canada


Mattel Canada Inc., et al.


    v. (27174)


Her Majesty the Queen, et al. (F.C.A.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le mémoire de l’intervenant Reebok Canada



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE      Time extended by an additional two weeks.





Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the response of the respondent Chinh Troung Lam


Her Majesty the Queen


     v. (28084)


A. Bau Diu, et al. (Crim.)(Ont.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la réponse de l’intimé Chinh Troung Lam



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to October 18, 2000.





Before / Devant:   ARBOUR J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the application for leave


Great Pacific Pumice


     v. (28085)


District of Squamish (B.C.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la demande d’autorisation



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE    Time extended to August 23, 2000.





Before / Devant:    ARBOUR J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the application for leave


Christopher James Clay


     v. (28189)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(Ont.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la demande d’autorisation



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to October 17, 2000.





Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the applicant’s reply


Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp.


     v. (28097)


Mariusz Brzozowski and Kazimierz Kowaslki, et al. (B.C.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la réplique du requérant



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE    Time extended to October 6, 2000.





Before / Devant:   ARBOUR J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the application for leave


Stephen M. Byer


     v. (27894)


The Inspector General of Financial Institutions (Que.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la demande d’autorisation




ALLOWED IN PART / ACCUEILLIE EN PARTIE The application for leave to appeal is to be served and filed before November 24, 2000.





Before / Devant:   LE REGISTRAIRE


Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le mémoire et le dossier de l’appelante


Sa Majesté la Reine


    c. (27652)


Réjean Parent (Crim.)(Qué.)

Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the factum and record of the appellant



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE    Délai prorogé au 6 octobre 2000.





Before / Devant:    THE REGISTRAR


Motion to file a lengthy factum by the respondents/appellants on cross-appeal in its  present format of 57 pages


Martin Richard McKinley, et al.


     v. (27410)


BC TEL, et al. (B.C.)

Requête visant le dépôt d’un long mémoire de 57 pages dans sa forme actuelle par les intimés/appelants au pourvoi incident








Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the appellant’s factum, record and book of authorities


Mansour Ahani


     v. (27792)


The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, et al. (F.C.A.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le mémoire, le dossier et le recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine de l’appelant



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE    Time extended to November 21, 2000.





Before / Devant:    THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the appellant’s factum, record and book of authorities


Manickavasagam Suresh


    v. (27790)


The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, et al. (F.C.A.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le mémoire, le dossier et le recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine de l’appelant


GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to November 21, 2000.





Before / Devant:   ARBOUR J.


Motion for a stay of execution and motion to expedite the leave application


Attorney General of Canada


     v. (28210)


Stephen Joseph Harper (Alta.)

Requête en vue de surseoir à l’exécution et requête visant à accélérer la demande d’autorisation d’appel




The application for a stay is adjourned to the panel seized of the application for leave to appeal, such application to be expedited to Monday, November 6, 2000.  The respondent is to serve and file its response to the stay and leave application by Friday, November 3, 2000 and the applicants reply, if any, to be served and filed by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Monday, November 6, 2000.





Before / Devant:   BINNIE J.


Motion for extension of time and leave to intervene


BY/PAR:                Attorney General for Ontario


IN/DANS:              Ian Vincent Golden


v. (27547)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(Ont.)

Requête en prorogation de délai et en autorisation d'intervenir






UPON APPLICATION by the Attorney General of Ontario, for an extension of time and for leave to intervene in the above appeal;


AND HAVING READ the material filed ;




1.                  The motion for an extension of time and for leave to intervene of the applicant Attorney General of Ontario is granted and the applicant shall be entitled to serve and file a factum not to exceed 20 pages in length.


The request to present oral argument is deferred to a rota judge following receipt and consideration of the written arguments of the parties and interveners.


The intervener shall not be entitled to adduce further evidence or otherwise to supplement the record of the parties.


Pursuant to Rule 18(6) the intervener shall pay to the appellant and respondent any additional disbursements occasioned to the appellant and respondent by the intervention.









Bank of Montreal


    v. (27766)


Enchant Resources Ltd., et al. (Alta.)












Douglas Glifford Cogswell


    v.  (28063)


Her Majesty the Queen (N.B.)














CORAM:               Le Juge en chef les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier, Iacobucci, Major, Bastarache et Arbour.


Travailleurs et travailleuses unis de l’alimentation et du commerce, local 500, et al.


      c. (27121)


Ivanhoe Inc., et al. (Qué.)

Serge Benoit, Monique Lagacé et Jean-Marc Brodeur, pour les appelants/intimés Invanhoe Inc., et al.


Robert Laurin, pour l’appelant/intimé Travailleurs et travailleuses unis de l’alimentation et du commerce.


Benoît Belleau, pour l’intimé Tribunal du travail.




Nature of the case:


Labour law - Administrative law - Certification - Judicial review - Operation by another in part of an undertaking - Janitorial services - Transfer of rights and obligations under s. 45 of the Labour Code, R.S.Q. 1977, c. C‑27 - Retrocession and successive operation by others of an undertaking - Transfer of certification for janitorial employees under s. 45 when Ivanhoe initially transferring operation of undertaking to another - Termination of contract - Ivanhoe then assigning janitorial services to four new contractors - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in refusing to intervene and quash the lower court decisions holding that s. 45 applied to contracts for services, thus returning to the functional concept of an undertaking, which was dismissed in U.E.S., Local 298 v. Bibeault, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 1048, and Lester (W.W.) (1978) Ltd. v. United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry, Local 740, [1990] 3 S.C.R. 644 - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in ruling that applying s. 45 to cases of retrocession and successive operation by others does not violate the principle of continuity - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in interpreting s. 41 of the Labour Code in such a way as to prevent Ivanhoe from having the union membership examined and its certification cancelled - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in refusing to transfer the collective agreement negotiated with the initial operator or, alternatively, the previous agreement with Ivanhoe to the new contractors.

Nature de la cause:


Droit du travail ‑ Droit administratif - Accréditation - Contrôle judiciaire - Concession partielle d’une entreprise - Entretien ménager - Transmission des droits et obligations selon l’art. 45 du Code du travail, L.R.Q. 1977, ch. C-27 - Rétrocession et concessions successives d’entreprise - Transfert de l’accréditation visant les employés affectés à l’entretien ménager lors d’une première concession d’entreprise par Ivanhoe inc., conformément à l’art. 45 - Fin du contrat - Ivanhoe confiant ensuite à quatre nouveaux entrepreneurs l’entretien ménager - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en refusant d’intervenir pour casser les décisions des instances inférieures qui ont conclu à l’application de l’art. 45 à des contrats de fourniture de services, revenant ainsi à la notion fonctionnelle de l’entreprise qui avait été rejetée dans U.E.S., local 298 c. Bibeault, [1988] 2 R.C.S. 1048, et dans Lester (W.W.)(1978) Ltd. c. Association unie des compagnons et apprentis de l’industrie de la plomberie et de la tuyauterie, section locale 740, [1990] 3 R.C.S. 644? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en décidant que l’application de l’art. 45 à des cas de rétrocession et de concessions successives ne viole pas le principe de continuité? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en interprétant l’art. 41 C.tr. de façon à refuser à Ivanhoe la possibilité de faire vérifier les effectifs syndicaux et de révoquer, à son endroit, l’accréditation du syndicat? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle erré en refusant de transférer chez les nouveaux entrepreneurs la convention collective négociée chez le premier concessionnaire ou, subsidiairement, celle qui avait antérieurement été conclue avec Ivanhoe?





CORAM:               Le Juge en chef les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier, Iacobucci, Major, Bastarache et Arbour.


Ville de Sept-Îles


    c. (27291)


Le Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique, Section locale 2589, et al. (Qué.)

Claude Bureau, pour l’appelante.


Gaston Nadeau et Richard Gauthier, pour l’intimé Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique.


Benoît Belleau, pour l’intimé Tribunal du travail.





Nature of the case:


Labour law – Administrative law – Certification – Judicial review – Partial operation by another of an undertaking – Removal of household garbage –  Transfer of rights and obligations under section 45 of the Labour Code, R.S.Q. 1977, c. C‑27 – Whether mere subcontract awarded without transfer of employees, technology, equipment or anything else, apart from functions, amounts to the operation by another of an undertaking under section 45 of the Labour Code – Whether employer having no latitude or independent management power and being legally subordinate in performing duties assigned by subcontract are relevant factors in determining whether section 45 of the Labour Code applies – Whether decisions of the Labour Court holding that mere transfer of right to operate is sufficient to constitute the transfer of an undertaking within the meaning of section 45 of the Labour Code are contrary to the principles laid down by the Supreme Court as resuscitating the functional economic vehicle theory rejected in U.E.S., Local 298 v. Bibeault, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 1048 – Whether mere transfer of the right to operate without other authority can constitute an organization of activities or a portion of an undertaking sufficiently distinguishable to be severable from the whole, within the meaning of Lester (W.W.) (1978) Ltd. v. United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry, Local 740, [1990] 2 S.C.R. 644 – Whether the legislative amendment of section 46 of the Labour Code subsequent to Bibeault permits lower tribunals to ignore the principles laid down by the Supreme Court.

Nature de la cause:


Droit du travail - Droit administratif - Accréditation - Contrôle judiciaire - Concession partielle d’une entreprise - Enlèvement d’ordures ménagères - Transmission des droits et obligations selon l’article 45 du Code du travail, L.R.Q. 1977, ch. C-27 - L'octroi d'un simple contrat de sous-traitance, sans transfert d'employés, de technologie, d'équipement ou de quoi que ce soit, hormis des fonctions, peut-il constituer une concession d'entreprise en vertu de l'article  45 du Code du travail? -  L'absence de latitude et de pouvoir de gestion autonome de même que la subordination juridique de l'entrepreneur dans l'accomplissement des tâches confiées en sous-traitance sont-ils des facteurs pertinents dans la détermination de l'application de l'article 45 du Code du travail? - La jurisprudence du Tribunal du travail, à l'effet que l'unique cession d'un droit d'exploitation est suffisant pour constituer une cession d'entreprise au sens de l'article 45 du Code du travail, va-t-elle à l'encontre des enseignements de la Cour suprême en ce qu'elle ressuscite la théorie fonctionnelle de l'entreprise rejetée dans l'arrêt U.E.S., local 298 c. Bibeault, [1988] 2 R.C.S. 1048? - Le simple transfert d'un droit d'exploitation sans autre attribut peut-il constituer un ensemble organisé d'activités ou une partie de l'entreprise susceptible d'être distinguée d'un tout capable d'une existence autonome au sens de l'arrêt Lester (W.W.)(1978) Ltd. c. Association unie des compagnons et apprentis de l’industrie de la plomberie et de la tuyauterie, section locale 740, [1990] 3 R.C.S. 644? - La modification législative de l'article 46 du Code du travail, postérieure à l'arrêt Bibeault, autorise-t-elle les tribunaux inférieurs à faire fi des enseignements de la Cour suprême?








NOVEMBER 3, 2000 / LE 3 NOVEMBRE 2000




CORAM:                          The Chief Justice and L’Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier,

Iacobucci, Major, Bastarache and Binnie JJ.        


The application for a rehearing and all ancillary motions are dismissed.


La demande de nouvelle audition et les requêtes accessoires sont rejetées.









AGENDA for the week beginning November 6, 2000.

ORDRE DU JOUR pour la semaine commençant le 6 novembre 2000.


The Court will not be sitting on the week beginning November 13, 2000

La Cour ne siègera pas la semaine commençant le 13 novembre 2000



Date of Hearing/                     File/        Case Number and Name/    

Date d'audition                        Dossier  Numéro et nom de la cause


2000/11/06                                                Motions / Requêtes


2000/11/07                                27284      The Canadian Red Cross Society v. Douglas Walker as Executor of the Estate of Alma Walker, deceased, et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave)


2000/11/07                                27285      The Canadian Red Cross Society v. Lois Osborne et al. and The Canadian Red Cross Society v. A.A.M. et al.  (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave)


2000/11/08                                27363      Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association, et al. v. Attorney General for Ontario, et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave)


2000/11/09                                27168      British Columbia College of Teachers v. Trinity Western University, et al. (B.C.) (Civil) (By Leave)


2000/11/10                                27415      Spire Freezers Limited, et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen (FC) (Civil) (By Leave)


2000/11/10                                27561      Philip Douglas Backman v. Her Majesty the Queen (FC) (Civil) (By Leave)





This agenda is subject to change.  Hearing dates should be confirmed with Registry staff at (613) 996-8666.


Cet ordre du jour est sujet à modification.  Les dates d'audience devraient être confirmées auprès du personnel du greffe au (613) 996-8666.






27284      The Canadian Red Cross Society v. Douglas Walker et al


Torts - Negligence - Whether the Court of Appeal for Ontario erred in finding that causation was presumptively established upon proof that the Appellant had failed in its duty to implement adequate donor screening measures and that it was not open to the Appellant to dislodge that presumptive causal link - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in making the finding that the Appellant was negligent in donor screening as of September 1983.


Alma Walker was admitted to hospital on September 28, 1983 to give birth to her first child.  Due to complications, she underwent a caesarian section. On October 1, 1983, she received two units of red blood cells. One of them had been collected by the CRCS at its permanent clinic in the Manulife Centre, Toronto on September 12, 1983 from a donor identified as Robert M. It was later determined to be HIV contaminated. In November, 1990, Mrs. Walker became ill and routine blood tests revealed that she was HIV-positive. Follow-up investigation traced the source of the infection to the unit of blood supplied by Robert M. Mrs. Walker died of AIDS on August 17, 1993 at 31 years of age. As Mrs. Walker died before trial, her estate continued her action.


Robert M. testified under Rule 36. He was within the high risk category for transmitting HIV. In his eight years in Toronto, he estimated that he had had 1,000 homosexual encounters. He did not subscribe to local newspapers and took no interest in current events, politics or news that involved the gay community.  He lived and worked in the gay community in Toronto. He was a regular blood donor while in Toronto, and, upon moving to Montreal in 1983, continued to donate until he was told to stop in January, 1987. He was not aware of the warnings that gay men should not donate blood, and said that he would have questioned them because he was healthy. There is no direct evidence that he had HIV on September 12, 1983. He made five donations after the CRCS began using its May, 1984 pamphlet, which he said he had not seen.


Robert M. said that, if he had been given this pamphlet on September 12, 1983, he would have told the nurse he was homosexual and asked her what to do. He made one donation after the CRCS began using a more specific pamphlet introduced in January, 1986. It read, in relevant part, “Please do not give blood – if you are a male and have had sex with another male since 1977.”


During the relevant time frame, and specifically in September, 1983, the CRCS failed to take adequate or any measures to screen out persons known to pose a high risk of transmitting HIV. In March, 1983, the American Red Cross began using a pamphlet designed to prevent persons at high risk of transmitting HIV from donating blood at its blood donor clinics. It described the symptoms of AIDS. As of January 12, 1984, there was general recognition in the American medical and scientific community that AIDS was transmissible through blood or blood products.


At trial, the CRCS accepted that it owed a duty of care to users and recipients of blood and blood products which obliged it to take reasonable steps to protect the safety of the blood and products it supplied to the public. The trial judge found that the CRCS was not liable for Mrs. Walker’s AIDS. The Court of Appeal allowed the Respondent’s appeal. Applying Hollis v. Dow Corning Corp., [1995] 4 S.C.R. 634, they set aside the trial judgment, and granted judgment in favour of the Respondents against the CRCS for damages in the amount agreed upon by the parties and costs.


Origin of the case:                                                Ontario


File No.:                                                 27284


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     March 10, 1999


Counsel:                                                                Peter K. Boeckle for the Appellant

Bonnie A. Tough for the Respondent


27284 La Société Canadienne de la Croix Rouge c. Douglas Walker et al


Responsabilité délictuelle - Négligence - La Cour d’appel de l’Ontario a-t-elle commis une erreur en concluant que la causalité était établie par présomption sur preuve que l’appelante avait manqué à son obligation de mettre en oeuvre des mesures adéquates de sélection des donneurs et que l’appelante ne pouvait pas réfuter cette présomption de lien de causalité? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en tirant la conclusion que l’appelante avait été négligente dans la sélection des donneurs à partir de septembre 1983?


Le 28 septembre 1983, Alma Walker a été admise à l’hôpital pour donner naissance à son premier enfant. En raison de complications, elle a subi une césarienne. Le 1er octobre 1983, elle a reçu deux unités de globules rouges. L’une d’elles avait été recueillie par la SCCR à sa clinique permanente du Manulife Centre à Toronto le 12 septembre 1983 d’un donneur identifié comme étant Robert M. On a ensuite établi que cette unité était contaminée par le VIH. En novembre 1990, Mme Walker est devenue malade et des analyses sanguines de routine ont révélé qu’elle était séropositive pour le VIH. Une enquête complémentaire a déterminé que la source de l’infection était l’unité de sang fournie par Robert M. Mme Walker est décédée du SIDA le 17 août 1993 à l’âge de 31 ans. Étant donné que Mme Walker est décédée avant le procès, sa succession a poursuivi l’action.


Robert M. a témoigné en application de la règle 36. Il faisait partie de la catégorie à risque élevé pour la transmission du VIH. Il a estimé qu’au cours des huit années qu’il a passées à Toronto, il avait eu 1 000 relations sexuelles homosexuelles. Il n’était pas abonné aux journaux locaux et ne s’intéressait pas aux actualités, à la politique et aux nouvelles concernant la communauté gaie. Il vivait et travaillait dans la communauté gaie à Toronto. Il donnait du sang régulièrement lorsqu’il vivait à Toronto et il a continué d’en donner après avoir déménagé à Montréal en 1983 jusqu’à ce qu’on lui dise d’arrêter en 1987. Il n’était pas au courant des mises en garde selon lesquelles les hommes gais ne devaient pas donner de sang, et il a dit qu’il les aurait remises en question parce qu’il était en santé. Aucune preuve directe n’indique qu’il avait le VIH le 12 septembre 1983. Il a fait cinq dons après que la SCCR eut commencé à utiliser sa brochure de mai 1984, n’ayant pas vu cette dernière selon ses dires.


Robert M. a dit que si on lui avait donné cette brochure le 12 septembre 1983, il aurait dit à l’infirmière qu’il était homosexuel et lui aurait demandé quoi faire. Il a fait un don de sang après que la SCCR eut commencé à utiliser la brochure plus précise introduite en janvier 1986. La partie pertinente de cette brochure se lisait : « Veuillez ne pas donner de sang - si vous êtes un homme et que vous avez eu des relations sexuelles avec un autre homme depuis 1977 ».


À l’époque pertinente, et plus particulièrement en septembre 1983, la SCCR n’a pas pris de mesures ou de mesures adéquates pour sélectionner les personnes qui constituaient un risque connu de transmission du VIH. En mars 1983, la Croix rouge américaine a commencé à utiliser une brochure visant à empêcher les personnes à risque élevé de transmission du VIH de donner du sang à ses cliniques de don de sang. Ce feuillet décrivait les symptômes du SIDA. En date du 12 janvier 1984, il était généralement reconnu au sein de la communauté médicale et scientifique américaine que le SIDA était transmissible par le sang et les produits du sang.


Au procès, la SCCR a convenu qu’elle avait une obligation de diligence envers les usagers et les personnes recevant du sang et des produits du sang, ce qui l’obligeait à prendre des mesures raisonnables pour faire en sorte que le sang et les produits qu’elle fournissait au public étaient sécuritaires. Le juge de première instance a conclu que la SCCR n’était pas responsable du SIDA dont avait souffert Mme Walker. La Cour d’appel a accueilli l’appel interjeté par l’intimé. Appliquant l’arrêt Hollis c. Dow Corning Corp., [1995] 4 R.C.S. 634, la Cour d’appel a infirmé le jugement de première instance et a rendu jugement en faveur des intimés contre la SCCR, accordant les dommages-intérêts convenus par les parties ainsi que les dépens.


Origine :                                 Ontario


No du greffe :                                         27284


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel :                   Le 10 mars 1999


Avocats :                                               Peter K. Boeckle pour l’appelante

Bonnie A. Tough pour l’intimé





Torts - Negligence - Whether the lower courts erred in determining the standard of care owed by the Appellant in screening blood donors - Whether the lower courts erred in determining that the Appellant had failed to meet the standard of care with respect to screening blood donors.


Ronald Charles Osborne was admitted to hospital in late December, 1984 and received a plasma exchange using fresh frozen plasma. Blood products from a donor identified as Everett were included in the plasma given to Mr. Osborne on January 7, 1985. Everett had donated that blood on December 17, 1984. Mr. Osborne was diagnosed with HIV and AIDS in August, 1990. He died in June, 1993 at 58 years of age. Prior to his death, he sued the CRCS claiming, inter alia, that the CRCS failed to implement appropriate blood donor screening procedures and that its failure resulted in the donation of blood which was HIV-positive. As Mr. Osborne died before trial, his estate continued his action.


Everett also gave blood on March 25, 1985. The infant Respondent A.M.M. received blood from that donation on March 27, 1985 when he was about 3½ years old and contracted HIV.


Everett was a long-time blood donor and regarded himself in good health. On December 17, 1984 and March 25, 1985, no one knew that Everett had HIV. Everett had had swollen lymph nodes since approximately 1975, but he did not know that swollen lymph nodes are a sign or symptom of HIV infection.  Although he had engaged in sexual relations with between 200 and 400 men between 1974 and 1982, he gave up that lifestyle in 1982 and did not regard himself as a sexually active homosexual when he donated blood in December,1984.


In early 1983, the American blood authorities adopted a symptom-specific approach to screen donors. In March, 1983, the American Red Cross prepared a pamphlet which identified “sexually active homosexual or bisexual men with multiple partners” as a high risk group. Until May, 1984, the questionnaire used by the CRCS made no reference to AIDS or HIV, advising the reader that the donor should be in good health before donating blood and posing a series of health-related questions.


The trial judge found the CRCS negligent but not liable for failing to provide accurate information as to the risk of contracting transmission-associated AIDS. He found it liable for failing to have adequate screening measures in place on December 17, 1984 and March 25, 1985 when Everett made the donations received by Mr. Osborne and the infant Respondent A.M.M. He awarded Mr. Osborne prejudgment interest from the date he became aware of his infection, and awarded solicitor and client costs after August 9, 1996. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal as to liability with respect to both the Osborne and M. cases, but allowed the CRCS’s appeal as to the applicability of solicitor and client costs in the Osborne case.


Origin of the case:                                                Ontario


File No.:                                                                 27285


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     March 10, 1999


Counsel:                                                                                Peter K. Boeckle for the Appellant

Bonnie A. Tough for the Osborne Respondents

Kenneth Arenson for the M. Respondents





Responsabilité délictuelle - Négligence - Les cours d’instance inférieure ont-elles commis une erreur en déterminant la norme de diligence incombant à l’appelante dans la sélection des donneurs de sang? - Les cours d’instance inférieure ont-elles commis une erreur en concluant que l’appelante n’avait pas respecté la norme de diligence relative à la sélection des donneurs de sang?


Ronald Charles Osborne a été admis à l’hôpital vers la fin de décembre 1984, et il a reçu un plasmaphérèse où du plasma frais congelé a été utilisé. Des produits du sang provenant d’un donneur identifié comme étant Everett ont été inclus dans le plasma donné à M. Osborne le 7 janvier 1985. Everett avait donné ce sang le 17 décembre 1984. M. Osborne a fait l’objet d’un diagnostic de VIH et de SIDA en août 1990. Il est décédé en juin 1993 à l’âge de 58 ans. Avant son décès, il a poursuivi la SCCR, prétendant notamment que cette dernière avait omis de mettre en oeuvre une procédure de sélection des donneurs de sang et que cette omission avait entraîné le don de sang séropositif au VIH. Étant donné que M. Osborne est décédé avant le procès, sa succession a poursuivi l’action.


Everett a également donné du sang le 25 mars 1985. L’intimé l’enfant A.M.M. a reçu du sang provenant de ce don le 27 mars 1985, alors qu’il était âgé d’environ trois ans et demi et a contracté le VIH.


Everett donnait du sang depuis longtemps et se considérait en santé. Le 17 décembre 1984 et le 25 mars 1985, personne ne savait que Everett avait le VIH. Everett avait les ganglions lymphatiques enflés depuis 1975, mais il ne savait pas que cela constituait un signe ou un symptôme de l’infection au VIH. Même s’il avait eu des relations sexuelles avec 200 à 400 hommes entre 1974 et 1982, année où il a abandonné ce style de vie, il ne se considérait pas comme un homosexuel actif sexuellement lorsqu’il a donné du sang en décembre 1984.


Au début de l’année 1983, les autorités américaines dans le domaine du sang ont adopté une démarche orientée en fonction des symptômes relativement à la sélection des donneurs. En mars 1993, la Croix rouge américaine a préparé une brochure identifiant « les homosexuels actifs sexuellement et les hommes bisexuels ayant plusieurs partenaires » comme un groupe à risque élevé. Jusqu’en mai 1984, le questionnaire utilisé par la SCCR ne portait aucune mention du SIDA ou du VIH, informant le lecteur qu’il devait être en santé pour donner du sang et posant un ensemble de questions relatives à la santé.


Le juge de première instance a conclu que la SCCR avait été négligente, mais qu’elle n’était pas responsable pour avoir omis de fournir des renseignements précis relativement au risque de contracter le SIDA par voie de transmission sanguine. Il a conclu à sa responsabilité pour ne pas avoir eu de mesures de sélection en place le 17 décembre 1984 et le 25 mars 1985, dates auxquelles Everett avait donné le sang reçu par M. Osborne et par l’intimé enfant A.M.M.  Il a accordé à M. Osborne les intérêts antérieurs au jugement à partir de la date où il a su qu’il était infecté ainsi que les dépens avocat-client dus après le 9 août 1996. La Cour d’appel a rejeté l’appel relatif à la responsabilité dans les affaires Osborne et M., mais elle a accordé l’appel interjeté par la SCCR quant à l’application des dépens avocat-client dans l’affaire Osborne.


Origine :                                                 Ontario


No du greffe :                                         27285


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel :                   Le 10 mars 1999


Avocats :                                               Peter K. Boeckle pour l’appelante

Bonnie A. Tough pour les intimés Osborne

Kenneth Arenson pour les intimés M.



27363      Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association et al v. The Attorney General of Ontario and Ontario Public School Boards’ Association et al v. The Attorney General of Ontario


Constitutional Law - Schools - Whether Part IX Division B, Part IX Division F, and, in particular, sections 257.7, 257.12, 257.19 and 257.106 of the Education Act , R.S.O. 1990, c. E‑2 as amended by the Education Quality Improvement Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 31 prejudicially affect rights held under s. 93(1)  of the Constitution Act, 1867  - Whether sections 231, 232 and 234 of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E‑2 as amended by the Education Quality Improvement Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 31, and the education Funding Formula enacted pursuant to s. 234 of the Education Act and presently embodied in O.Reg. 287/98 and O.Reg. 214/99, prejudicially affect rights held under s. 93(1)  of the Constitution Act, 1867  - Whether Part IX, Division D of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E‑2 as amended by the Education Quality Improvement Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 31 prejudicially affects rights held under s. 93(1) of the Constitution Act, 1867?- If the answer is in the affirmative with respect to Roman Catholic separate school rights, are those provisions, or any of them, also invalid with respect to public school supporters and public school boards, by virtue of either s. 93  of the Constitution Act, 1867 , or constitutional convention - Whether section 257.12(1)(b) of the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E‑2 as amended by the Education Quality Improvement Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 31 contravenes the preamble, s. 53 , or s. 54  of the Constitution Act, 1867 .


The Education Quality Improvement Act, S.O. 1997, c. 31, (“the EQIA”) was enacted December 1, 1997, and amended the Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2, by imposing a new funding model on school boards in Ontario, limiting the powers of school boards to control their budgets and expenditures, and fundamentally changing the governance and funding of education in Ontario.   Two applications challenging the EQIA were initiated in the Ontario Court (General Division) and heard together.  One was initiated Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association group of Appellants.  The other was initiated by the Ontario Public School Boards' Association group of Appellants.


Cumming J. of the Ontario Court (General Division) held that the EQIA is unconstitutional insofar as it removes or affects the right or privilege to tax from the Roman Catholic Community with respect to their denominational schools and that the Education Act, as amended, is of no force insofar as it relates to or affects the separate school system in respect of the right or privilege to tax with respect to denominational schools that is guaranteed by s. 93(1) of the Constitution Act, 1867 .


The Court of Appeal allowed an appeal by the Attorney General for Ontario from Cumming J.'s decision declaring the EQIA and the Education Act, as amended, of no force and effect insofar as it removes the right to tax from the Roman Catholic community.  It dismissed an appeal by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association from the decision that the EQIA and the funding model do not violate s. 93(1)  of the Constitution Act, 1867 .  It also dismissed the Ontario Public School Boards' Association’s appeal from the decisions that the  EQIA does not violate the s. 93(1) rights of public schools, that the EQIA is not invalidated on the basis of the doctrine of constitutional convention, and that the EQIA is not an impermissible delegation of the power to impose school taxes by regulation.


Origin of the case:                                Ontario


File No.:                                 27363


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:     April 27, 1999


Counsel:                                                Paul JJ. Cavulluzzo and Fay C. Faraday for the Appellants English Catholic Teachers’ et al

Janet E. Minor and Robert Charney for the Respondent A.G.


Brian Kelsey for the Appellants OPSCB

Michael Hines for the Appellants OPSCB, Toronto District Board and Kemp

Maurice Green for the Appellants OSSTF, Edwards and Churchill

Elizabeth Shilton for the Appellants Elementary Teachers’

Janet E. Minor and Robert Charney for the Respondent A.G.

27363      Association des enseignants catholiques de langue anglaise de l’Ontario et al c. Le Procureur général de l’Ontario et Ontario Public School Boards’ Association et al c. Le Procureur général de l’Ontario


Droit constitutionnel - Écoles - Est-ce que les sections B et F de la partie IX et, en particulier, les articles 257.7, 257.12, 257.19 et 257.106 de la Loi sur l’éducation, L.R.O. 1990, ch. E.2, modifiée par la Loi de 1997 sur l’amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation, L.O. 1997, ch. 31, portent atteinte aux droits garantis par le par. 93(1)  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867 ? - Est-ce que les articles 231, 232 et 234 de la Loi sur l’éducation, L.R.O. 1990, ch. E.2, modifiée par la Loi de 1997 sur l’amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation, L.O. 1997, ch. 31, et la formule de financement de l’éducation établie conformément à l’art. 234 de la Loi sur l’éducation et prévue par le Règl. de l’Ont. 287/98 et le Règl. de l’Ont. 214/99 portent atteinte aux droits garantis par le par. 93(1)  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867 ? - Est-ce que la section D de la partie IX de la Loi sur l’éducation, L.R.O. 1990, ch. E.2, modifiée par la Loi de 1997 sur l’amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation, L.O. 1997, ch. 31, porte atteinte aux droits garantis par le par. 93(1)  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867 ? - Si la réponse est affirmative à l’égard des droits des écoles séparées catholiques, est-ce que ces dispositions, ou l’une d’entre elles, sont invalides à l’égard des contribuables des écoles publiques et des conseils scolaires publics par l’effet soit de l’art. 93  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867  soit d’une convention constitutionnelle? - Est-ce que l’alinéa 257.12(1)b) de la Loi sur l’éducation, L.R.O. 1990, ch. E.2, modifiée par la Loi de 1997 sur l’amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation, L.O. 1997, ch. 31, contrevient au préambule, à l’art. 53  ou à l’art. 54  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867 ?


La Loi de 1997 sur l’amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation, L.O. 1997, ch. 31 (la LAQE), a été adoptée le 1er décembre 1997 et a modifié la Loi sur l’éducation, L.R.O. 1990, ch. E.2, en imposant une nouvelle formule de financement aux conseils scolaires de l’Ontario, qui limitait leur pouvoir de contrôler leur budget et leurs dépenses, et en modifiant en profondeur la régie et le financement de l’éducation en Ontario. Deux demandes contestant la LAQE ont été instituées devant la Cour de l’Ontario (Division générale) et entendues conjointement. L’une d’elles a été présentée par le groupe d’appelants de l’Association des enseignants catholiques de langue anglaise de l’Ontario tandis que l’autre a été présentée par le groupe d’appelants de l’Ontario Public School Boards’ Association.


Le juge Cumming, de la Cour de l’Ontario (Division générale), a conclu que la LAQE était inconstitutionnelle dans la mesure où elle retirait à la communauté romaine catholique le droit ou le privilège de taxation, ou touchait ce droit ou privilège, relativement à ses écoles confessionnelles et que la Loi sur l’éducation, sous sa forme modifiée, était inapplicable dans la mesure où elle était liée ou touchait au droit ou privilège de taxation du système des écoles séparées relativement aux écoles confessionnelles, ce droit et privilège étant garanti par le par. 93(1)  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867 .


La Cour d’appel a accueilli l’appel interjeté par le Procureur général de l’Ontario contre la décision du juge Cumming qui déclarait inapplicable la LAQE et la Loi sur l’éducation, sous sa forme modifiée, dans la mesure où elles retiraient à la communauté romaine catholique le droit de taxation. Elle a rejeté l’appel interjeté par l’Association des enseignants catholiques de langue anglaise contre la décision selon laquelle la LAQE et la formule de financement ne contreviennent pas au par. 93(1)  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867 . Elle a également rejeté l’appel interjeté par l’Ontario Public School Boards’ Association contre les décisions selon lesquelles la LAQE ne porte pas atteinte aux droits des écoles publiques garantis par le par. 13(1), la LAQE n’est pas invalide en vertu de la théorie de la convention constitutionnelle et la LAQE ne constitue pas une délégation interdite du pouvoir d’imposer des taxes scolaires par voie de règlement.


Origine :                                 Ontario


No du greffe :                                         27363


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel :                   Le 27 avril 1999


Avocats :                                               Paul JJ. Cavalluzzo et Fay C. Faraday pour les appelants  l’Association des enseignants catholiques de langue anglaise de l’Ontario, Marshall Jarvis, Claire Ross et Annemarie Ross

Janet E. Minor, Robert E. Charney et Michel Y. Hélie pour l’intimé le Procureur général de l’Ontario


Michael A. Hines pour les appelantes l’Ontario Public School Boards’ Association et Joleene Kemp

Brian A. Kelsey, c.r., pour l’appelante Toronto District Board

Maurice A. Green et Susan M. Ursel pour les appelants l’Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, David Edwards et Robert Churchill

Elizabeth J. Shilton pour les appelants Elementary Teachers’ Federation  of Ontario

Janet E. Minor, Robert E. Charney et Michel Y. Hélie pour l’intimé le Procureur général de l’Ontario



27168      The British Columbia College of Teachers v. Trinity Western University et al


Administrative law - Jurisdiction - Remedies - Prerogative writs - Application to Appellant for certification of a teacher education program at Respondent university - Respondent university not meeting requirements for certification in several particulars - Students and teachers at Respondent university required to agree to refrain from practices, including homosexual behaviour, that are biblically condemned - Were discriminatory practices an extraneous consideration - Whether the decision of the Council patently unreasonable - Whether the courts below erred in granting an order in the nature of mandamus - Whether there was a violation of s. 2 and/or s. 15  of the Charter - If so, was the violation justified under s. 1 .


The Respondent Trinity Western University (“TWU”) is a fully funded private university founded on religious principles by the Evangelical Free Church.  TWU requires all faculty members and all students seeking admission to agree to live by a set of Community Standards in which they agree to refrain from practices, including homosexual behaviour. The Contract states that “students who cannot with integrity support those standards should seek a living-learning situation more acceptable to them.” At the time of the judicial review application, the Respondent Lindquist was in her third year of the teacher education program at TWU. She voluntarily signed the Community Standards on September 4, 1996.


TWU applied to the Appellant British Columbia College of Teachers (“BCCT”) for accreditation of its teacher education programs. Accreditation means that graduates of the program are certified by the BCCT. A Bachelor of Education degree program without certification may run on a free-standing basis, but its graduates have to apply individually for certification. It is possible, but difficult, to teach in British Columbia without certification.


On May 17, 1996, the Council rejected TWU’s application.


The Council gave no reasons, but provided TWU with a list of issues discussed in their deliberations. TWU requested a review of the decision. On June 26, 1996, the review application was rejected because the Council believed that “the proposed program follows discriminatory practices which are contrary to the public interest and public policy which the College must consider under its mandate as expressed in the Teaching Profession Act.”  TWU applied for judicial review of that decision, seeking an order of certiorari quashing the decision and an order of mandamus directing approval of the application. The chambers judge found that BCCT’s decision was made without evidence, quashed the decision and remitted the matter to the Council with directions. A majority of the Court of Appeal denied the appeal.


Origin of the case:                                British Columbia


File No.:                                 27168


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:     December 9, 1999


Counsel:                                                Thomas R. Berger Q.C. for the Appellant

Robert G. Kuhn, Kevin G. Sawatsky and Kevin L. Boonstra for the Respondents




27168 The British Columbia College of Teachers c. Université Trinity Western et al


Droit administratif - Compétence - Réparations - Brefs de prérogative - Demande d’accréditation auprès de l’appelant d’un programme d’enseignement en éducation donné à l’université intimée - Université intimée ne satisfaisant pas aux critères d’accréditation à plusieurs égards - Les étudiants et les professeurs de cette université sont tenus de s’abstenir de certaines pratiques condamnées par la bible, notamment les comportements homosexuels - Ces pratiques discriminatoires constituaient-elles une considération extérieure? - La décision du Conseil était-elle manifestement déraisonnable? - Les cours d’instance inférieure ont-elles commis une erreur en accordant une ordonnance de mandamus? - Y avait-il contravention aux art. 2 et/ou 15 de la Charte? - Dans l’affirmative, la contravention était-elle justifiée par l’article premier?


L’intimée l’Université Trinity Western (l’UTW) est une université privée entièrement financée par le secteur privé qui a été fondée sur des principes religieux par l’Evangelical Free Church. L’UTW exige que les membres de la faculté et les étudiants demandant l’admission acceptent de se conformer à un ensemble de normes communautaires prévoyant l’exclusion de certaines pratiques, notamment les comportements homosexuels. Le contrat prévoit que : « les étudiants qui ne peuvent pas en toute conscience appuyer ces normes devraient rechercher des conditions de vie et d’apprentissage qui leur est plus acceptable ». Au moment de la demande de contrôle judiciaire, l’intimée Lindquist en était à sa troisième année dans le programme d’enseignement en éducation à l’UTW. Elle a volontairement signé une acceptation des normes communautaires le 4 septembre 1996.


L’UTW a demandé l’accréditation de son programme d’enseignement en éducation auprès de l’appelant British Columbia College of Teachers (le BCCT). L’accréditation fait en sorte que les diplômés du programme sont accrédités par le BCCT. Il est possible d’offrir un programme de baccalauréat en éducation sans accréditation, mais les diplômés de ce programme doivent eux-mêmes demander leur accréditation. Il est possible, mais difficile, d’enseigner en Colombie-Britannique sans accréditation.


Le 17 mai 1996, le Conseil a refusé la demande de l’UTW.


Le Conseil n’a fourni aucun motif mais a donné à l’UTW une liste des questions discutées au cours de ses délibérations. L’UTW a demandé la révision de la décision. Le 26 juin 1996, la demande de révision a été rejetée parce que le Conseil estimait que « le programme proposé adopte des pratiques discriminatoires contraires à l’intérêt et à l’ordre public, que l’université doit considérer comme faisant partie du mandat qui lui est conféré par la Teaching Profession Act ». L’UTW a présenté une demande de contrôle judiciaire de cette décision, sollicitant une ordonnance de certiorari annulant la décision ainsi qu’une ordonnance de mandamus enjoignant l’approbation de la demande d’accréditation. Le juge en chambre a conclu que la décision du BCCT ne se fondait sur aucune preuve, il a annulé la décision et il a renvoyé l’affaire au Conseil avec des directives. La Cour d’appel, à la majorité, a rejeté l’appel.


Origine :                                 Colombie-Britannique


No du greffe :                                         27168


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel :                   Le 9 décembre 1999


Avocats :                                               Thomas R. Berger, c.r., pour l’appelant

Robert G. Kuhn, Kevin G. Sawatsky et Kevin L. Boonstra

pour les intimés



27415      Spire Freezers Limited et al v. Her Majesty The Queen


Taxation - Assessment - Statutes - Interpretation - Appellants purchasing interest in American partnership to purchase losses of the partnership - Whether the Federal Court of Appeal erred in finding that the Canadian parties had not entered into a partnership.


In 1978 a partnership ( “HCP”) was formed to develop a luxury condominium project on Santa Catalina Island of the coast of California (the “HCP Project”).  Eventually the partnership consisted of only two partners, each of which held a 50% share in the condominium: BCE Development Inc., and its subsidiary Peninsula Cove Corporation.  In order to obtain government approvals for the HCP Project, the partnership had to build a  low to moderate rental apartment project.  Tremont Apartments was fully owned by a corporation called Tremont Street Apartments Corporation (“TSAC”), which was fully owned by the partnership. 


By the end of 1986 the costs of the HCP Project exceeded its fair market value by approximately $10 million (U.S.).  A tax-shelter vendor therefore approached several Canadian parties, including the Appellants, with a proposed loss-purchase transaction. It was described as a seven million dollar business loss which was for sale for approximately 20 cents on the dollar.  A series of transactions took place on November 30, 1987 to allow the Appellants to join the Partnership.


The Appellants had paid approximately $1.2 million (U.S.) for the losses of the partnership.  In the fiscal year ending December 31, 1987, the partnership claimed a loss of $10 million (U.S.) in respect of the sale of the HCP Project and a capital loss of $367,000 (U.S.) in respect of the sale of TSAC shares.  Revenue Canada disallowed the claims for non-capital and capital losses, and the Appellants appealed.  Some of them also appealed subsequent taxation years in which the relevant losses were carried forward.  The appeals were heard together on the common evidence of Spire Freezers Limited and the decision was to apply to all the appeals.


The Tax Court of Canada held that the Appellants were not in a partnership because their only intention had been to obtain a tax loss, not to carry on a business in common with a view to profit.  The majority of the Federal Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal.  Robertson J.A., dissenting, was of the view that the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Continental Bank Leasing Corp. v. Canada, [1998] 2 S.C.R. 298 was dispositive of the case and, if properly followed, would lead to the conclusion that partnership losses could validly have been claimed in this case.


Origin of the case:                                Federal Court of Appeal


File No.:                                 27415


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:     May 25, 1999


Counsel:                                                Warren J.A. Mitchell Q.C. for the Appellant

Susan L Van Der Hout for the Respondent




27415      Spire Freezers Limited et al c. Sa Majesté La Reine


Droit fiscal - Cotisation - Lois - Interprétation - Appelants achetant une participation dans une société de personnes américaine en vue d’acquérir les pertes de cette société - La Cour d’appel fédérale a-t-elle commis une erreur en concluant que les parties canadiennes n’avaient pas créé une société de personnes?


En 1978, une société de personnes (HCP) a été constituée pour mettre sur pied un grand ensemble résidentiel de luxe composé d’appartements en copropriété sur l’île Santa Catalina, au large des côtes de la Californie (le projet de HCP). À la fin, la société de personnes était composée de seulement deux associées, soit BCE Development Inc. et sa filiale Peninsula Cove Corporation, qui détenaient chacune une participation de 50 % dans l’immeuble en copropriété. Pour obtenir les permis requis des autorités compétentes pour le projet HCP, la société devait construire un ensemble de logements à louer à prix modique. Tremont Apartments appartenait entièrement à une société par actions appelée Tremont Street Apartments Corporation (TSAC), dont était entièrement propriétaire la société.


À la fin de 1986, les coûts du projet HCP excédaient sa juste valeur marchande d’environ 10 millions de dollars américains. Un vendeur d’abris fiscaux a donc communiqué avec plusieurs parties canadiennes, y compris l’appelante, pour leur proposer un achat de pertes fiscales. L’objet de la proposition était décrit comme étant une perte d’entreprise de sept millions de dollars qui était à vendre à un prix d’environ 20 cents le dollar. Un ensemble d’opérations a eu lieu le 30 novembre 1987 pour permettre aux appelants de se joindre à la société.


Les appelants avaient payé environ 1,2 million de dollars américains pour les pertes de la société. Pour l’exercice financier se terminant le 31 décembre 1987, la société a réclamé une perte de 10 millions de dollars américains relativement à la vente du projet HCP ainsi qu’une perte en capital de 367 000 dollars américains relativement à la vente des actions de TSAC. Revenu Canada a refusé les déductions relatives aux pertes en capital et aux autres pertes, et les appelants ont interjeté appel. Certains d’entre eux ont également interjeté appel relativement aux années d’imposition suivantes où les pertes pertinentes avaient été reportées. Les appels ont été entendus conjointement sur la foi de la preuve commune de Spire Freezers Limited, et la décision était applicable à tous les appels.


La Cour canadienne de l’impôt a conclu que les appelants n’étaient pas des associés parce que leur seule intention avait été d’acquérir une perte fiscale, et non pas d’exploiter une entreprise en commun en vue de réaliser un bénéfice. La Cour d’appel fédérale, à la majorité, a rejeté l’appel. Le juge Robertson, dissident, était d’avis que l’arrêt de la Cour suprême du Canada Continental Bank Leasing Corp. c. Canada, [1998] 2 R.C.S. 298, réglait l’affaire et que, s’il était suivi convenablement, il menait à la conclusion que les pertes de la société de personnes auraient valablement pu être réclamées en l’espèce.


Origine :                                 Cour d’appel fédérale


No du greffe :                                         27415


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel :                   Le 25 mai 1999


Avocats :                                               Warren J.A. Mitchell, c.r., pour les appelants

Susan L. Van Der Hout pour l’intimée




27561      Philip Douglas Backman v. Her MajestyThe Queen


Taxation - Assessment - Statutes - Interpretation - Whether “profit” means profit as calculated under the Income Tax Act, or instead refers to commercial profit - For a partnership to have a purpose of earning profit, whether that profit would have to be larger than the tax loss at issue  - Whether the Appellant became a partner on August 29, 1988.


The Appellant is a lawyer and the sole employee and shareholder of P.D. Backman Professional Corporation, an Alberta corporation restricted to carrying on the practice of law. At all relevant times, the Appellant worked full-time as a corporate and commercial lawyer. In the summer of 1988, the Appellant and one of his law partners, Alan Ross (“Ross”), learned that an opportunity existed for residents of Canada to enter into transactions with a Texas limited partnership, Commons at Turtle Creek Limited (the “Commons”). For approximately US $ 180,000, they could acquire an accounting loss of approximately CAD $ 5 million which they could deduct in computing their income for Canadian income tax purposes.


On August 29, 1988, the Appellant acquired a 2.60156% general partnership interest in the Commons. The only asset owned by the Commons was an apartment complex in Dallas (the “Dallas Apartment Complex”). The Appellant and Ross acquired their interest in the Dallas Apartment Complex subject to an option held by a partnership consisting of the former limited partners of the Commons and the new general partner. The option allowed the new limited partnership to re-acquire the property at a price which would trigger the losses inherent in the Dallas Apartment Complex. The Appellant and Ross held their interest in the property for less than two hours. The non-capital loss to the Appellant and Ross on the purported disposition of the property was US $ 5,992,807.


The Minister of National Revenue disallowed the claim for a partnership loss. The Tax Court judge found that the Appellant and Ross were not partners with respect to ownership of the Dallas Apartment Complex since they were not associated to carry on business for a profit. The appeal was dismissed.


Origin of the case:                                Federal Court of Appeal


File No.:                                 27561


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:     August 31, 1999


Counsel:                                                C.D. O’Brien Q.C., Al Meghji, Michel Bourque  and Gerald Grenon for the Appellant

Naomi Goldstein for the Respondent



27561      Philip Douglas Backman c. Sa Majesté la Reine


Droit fiscal - Évaluation - Lois - Interprétation - Le terme «bénéfice» équivaut-il à un bénéfice au sens de la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu ou renvoie-t-il plutôt à un bénéfice commercial? - Pour qu’une société de personnes ait un but en réalisant un bénéfice, ce bénéfice doit-il être plus important que la perte fiscale en cause? - L’appelant est-il devenu associé le 29 août 1988?


L’appelant est avocat, ainsi que le seul employé et actionnaire de P.D. Backman Professional Corporation, une société albertaine qui ne se concentre que sur la pratique du droit.  Pour les fins de la présente affaire, l’appelant a travaillé à temps plein à titre d’avocat spécialisé en droit des sociétés et en droit commercial.  À l’été 1988, l’appelant et l’un de ses associés, Alan Ross («Ross»), ont appris que les résidents canadiens pouvaient transiger avec une société en commandite située au Texas, la Commons at Turtle Creek Limited («Commons»).  Pour la somme d’environ 180 000 $US, ils pouvaient acquérir une perte comptable d’environ 5 millions de dollars canadiens, qu’ils pouvaient ensuite déduire du calcul de leur revenu pour les fins de l’impôt sur le revenu au Canada.


Le 29 août 1988, l’appelant a acquis une participation de 2,60156 % à titre de commandité au sein de Commons.  Le seul élément d’actif que possédait Commons était un immeuble d’appartements à Dallas («l’immeuble d’appartements Dallas»).  L’appelant et Ross ont acquis leur participation dans l’immeuble d’appartements Dallas, sous réserve d’une option consentie à une société en commandite composée des anciens commanditaires de Commons et d’un nouveau commandité.  Cette option permettait à la nouvelle société en commandite de racheter le bien-fonds à un prix qui entraînerait des pertes relatives à l’immeuble d’appartements Dallas.  L’appelant et Ross ont gardé leur participation dans le bien-fonds pendant moins de deux heures.  La perte autre qu’en capital qu’ont subie l’appelant et Ross en ce qui a trait à la disposition du bien-fonds censée être effectuée se chiffrait à 5 992 807 $US.


Le ministre du Revenu national a refusé à l’appelant la déduction des pertes de société de personnes.  Le juge de la Cour canadienne de l’impôt a statué que l’appelant et Ross n’étaient pas des associés pour les fins de la propriété de l’immeuble d’appartements Dallas, puisqu’ils n’exploitaient pas une entreprise en commun en vue de réaliser un bénéfice.  L’appel a été rejeté.


Origine:                                                  Cour d’appel fédérale


No du greffe:                                          27561


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel:                    le 31 août 1999


Avocats:                                                C.D. O’Brien, c.r., Al Meghji, Michel Bourque et Gerald Grenon pour l’appelant

Naomi Goldstein pour l’intimée



CUMULATIVE INDEX -                                                                                                         INDEX CUMULATIF - REQUÊTES

APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE TO                                                                                   EN AUTORISATION DE POURVOI




This index includes applications for leave to appeal standing for judgment at the beginning of 2000 and all the applications for leave to appeal filed or heard in 2000 up to now.


Cet index comprend les requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi en délibéré au début de 2000 et toutes celles produites ou entendues en 2000 jusqu'à maintenant.



*01            Refused/Refusée

*02            Refused with costs/Refusée avec dépens

*03            Granted/Accordée

*04            Granted with costs/Accordée avec dépens

*05            Discontinuance filed/Désistement produit

*06            Others/Autres


*A             Applications for leave to appeal filed/Requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi produites

*B             Submitted to the Court/Soumises à la Cour

*C             Oral Hearing/Audience

*D             Reserved/En délibéré


Status/                     Disposition/

CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                                                                          Statut                       Résultat                                                                       Page                                                                                      



146726 Canada Inc. v. City of Montreal (Que.), 27941, *A                                                1222(00)

1858-0894 Québec Inc. c. Compagnie d’assurance Standard Life (Qué.), 27302, 

   *02 27.1.00                                                                                                                                 1752(99)                           157(00)

2849-6180 Québec Inc. c. 3099-2325 Québec Inc. (Qué.), 27557, *02 22.6.00                 993(00)                             1181(00)

2858-0702 Québec Inc. c. Lac D’Amiante du Québec Ltée (Qué.), 27324, *03

   27.1.00                                                                                                                                         15(00)                               162(00)

2859-8803 Québec Inc. c. Jean Fortin & Associés Inc. (Qué.), 27368, *02 2.3.00           206(00)                             395(00)

2953-6778 Québec Inc c. Gallagher (Qué.), 27908, *02 5.10.00                                         1453(00)                           1615(00)

156036 Canada Inc. c. Les Pétroles Therrien Inc. (Qué.), 27158, *02 27.1.00                  16(00)                               163(00)

158514 Canada Inc. c. Stéphane Lachance & Associés Inc. (Qué.), 28082, *A             1445(00)

248524 Alberta Ltd. v. 155569 Canada Ltd. (Alta.), 27828, *B                                         1473(00)

539938 Ontario Ltd. v. Derksen (Ont.), 27524, *03 25.5.00                                                  785(00)                             956(00)

592123 B.C. Ltd. v. R. in right of British Columbia (B.C.), 28127, *A                              1596(00)

610990 Ontario Inc. v. Business Development Bank of Canada (Ont.), 27479, *01

   3.2.00                                                                                                                                           19(00)                               214(00)

656203 Ontario Inc. v. Soloway, Wright (Ont.), 27525, *02 12.10.00                                 1126(00)                           1764(00)

702535 Ontario Inc. v. Tinmouth (Ont.), 27932, *B                                                              1866(00)

1238157 Ontario Inc. v. Corporation of the City of Brampton (Ont.), 27933, *B           1869(00)

A.K. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27697, *01 11.5.00                                                                           662(00)                             888(00)

A.K. v. The Queen (Sask.), 28028, *A                                                                                       1443(00)

A.-L. T. v. W.B.  (Que.), 27814, *02 25.5.00                                                                                855(00)                             965(00)

A.L.R. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 27659, *03 27.7.00                                                           1119(00)                           1374(00)

Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. v. Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of

   Canada, Local 63 (Nfld.), 28050, *A                                                                                    1441(00)

Abbott Laboratories, Ltd. v. Nu-Pharm Inc. (F.C.A.), 27051, *B                                        787(99)

ABI Biotechnology Inc. v. Apotex Inc. (Man.), 27795, *02  21.9.00                                     1369(00)                           1521(00)

AGB Halifax Enterprises Inc. v. Wood Street Developments Inc. (Ont.), 27668,

  *02 10.8.00                                                                                                                                  1077(00)                           1391(00)

Advanced Management Enterprises Limited v. Pate’s Variety Inc. (Ont.),

    28173, *A                                                                                                                                  1861(00)

Agricore Cooperative Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27347, *02 13.4.00                               450(00)                             675(00)

Ahani v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (F.C.A.), 27792, *04 25.5.00                  905(00)                             972(00)

Ahluwalia v. College of Physician and Surgeons of Manitoba (Man.), 27382,

   *02 6.4.00                                                                                                                                   491(00)                             613(00)

Aiken v. Aitken (B.C.), 27728, *02 11.5.00                                                                                724(00)                             870(00)

Air Wemindji Inc. v. Héli-Forex Inc. (Qué.), 27859, *02 5.10.00                                           1363(00)                           1626(00)

Albert v. Albert (Ont.), 27637, *02 10.8.00                                                                               1076(00)                           1390(00)

Ali c. Compagnie d’Assurance Guardian du Canada (Qué.), 27458, *01 8.6.00              857(00)                             1091(00)

All Seasons Display Inc. v. Mylett (B.C.), 28185, *A                                                             1924(00)

Alpha Laboratories Inc. v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27419, *02

    20.4.00   585(00)                                                                                                                        740(00)

Alvarez v. The Queen (B.C.), 28120, *A                                                                                   1595(00)

American Mobile Satellite Corp. v. Spar Aerospace Ltd. (Qué.), 28070, *A                   1446(00)

Anraj Fish Products Industries Ltd. v. Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. (F.C.A.),

   28125, *A                                                                                                                                   1596(00)

Antkiw v. Verscheure (Ont.), 27806, *02 5.10.00                                                                     1371(00)                           1628(00)

Apotex Inc. v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 28059, *A                                        1443(00)

Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co. (F.C.A.), 27764, *02  21.9.00                                                     1358(00)                           1516(00)

Arcand c. Denharco Inc. (Qué.), 27372, *02 13.4.00                                                              544(00)                             667(00)

Archibald v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 28116, *A                                                                          1744(00)

Arcuri v. The Queen (Ont.), 27797, *03 15.6.00                                                                       1002(00)                           1137(00)

Arthur c. Procureur général du Canada (C.A.F.), 27772, *02 14.9.00                               1337(00)                           1494(00)

Aselford v. Ross (Qué.), 28088, *A                                                                                            1448(00)

Ashmore v. Van Mol (B.C.), 27171, *01 20.1.00                                                                       2013(99)                           98(00)

Askey v The Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia (B.C.), 27607,

   *02 22.6.00                                                                                                                                 1003(009)                         1177(00)

Assiniboine South Teachers’ Association of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society v.

   Assiniboine South School Division No. 3 (Man.), 28115, *A                                          1595(00)

Association des policiers provinciaux du Québec c. Lauzon (Qué.), 27619, *01

   11.5.00                                                                                                                                         662(00)                             873(00)

Association des radiologistes du Québec c. Rochon (Qué.), 27313, *02 20.1.00              1968(99)                           101(00)

Association minière du Québec Inc. c. Bourbonnais (Qué.), 28135, *A                           1745(00)

Association pour la protection des automobilistes c. Édutile Inc. (C.A.F.),

   27981, *A                                                                                                                                   1224(00)

Atlas Industries v. Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board (Sask.), 27402, *02

   20.4.00                                                                                                                                         584(00)                             738(00)

Atomic Energy Control Board v. Danilow (Ont.), 27632, *02 10.8.00                                1126(00)                           1394(00)

Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. v. Sierra Club of Canada (F.C.A.), 28020, *A                1327(00)

Attorney General of Canada v. Babcock (B.C.), 28091, *A                                                 1449(00)

Attorney General of Canada v. Harper (Alta.), 28210, *A                                                  1924(00)

Attorney General of Canada v. Matthews (F.C.A.), 27456, *02 20.4.00                             381(00)                             742(00)

Attorney General of Canada v. Pleau (N.S.), 27770, *01 28.9.00                                        1259(00)                           1529(00)

Attorney General of Nova Scotia v. Walsh (N.S.), 28179, *A                                              1923(00)

Augustine v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.B.), 27695, *02 25.5.00                                                     853(00)                             963(00)

Austie v. Aksnowicz (Alta.), 27248, *02 17.2.00                                                                      136(00)                             304(00)

Autobus Thomas Inc. c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 27804, *03 12.10.00                                           1456(00)                           1769(00)

Azar c. Gestion Hassake-Holdings Inc. (Qué.), 28001, *A                                                   1227(00)

Azco Mining Inc. c. Sam Lévy & Associés Inc. (Qué.), 27876, *04 29.6.00                         1124(00)                           1275(00)

Aziz v. United Used Auto & Truck Parts Ltd. (B.C.), 27824, *03 14.9.00                            1246(00)                           1491(00)

B. G. Schickedanz Investments Ltd. v. Szasz (Ont.), 27557, *A                                           1718(99)

Baas v. Jellema (B.C.), 27812, *B                                                                                              1600(00)

Backman v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27561, *04 8.6.00                                                                903(00)                             1087(00)

Bacon (Michel) c. La Reine (Qué.), 28147, *A                                                                      1746(00)

Bacon v. Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (Sask.), 27469, *01 1.6.00           859(00)                             1015(00)

Bagola v. Ovadya (Ont.), 27691, *02 10.8.00                                                                           1234(00)                           1384(00)

Bailey c. The Queen in Right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27427, *04 25.5.00                                591(00)                             968(00)

Bains v. Bhandar (B.C.), 28211, *A                                                                                          1925(00)

Banca Commerciale Italiana of Canada c. Soeurs du Bon Pasteur de Québec

   (Qué.), 27627, *02 29.6.00                                                                                                        1125(00)                           1275(00)

Bank of America Canada v. Clarica Trust Co. (Ont.), 27898,*03 14.9.00                          1329(00)                           1487(00)

Bank of Montreal v. Enchant Resources Ltd. (Alta.), 27766, *03 21.9.00                          1367(00)                           1519(00)

Banque nationale du Canada v. Sous-ministre du Revenu du Québec (Qué.),

   26988, *B                                                                                                                                    1153(99)

Bannon v. The Coporation of the City of Thunder Bay (Ont.), 27985, *A                        1225(00)

Bareau v. Governors of the University of Alberta (Alta.), 27330, *02 27.1.00                   2015(99)                           167(00)

Barreau de Montréal c. Association professionnelle des sténographes officiels du

   Québec (Qué.), 27472, *05 13.5.00                                                                                          726(00)                             924(00)

Bayer Inc. v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27436, *01 15.6.00                             865(00)                             1135(00)

B.C. Shhickedanz Investments Ltd. v. Szasz (Ont.), 27558, *01 15.6.00                              867(00)                             1135(00)

B. Frégeau & Fils Inc. c. Société québecoise d’assainissement des eaux (Qué.),

   27942, *B                                                                                                                                    1819(00)

BDO Dunwoody Ltd. v. Superintendant of Bankruptcy (Man.), 27501, *03 25.5.00        785(00)                             957(00)

Beach v. United States of America (Man.), 27916, *01 5.10.00                                            1370(00)                           1627(00)

Beamish v. The Queen (Crim.)(P.E.I.), 27545, *01 8.6.00                                                        856(00)                             1090(00)

Beaver Lumber Co. v. Epoch (Ont.), 27193, *01 20.1.00                                                        1912(99)                           104(00)

Bedford v. The Queen (Ont.), 28004, *01 12.10.00                                                                  1471(00)                           1773(00)

Bélanger c. Goulet (Qué.), 28178, *A                                                                                      1862(00)

Béliard c. Husbands (Qué.), 27241, *01 17.2.00                                                                      139(00)                             307(00)

Bell v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 28065, *A                                                                                     1441(00)

Bellegarde v. The Queen (Sask.), 27821, *01 12.10.00                                                           1455(00)                           1768(00)

Belships (Far East) Shipping (Pte.) Ltd. v. Canadian Pacific Forest Products Ltd.

   (F.C.A.), 27471, *02 25.5.00                                                                                                     731(00)                             970(00)

Benard v. The Queen (Man.), 27175, *01 13.4.00                                                                    386(00)                             668(00)

Ben-Hafsia c. City of Vancouver (B.C.), 27337, *02 27.1.00                                                  18(00)                               153(00)

Berendsen v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27312, *04 25.5.00                             452(00)                             967(00)

Bernardo v. The Queen (Ont.), 27925, *02  21.9.00                                                                1341(00)                           1501(00)

Bernier c. Commission de la Santé, de la Sécurité et de l’Indemnisation des

    accidents au travail du Nouveau-Brunswick (N.-B.), 28191, *A                                   1862(00)

Bernier c. Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec (Qué.), 27416,

   *01 27.4.00                                                                                                                                 594(00)                             763(00

Berry v. Pulley (Ont.), 27992, *A                                                                                              1225(00)

Bertrix Corp. c. Valeurs mobilières Desjardins Inc. (Qué.), 27401, *02 20.4.00               588(00)                             751(00)

Bérubé c. La Reine (Qué.), 27530, *01 20.1.00                                                                        1966(99)                           99(00)

Beyo v. The Queen (Ont.), 27917, *01 5.10.00                                                                          1353(00)                           1610(00)

Bhandar v. Bains (B.C.), 27199, *02 24.2.00                                                                            13(00)                               355(00)

Bhinder v. The Queen (B.C.), 27647, *02 22.6.00                                                                    1007(00)                           1182(00)

Biderman v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27841, *02 19.10.00                                                           1470(00)                           1826(00)

Biron (Jacques) c. Arthur Anderson Inc. (Qué.), 27426, *02 18.5.00                                  730(00)                             907(00)

Biron (Ronald) c. Lévesque Beaubien Geoffrion Inc. (Qué.), 28203, *A                          1924(00)

Biscuits Leclerc Ltée c. Compagnie d’assurance-vie Transamérica Occidental

   (Qué.), 28039, *A                                                                                                                      1440(00)

Black (David) v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27798, *01 29.6.00                                             1066(00)                           1266(00)

Black (Frederick) v. The Queen (N.S.), 27837, *01 14.9.00                                                  1250(00)                           1485(00)

Blackburn c. Boivin (Qué.), 28162, *A                                                                                    1860(00)

Blacklaws v. Morrow (Alta.), 28126, *A                                                                                 1596(00)

Blerot v. The Queen (Sask.), 27819, *02 26.10.00                                                                    1602(00)                           1876(00)

Bloom v. Meditrust Healthcare Inc. (Ont.), 27571, *02 6.4.00                                              485(00)                             608(00)

Bonamy v. Correction Service Canada (F.C.A.), 28003, *B                                                1928(00)

Bonamy v. The Queen (B.C.), 28038, *B                                                                                   1868(00)

Bonamy v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27631, *01 25.5.00                                                         3(00)                                 954(00)

Boston v. Boston (Ont.), 27682, *03 16.3.00                                                                             298(00)                      502(00)

Boudreault c. Procureur général du Canada (C.A.F.), 27660, *02 24.8.00          1170(00)                   1410(00)

Bourbeau c. La Reine (Qué.), 27906, *01  21.9.00                                          1356(00)                   1514(00)

Boutilier v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27690, *02 31.8.00                1243(00)                   1478(00)

Braintech Inc. v. Kostiuk (B.C.), 27296, *02 9.3.00                                         297(00)                    453(00)

Brault & Bisaillon (1986) Inc. c. Éditions Le Canada Français Ltée (Qué.),

   27409,  *02 13.4.00                                                                                   388(00)                    671(00)

Brentwood Pioneer Holdings Ltd. v. Provincial Agricultural Land

   Commission (B.C.), 28013, *A                                                                   1229(00)

Brertton v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *01 30.3.00                                           441(00)                    600(00)

Brett v. Halifax Regional Municipality (N.S.), 27640, *02 29.6.00                       1067(00)                   1268(00)

Bri-Mel Developments Ltd. v. McLaren (Ont.), 27411, *02 11.5.00                     495(00)                    879(00)

Bridgesoft Systems Corp. v. The Queen in right of British Columbia (B.C.),

   28047, *A                                                                                                 1442(00)

British Aviation Insurance Group (Canada) Ltd. v. West Central Air Ltd. (Sask.),

   27590, *02 22.6.00                                                                                    952(00)                    1187(00)

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority v. Tenneco Canada Inc. (B.C.),

   27507, *02 22.6.00                                                                                    989(99)                    1174(00)

Bromby v. The Queen (Qué.), 28076, *A                                                        1447(00)

Bromstein v. Khanna (Ont.), 27923, *02 14.9.00                                             1333(00)                   1493(00)

Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees v. Litke (Man.), 27622,

   *02 10.8.00                                                                                              1013(00)                   1388(00)

Brown v. Synchronics Inc. (F.C.A.), 27405, *01 16.3.00                                   347(00)                    499(00)

Bruce Agra Foods Inc. v. Trilwood Investments Ltd (Ont.), 27260, *02 23.3.00  207(00)                    557(00)

Bryan v. The Queen (Man.), 27222, *01 3.2.00                                               94(00)                      211(00)

Buck Consultants Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27707, *02  21.9.00                  1459(00)                   1511(00)

Buhlers v. Superintendent of Motor Vehicles for the Province of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 27268, *01 24.2.00                                                                         203(00)                    352(00)

Bull v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *01 30.3.00                                                 441(00)                    600(00)

Butcher v. Government of St. Lucia (Ont.), 27375, *02 11.5.00                        497(00)                    881(00)

C.A.L. v. The Queen (N.S.), 27758, *01 22.6.00                                             988(00)                    1172(00)

C.L.L. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27564, *01 23.3.00                                    373(00)                    548(00)

C.M.V. v. The Queen (Alta.), 27779, *01 17.8.00                                            1160(00)                   1396(00)

C.S. c. Goupil (Qué.), 28138, *A                                                                   1597(00)

Cadillac Fairview Corp. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 27214, *02 3.2.00            92(00)                      209(00)

Cadillac Fairview Corp. v. Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (Sask.),

   27537, *01 30.3.00                                                                                    445(00)                    604(00)

Calgary (City of) v. Nice (Alta.), 28161, *A                                                      1809(00)

Castineira v. The Queen (Qué.), 28186, *A                                                     1810(00)

Cameron v. Attorney-General of Nova Scotia (N.S.), 27584, *01 29.6.00           1073(00)                   1271(00)

Campbell (Dwaine) v. The Queen (Ont.), 27606, *05 23.12.99                          40(00)                      40(00)

Campbell v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27685, *02 22.6.00                                      1004(00)                   1178(00)

Campitelli v. The Corporation of the Town of Ajax (Ont.), 28156, *A                  1808(00)

Canadian Drug Manufacturers Assn. v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.),

   28059, *A                                                                                                 1443(00)

Canadian Newspapers Company Limited v. Hodgson (Ont.), 28136, *A             1745(00)

Carrie v. The Queen (B.C.), 27684, *01 11.5.00                                              589(00)                    884(000

Canada Life Assurance Co. v. Ryan (Nfld.), 27603, *02 3.8.00                         1000(00)                   1380(00)

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. v. Corporation of the District of North

   Vancouver (B.C.), 27874, *B                                                                      1476(00)

Canada Post Corp. v. Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (F.C.A.),

   27377, *02 6.4.00                                                                                     492(00)                    614(00)

Canada Post Corp. c. Canadian Union of Postal Workers (N.S.), 28099, *A      1593(00)

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce v. Samos Investments Inc. (B.C.),

   28012, *A                                                                                                 1445(00)

Canadian Media Guild, Local 30213 of the Newspaper Guild v. Canadian

   Broadcasting Corp. (Nfld.), 27378, *02 6.4.00                                              540(00)                    611(00)

Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 882 v. City of Prince Albert (Sask.),

   27816, *05 20.9.00                                                                                    1470(00)                   1642(00)

Can-Dive Services Ltd. v. Morrison-Knudsen Co. (B.C.), 27845, *02 26.10.00    1816(00)                   1881(00)

Cannella v. Toronto Transit Commission (Ont.), 27705, *01 14.9.00                 1245(00)                   1491(00)

Cape Breton -Vitoria Regional Shool Board v. Menzies (N.S.), 27962, *A          1159(00)

Cardinal v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *01 30.3.00                                           441(00)                    600(00)

Carmichael v. The Queen (Ont.), 27634, *01 23.3.00                                       373(00)                    548(00)

Carrie v.  The Queen (B.C.), 27684, *A                                                          90(00)

Casey v. The Queen (Ont.), 28030, *A                                                           1443(00)

Caswell v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27538, *01 2.3.00                                    272(00)                    392(00)

Cavan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27582, *01 30.3.00                                    440(00)                    599(00)

Celik v. Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 28006, *A                 1227(00)

Celik v.  St. Paul Insurance Co. (Ont.), 28010, *A                                          1228(00)

Centra Gas Manitoba v. Bohemier (Man.), 27197, *02 20.1.00                         1967(99)                   100(00)

Challenge Team v. Revenue Canada (F.C.A.), 27946, *B                                 1870(00)

Chan v. Chiasson (Ont.), 27498, *02 18.5.00                                                  731(00)                    909(00)

Chaoulli c. Ministre de la santé et des services sociaux (Qué.), 27910, *A         985(00)

Chase Manhattan Bank of Canada v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27740, *02 14.9.00  1261(00)                   1487(00)

Chaudhary v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27672, *01 25.5.00                              89(00)                      955(00)

Chief and Council of the Shubenacadie Indian Band v. Attorney General of Canada

   (F.C.A.), 28078, *A                                                                                   1446(00)

Chowdhury c. La Reine (Qué.), 28195, *A                                                       1863(00)

Chung v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27508, *01 27.1.00                                   2014(99)                   165(00)

CIBC Mortgage Corp. c. Vasquez (Qué.), 27963, *A                                        1159(00)

Cigana v. Millette (Que.), 28016, *A                                                               1325(00)

Cipollone v. The Queen (Ont.), 28035, *01 12.10.00                                        1468(00)                   1773(00)

Clarkson v. Government of the Kindgom of the Netherlands (B.C.), 28128, *A   1809(00)

Claveau c. Durand (Qué.), 27349, *02 2.3.00                                                  274(00)                    397(00)

Clay v. The Queen (Ont.), 28189, *A                                                              1923(00)

CLR Construction Labour Relations Associations of Saskatchewan v. PCL

   Industrial Constructors Inc. (Sask.), 27833, *02 26.10.00                             1471(00)                   1878(00)

Club Juridique c. Lafrenière (Qué.), 27633, *01 29.6.00                                   1074(00)                   1272(00)

Cobb v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27610, *03 17.2.00                 142(00)                    310(00)

Coca-Cola Ltd. v. Pardhan (F.C.A.), 27392, *02 3.5.00                                    542(00)                    794(00)

Cogswell v. The Queen (N.B.), 28063, *A                                                       1443(00)

Collymore v. The Queen (Ont.), 27526, *01  28.9.00                                        1262(00)                   1523(00)

Comeau c. Comeau, (Qué.), 27692, *02 10.8.00                                             1234(00)                   1384(00)

Committee for the Equal Treatment of Asbestos Minority Shareholders v.

   La Reine (Ont.), 27252, *03 27.1.00                                                            1964(99)                   155(00)

Commission scolaire English-Montréal c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.),

   28196, *A                                                                                                 1863(00)

Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail c. Société canadienne des

   postes (Qué.), 27311, *02 6.4.00                                                                350(00)                    616(00)

Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse c. Centre

   dhébergement et de soins de longue durée Champlain-Manoir de

   Verdun (Qué.), 27639, *02 24.8.00                                                              1168(00)                   1408(00)

Commission des lésions professionnelles c. Société canadienne des postes (Qué.),

   27311, *02 6.4.00                                                                                     350(00)                    616(00)

Commission scolaire dIberville c. Syndicat de lenseignement du Haut-Richelieu

   (Qué.), 27369, *02 30.3.00                                                                         446(00)                    606(00)

Commissioner of Patents v. The President and Fellows of Harvard College

   (F.C.A.), 28155, *A                                                                                   1747(00)

Commisso v. United States of America (Ont.), 27787, *01 24.8.00                   1167(00)                   1406(00)

Compagnie dassurance-vie Transamerica du Canada c. Goulet (Qué.),

   27939, *A                                                                                                 1156(00)

Conex Services Inc. v. Bogner Developments Ltd.  (B.C.), 27671, *02 21.9.00  1366(00)                   1507(00)

Conrad v. Imperial Oil Ltd. (N.S.), 27270, *02 2.3.00                                       274(00)                    396(00)

Conroy v. Friesen (B.C.), 27200, *01 27.1.00                                                  11(00)                      151(00)

Conseil scolaire de l’Île de Montréal c. Ville de l’Île Bizard (Qué.), 27651, *02

   14.9.00                                                                                                                                   1347(00)           1497(00)

Construction Aggregates Ltd. v. City of Coquitlam (B.C.), 28042, *A                 1440(00)

Conway v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27519, *02 8.6.00                  945(00)                    1083(00)

Continentale Compagnie dAssurance du Canada c. Club de Golf Oka Inc (Qué.),

   27379, *02 20.4.00                                                                                    544(00)                    748(00)

Cooper v. Hobart (B.C.), 27880, *03 17.8.00                                                   1230(00)                   1400(00)

Coopers and Lybrand v. Trustees of the Edmonton Pipe Industry Pension Plan

   Trust Fund (Alta.), 28090, *A                                                                     1448(00)

Corporation of the City of Brampton v. Bisoukis (Ont.), 27742, *02 17.8.00       1163(00)                   1399(00)

Corporation of the City of Kelowna v. Labour Relations Board of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 27315, *01 23.3.00                                                                         299(00)                    561(00)

Corporation of the City of Mississauga v. Slough Estates Canada Ltd. (Ont.),

   27951, *A                                                                                                 1117(00)

Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay v. 1037618 Ontario Inc. (Ont.), 27549,

   *02 8.6.00                                                                                                945(00)                    1082(00)

Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay v. Larson (Ont.), 28096, *A                   1592(00)

Corporation of the City of Toronto v. Toronto Terminals Railways Co. (Ont.),

   27626, *05 31.8.00                                                                                    2(00)                        1556(00)

Corrpro Canada, Inc. v. Edmonton Centre West Ltd. (Alta.), 28202, *A             1923(00)

Corsano v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27319, *02 20.4.00                                        451(00)                    753(00)

Cortese v. Nowsco Well Service Ltd. (Alta.), 27968, *B                                   1869(00)

Côté c. La Reine (Qué.), 27656, *02 28.9.00                                                   1256(00)                   1527(00)

Côté (Fernand) c. Taillefer (Qué.), 27882, *02 5.10.00                                     1453(00)                   1615(00)

Coulombe c. Office municipal dhabitation de Pointe-Claire (Qué.), 27536,

   *02 12.10.00                                                                                             1122(00)                   1756(00)

Couture (François) c. Ferme La Champignière Inc. (Qué.), 27301, *02 18.5.00   730(00)                    908(00)

Couture (Paul) c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.) 27530, *B                                         1966(99)                  

Crawford v. The Queen (Sask.), 27195, *01 30.3.00                                        440(00)                    600(00)

Crestwood Lake Ltd. v. Pizzey (Ont.), 27462, *02 11.5.00                               597(00)                    887(00)

D.C.A. v. The Queen (Alta.), 27913, *01 5.10.00                                             1360(00)                   1623(00)

D.T.A. c. M.E.L. (Qué.), 27984, *02  21.9.00                                                  1369(00)                   1520(00)

Dagostino v. United States of America (Ont.), 27787, *B                                1167(00)

Dagher v. McDonnell-Ronald Limousine Service Ltd. (Ont.), 27829, *02 12.10.00                              1465(00)           1771(00)

Daisley v. City of Lethbridge (Alta.), 27890, *A                                               901(00)

Dawes v. Jajcaj (B.C.), 27403, *02 6.4.00                                                      492(00)                    613(00)

Dawson v. Attorney General of Alberta (Alta.), 27629, *01 13.4.00                    385(00)                    667(00)

De-Jai Holdings Inc. v. Corporation of the City of Guelph (Ont.), 27364,

   *02 3.2.00                                                                                                94(00)                      210(00)

Deane v. The Queen (Ont.), 27776, *05 22.2.00                                              461(00)

Del Grande v. Toronto Dominion Bank (Ont.), 27522, *02 30.3.00                    447(00)                    607(00)

Del Zotto v. Minister of National Revenue (F.C.A), 28100, *A                           1448(00)

Demix, Division de Ciment St-Laurent (Indépendant) Inc. c. Communauté urbaine

     de Montréal (Qué.), 27988, *A                                                                  1226(00)

Derksen v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 27642, *01 30.3.00                               444(00)                    603(00)

Desnomie v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27972, *B                                                  1927(00)

Devgan v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27567, *01 23.3.00                 374(00)                    549(00)

Devgan v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27567, *01 20.4.00                 583(00)                    737(00)

Devinat c. Commission de lImmigration et du Statut de réfugié (C.A.F.),

   27727, *02 12.10.00 (La demande dautorisation dappel incident est rejetée

    sans dépens / The application for leave to cross-appeal is dismissed without

    costs)                                                                                                                                    1334(00)           1760(00)

Devji v. Corporation of the District of Burnaby (B.C.), 27667, *02 3.8.00            1120(00)                   1375(00)

Dhawan v. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la

    jeunesse (Qué.), 28122, *A                                                                       1745(00)

Dick v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27641, *03 12.10.00                                           1070(00)                   1749(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Collin (C.A.F.), 27451, *02 20.4.00       383(00)                    745(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Couture (C.A.F.), 27447, *02 20.4.00    380(00)                    741(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Cyr (C.A.F.), 27446, *02 20.4.00          380(00)                    742(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27448, *02 20.4.00    382(00)                    744(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27449, *02 20.4.00    384(00)                    745(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27452, *02 20.4.00    384(00)                    746(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Leblanc (C.A.F.), 27450, *02 20.4.00   382(00)                    743(00)

Do c. La Reine (Qué.) 27805, *01 31.8.00                                                      1237(00)                   1483(00)

Dobie v. Boushey (Ont.), 27468, *01 23.12.99                                                1817(99)                   21(00)

Dobson v. The Queen (N.B.), 27775, *01 22.6.00                                           950(00)                    1185(00)

Dofasco v. NBD Bank (Ont.), 27754, *02 13.4.00                                           486(00)                    675(00)

Doiron c. Lipp (Qué.), 27940, *A                                                                    1156(00)

Dominion Bridge Inc. v. The Queen (Sask.), 27355, *01 30.3.00                      445(00)                    605(00)

Dominion of Canada General Insurance Co. v. Marchand (Ont.), 27244, *02

   17.2.00                                                                                                                                   141(00) 309(00)

Doody v. Professional Training Committee of the Barreau du Québec (Qué.),

   27334, *02 27.1.00                                                                                    8(00)                        160(00)

Doyle v. The Queen (Crim.)(P.E.I.), 27702, *01 25.5.00                                   271(00)                    954(00)

Dr. William N. Campbell Professional Corporation v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27687,

   *02 22.6.00                                                                                              1004(00)                   1178(00)

Drummie v. Society of Lloyds (N.B.), 27815, *02 5.10.00                                1462(00)                   1618(00)

Dubreuil Brothers Employees Association v. London Life Insurance Company

    (Ont.), 28165, *A                                                                                     1860(00)

Duca Community Credit Union Ltd. v. Sugarman (Ont.), 27417, *02 11.5.00      545(00)                    883(00)

Duchesne c. Picard (Qué.), 27625, *01 12.10.00                                             1013(00)                   1763(00)

Duguay c. Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (Qué.), 28143, *A                          1746(00)

Duguid v. Bank of Montreal (Ont.), 27973, *B                                                 1933(00)

Duncan v. Confederation Trust Co. (N.B.), 28043, *A                                      1440(00)

Dunmore v. Attorney General for Ontario (Ont.), 27216, *03 24.2.00                 140(00)                    353(00)

Durand v. Bastien (Alta.), 27818, *02  21.9.00                                                1359(00)                   1517(00)

Dwomoh v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Ont.), 27534, *01 11.5.00  495(00)                    879(00)

Dwyer v. Cavalluzzo, Hayes, Shilton, McIntrye & Cornish (Ont.), 28159, *A       1809(00)

E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company v. Furlan (B.C.), 28154, *A                 1808(00)

E.S. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27862, *B                                                             1450(00)

E.S. Fox Ltd. v. Hagt (Ont.), 27834, *02 12.10.00                                           1466(00)                   1772(00)

E.T.H. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27709, *01 25.5.00                                   854(00)                    965(00)

Eamor v. Air Canada Ltd. (B.C.), 27661, *02 10.8.00                                       1078(00)                   1392(00)

Eastern Power Ltd. v. Azienda Comunale Energia & Ambiente (Ont), 27595, *02

   22.6.00                                                                                                                                   1008(00)           1183(00)

Edgeworth Construction Ltd. v. Thurber Consultants Ltd. (B.C.), 28177, *A       1861(00)

Edwards v. Law Society of Upper Canada (Ont.), 28108, *B                             1926(00)

Egido c. Groupe Serpone syndic de faillite (Qué.), 28160, *A                           1809(00)

Eholor v. The Queen (Ont.), 27504, *02 6.1.00                                               1963(99)                   22(00)

Ekman v. The Queen (B.C.), 28056, *A                                                         1327(00)

Elder v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27219, *05 26.1.00                                      752(99)                    181(00)

Elliott (Bettyann) v. City of Toronto (Ont.), 27289, *B                                       1866(00)

Elliott (Veronica) v. Liczyk (Ont.), 27888, *B                                                  1867(00)

Ellis-Don Ltd. v. Naylor Group Inc. (Ont.), 27321, *03 20.4.00                          376(00)                    733(00)

Emballage Graham du Canada Ltée c. Commission des droits de la personne et

   des droits de la jeunesse (Qué.), 27336, *02 17.2.00                                    138(00)                    307(00)

Endean v. The Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia (B.C.), 26679,

   05 19.1.00                                                                                                113(00)                    113(00)

Entreprises Ab Rimouski Inc. c. Sa Majesté la Reine (C.A.F.), 27970, *A         1223(00)

Entreprises Ludco Ltée v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27320, *03 20.4.00                  487(00)                    734(00)

Epstein v. Salvation Army Scarborough Grace General Hospital (Ont.), 27608,

   *05 18.2.00                                                                                              2010(99)                   362(00)

Ernst & Young v. Webster (B.C.), 27948, *A                                                  1117(00)

Estate of Yuan Vercingetorix Woo v. Privacy Commissioner of Canada (F.C.A.)

   27497, *01 13.4.00                                                                                    490(00)                    665(00)

Éthier c. Entreprises P. F. St-Laurent (Qué.), 27413, *02 2.3.00                       275(00)                    398(00)

F.C.B. v. The Queen (N.S.), 27868, *01 21.9.00                                             1264(00)                   1518(00)

Fabrikant c. Hyppolite (Qué.), 28005, *B                                                        1871(00)

Family Insurance Corp. v. Lombard Canada Ltd. (B.C.), 28093,*A                    1449(00)

Farhadi v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27955, *B              1239(00)

Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. v. Berg (Ont.), 28134, *A                           1597(00)

Favreau c. Productions Avanti Cinévidéo Inc. (Qué.), 27527, *01 25.5.00          789(00)                    962(00)

Fehr v. Brodowski (Man.), 28023, *A                                                             1328(00)

Fensom v. Kendall (Sask.), 28068, *A                                                           1445(00)

Feuerweker c. La Reine (Ont.), 27664, *01 11.5.00                                         590(00)                    885(00)

Figueroa v. That A.G. of Canada (Ont.), 28194, *A                                         1863(00)

Firm of Kirkland, Murpphy & Ain v. Wernikowski (Ont.), 27763, *02 12.10.00    1339(00)                   1766(00)

Filzmaier v. O.K.W. Ltd. (Ont.) 27700, *02 29.6.00                                         1067(00)                   1267(00)

Flamand c. La Reine (Qué.), 27589, *01 30.3.00                                             444(00)                    604(00)

Fletcher Challenge Canada Limited v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 28172, *A              1861(00)

Flexi-Coil Ltd. v. Bourgault Industries Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Sask.), 27273, *02 23.3.00  377(00)                    551(00)

Fliss v. The Queen (B.C.), 27998, *A                                                             1449(00)

Fortin c. Compagnie dassurance Wellington (Qué.), 28149, *A                        1746(00)

Fortin c. Fonds dassurance responsabilité professionnelle de la chambre des

   notaires du Québec (Qué.), 27400, *02 11.5.00                                            546(00)                    884(00)

Fortin c. La Reine (Qué.), 28066, *B                                                              1929(00)

Fournier v. The Queen (B.C.), 27881, *01 17.8.00                                           1240(00)                   1403(00)

Franks v. Attorney General of British Columbia (B.C.), 27414, *01 2.3.00         272(00)                    392(00)

Francis v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Ont.), 27615, *04 1.6.00      137(00)                    1018(00)

Fraternité des préposés à lentretien des voies c. Canadien Pacifique Ltée (Qué.),

   27434, *02  27.4.00                                                                                   595(00)                    763(00)

Fraternité des préposés à lentretien des voies c. Canadien Pacifique Ltée

    (Qué.), 28124, *A                                                                                     1745(00)

Freeman v. General Motors Acceptance Corp. of  Canada (N.B.), 28024, *A     1326(00)

Fresco v. City of Montreal (Que.), 28164, *A                                                   1860(00)

Friedland v. United States of America (Ont.), 27773, *04 24.8.00                     1169(00)                   1409(00)

Friedman v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A), 27930, *02 5.10.00                              1349(00)           1621(00)

Friends of the West Country Association v. Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

   (F.C.A.), 27644, *01  21.9.00                                                                     1248(00)                   1522(00)

Frito Lay Canada Ltd. v. Heynen (Ont.), 27628, *02 3.8.00                               1121(00)                   1376(00)

G.P. c. S.B. (Qué.), 27593, *02 3.2.00                                                           95(00)                      211(00)

Gajic v. Wolverton Securities Ltd. (B.C.), 27679, *02 5.10.00                           1452(00)                   1614(00)

Gajic (Dragisa) v. The Queen (B.C.), 27750, *02 21.9.00                                 1346(00)                   1512(00)

Galerie Dart Yves Laroche Inc. c. Théberge (Qué.), 27872, *B                        1456(00)

Galuego v. Canadian Human Rights Commission (F.C.A.), 27553, *01 22.6.00  991(99)                    1175(00)

Gaudreault c. Sa Majesté la Reine (Qué.), 28040, *B                                       1928(00)

Gauthier c. Gauthier (Qué.), 27592, *01 22.6.00                                              951(00)                    1185(00)

Gavelin v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27686, *02 22.6.00                                         1005(00)                   1179(00)

Gazette c. Conseil du référendum (Qué.), 27961, *A                                        1158(00)

General Manager, Liquor Control v. Ocean Port Hotel Ltd. (B.C.), 27371, *03

   16.3.00                                                                                                                                   377(00) 501(00)

General Motors du Canada Ltée c. Desrivières (Qué.), 28101, *A                      1593(00)

George v. The Queen (Ont.), 28031, *A                                                         1326(00)

Gérard Robitaille & Associés Ltée c. La Reine (Qué.), 27799, *02 14.9.00         1340(00)                   1498(00)

Gill (Ajmer) v. Gill (B.C.), 27025, *02 11.5.00                                                  496(00)                    880(00)

Gill (Jasbir) v. The Queen (B.C.), 27647, *02 22.6.00                                      1007(00)                   1182(00)

Girard c. Moisan (Qué.), 27964, *A                                                                1159(00)

Gindis v. Ritchie Scott Brisbourne (B.C.), 28827, *A                                       656(00)

Glaxo Group Ltd. v. Novopharm Ltd. (F.C.A.), 27457, *02 20.4.00                    584(00)                    738(00)

Glengarry Bingo Association v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 27166, *02 27.4.00  593(00)                    762(00)

Godbout c. Municipalité de la paroisse de St-Pie (Qué.), 27428, *01 11.5.00     591(00)                    885(00)

Godin v. Premier Salon International Inc. (N.B.), 28019, *A                             1326(00)

Golden v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27547, *03 23.3.00                                   143(00)                    553(00)

Golden Pan Building Products Inc. v. Browne of Canada Ltd.. (Ont.), 28000, *B                               1825(00)

Goohsen v. The Queen (Sask.), 27926, *01  21.9.00                                       1355(00)                   1513(00)

Gorenko v. The Queen (Qué.), 27266, *03 27.1.00                                          1965(99)                   155(00)

Gordon v. Winnipeg Canoe Club (Man.), 27358, *02 30.3.00                            442(00)                    601(00)

Gordon Glaves Holdings Ltd v. Care Corporation of Canada Ltd. (Ont.),

   28086, *A                                                                                                 1449(00)

Gosselin c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 27418, *04 1.6.00                 729(00)                    1020(00)

Grabowski v. Joint chiropractic Professional Review Committee (Sask.),

   28067, *A                                                                                                 1444(00)

Gramaglia v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27729, *02 5.10.00             1350(00)                   1622(00)

Grant v. The Queen (Ont.), 27243, *B                                                            1151(99)

Great Lakes Power Ltd. v. Regional Assessment Commissioner, Region No. 31

   (Ont.), 27532, *02 8.6.00                                                                           790(00)                    1088(00)

Greater Europe Mission (Canada) v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27696, *01 24.8.00    1242(00)                   1405(00)

Greenwood v. Hickson (Sask.), 27807, *02 12.10.00                                       1372(00)                   1767(00)

Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp. v. Brzozowski (B.C.), 28097, *A         1592(00)

Groleau-Roberge c. Paradis (Qué.), 27591, *01 12.10.00                                 866(00)                    1762(00)

Gronnerud v. Gronnerud (Sask.), 27993, *B                                                    1821(00)

Grossman v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27610, *03 17.2.00          142(00)                    310(00)

Groupe Forex Inc. v. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 28027, *A                1440(00)

Guindon c. Lortie et Martin Ltée (Qué.), 27954, *A                                           1157(00)

Guignard c. Ville de Saint-Hyacinthe (Qué.), 27704, *04 28.9.00                       1257(00)                   1528(00)

Guilbault v. Investors Group Trust Co. (Ont.), 27613, *02 10.8.00                    1077(00)                   1390(00)

Guyot c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 27739, *01 8.6.00                                         947(00)                    1085(00)

H.K. c. La Direction de la protection de la  jeunesse (Qué.), 27745, *01 13.4.00                               543(00) 666(00)

Hall v. Melna (Man.), 28034, *A                                                                     1328(00)

Halteren v. Wilhelm (B.C.), 27786, *B                                                            1368(00)

Hammell v. Friesen (B.C.), 27200, *01 27.1.00                                               11(00)                      151(00)

Hanmore v. Hanmore (Alta.), 27858, *01 26.10.00                                           1815(00)                   1880(00)

Harel c. Montambault (Qué.), 27517, *02 8.6.00                                              787(00)                    1083(00)

Hart v. The Queen (N.S.), 27784, *01 31.8.00                                                 1236(00)                   1483(00)

Harvey v. The Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia (B.C.),

   27849,*B                                                                                                  1814(00)

Hayat v. Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto (Ont.), 27698, *02 28.9.00   1247(00)                   1526(00)

Haley v. Thompson (Sask.), 28106, *A                                                          1594(00)

Hettema Inc. v. Claude & Conrad Toner Ltd. (N.B.), 27755, *02 28.9.00            1258(00)                   1528(00)

Hibbert v. The Queen (B.C.), 28021, *A                                                         1596(00)

Highland Park Financial Inc. v. Chalmers (Man.), 27920, *02 26.10.00             1600(00)                   1879(00)

Hill v. Minister of Small Business, Tourism and Culture (B.C.), 27801, *02 The

   application for leave to appeal entitled constitutional application is granted.  The

   application for leave to appeal entitled statutory interpretation application is

   dismissed with costs.  17.8.00  La demande dautorisation dappel intitulée

   demande relative à une question constitutionnelle est accueillie.  La demande

   dautorisation dappel intitulée demande relative à une question dinterprétation

   législative est rejetée avec dépens.                                                            1162(00)                   1398(00)

Hnatiw v. Scamstad (Sask.), 27601, *01 5.10.00                                            1460(00)                   1613(00)

Hoang v. The Queen (B.C.), 28014, *B                                                          1823(00)

Hogan v. Attorney General of Newfoundland (Nfld.), 27865, *B                         1604(00)

Holdbrook v. Emeneau (N.S.), 27957, *02 2.11.00                                          1813(00)                   1937(00)

Hollick v. City of Toronto (Ont.), 27699, *03 21.9.00                                        1249(00)                   1522(00)

Hongkong Bank of Canada v. Micron Construction Ltd. (B.C.), 27867,

   *02 26.10.00                                                                                             1598(00)                   1875(00)

Hoover v. Edwards (Ont.), 28108, *A                                                              1594(00)

Hospital Employees Union v. Children and Womens Health Centre (B.C.),

   27873, *01 12.10.00                                                                                  1466(00)                   1754(00)

H. (A.) c. Melançon (Qué.), 27937, *B                                                            1931(00)

H. (A.) c. Institut Philippe Pinel (Qué.), 27854, *B                                           1930(00)

Hoechst Celanese Corporation v. Furlan (B.C.), 28154, *A                               1808(00)

Housen v. Rural Municipality of Shellbrook No. 493 (Sask.), 27826, *B             1607(00)

Huard c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 27530, *B                                                    1966(99)

Hughes Communications Inc. (28070), *A                                                      1446(00)

Hunter v. The Queen (B.C.), 26580, *B                                                          1931(00)

Huovinen v. The Queen (B.C.), 28157, *A                                                      1808(00)

Hurst v. The Queen (B.C.), 27919, *01 21.9.00                                               1341(00)                   1502(00)

Hydro-Québec c. Ville de Hampstead (Qué.), 27883, *02 12.10.00                    1265(00)                   1765(00)

Hynes v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27443, *03 27.1.00                                    1816(99)                   149(00)

Hysop v. The Queen (B.C.), 28192, *A                                                           1862(00)

Ian Brown and Marcus Leech carrying on business as Synchronics v. Synchronics,

    Incorporated (Ont.), 27995, *A                                                                  1808(00)

Imperial Oil Ltd. v. Lloyd (Alta.), 27744, *02 12.10.00                                      1263(00)                   1759(00)

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia v. Bevacqua (B.C.), 27614, *02 22.6.00                           1006(00)           1181(00)

Interboro Mutual Indemnity Insurance Co. v. Guardian Insurance Company of

   Canada (Ont.), 27431, *02 11.5.00                                                             724(00)                    870(00)

Isert v. Santos (B.C.), 27190,*02 17.2.00                                                       93(00)                      300(00)

ITT Industries of Canada Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 28069, *A                      1743(00)

J.H. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27670, *01 25.5.00                                                 596(00)                    969(00)

Jabarianha v. The Queen (B.C.)(Crim.), 27725, *03 8.6.00                               944(00)                    1081(00)

Jacko v. The Queen (Alta.), 28109, *A                                                          1594(00)

Jackson v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 28141, *A                            1597(00)

Jagna Limited c. Techno Bloc Inc.  (C.A.F.), 27657, *01 10.8.00                     1235(00)                   1385(00)

Jaworski v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 28052, *A                            1327(00)

Jazairi v. Ontario Human Rights Commission (Ont.), 27500, *02 3.5.00            658(00)                    795(00)

Jhajj v. The Queen (B.C.), 27647, *02 22.6.00                                                1007(00)                   1182(00)

Joly v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27715, *01 24.8.00                                       1168(00)                   1407(00)

Johnson v. Lester B. Pearson School Board (Qué.), 28166, *A                        1860(00)

Johnson-Paquette v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27966, *05 15.8.00                         1222(00)                   1435(00)

Johnston v. Johnston (Ont.), 27911, *02 17.8.00                                            1231(00)                   1401(00)

Jones v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 27778, *02 10.8.00                                  1166(00)                   1382(00)

Jones Power Co. Limited v. Mitsui & Co. (Point Aconi) Ltd. (N.S.), 28205, *A    1924(00)

Jordan v. Salgado de Leon (Sask.), 27404, *02 17.2.00                                   134(00)                    302(00)

Jorgensen c. Crédit M.P. Ltée (Qué.), 27560, *02 8.6.00                                  949(00)                    1086(00)

Jules v. The Queen in Right of British Columbia (B.C.), 28071, *A                   1444(00)

Jumelle c. Soloway (Man.), 27701, *02 13.4.00                                               450(00)                    673(00)

K.D.J. v. The Queen (B.C.), 28095, *01 2.11.00                                             1818(00)                   1939(00)

K.M.C. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27731, *01 22.6.00                                   988(00)                    1172(00)

Kadar v. Kadar (Ont.) 28018, *A                                                                    1595(00)

Kadziolka v. Royal Bank of Canada (Sask.), 27220, *02 17.2.00                      747(99)                    303(00)

Kajat v. The Ship Arctic Taglu (F.C.A.), 27857, *02 12.10.00                       1473(00)                   1755(00)

Kakfwi v. The Queen (F.C.A.) (B.C.), 27577, *02 8.6.00                                  944(00)                    1081(00)

Kalashnikoff v. The Queen (B.C.), 27803, *01 12.10.00                                   1241(00)                   1751(00)

Kapoor v. The Queen (Sask.), 28054, *B                                                       1864(00)

Karamouzos v. John and Jane Doe (B.C.), 27780, *01 20.4.00                        658(00)                    752(00)

Katriuk v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27741 , *02 11.5.00                               723(00) 869(00)

Kebe c. Agbor (Qué.), 27612, *02 3.8.00                                                       998(00)                    1378(00)

Kelemen v. El-Homeira (Ont.), 27693, *02 14.9.00                                          1329(00)                   1488(00)

Kelly v. The Queen (Ont.), 28007, *A                                                             1229(00)

Ken Toby Ltd. v. British Columbia Buildings Corp. (B.C.), 27326, *02 17.2.00   133(00)                    304(00)

Kerr v. The Queen (B.C.), 27943, *01 5.10.00                                                 1362(00)                   1625(00)

Khader v. The Queen (Ont.), 27986, *A                                                          1447(00)

Khan v. The Queen (Ont.), 27737, *01 10.8.00                                               1163(00)                   1381(00)

Kiloh v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27511, *02 23.3.00                                            375(00)                    550(00)

Kieling v. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (Sask.), 27322, *01 27.1.00                    17(00)                      153(00)

Kilkanis v. Allstate Insurance Company of Canada (Ont.), 27309, *02 13.4.00   388(00)                    670(00)

Kimberly-Clark Nova Scotia v. Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators

   Association (N.S.), 27832, *B                                                                    1873(00)

King v. Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities (Nfld.), 27990, *A                1227(00)

Kinkartz v. Kinkartz (Ont.), 27689, *02 13.4.00                                              390(00)                    673(00)

Klapstein v. Alberta Mortgage and Housing Corp. (Alta.), 28102, *A                 1593(00)

Klein v. Decock (Alta.), 27980, *A                                                                 1224(00)

Kleven v. The Queen (B.C.), 27586, *01 21.9.00                                             1342(00)                   1502(00)

Kloepfer v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 27453, *01 10.8.00                                 1075(00)                   1389(00)

Koch v. Hydro Québec (Qué.), 28077, *A                                                       1447(00)

Kosikar v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27604, *01 13.4.00                                  386(00)                    668(00)

Kovacevic v. The Queen (B.C.), 27886, *01 21.9.00                                        1250(00)                   1499(00)

Kowalchuk v. Adduri (Man.), 28200, *A                                                          1923(00)

KPMG v. Montreal Trust Co. (Ont.), 27959, *A                                                1158(00)

Ku v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27466, *01 27.4.00                                         592(00)                    761(00)

L.K.W. v. The Queen (28036), *01 2.11.00                                                     1811(00)                   1936(00)

Lackowiak v. Maple Engineering & Construction Canada (Ont.), 27562,

   *02 8.6.00                                                                                                749(00)                    1086(00)

Lafrentz v. Michel (Alta.), 27234, *02 24.2.00                                                 202(00)                    352(00)

Lamerton & Associates Professional Surveyors v. Quinn (Y.T.), 27746,

   *02 14.9.00                                                                                              1346(00)                   1496(00)

Lamy c. Société canadienne des postes (Qué.), 27311, *02 6.4.00                   350(00)                    616(00)

Lansdowne v. Pensa & Associates (Ont.), 27842, *02 5.10.00                         1467(00)                   1619(00)

Lang v. Naccarato (Ont.), 28142, *A                                                              1597(00)

Langlois c. La Reine (Qué.), 27430, *02 15.6.00                                             996(00)                    1133(00)

Lanteigne c. La Reine (Crim.)(N.-B.), 27528, *01 27.1.00                                 15(00)                      162(00)

Laplante v. Fortin (Ont.), 27885, *B                                                               1606(00)

Lapointe v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 26578, *06 The case is remanded to the Court

    of Appeal of Alberta to be reconsidered in accordance with the decision of this

   Court in Her Majesty the Queen v. Thomas Andrew Bunn (Crim.)(Man.)(26339),

   Her Majesty the Queen v. Jeromie Keith D. Proulx (Crim.)(Man.)(26376), Her

   Majesty the Queen v. R.A.R. (Crim.)(Man.)(26377), Her Majesty the Queen v.

   R.N.S. (Crim.)(B.C.)(26462), Her Majesty the Queen v. L.F.W. (Crim.)(Nfld.)

   (26329)./Laffaire est renvoyée à la Cour dAppel de lAlberta pour réexamen

   conformément à larrêt de notre Cour dans Sa Majesté la Reine c. Thomas Andrew

   Bunn (Crim.)(Man.)(26339), Sa Majesté la Reine c. Jeromie Keith D. Proulx

   (Crim.)(Man.)(26376), Sa Majesté la Reine c. R.A.R. (Crim.)(Man.)(26377), Sa

   Majesté la Reine c. R.N.S. (Crim.)(B.C.)(26462), Sa Majesté la Reine c. L.F.W.

   (Crim.)(T.-N.)(26329) 3.2.00.                                                                      1134(98)                   209(00)

Larose c. Fleury (Qué.), 28011,*A                                                                  1228(00)

Laufer v. Bucklaschuk (Man.), 27761, *02 14.9.00                                          1331(00)                   1488(00)

Laurendeau c. La Reine (Qué.), 27563, *02 20.1.00                                         2011(99)                   102(00)

Lavoie v. The Queen in Right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27427, *04 25.5.00               591(00)                    968(00)

Law c. La Reine (N.-B.), 27870, *04 5.10.00                                                   1361(00)                   1624(00)

Lawpost, a division of Legal Research Consultants Inc. v. New Brunswick (N.B.),

   27683, *02 17.8.00                                                                                    1160(00)                   1397(00)

Lay v. Lay (Ont.), 28051, *B                                                                          1820(00)

Lazeo v. The Queen (B.C.), 27830, *01 21.9.00                                              1357(00)                   1515(00)

Lebrun c. La Reine (Qué.), 27618, *01 28.9.00                                               1337(00)                   1531(00)

Lecompte v. The Queen (Que.), 28171, *A                                                     1861(00)

Ledoux c. La Reine (Qué.), 27808, *02 5.10.00                                               1454(00)                   1616(00)

Lelacheur v. Burt (N.S.), 28181, *A                                                                1862(00)

Lenhardt v. The Queen (B.C.), 27396, *02 17.2.00                                          138(00)                    306(00)

Lessard c. Corporation municipale de Courcelles (Qué.), 28201, *A                  1923(00)

Létourneau c. Garantie, Compagnie dassurance de lAmérique du Nord (Qué.),

   27877, *02 5.10.00                                                                                    1363(00)                   1627(00)

Lévesque c. Commission des lésions professionnelles (Qué.), 27535, *02 1.6.00                              862(00) 1021(00)

Lévesque Automobile Ltée c. Denis (Qué.), 27730, *02 31.8.00                        1245(00)                   1479(00)

Lewis Energy Management Inc. v. MacKinnon (Ont.), 27294, *02 2.3.00            204(00)                    393(00)

LHeureux c. Fortin (Qué), 27350, *02 20.4.00                                                493(00)                    747(00)

Liao v. Ontario Human Rights Commission (Ont.), 27840, *02 5.10.00              1354(00)                   1612(00)

Lim v. Lim (B.C.), 27635, *01 29.6.00                                                            1068(00)                   1268(00)

Locke c. City of Calgary (Alta.), 27385, *02 23.3.00                                        208(00)                    559(00)

Longley v. The Queen (B.C.), 27927, *B                                                         1820(00)

Long Lake 58 First Nation v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27950,

   *02, 19.10.00                                                                                            1469(00)                   1826(00)

Lopez v. The Queen (N.B.), 27971, *01 5.10.00                                              1461(00)                   1617(00)

Lord v. Maritime Life Assurance Co. (Ont.), 27630, *02 23.3.00                        146(00)                    556(00)

Lord (Mario) v. Attorney General of Québec (Qué.), 28060, *A                          1443(00)

Lord (Mario) v. Attorney General of Québec (Qué.), 28074, *A                          1444(00)

Lortie c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions professionnelles (Qué.),

   27331, *02 2.3.00                                                                                     204(00)                    394(00)

Lowe v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (N.S.), 27533, *02 11.5.00                                664(00)                    889(00)

Luke v. The Queen (Ont.), 28131, *A                                                             1596(00)

Luscar Ltd. v. Smoky River Coal Ltd. (Alta.), 27432, *05 12.1.00                      1317(99)                   113(00)

M.E.P. c. K.R.O. (Qué.), 27602, *02 27.1.00                                                  8(00)                        160(00)

M.T. c. Dubé (Qué.), 28110, *A                                                                     1594(00)

MacDonald v. The Queen (N.S.), 28048, *B                                                    1864(00)

MacDonell c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 28092, *A                          1592(00)

Mach v. The Queen (Ont.), 27674, *01 20.4.00                                               586(00)                    749(00)

MacInnes v. The Queen (Ont.), 27899,*01 5.10.00                                          1348(00)                   1620(00)

MacMaster v. Corportaion of the Regional Municipality of York (Ont.), 27983, *A                              1225(00)

MacPherson (Kenneth) v. The Queen (Ont.), 27616, *01 14.9.00                      1262(00)                   1492(00)

MacPherson (Paul) v. Adga Systems International Inc. (Ont.), 27184, *02 6.4.00                              485(00) 608(00)

Madsen v. The Queen (F.C.A.) 27473, *02 11.5.00                                         598(00)                    887(00)

Magda v. St. Catharines Standard, a division of Southam Inc. (Ont.), 27420, *02

   20.4.00                                                                                                                                   585(00) 739(00)

Mailloux c. Revenu Canada (C.A.F.) 28072, *A                                               1444(00)

Malcolm v. The Queen (Man.), 28153, *A                                                       1747(00)

Mankwe c. La Reine (Qué.), 27791, *B                                                           1247(00)

Marcoux v. Bouchard (Qué.), 27554, *04 15.6.00                                             948(00)                    1130(00)

Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline Management Ltd. v. Union of Nova Scotia

   Indians (F.C.A.), 27262, *01 17.2.00                                                           135(00)                    302(00)

Markel Insurance Co. of Canada v. Azevedo (Alta.), 27663, *02 12.10.00         1069(00)                   1748(00)

Martel c. La Reine (Qué.), 27907, *01  21.9.00                                                1356(00)                   1513(00)

Martelli c. Commission des affaires sociales (Qué.), 27811, *02 14.9.00           1335(00)                   1493(00)

Martens v. Gulfstream Resources Canada Ltd. (Alta.), 27638, *02 29.6.00        1072(00)                   1271(00)

Market News Publishing Inc. v. Southam Inc (B.C.), 27853, *02  21.9.00          1460(00)                   1511(00)

Martin v. Municipalité de la paroisse de St-Hubert (Qué.), 27568, *02  6.7.00     1009(00)                   1277(00)

Martin (Joey) v. Director, Adult Forensic Psychiatric Services (B.C.), 28094, *A                               1449(00)

Masmarti c. Cohen (Qué.), 27712, *02 25.5.00                                                855(00)                    966(00)

Mathers c. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (B.C.), 27387, *02 16.3.00                               349(00) 504(00)

Mattel Canada Inc. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27174, *03 16.3.00                        10(00)                      500(00)

Maxwell v. The Queen (B.C.), 28204, *A                                                         1924(00)

Mayer Diamond c. Surintendant des faillites (Qué.), 27460, *02 25.5.00            728(00)                    960(00)

McCall Pontiac Buick Ltd. v. Hamer-Jackson (B.C.), 28175, *A                       1861(00)

McCormack v. The Queen (B.C.), 27793, *01 14.9.00                                     1252(00)                   1485(00)

McCorrister v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27677, *03 10.8.00           1079(00)                   1392(00)

McDonald v. Lesage (Ont.), 27365, *01 2.3.00                                                205(00)                    395(00)

McKinley v. B.C. Tel (B.C.), 27410, *03 20.4.00                                              488(00)                    735(00)

McKenzie Forest Products Inc. v. Tilberg (Ont.), 27967, *B                             1824(00)

Médis services pharmaceutiques et de santé Inc. c. Syndicat des salariés de

    distribution de produits pharmaceutiques (FISA) (Qué.), 28111, *A               1744(00)

Meidel v. The Queen (B.C.), 27909, *01 12.10.00                                            1352(00)                   1753(00)

Melville v. NBD Bank (Ont.), 27754, *02 13.4.00                                             486(00)                    675(00)

Mennes (Emile) v. Attorney-General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27588, *01 22.6.00     990(99)                    1174(00)

Mennes (Emile) v. Attorney-General of Canada (Ont.), 27706, *02 11.5.00        725(00)                    871(00)

Merasty v. The Queen (Sask.), 27756, *01 12.10.00                                        370(00)                    1762(00)

Merck Frosst Canada Inc. v. Minister of National Health and Welfare (F.C.A.),

   27370, *02 17.2.00                                                                                    96(00)                      309(00)

Merz v. The Queen (Ont.), 27918, *01 5.10.00                                                1352(00)                   1609(00)

Metro-Can Construction Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 28133, *A                        1597(00)

Metzner v. Metzner (B.C.), 27529, *06 (The Court of Appeal having rendered its

   decision on the basis of the impact on custodial arrangements occasioned by the

   application of the Federal Child Support Guidelines, and under s. 17(6.2) of the

   Divorce Act , without the benefit of the judgment of this Court in Francis v. Baker,

   [1999] 3 S.C.R. 250, which provides for support corresponding to the actual

   conditions of the children, the matter is remanded to the Court of Appeal to be

   disposed of in accordance with the decision in Francis v. Baker/Étant donné que

   la Cour dappel a rendu sa décision en fonction de lincidence de lapplication des

   Lignes directrices fédérales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants sur les

   modalités de la garde, et du par. 17(6.2)  de la Loi sur le divorce , sans bénéficier

   de larrêt de notre Cour Francis c. Baker, [1999] 3 R.C.S. 250, qui prescrit une

   pension alimentaire correspondant aux conditions de vie réelles des enfants,

   laffaire est renvoyée à la Cour dappel pour que celle-ci la tranche conformément

   à larrêt Francis c. Baker) 27.1.00                                                              1910(99)                   159(00)

Metzner v. Metzner (B.C.), 28208, *A                                                             1925(00)

Midland Mortgage Corp. v. Jawl & Bundon (B.C.), 27520, *02 6.7.00                 946(00)                    1276(00)

Mil Systems v. Minister of Public Works and Government Services

       Canada (F.C.A.), 28022, *02 12.10.00                                                    1472(00)                   1774(00)

Millette (Régent) c. Dagenais (Qué.), 28045, *A                                              1441(00)

Millette (Régent) c. Individual Investment Corp.(Qué.), 27585, *01 15.6.00         994(00)                    1131(00)

Millette (Régent) c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 27605, *02 3.8.00                                 999(00)                    1379(00)

Minister of Environment Canada v. Information Commissioner of Canada (F.C.A.),

   27956, *B                                                                                                 1873(00)

Ministère des affaires municipales c. Communauté urbaine de Québec (Qué.),

   27455, *02 25.5.00                                                                                    727(00)                    959(00)

Ministry of Finance v. Higgins (Ont.), 27191, *02 20.1.00                                 1969(99)                   105(00)

Minors v. Toronto Sun Publishing Corp. (Ont.), 27518, *02 25.5.00                   790(00)                    963(00)

Mohammed v. The Queen in right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27690, *02 31.8.00        1243(00)                   1478(00)

Mole Construction Inc. c. Compagnie dassurances Canadian Surety (Qué.),

   27643,   *05 20.3.00                                                                                  5(00)                        567(00)

Molson Breweries v. John Labatt Ltd (F.C.A.), 27839, *02 14.9.00                    1252(00)                   1486(00)

Monachino v. Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (Ont.), 27902, *05 6.7.00         942(00)                    1294(00)

Monaghan v. Chester (Ont.), 28081, *A                                                          1447(00)

Monenco Ltd. v. Commonwealth Insurance Co. (B.C.), 27258, *03 16.3.00        273(00)                    502(00)

Monopro Ltd. c. Montréal Trust (Qué.), 27953, *A                                            1157(00)

Montreuil c. Directeur de l’État civil (Qué.), 27621, *02 22.6.00                         992(00)                    1180(00)

Morrill v. Krangle (B.C.), 27891,*B                                                                 1601(00)

Morris v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27354, *01 30.3.00                   447(00)                    606(00)

Morrison v. Society of Lloyds (N.B.), 27813, *02 5.10.00                                 1461(00)                   1617(00)

Morrow (Valerie) v. Constantini (B.C.), 27332, *01 3.2.00                                 12(00)                      212(00)

Morrow (Valerie) v. Acedemy Mechanical Services Ltd. (Alta.), 27531, *02 22.6.00                            951(00) 1186(00)

Morrow (Valerie) v. The Queen (Alta.), 27441,*02 20.1.00                                1911(99)                   103(00)

Mulligan v. The Queen (Alta.), 27726, *01 17.8.00                                           1230(00)                   1399(00)

Mullings v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27710, *01 1.6.00                                   858(00)                    1015(00)

Musqueam Holdings Ltd. v. Assossor of Area #09-Vancouver, 28032, *A          1328(00)

Nadeau v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27478, *01 27.1.00                                  1820(99)                   164(00)

N.M.P. v. The Queen (N.S.), 27936, *A                                                          1592(00)

Narvey v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27785, *02 10.8.00  1236(00)                   1386(00)

Nasser v. Mayer-Nasser (Ont), 27879, *02 10.8.00                                          1233(00)                   1383(00)

National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union

   of Canada v. Sun Life Assurance Co. (Ont.), 28105, *A                                1593(00)

Nelson (Terrance) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 27594, *01 17.2.00                  92(00)                      300(00)

Nelson (Vena) v. Lodin (Ont.), 27437, *02 1.6.00                                            859(00)                    1016(00)

Nette v. The Queen (B.C.), 27669, *03 25.5.00                                               589(00)                    967(00)

Nguiagain c. Ville de Québec (Qué.), 27809, *A                                              581(00)

Nichols Gravel Ltd. v. Corporation of the Township of Delhi (Ont.), 27720, *02

   28.9.00                                                                                                                                   1333(00)           1524(00)

Nikkanen v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27645, *01 29.6.00                               1071(00)                   1270(00)

Nishnawbe-Aski Nation v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27950, *B        1469(00)

No. 1 Collision Repair & Painting (1982) Ltd. v. Insurance Corporation of

    British Columbia (B.C.), 28184, *A                                                            1810(00)

North West Company Inc. v. Construction General Labourers (Nfld.), 27991, *A                               1227(00)

Nourcy c. Compagnie dAssurance-vie Transamerica du Canada (Qué.), 27335,

   *02 23.3.00                                                                                              207(00)                    558(00)

Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital (Ont.), 27425, *01 23.3.00                            378(00)                    552(00)

Novak v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Ont.), 27922, *02 26.10.00     1817(00)                   1882(00)

Nu-Pharm Inc. v. Merck & Co. (F.C.A.), 27861, *02 22.6.00                            1001(00)                   1176(00)

Oerlikon Aérospatiale Inc. c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 27352, *02 11.5.00                 545(00)                    882(00)

Offei-Tsumasi v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27749, *01 22.6.00                         989(00)                    1173(00)

Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages v. Lavigne (F.C.A.), 28188, *A                             1862(00)

Oger c. Boulakia (Ont.), 27681, *02 13.4.00                                                   390(00)                    672(00)

OGrady v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.) 27278, *01 23.12.99                                1816(99)                   21(00)

OHagan v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27690, *02 31.8.00               1243(00)                   1478(00)

ONeill c. Sirois (Qué.) 27464, *05 10.2.00                                                     1322(99)                   316(00)

Olszynko v. Larocque (Ont.), 27665, *02 29.6.00                                            1069(00)                   1269(00)

Olympia Interiors Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27550, *02 20.1.00                     1969(99)                   105(00)

Omari v. The Queen (B.C.), 28049, *01 2.11.00                                              1811(00)                   1935(00)

Ontario Power Generation Inc. v. Minister of Revenue (Ont.), 27435, *02 6.4.00 541(00)                    611(00)

Ontario Teachers Federation (OTF) v. A.G. for Ontario (Ont.),

   28113, *A                                                                                                 1744(00)

Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec c. Thomas (Qué.), 27871, *A                  898(00)

Osoyoos Indian Band v. Town of Oliver (B.C.), 27408, *03 20.4.00                   540(00)                    736(00)

Ouellet c. La Reine (Qué.), 28064, *B                                                            1929(00)

P.S.P. v. The Queen (Ont.), 28182, *A                                                          1810(00)

Pal v. Opoku (Ont.), 28075, *A                                                                     1445(00)

Palmer v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 27574, *01 27.4.00                                 593(00)                    761(00)

Pan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27424, *03 27.1.00                                       2012(99)                   150(00)

Panduit Corp. v. Thomas & Betts Lld. (F.C.A.), 27789, *02 12.10.00                1365(00)                   1753(00)

Paradis c. Gendreau (Qué.), 27900,*A                                                           902(00)

Paramount Resources Ltd. v. Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal Existing Leases

   Land Access Panel (Alta.), 27743, *05 26.6.00                                            296(00)                    1294(00)

Paramount Towing Ltd. v. Woodridge Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd. (Alta.), 28055,

   *A                                                                                                           1442(00)

Pardee Equipment Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 27165, *01 20.1.00          2013(99)                   98(00)

Paquet c. Les Banquets Fine-Gueule Inc. (Qué.), 27569, *02 15.6.00               1787(99)                   1136(00)

Pascal c. Household Trust Co. (Qué.), 27769, *A                                           371(00)

Patterson v. Attorney General of British Columbia (B.C.), 27757, *02 12.10.00  1164(00)                   1757(00)

Pattison v. Samos Investments Inc. (B.C.), 28012, *A                                    1445(00)

Paul DAoust Construction Ltd. v. Markel Insurance Company of Canada (Ont.),

   27438, *03 10.8.00                                                                                    1012(00)                   1388(00)

Pawar v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27578, *02 8.6.00                                             948(00)                    1085(00)

Penfold v. The Queen (Alta.), 27794, *01 17.8.00                                           1241(00)                   1404(00)

Penty v. The Law Society of British Columbia (B.C.), 27676, *02 3.8.00            1121(00)                   1376(00)

Perera v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 28114, *A                               1594(00)

Performance Industries Ltd. v. Sylvan Lake Golf & Tennis Club Ltd. (Alta.), 27934,

    *04 6.7.00                                                                                               1171(00)                   1278(00)

Perron c. Ministre du Revenu national (C.A.F.), 28121, *A                               1595(00)

Persaud v. The Queen (Ont.), 27771, *01 12.10.00                                         1259(00)                   1752(00)

Pérusse v. Ministère du Revenu national (Qué.), 27835, *02 12.10.00                1455(00)                   1768(00)

Pham v. The Queen (B.C.), 27572, *01 6.4.00                                                489(00)                    612(00)

Phillips v. R. D. Realty Ltd. (Ont.), 27566, *02 1.6.00                                      860(00)                    1017(00)

Piché c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 28107, *A                                                            1743(00)

Pimentel v. The Queen (Man.), 27931, *B                                                      1822(00)

Pirès c. Monty (Qué.), 28139, *A                                                                   1746(00)

Placements R.I.O. Inc. c. La Reine (Qué.), 27454, *02 25.5.00                        728(00)                    960(00)

Poulin c. Solidarité, Compagnie dassurance sur la vie (Qué.), 27303, *01 27.1.00                            1751(99)           156(00)

Pouliot c. La Reine (Qué.), 28168, *A                                                            1863(00)

Premier Horticulture Ltée c. Lévesque (Qué.), 27654, *02 12.10.00                   1164(00)                   1757(00)

Presteve Foods Ltd. v. The Queen (Ont.), 28119, *A                                       1595(00)

Prévost-Masson c. Perras (Qué.), 27623, *04 22.6.00                                      1010(00)                   1184(00)

Privacy Commissioner v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27846, *03 17.8.00                          1232(00)           1401(00)

Procureur général du Canada c. Lord (Qué.), 27989, *A                                   1226(00)

Procureur général du Canada c. Thibault (C.A.F.), 27445, *02 20.4.00              379(00)                    740(00)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Le Camp Watchichou Inc. (Qué.), 27463, *02

   La demande dautorisation dappel est rejetée avec dépens sur la requête

   seulement./The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs on the

   leave application only. 8.6.00                                                                     857(00)                    1091(00)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Raymond, Chabot Inc. (Qué.), 27653, *02

   14.9.00                                                                                                                                   1345(00)           1495(00)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Ville de l’Île Bizard (Qué.), 27651, *B           1347(00)

Province de Nouveau-Brunswick c. Le juge Jocelyne Moreau-Bérubé (N.-B.),

   28206, *A                                                                                                 1923(00)

Provincial Superior v. Health Services Restructuring Commission (Ont.), 27475,

   *02 17.2.00                                                                                              202(00)                    305(00)

Prudhomme v. Prudhomme (Qué.), 28117, *A                                              1744(00)

Public Service Alliance of Canada v. Attorney General of Canada, (F.C.A.),

   27901, *B                                                                                                                                1604(00)

Pumice v District of Squamish (B.C.), 28085, *A                                            1447(00)

Quinlan v. The Queen in Right of Newfoundland (Nfld.), 27510, *B                    732(00)

R. v. B.J.S. (B.C.), 27847, *01  21.9.00                                                         1364(00)                   1505(00)

R. v. B.J.S. (B.C.), 27976, *01  21.9.00                                                         1364(00)                   1505(00)

R. c. Bolduc (Crim.)(Qué.), 27580, *01 13.4.00                                               387(00)                    669(00)

R. c. Cinous (Qué.), 27788, *03 12.10.00                                                       1253(00)                   1758(00)

R. v. Denton (Crim.)(Qué.), 27579, *03 11.5.00                                               448(00)                    875(00)

R. v. Dew (Crim.)(Man.), 27017, *01 27.1.00                                                   202(99)                    148(00)

R. v. Diu (Ont.), 28084, *A                                                                            1448(00)

R. v. Dudney (F.C.A.), 27869, *02 2.11.00                                                      1813(00)                   1938(00)

R. v. First Vancouver Finance (Sask.), 28062, *A                                           1441(00)

R. v. Fournier (Qué.), 27866, *B                                                                    1366(00)

R. v. Groot (Crim.)(Ont.), 26929, 4.3.99 (The application for leave to cross-appeal

   is dismissed/la demande dautorisation dappel incident est rejetée)              393(99)                   

R. v. Handy (Ont.), 27996, *B                                                                                                     1818(00)

R. v. Harris (F.C.A.), 28041, *02 26.10.00                                                        1602(00)                         1877(00)

R. v. Hoyles (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27678, *01 15.6.00                                                                         864(00)                      1134(00)

R. c. Kébreau (Crim.)(Qué.), 27114, *01 27.1.00                                             667(99)                    148(00)

R. c. Lamy (Qué.), 28158, *A                                                                        1808(00)

R. v. Lavallee (Alta.), 27852, *A                                                                    722(00)

R. v. Mafi (B.C.), 27856, *01 5.10.00                                                             1351(00)                   1609(00)

R. c. Maxwell (Crim.)(Qué.), 27759, *01 29.6.00                                              1071(00)                   1269(00)

R. v. McIntosh (Ont.), 27768, *01 10.8.00                                                      1010(00)                   1386(00)

R. v. Mentuck (Crim.)(Man.), 27738, *03 25.5.00                                            439(00)                    958(00)

R. c. Parent (Crim.)(Qué.), 27652, *02 20.4.00                                                542(00)                    747(00)

R. v. Peters (Crim.)(Qué.), 27581, *03 11.5.00                                                449(00)                    877(00)

R. v. Rulli (Crim.)(Ont.), 27338, *01 27.1.00                                                    2015(99)                   166(00)

R. v. Sheppard (Nfld.), 27439, *03 17.8.00                                                      1011(00)                   1404(00)

R. v. Singleton (F.C.A.), 27477, *03 20.4.00                                                   488(00)                    735(00)

R. v. Walls (F.C.A.), 27724, *03 14.9.00                                                        1332(00)                   1490(00)

R. v. Ward (Nfld.), 27717, *03 29.6.00                                                            1123(00)                   1274(00)

R. v. Williamson (Ont.), 27921, *01 28.9.00                                                    1264(00)                   1531(00)

R. v. Wren (Ont.), 27912, *01 12.10.00                                                          1348(00)                   1766(00)

R. in right of Alberta v. Alberta Provincial Judges Association (Alta.), 27516, *02

   8.6.00                                                                                                      791(00)                    1089(00)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Beadle (B.C.), 27318, *01 11.5.00                          494(00) 878(00)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Davies (B.C.), 27318, *01 11.5.00                          494(00) 878(00)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Rumley (B.C.), 27721,

   *03 28.9.00                                                                                              1258(00)                   1529(00)

R. in right of the Province of New Brunswick v. Mackin (N.B.), 27722, *04 22.6.00                            1001(00)           1176(00)

Rahall v. Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Ont.), 27648, *02 10.8.00     1011(00)                   1387(00)

Ramlall v. Ontario International Medical Graduate Program (Ont.), 27444,

   *02 23.3.00                                                                                              145(00)                    555(00)

Rauw v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27688, *02 22.6.00                                            1005(00)                   1179(00)

Razac v. Lehrer (Qué.), 27552, *01 1.6.00                                                      864(00)                    1022(00)

Reardon v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27708, *01 25.5.00                                 854(00)                    964(00)

Reeves v. Arsenault (P.E.I.), 27086, *02 20.4.00                                            588(00)                    751(00)

Representative Counsel for the Charitable Ohjects of the Christian Brothers of

   Ireland in Canada v. Christian Brothers of Ireland in Canada (Ont.), 27958, *B                               1865(00)

Resman Holdings Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 28080, *A                                 1447(00)

Rhee v. The Queen (B.C.), 27863, *01 21.9.00                                               1251(00)                   1499(00)

Rhys-Jones v. Rhys-Jones (Ont.), 28017, *02 1.11.00                                     1605(00)                   1935(00)

Richelieu Métal Inc. v. Éditions Le Canada Français Ltée (Qué.), 27409,

   *02 13.4.00                                                                                              288(00)                    671(00)

Rideout v. The Queen (Nfld.), 27675, *01 3.8.00                                             997(00)                    1378(00)

Rioux c. La Reine (Qué.), 28167, *A                                                              1860(00)

Ritchie v. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada (B.C.), 27944, *B                       1822(00)

Roberts v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27641, *03 12.10.00                                      1070(00)                   1749(00)

Robertson v. Orrin Hart executor for Maurice Rupert King (Alta.), 28044, *A      1440(00)

Robertson v. Ontario Human Rights Commission (Ont.), 27514, *02 11.5.00     596(00)                    886(00)

Robitaille c. Sa Majesté la Reine (Qué.), 28061, *B                                         1868(00)

Rodrigue c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 26884, *A                             1657(98)

Roles v. 306972 Saskatchewan Ltd. (Sask.), 27864, *A                                  784(00)

Romkey v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27777, *02 5.10.00                                        1354(00)                   1611(00)

Rosati v.Liakus (Ont.), 27719, *02  21.9.00                                                    1451(00)                   1509(00)

Rosen v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27903, *B                                                       1476(00)

Roy v. The Queen (Ont.), 27650, *05 21.12.99                                                87(00)                      113(00)

Royal Shirt Co. v. Ontario Labour Relations Board (Ont.), 27412, *02 11.5.00    497(00)                    882(00)

Royal Trust Corporation of Canada v. 502759 Ontario Limited (Ont.), 28137,

   *A                                                                                                           1745(00)

Ruby v. The Solicitor General (F.C.A.), 28029, *A                                           1328(00)

Ruggeberg v. Bancomer, S.A. (Ont.), 27344, *02 16.3.00                                347(00)                    499(00)

Ruman v. Municipal Corporation of the City of Yellowknife (N.W.T.), 27974, *A  1226(00)

Russell v. The Queen (Ont.), 27732, *03 25.5.00                                            663(00)                    969(00)

Ruttan v. The Queen (Ont.), 27736, *01 3.8.00                                               996(00)                    1377(00)

Ryan v. T. Eaton Co. (F.C.A.), 27884, *A                                                       901(00)

S. (B.) v. Director of Child, Family and Community Service (B.C.), 27048, *A    779(99)

Sagaz Industries Canada Inc. v. 671122 Ontarion Ltd. (Ont.), 27820, *B           1932(00)

Salmon v. The Queen (B.C.), 28193, *A                                                         1863(00)

Sam Lévy & Associés Inc. c. 2858-4665 Québec Inc. (Qué.), 27327, *02 20.1.00                             2011(99)           102(00)

Sandhu v. College of Physicians & Surgeons of Manitoba (Man.), 27904,

   *02 26.10.00                                                                                             1599(00)                   1878(00)

Sandover-Sly v. The Queen (B.C.), 28132, *A                                                 1860(00)

Sarvanis v. The Queen in right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27796, *04 5.10.00             1372(00)                   1629(00)

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27346, *02 13.4.00            450(00)                    674(00)

Saskferco Products Inc. v. Wellington Insurance Co. (Sask.), 27218, *02 17.2.00                            133(00) 301(00)

Satellite Transmissions Systems Inc. v. Spar Aerospace Ltd. (Que.), 28070, *A                              1446(00)

Sauve v. The Chief Electoral Officer of Canada (F.C.A.), 27677, *03 10.8.00    1079(00)                   1392(00)

Sawyer c. La Reine (Qué.), 27115, *A                                                            329(99)

Scarborough Muslim Association v. Hussain (Ont.), 28123, *A                        1596(00)

Schepanow v. The Queen in right of Ontario (F.C.A.), 27733, *02 28.9.00         1238(00)                   1525(00)

Schiavone v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada (Ont.), 27915, *B                  1824(00)

Schwartz (Succession) c. Zerbisias (Qué.), 27855, *02 5.10.00                       1350(00)                   1622(00)

Schweneke v. The queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27848, *B                          1603(00)

Scott (Douglas) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27587, *01 30.3.00                       440(00)                    599(00)

Scott (Yvette) v. Continental Insurance Co. of Canada (Ont.), 27573, *02 22.6.00                             1008(00)           1183(00)

Scottish & York Insurance Co. v. Somersall (Ont.), 27851, *A                         722(00)

Sekhon v. The Queen (B.C.), 27647, *02 22.6.00                                           1006(00)                   1182(00)

Selman v. Samos Investmens Inc. (B.C.), 28012, *A                                      1446(00)

Serin Holdings Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27499, *02 18.5.00                        786(00)                    907(00)

Serré c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 27470, *01 27.1.00                                        1964(99)                   154(00)

Seven-up Canada Inc. v. Fasken Campbell Godfrey (Ont.), 27825, *02  21.9.00                               1451(00)           1508(00)

Seward v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27298, *01 9.3.00                                    297(00)                    453(00)

Shalala v. The Queen (N.B.), 27810,*01 28.9.00                                             1338(00)                   1532(00)

Shearing v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27782, *03 12.10.00                              1066(00)                   1748(00)

Shell Oil Company v. Furlan (B.C.), 28145, *A                                                1597(00)

Sheppard v. Bank of Montreal (Sask.), 27407, *A                                           1200(99)

Sherriah v. The Queen in right of Canada (Y.T.), 27762, *03 10.8.00                 1165(00)                   1381(00)

Shuman v. Ontario New Home Warranty Program (Ont.), 27256, *01 23.3.00     1262(00)                   559(00)

Sidbec-Dosco (ISPAT) Inc. c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions profes-

   sionnelles (Qué.), 27716, *02 31.8.00                                                         1255(00)                   1481(00)

Sidbec-Dosco (ISPAT) Inc. c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions profes-

   sionnelles (Qué.), 27718, *02 31.8.00                                                         1255(00)                   1482(00)

Silbernagel v. The Queen (B.C.), 27952, *01 5.10.00                                      1360(00)                   1623(00)

Simmons v. United States of America (Ont.), 27979, *01 14.9.00                     1344(00)                   1495(00)

Simon (Christopher) v. Simon (Ont.), 27723, *02 13.4.00                                 389(00)                    671(00)

Simon (Llewelyn) v. The Queen (Ont.), 27345, *02 16.3.00                               348(00)                    503(00)

Singh (Davinder) v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27747, *02

   1.5.00                                                                                                      760(00)                    793(00)

Singh (Davinder) v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27491, *02

   1.5.00                                                                                                      546(00)                    793(00)

Sloan v. Johnson (Ont.), 27892, *02 12.10.00                                                 1475(00)                   1761(00)

Sloan v. The York Region District School Board (Ont.), 28150, *A                   1746(00)

Smith v. New Brunswick Human Rights Commission (N.B.), 27596, *02 29.6.00                               991(99) 1266(00)

Smith (Bernadette) v. Co-operators General Insurance Co. (Ont.), 27875, *B     1477(00)

Smith (Deborah) v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27844, *03 17.8.00    1232(00)                   1402(00)

Smith (Godwin) v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27878, *02 5.10.00                              1353(00)                   1611(00)

Smith (Wilton Anthony) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27802, *B                         1125(00)

Smithkline Beecham Animal Health Inc. v. The Queen (F.C.A), 27850,

   *02 12.10.00                                                                                             1474(00)                   1760(00)

Snider v. Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses (Man.), 27783, *01 21.9.00                             1358(00)           1516(00)

Société en commandite 2858-9893 Québec c. 2420-3242 Québec Inc.  (Qué.),

   27673, *02 28.9.00                                                                                    1339(00)                   1533(00)

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Canadian

   Association of Broadcasters (F.C.A.), 27304, *02 6.4.00                              349(00)                    615(00)

Sokolov v. Minister of Immigration and Citizenship (F.C.A.)(Que.), 27328, *01

   27.1.00                                                                                                                                   14(00)  167(00)

Sokolovav. Ministry of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27546, *01 8.6.00                              792(00) 1089(00)

Solis v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27947, *B                 1926(00)

Solomon v. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (Ont.), 28025, *A              1448(00)

Solunac c. Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (Qué.), 27636, *01 25.5.00                           727(00) 959(00)

Sound Contracting Ltd. v. City of Nanaimo (B.C.), 28073, *A                           1445(00)

Spencer v. Mansours Ltd. (N.S.), 28046, *A                                                  1442(00)

Spire Freezers Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27415, *03 20.4.00                        587(00)                    749(00)

Spiterie v. Update Management Ltd. (Ont.), 27521, *A                                     1222(00)

St-Jean v. Mercier (Qué.), 27515, *04 8.6.00                                                  863(00)                    1084(00)

St. Thomas More Collegiate Ltd v. Christian Brothers of Ireland in Canada (Ont.),

    27958, *A                                                                                                1158(00)

Stanwick v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 27366, *05 10.3.00                              20(00)                      567(00)

Stark v. The Queen (Ont.), 27975, *01 2.11.00                                               1812(00)                   1937(00)

Starkman v. Toronto-Dominion Bank (Ont.), 27551, *02 22.6.00                      953(00)                    1187(00)

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Vijeyekumar (Ont.), 27484, *02

   3.5.00                                                                                                      659(00)                    796(00)

Steckmar National Realty & Investment Corp. v. Mirabelle (Qué.), 27760, *02

   5.10.00                                                                                                                                   1362(00)           1626(00)

Stefanovic v. Sanseverino (Ont.), 27978, *A                                                   1224(00)

Stenset v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27465, *01 27.1.00                                 17(00)                      152(00)

Stevenson v. The Queen (Sask.), 27620, *01  21.9.00                                    1459(00)                   1510(00)

Stewart v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27860, *04 14.9.00                                         1331(00)                   1489(00)

Stojanovic v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A), 27929, *A          1156(00)

Stone v. Wellington County Board of Education (Ont.), 27389, *02 30.3.00       443(00)                    602(00)

Stromberg v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27183, *01 27.1.00                              10(00)                      150(00)

Susin v. Harper Haney and White (Ont.), 27221, *02 20.1.00                           1970(99)                   106(00)

Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada v. McIsaac (B.C.), 27373, *02 23.12.99                             1909(99)           22(00)

Suresh v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (F.C.A.), 27790, *04 25.5.00    904(00)                    971(00)

Sylvan Lake Gold & Tennis Club Ltd. v. Performance Industries Ltd. (Alta.), 27934

   **04 6.7.00                                                                                               1171(00)                   1278(00)

Syndicat canadien de la Fonction publique, section locale 302 c. Ville de Verdun

   (Qué.), 27461 , *B                                                                                     660(00)

Syndicat des employé(es) du C.E.V. d’Aylmer c. Pavillon du Parc (Qué.), 27680,

   *02 10.8.00                                                                                                                                 1127(00)                           1395(00)

Syndicat des fonctionnaires municipaux de Montréal SCFP Section locale 429

   c. Communauté urbaine de Montréal (Qué.), 27600, *02 15.6.00                    1961(99)                   1132(00)

Syndicat des professeurs et des professeures de lUniversité du Québec à Trois-

    Rivières (Qué.), 28176, *A                                                                         1861(00)

Syndicat des travailleurs des pavillons jeunesse v. Boivert (Qué.), 27548,

   *02 1.6.00                                                                                                863(00)                    1022(00)

Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes c. Société canadienne des

   postes (Qué.), 27539, *02 12.10.00                                                            1073(00)                   1755(00)

Syndicat national des employés municipaux de Pointe-Claire (CSN)  c. Boivert

   (Qué.), 27987, *A                                                                                      1226(00)

Syndicat national des employés de laluminium dAlma Inc. c. Fédération des

   syndicats du secteur de laluminium Inc. (Qué.), 27272, *A                          776(99)

Szabo v. United States of America (Ont.), 27787, *B                                      1167(00)

Szasz v. Standard Trust Co. (Ont.), 27558, *02 Application for leave to appeal

   dismissed with costs to Standard Trust Co./Demande dautorisation dappel rejetée

   avec dépens en faveur de Standard Trust Co. 15.6.00                                   866(00)                    1135(00)

T.V. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27556, *01 23.3.00                                                 375(00)                    550(00)

Tait v. Royal Insurance Company of Canada (N.S.), 27422, *02 20.4.00            587(00)                    750(00)

Tamimi v. Toronto Hospital (Western Division) (Ont.), 27509, *02 3.5.00           660(00)                    796(00)

Tanner v. McDonald (Alta.), 28183, *A                                                           1810(00)

Tawich Development Corp. v. Deputy Minister of Revenue (Que), 28033, *A      1328(00)

Taylor v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A)(Ont.), 27889, *01 12.10.00          1161(00)                   1750(00)

Teahan v. The Queen (Ont.), 27999, *A                                                         1743(00)

Teamsters du Québec, chauffeurs et ouvriers de diverses industries, local 69 c.

   Syndicat des salariés de distribution de produits pharmaceutiques (FISA)

   (Qué.), 28112, *A                                                                                      1744(00)

Tejani v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27459, *01 23.3.00                                    142(00)                    553(00)

Terra Energy Ltd. v. Kilborn Engineering Alberta Ltd. (Alta), 27341, *02 27.1.00                               1970(99)           165(00)

Tews v. The Queen (Man.), 27734, *01 31.8.00                                              1253(00)                   1480(00)

Thangarajan v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (F.C.A.), 27713,

   *01 12.10.00                                                                                             1127(00)                   1764(00)

The Gazette c. Syndicat canadien des communications, de l’énergie et du papier,

   section locale 145 (Qué.), 27753, *02 5.10.00                                              1336(00)                   1613(00)

Thériault c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions professionnelles (Qué.),

   27624, *02 15.6.00                                                                                    995(00)                    1133(00)

Thiffault c. Caisse populaire St-Frédéric La Poudrière (Qué.), 27544, *02 1.6.00 861(00)                    1020(00)

Thomas v. Alcan Aluminium Ltd. (B.C.), 27583, *02 3.8.00                              1119(00)                   1374(00)

Thomas-Robinson v. Song (Ont.), 27323, *02 27.1.00                                     9(00)                        161(00)

Thyssen Canada Ltd. v. Mariana Maritime S.A. (F.C.A.), 27928, *B                  1606(00)

Tombran v. The Queen (Ont.), 27969, *A                                                       1223(00)

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. The Plessey Company (Ont.), 27570, *02 3.8.00      999(00)                    1379(00)

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. Schumacher (Ont.), 27423, *02 20.1.00                  1967(99)                   100(00)

Total Leisure R.V. Manufacturing Ltd. v. Olympic Building Systems Ltd. (Man.),

   27357, *01 6.4.00                                                                                     487(00)                    610(00)

Tourigny c. La Reine (Qué.), 27646, *05 11.1.00                                             113(00)                    113(00)

Transamerica Life Insurance Company of Canada v. Oldfield (Ont.), 28163, *A 1809(00)

Transcanada Pipelines Ltd. v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27950, *B  1469(00)

Tremblay c. Syndicat des employées et employés professionnels-les et de bureau,

   section locale 57 (Qué.), 27965, *A                                                            1159(00)

Tremblay c. Ville de Forestville (Qué.), 27994, *B                                           1871(00)

Trifox, Inc. v. Angoss II Partnership (Ont.), 27649, *02 10.8.00                         1079(00)                   1393(00)

Tri-Tex Co. c. Gideon (Qué.), 27575, *01 10.8.00                                            1128(00)                   1395(00)

Trussler v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27542, *02 1.6.00                                          861(00)                    1017(00)

Tsioubris v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27774, *03 2.3.00             387(00)                    398(00)

Turmel c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 27752, *01 29.6.00                                      1122(00)                   1273(00)

Twin City Mechanical v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27196, *02 17.2.00                              136(00) 305(00)

Ulybel Enterprises Ltd. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27543, the application for

   leave to appeal is dismissed and the application for leave to cross-appeal is

   granted, 23.3.00, la demande dautorisation dappel est rejetée et la demande

   dautorisation dappel incident est accordée                                                144(00)                    554(00)

Union québécoise pour la conservation de la nature c. Brassard (Qué.), 27421,

   *02 1.6.00                                                                                                595(00)                    1019(00)

United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 832 (Man.), 27914, *B       1817(00)

United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 319W. v. Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd.

   (Sask.), 28057, *A                                                                                    1442(00)

United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 1400 v. Real Canadian Superstore

   (Sask.), 28058, *A                                                                                    1442(00)

United States of America v. Cheema (B.C.), 27467, *B                                   1746(99)

United Transportation Union v. International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers

   (F.C.A.), 27765, *02  21.9.00                                                                     1343(00)                   1503(00)

Vachon (Aimé) c. Commission des lésions professionnelles (Qué.), 28098, *A  1593(00)

Vachon (Danyèle) c. Ville de Montréal (Qué.), 27565, *02 15.6.00                     993(99)                    1130(00)

Vachon (Réjean) c. Caisse Desjardins Lachine/St-Pierre (Qué.), 27703,

   *02 31.8.00                                                                                              1254(00)                   1480(00)

VanDenburgh v. The Queen (B.C.), 28015, *01  21.9.00                                  1458(00)                   1509(00)

Van Bergen v. United States of America (Alta.), 28079, *01 26.10.00               1815(00)                   1880(00)

Van de Perre v. Edwards (B.C.), 27897, *04 29.6.00                                       1129(00)                   1276(00)

Van Doosselaere v. Holt Cargo Systems Inc. (Qué.), 27905, *03 31.8.00          1239(00)                   1484(00)

Vancouver College Ltd. v. Christian Brothers of Ireland in Canada (Ont.),

   27958, *A                                                                                                                                1158(00)

Vancouver Sun v. The Queen (B.C.), 28190, *A                                              1862(00)

Vanek v. Great Atlantic & Pacific Co. of Canada, 27735, *02 12.10.00             1330(00)                   1751(00)

Varma (Aditya) v. Canada Post Corporation (F.C.A.), 27662, *02 23.3.00          146(00)                    557(00)

Varma (Aditya) v. Canada Labour Relations Board (F.C.A.), 27836, *02 21.9.00                               1450(00)           1507(00)

Venturedyne Ltd. v. General Refractories Co. of Canada Ltd. (Ont.), 27310,

   *02 23.3.00                                                                                              276(00)                    560(00)

Vigi Santé Ltée c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 27351, *02 30.3.00       378(00)                    602(00)

Vik v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Alberta (Alta),

   27359, *02 23.3.00                                                                                    376(00)                    551(00)

Ville dAmos c. Raymond, Chabot Inc. (Qué.), 27653, *02 14.9.00                   1345(00)                   1495(00)

Ville de Beauport v. H.L.P. Société en commandite (Qué.), 27935, *A               1222(00)

Ville de Beaupré v. Station Mont Sainte-Anne Inc. (Qué.), 27938, *A                1226(00)

Ville de Chambly c. Dicaire (Qué.), 27924, *02 5.10.00                                    1463(00)                   1619(00)

Ville de l’Île Bizard c. Conseil scolaire de l’Île-de-Montréal (Qué.), 27651, *02

   14.9.00                                                                                                                                   1347(00)           1497(00)

Ville de Montréal c. Canderel Ltd. (Qué.), 27398, *02 13.4.00                           490(00)                    665(00)

Ville de Montréal c. Samen Investments Inc. (Qué.), 27503, *01 25.5.00           788(00)                    961(00)

Ville de Montréal c. Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique, section

    locale 301 (Qué.), 28129, *A                                                                     1745(00)

Ville de Sept-Îles c. Syndicat de la Fonction publique, section locale 2589 (Qué.)

   27291, *03 27.1.00                                                                                    1909(99)                   158(00)

Walters v. Northland Bank (In Liquidation) (B.C.), 27293, *02 23.3.00               277(00)                    561(00)

Walton v. Shields (Ont.), 28187, *A                                                               1863(00)

Warsh v. International Freehold Financial Services Ltd. (Ont.), 27949, *B         1872(00)

Waterloo County Board of Education v. Kennedy (Ont.), 27481, *02 23.3.00      145(00)                    556(00)

Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. v. Brown (Sask.), 27945, *02 12.10.00           1664(00)                   1771(00)

Web Offset Publications Ltd. v. Vickery (Ont.), 27505, *02 11.5.00                 725(00)                    872(00)

Westcola Holdings Inc. v. Structural Contracting Ltd. (Ont.), 28118, *A            1744(00)

Westec Aerospace Inc. v. Raytheon Aircraft Co. (B.C.), 27356, *03 20.4.00     443(00)

Westar Petroleum Ltd. v. Colborne Capital Corporation (Alta.), 27188, *05 17.5.00                           978(00) 978(00)

Westergard-Thorpe v. Attorney General of Canada (Man.), 27778, *02 10.8.00  1165(00)                   1382(00)

Westinghouse Electric Corp. v. Spar Aerospace Ltd. (Qué.), 28070, *A            1446(00)

White, Ottenheimer & Baker v. A.G. of Canada (Nfld.), 28144, *A                    1746(00)

White Spot Limited v. British Columbia Labour Relations Board (B.C.), 27249,

   *02 17.2.00                                                                                              139(00)                    308(00)

Wild v. The Queen (B.C.), 26384, *A                                                             1924(00)

Wilder v. The Queen (B.C.), 27960, *01 12.10.00                                            1463(00)                   1770(00)

Wilson (Kathleen A.) v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(N.S.), 27283, *02 3.2.00               19(00)                      214(00)

Wilson (Ronald H.) v. Anderson (Ont.), 27523, *02 25.5.00                              1519(99)                   956(00)

Wilson Fuel Co. Ltd. v. The Queen (N.S.), 28180, *A                                      1809(00)

Witte v. Workers Compensation Board of the Northwest Territories (N.W.T.),

   27751, *02  21.9.00                                                                                   1260(00)                   1500(00)

Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia v. Northern Mountain Helicop-

   ters (B.C.), 28103, *A                                                                                1593(00)

World Relief Canada v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27694, *01 24.8.00                      1243(00)                   1406(00)

Wristen v. The Queen (Ont.), 28104, *A                                                         1743(00)

Wu v. The Queen (Crim.)(Qué.), 27599, *01 18.5.00                                        95(00)                      910(00)

Yaworowski v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 28089, *A                                                1592(00)

Zanchettin c. Demontigny (Qué.), 28087, *A                                                   1592(00)

Zellers Inc. v. Sharab Developments Ltd. (B.C.), 27211, *02 10.2.00                96(00)                      278(00)

Zellinski v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27748, *02  21.9.00                                      1343(00)                   1504(00)

Zundel v. Boudria (Ont.), 27655, *02 29.6.00                                                  1075(00)                   1273(00)

Zundel v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27977, *B                               1932(00)

Zundel v. Citron (F.C.A.), 28008, *A                                                              1228(00)

Zundel v. Citron (F.C.A.), 28009, *A                                                              1228(00)

Zurich Insurance Co. v. Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek (B.C.),

   27893,*02 26.10.00                                                                                   1598(00)                   1875(00)

Zurich Insurance Co. v. Parkway Enterprises Ltd. (Nfld.), 27486, *02 11.5.00    661(00)                    872(00)

CUMULATIVE INDEX ‑ APPEALS                                    INDEX CUMULATIF ‑ POURVOIS



This index includes appeals standing for judgment at the beginning of 2000 and all appeals heard in 2000 up to now.


Cet index comprend les pourvois en délibéré au début de 2000 et tous ceux entendus en 2000 jusqu'à maintenant.



*01 dismissed/rejeté

*02 dismissed with costs/rejeté avec dépens

*03 allowed/accueilli

­*04 allowed with costs/accueilli avec dépens

*05 discontinuance/désistement


                                                                                                                                                   Hearing/                         Judgment/

CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                                                                      Audition                          Jugement




Advance Cutting & Coring Ltd. v. The Queen (Que.), 26664                                          569(00)

A.G. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 26924, *01 13.4.00                                                           1561(99)                           686(00)

A.R.B. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 26918, *01 13.6.00                                                        1141(00)                           1141(00)

Al Sagban v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27111                        1840(00)

Araujo v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26904                                                                            683(00)

Arrance v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26802, *03 13.4.00                                                    1780(99)                           687(00)

Arsenault-Cameron v. Government of Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.), 26682, *04

   13.1.00                                                                                                                                    1777(99)                           41(00)

Arthurs v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26800, *03 13.4.00                                                     1780(99)                           686(00)

Avetysan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27279                                                                       227(00)

Board of Police Commissioners of the City of Regina c. Regina Police Association

   (Sask.), 26871, *04 2.3.00                                                                                                     1805(99)                           408(00)

British Columbia Human Rights Commission v. Blencoe (B.C.), 26789, *03

   5.9.00                                                                                                                                      182(00)                             1647(00)

British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal v. Blencoe (B.C.), 26789, *03 5.9.00          182(00)                             1647(00)

British Columbia Securities Commission v. Global Securities Corp. (B.C.), 26887

   04 13.4.00                                                                                                                               183(00)                             687(00)

Brown v. Regional Municipality of Durham Police Service Board (Ont.),

   *05 6.10.00                                                                                                                             1839(00)                           1839(00)

Camco Inc. c. Whirlpool Corp. (F.C.A.), 27208                                                                 2033(99)

Charlebois c. La Reine (Qué.), 27213                                                                                  755(00)

Chieu v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27107                                1840(00)

Cobb v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27610                                                     573(00)

Cogswell v. The Queen (N.B.), 28063, *05 26.10.00                                                           1946(00)                           1946(00)

Corporation of the Town of Ajax v. National Automobile, Aerospace and Agricul-

   tural Implement Workers Union of Canada (Ont.), 26994. Dismissed with costs

   to the respondent National Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural

   Implement Workers Union of Canada/Rejeté avec dépens en faveur de l’intimé

   le Syndicat national des travailleurs et travailleuses de l’automobile, de l’aéro-

   spatiale et de l’outillage agricole du Canada. 27.4.00                                                     318(00)                             772(00)

Darrach v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 26564, *01 12.10.00                                                 364(00)                             1780(00)

Ellis-Don Ltd. v. Ontario Labour Relations Board (Ont.), 26709                                  317(00)

Find v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27495                                                                               1842(00)

Free World Trust c. Électro Santé Inc. (Qué.), 26406                                                       2032(99)

Friedmann Equity Developments Inc. v. Adatia (Ont.), 26971, *02 20.7.00                  227(00)                             1295(00)

G.D.B. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27240, *01 27.4.00                                                      228(00)                             772(00)

Glass v. Musqueam Indian Band (F.C.A.), 27154                                                              1141(00)

Grandmaison v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26898                                                                683(00)

Granovsky v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.), 26615, *01

   18.5.00                                                                                                                                    1804(99)                           925(00)

Ingles v. Corporation of the City of Toronto (Ont.), 26634, *04 2.3.00                          1564(99)                           408(00)

Irons v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26968                                                                               683(00)

J.C. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27109                                                                                 1778(00)

Jenkins v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26899                                                                          683(00)

K.L.W. v. Winnipeg Child and Family Services (Man.), 26779, *01 12.10.00                406(00)                             1781(00)

Knoblauch v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27238                                                                   755(00)

Kwok v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 26919                                                    573(00)

Lathangue v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26943                                                                     683(00)

Lindsay v. Workers’ Compensation Board (Sask.), 26954, *01 20.1.00                          116(00)                             116(00)

Little Sisters Book and Art Emporium v. Minister of Justice (B.C.), 26858                  568(00)

Lovelace c. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 26165, *01 20.7.00                           2028(99)                           1295(00)

Maytag Crop. c. Whirlpool Corp. (F.C.A.), 27209                                                            2033(99)

Minister of Justice v. Burns (Crim.)(B.C.), 26129                                                                979(99)

Molodowic v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 26645, *03 13.4.00                                            1561(99)                           685(00)

Morrissey v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 26703, 01 29.9.00                                                   2030(99)                           1646(00)

N. (F.) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 26805, *04 20.7.00                                                      1741(99)                           1295(00)

Nanaimo (City) v. Rascal Trucking Ltd. (B.C.), 26786, *04 2.3.00                                 1742(99)                           408(00)

Noël c. Société d’énergie de la Baie James (SEBJ) (Qué.), 26914                                 1841(00)

Pacific National Investments Ltd. v. City of Victoria (B.C.), 27706                               980(00)                            

Placements Armand Laflamme Inc. c. Roy (Qué.), 26659, *04 3.5.00                              1740(99)                           807(00)

Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta v. A.G. of Alberta (Alta.), 26701,

   *02 6.9.00                                                                                                                               570(00)                             1648(00)

R. v. Biniaris (Crim.)(B.C.), 26570, *03 13.4.00                                                                    1561(99)                           685(00)

R. v. Brooks (Crim.)(Ont.), 26948, *03 17.2.00                                                                     1563(99)                           320(00)

R. v. Bunn (Crim.)(Man.), 26339, *01 31.1.00                                                                       869(99)                             230(00)

R. c. Caouette (Crim.)(Qué.), 27050, *03 4.10.00                                                                 1644(00)                           1644(00)

R. v. D.D. (Crim.)(Ont.), 27013, *01 5.10.00                                                                          509(00)                             1647(00)

R. v. Hamelin (Crim.)(Qué.), 27250, *03 4.10.00                                                                  1778(00)                           1778(00)

R. c. J. (J.-L.) (Crim.)(Qué.), 26830                                                                                        2031(99)

R. c. Jolivet (Crim.)(Qué.), 26646, *03 18.5.00                                                                     360(99)                             926(00)

R. c. Lévesque (Crim.)(Qué.), 26939, *03 12.10.00                                                               572(00)                             1781(00)

R. v. M.O. (Crim.)(Ont.), 27555, 03 13.10.00                                                                          1841(00)                           1841(00)

R. v. Martel Building Ltd. (F.C.A.), 26893                                                                          318(00)

R. v. Oickle (Crim.)(Ont.), 26535, *03 29.9.00                                                                      1740(99)                           1646(00)

R. v. Parrott (Crim.)(Ont.), 27305                                                                                          184(00)

R. v. Proulx (Crim.)(Alta.), 26376, *03 31.1.00                                                                     869(99)                             229(00)

R. v. R. (R.A.) (Crim.)(Man.), 26377, *03 31.1.00                                                                 870(99)                             229(00)

R. v. Ruzic (Crim.)(Man.), 26930                                                                                            1142(00)

R. v. S. (R.N.) (Crim.)(B.C.), 26462, *03 31.1.00                                                                   870(99)                             229(00)

R. v. Sharpe (Crim.)(B.C.), 27376                                                                                           114(00)

R. v. W. (L.F.) (Crim.)(Nfld.), 26329, *01 31.1.00                                                                  871(99)                             230(00)

Reference respecting the Firearms Act (Alta), 26933, *01 15.6.00                                  363(00)                             1143(00)

Russell v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 26699                                                                          1778(99)

Sansalone v. Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. (B.C.), 26708, *02 3.5.00                     1610(99)                           807(00)

Scalera v. Oppenheim (B.C.), 26695, *02 3.5.00                                                                 1610(99)                           807(00)

Shulman v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 26912                                               573(00)

Singh v. Kovach (Crim.)(B.C.), 25784, *04 20.1.00                                                              115(00)                             115(00)

Starr v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 26514, *03 29.9.00                                                        406(00)                             1647(00)

Sutton v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.B.), 27666                                                                            1779(00)

Terrien c. Ministre de la Justice (Qué.), 27004                                                                  1643(00)

Travailleurs et travailleuses unis de l’alimentation et du commerce, local 500 c.

   Ivanhoe Inc. (Qué.), 27121                                                                                                  1947(00)

Tsioubris v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27774                                              573(00)

Ville de Boisbriand c. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la

   jeunesse (Qué.), 26583, *02 3.5.00                                                                                      1779(99)                           808(00)

Ville de Montréal c. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la

   jeunesse (Qué.), 26583, *02 3.5.00                                                                                      1779(99)                           808(00)

Ville de Sept-îles c. Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique, section locale

   2589 (Qué.), 27291                                                                                                               1948(00)

Wells v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 26642, *01 17.2.00                                                        872(99)                             320(00)

Will-Kare Paving & Contracting Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 26601, *02 20.7.00       1804(99)                           1295(00)

Willis v. Blencoe (B.C.), 26789, *03 5.9.00                                                                           182(00)                             1647(00)

Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia v. Kovach (B.C.), 25784, *04

   20.1.00                                                                                                                                    115(00)                             115(00)

Wust v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26732, *03 13.4.00                                                          1780(99)                           686(00)









Pursuant to Rule 23.1 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, the following deadlines must be met before a motion before the Court can be heard:





Conformément à l'article 23.1 des Règles de la Cour suprême du Canada, les délais suivants doivent être respectés pour qu'une requête soit entendue par la Cour :



Motion day          :            November  6, 2000


Service                :            October 16, 2000

Filing                   :            October 20, 2000

Respondent        :            October 27, 2000



Audience du       :            6 novembre 2000


Signification       :            16 octobre 2000

Dépôt                  :            20 octobre 2000

Intimé                  :            27 octobre 2000


Motion day          :            December 4, 2000


Service                :            November 10, 2000

Filing                   :            November 17, 2000

Respondent        :            November 24, 2000



Audience du       :            4 décembre 2000


Signification       :            10 novembre 2000

Dépôt                  :            17 novembre 2000

Intimé                  :            24 novembre 2000









The Winter Session of the Supreme Court of Canada will commence January 15, 2001.


Pursuant to the Supreme Court Act and Rules, the following requirements for filing must be complied with before an appeal can be inscribed for hearing:


Appellants record; appellants factum; and appellants book(s) of authorities  must be filed within four months of the filing of the notice of appeal.


Respondents record (if any); respondents factum; and respondents book(s) of authorities must be filed within eight weeks of the date of service of the appellant's factum.


Intervener's factum and interveners book(s) of authorities, if any, must be filed within four weeks of the date of service of the respondent's factum, unless otherwise ordered.


Parties condensed book, if required, must be filed on or before the day of hearing of the appeal.


Please consult the Notice to the Profession of October 1997 for further information.


The Registrar shall inscribe the appeal for hearing upon the filing of the respondent's factum or after the expiry of the time for filing the respondent's factum.




La session dhiver de la Cour suprême du Canada commencera le 15 janvier 2001.


Conformément à la Loi sur la Cour suprême et aux Règles, il faut se conformer aux exigences suivantes avant qu'un appel puisse être inscrit pour audition:


Le dossier de lappelant, son mémoire et son recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine doivent être déposés dans les quatre mois de lavis dappel.


Le dossier de lintimé (le cas échéant), son mémoire et son recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine doivent être déposés dans les huit semaines suivant la signification de ceux de lappelant.


Le mémoire de l'intervenant et son recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine, le cas échéant, doivent être déposés dans les quatre semaines suivant la signification de ceux de l'intimé.


Le recueil condensé des parties, le cas échéant, doivent être déposés au plus tard le jour de laudition de lappel.


Veuillez consulter lavis aux avocats du mois doctobre 1997 pour plus de renseignements.


Le registraire inscrit l'appel pour audition après le dépôt du mémoire de l'intimé ou à l'expiration du délai pour le dépôt du mémoire de l'intimé.







- 2000 -


























































































































































































































































































































































































































- 2001 -













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sittings of the court:

Séances de la cour:




    18  sitting weeks / semaines séances de la cour 

     78  sitting days / journées séances de la cour

       9   motion and conference days /   journées requêtes, conférences 

       3   holidays during sitting days / jours fériés durant les sessions









Jours fériés:




 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.