
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

SUPREME COURT                                       COUR SUPRÊME

OF CANADA                                            DU CANADA   

             BULLETIN  OF                                          BULLETIN DES

             PROCEEDINGS                                          PROCÉDURES

This Bulletin is published at the direction of the Registrar and is for general information only.  It is not to be used as evidence of its content, which, if required, should be proved by Certificate of the Registrar under the Seal of the Court.  While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.


Ce Bulletin, publié sous l'autorité du registraire, ne vise qu'à fournir des renseignements d'ordre général.  Il ne peut servir de preuve de son contenu.  Celle‑ci s'établit par un certificat du registraire donné sous le sceau de la Cour.  Rien n'est négligé pour assurer l'exactitude du contenu, mais la Cour décline toute responsabilité pour les erreurs ou omissions.





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Le prix de l'abonnement, fixé dans le tarif de la Cour, est de 200 $ l'an, payable d'avance.  Le Bulletin paraît en principe toutes les semaines pendant les sessions de la Cour.





The Bulletin, being a factual report of recorded proceedings, is produced in the language of record.  Where a judgment has been rendered, requests for copies should be made to the Registrar, with a remittance of $10 for each set of reasons.  All remittances should be made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.


Le Bulletin rassemble les procédures devant la Cour dans la langue du dossier.  Quand un arrêt est rendu, on peut se procurer les motifs de jugement en adressant sa demande au registraire, accompagnée de 10 $ par exemplaire.  Le paiement doit être fait à l'ordre du Receveur général du Canada.






March 17, 2000  482 - 537 (INDEX)                                                      le 17 mars 2000

CONTENTS                                                   TABLE DES MATIÈRES




Applications for leave to appeal



Applications for leave submitted

to Court since last issue


Oral hearing ordered


Oral hearing on applications for



Judgments on applications for



Judgment on motion




Notices of appeal filed since last



Notices of intervention filed since

last issue


Notices of discontinuance filed since

last issue


Appeals heard since last issue and disposition


Pronouncements of appeals reserved





Headnotes of recent judgments


Weekly agenda


Summaries of the cases


Cumulative Index ‑ Leave


Cumulative Index ‑ Appeals


Appeals inscribed ‑ Session



Notices to the Profession and

Press Release


Deadlines: Motions before the Court


Deadlines: Appeals


Judgments reported in S.C.R.


482 - 484



485 - 498








499 - 504





505 - 508























511 - 522


523 - 534


535 - 536














Demandes d'autorisation d'appel



Demandes soumises à la Cour depuis la dernière parution


Audience ordonnée


Audience sur les demandes d'autorisation



Jugements rendus sur les demandes                                                                                  d'autorisation


Jugement sur requête




Avis d'appel déposés depuis la dernière parution


Avis d'intervention déposés depuis la                                                                                    dernière parution


Avis de désistement déposés depuis la     dernière parution


Appels entendus depuis la dernière

parution et résultat


Jugements rendus sur les appels en



Nouvelle audition


Sommaires des arrêts récents


Ordre du jour de la semaine


Résumés des affaires


Index cumulatif ‑ Autorisations


Index cumulatif ‑ Appels


Appels inscrits ‑ Session

commençant le


Avis aux avocats et communiqué

de presse


Délais: Requêtes devant la Cour


Délais: Appels


Jugements publiés au R.C.S.





Ravi Devgan

Joseph Markin



v. (27567)


Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.)

Lucy Cecchetto

A.G. for Ontario


FILING DATE 28.2.2000



Percy Edward Augustine

M. Aloysius Hayes

Noel, Urquhart & Associates


v. (27695)


Her Majesty the Queen (N.B.)

John J. Walsh

A.G. of New Brunswick


FILING DATE 6.3.2000



Bruce Curt Mulligan

Marvin R. Bloos

Beresh Depoe Cunningham


v. (27726)


Her Majesty the Queen (Alta.)

Bart Rosborough

A.G. of Alberta


FILING DATE 6.3.2000



Dragisa Gajic

Dragisa Gajic


v. (27750)


Her Majesty the Queen in the name of Revenue Canada et al. (B.C.)

Donnare Nygard

A.G. of British Columbia


FILING DATE 6.3.2000



James T. Melville

Michael E. Barrack

McCarthy Tétrault


v. (27754)


NBD Bank, Canada et al. (Ont.)

Thomas J. Corbett

Thompson, Corbett, Webster


FILING DATE 11.2.2000




Dofasco Inc.

Jeffrey S. Leon

Fasken Martineau DuMoulin


v. (27754)


NBD Bank, Canada et al. (Ont.)

Thomas J. Corbett

Thompson, Corbett, Webster


FILING DATE   14.2.2000



Sa Majesté la Reine

John Denis Gerols


c. (27759)


Peter Maxwell (Qué.)

Marc Labelle





Firm of Kirkland, Murphy & Ain

Timothy D. Ray

Beament Green


v. (27763)


John R. Wernikowski (Ont.)

John R. Wernikowski


FILING DATE 15.2.2000




James W. Conway

Legal Aid Society of Alberta


v. (27779)


Her Majesty the Queen (Alta.)

Alberta Justice



FILING DATE 24.2.2000



Peter Karamouzos

Ronald Simunovic



v. (27780)


John and Jane Doe et al. (B.C.)

Lawrence A. Kahn

Altman Kahn Zack


FILING DATE 2.3.2000



Her Majesty the Queen

Lori Renée Weitzman

A.G. of Quebec


v. (27788)


Jacques Cinous (Que.)

Marc Nerenberg



FILING DATE 6.3.2000



Alissa Westergard-Thorpe et al.

Joseph J. Arvay, Q.C.

Arvay Finlay


v. (27778)


The Attorney General of Canada et al. (F.C.A.)

I.G. Whitehall, Q.C.

A.G. of Canada


FILING DATE 22.2.2000



Gail Snider

Sidney Green, Q.C.



v. (27783)


Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses (Man.)

David I. Marr

Campbell Marr


FILING DATE 3.3.2000



Kenneth M. Narvey

Kenneth M. Narvey



v. (27785)


The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration et al. (F.C.A.)

Paul Vickery

A.G. of Canada


FILING DATE 6.3.2000



Sonja Van Halteren

Stephen Thom



v. (27786)


Mark Steven Wilhelm (B.C.)

James D. Baker, Q.C.

Baker Newby & Company


FILING DATE 6.3.2000



Panduit Corp. et al.

Bruce W. Stratton

Dimock Stratton Clarizio


v. (27789)


Thomas & Betts, Limited (F.C.A.)

Marek Nitoslawski

Colby, Monet, Demers, Delage & Crevier


FILING DATE 8.3.2000



Manickavasagam Suresh

Barbara Jackman

Jackman, Waldman & Associates


v. (27790)


The Minister of Citizenship & Immigration et al. (F.C.A.)

A.G. of Canada



FILING DATE 7.3.2000










MARCH 13, 2000 / LE 13 MARS 2000


                                              CORAM:  Chief Justice McLachlin and Iacobucci and Major JJ. /

Le juge en chef McLachlin et les juges Iacobucci et Major


Paul MacPherson, George Ewing and John Stuart McKenzie


v. (27184)


ADGA Systems International Inc. (Ont.)




Procedural law - Pre-trial procedure - Summary judgment - Commercial law - Company law - Personal liability of corporate director and employees - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in dismissing motion for summary judgment - Whether individual officers, directors and senior employees of a corporation should be made personally liable in respect of acts done in the course of their duties as such to the corporation and not in their personal capacities, where the acts in question are integral to the core competitive business activities of the corporation and are alleged to cause economic loss to a competitor.




April 19, 1995

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Mercier J.)


Applicants’ motion for summary judgment dismissed




October 3, 1997

Ontario Court (Divisional Court)

(Smith, Chilcott and Greer JJ.)


Applicants’ appeal allowed, action dismissed




January 12, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Carthy, Laskin and Goudge JJ.A.)


Respondent’s appeal allowed, Applicants’ motion for summary judgment dismissed




March 12, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





David Bloom, Arthur Konviser and Gloria Anderson,

Ruth Mallon, Sam Hirsch and Leroy Fevang


v. (27571)


Meditrust Healthcare Inc. (Ont.)




Procedural law - Pre-trial procedure - Motion to strike - Commercial law - Company law - Personal liability of corporate directors, officers and employees - Whether the Court of Appeal applied the correct legal test to determine whether a plea of personal liability against officers, directors or employees of a corporation for conduct undertaken by them in their corporate capacities was sustainable.




October 13, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Molloy J.)


Respondent’s claims against the Applicants dismissed without leave to amend and without prejudice to its right to add the Applicants by motion or in response to defence pleadings




September 9, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Carthy, Labrosse and Feldman JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed in part




November 1, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed by Applicants Bloom, Konviser and Anderson




November 5, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Separate applications for leave to appeal filed by the Applicants Mallon, Fevang and Hirsch





James T. Melville and Dofasco Inc.


v. (27754)


NBD Bank, Canada (Ont.)




Commercial law - Torts - Liability of employee officers for negligent misrepresentation - Statutes - Interpretation - Whether employee officers are personally liable for negligent misrepresentations made to parties who have voluntarily chosen to deal with a limited liability company - Whether the Applicants were acting in the best interests of their corporate employer - Whether policy reasons limit the Applicants’ liability - Whether a claim for negligent misrepresentation can succeed where the plaintiff fails to testify that he recalls the statements upon which he is found to have relied - Whether the lower courts imposed a positive duty of disclosure on the Applicants - Whether s. 8 of the Statute of Frauds, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.19 applies to a claim of negligent misrepresentation - Whether the corporate employer’s arrangement under the Companies Creditors Arrangement Act , R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36 , affects the Applicants’ liability.




March 27, 1997

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Crane J.)


Applicants found jointly and severally liable to Respondent in the amount of US$1,984,945.27 for negligent misrepresentation




December 15, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Krever, Carthy and Rosenberg JJ.A.)


Appeals by Applicants and cross-appeal by Respondent dismissed




February 11, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada






Application for leave to appeal by Applicant Melville filedFebruary 14, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal by Applicant Dofasco Inc. filed





Total Leisure R.V. Manufacturing Ltd.


v. (27357)


Freebird Holdings Ltd. (Man.)




Commercial law - Property law - Creditor and debtor - Real property - Right of redemption - Judgment creditor proceeding to sell property of debtor in accordance with The Judgments Act,  R.S.M. c. J10 - Judgment debtor having sufficient funds to repay debt only after a master had authorized acceptance of an offer to purchase but before the approval was confirmed by the court - Whether a judgment debtor is pre-empted from redeeming its property once a master of the Court of Queen’s Bench has authorized the acceptance of an offer to purchase the property.





December 8, 1998

Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba

(Master Ring)

Motion granted approving offer to purchase

December 16, 1998

Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba

(Kennedy J.)

Appeal allowed; order of Master set aside

April 15, 1999

Court of Appeal of Manitoba

(Twaddle, Lyon, Monnin JJ.A.)

Appeal allowed; order of Master confirmed

June 14, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

Application for leave to appeal filed



Les Entreprises Ludco Ltée/ Ludco Enterprises Ltd.,

Brian Ludmer, David Ludmer and Cindy Ludmer


v. (27320)


Her Majesty The Queen (F.C.A.)




Taxation - Income tax - Income from a business or property - Deductions - Expenses incurred in borrowing money - Interest - Capital gains - Taxpayers borrowing to invest in shares of two foreign companies - Taxpayers paying $6M in interest - Taxpayers realizing a capital gain of $9.2M upon redemption of shares - Whether taxpayers entitled to deduct interest on the funds borrowed to finance their investment pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(c)(i) of the Income Tax Act,  S.C. 1970-71-72, c. 63 (ITA).



January 5, 1993

Tax Court of Canada

(Tremblay J.)


Appeal from the reassessment made under the ITA for the specified taxation years dismissed




December 9, 1997

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division

(Lutfy J.)


Appeal dismissed




March 30, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Marceau, Desjardins, jj.a., Létourneau j.a. dissenting)


Appeal dismissed




May 28, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

Application for leave to appeal filed


Her Majesty the Queen


v. (27477)


John R. Singleton (F.C.A) (B.C.)




Taxation - Income tax ‑ Income from business or property ‑ Deductions ‑ Interest payments - Direct use of the borrowed funds.




September 3, 1996

Tax Court of Canada

(Bowman J.T.C.C.)


Appeals by Respondent from the assessments for the 1988 and 1989 taxation years dismissed




June 11, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Rothstein and McDonald JJ.A., Linden J.A. dissenting)


Appeal allowed, judgment of the Tax Court of Canada and Minister’s reassessment set aside




September 10, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Martin Richard McKinley


v. (27410)


BC TEL, British Columbia Telephone Company, BC Telecom Inc., BC TEL Services Inc., BC TEL Systems Support Inc., B.C. Mobile Ltd., BC TEL Properties Inc., Canadian Telephones and Supplies Ltd., and TSI Telecommunications Services International Inc. (B.C.)




Labour law - Master and servant - Contract of Employment - Dismissal without cause - Damages - Jury Trial - Charge to the Jury - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in allowing the appeal - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in dismissing the Applicant’s cross appeal on punitive damages - Whether  the Court of Appeal adopted the correct approach to just cause - Whether there are gradations of conduct one might classify as dishonest and whether a different result may follow depending on the circumstances of the case - Whether this decision is consistent with other appellate courts’ decisions - Whether an injustice has resulted - Whether there has been a violation of the Applicant’s human rights.




November 27, 1997

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Paris J.)


Applicant’s action for damages for wrongful dismissal allowed




May 7, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Hollinrake, Ryan, and Hall JJ.A.)


Respondents’ appeal allowed: new trial ordered; Applicant’s cross appeal dismissed




July 27, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Applicant’s application for leave to appeal filed





August 31, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Respondents’ conditional application for leave to cross appeal filed





CORAM:   L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ. /

Les juges L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache et LeBel


Tuan Van Pham


v. (27572)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.)




Criminal law -  Narcotics - Evidence - Best evidence rule - Applicant convicted of possession of a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking - Court of Appeal upholding conviction - Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding that best evidence rule did not preclude admissibility of oral secondary evidence as to contents of certain documents and photographs - Whether Court of Appeal erred in upholding trial judge’s decision to admit oral secondary evidence because evidence was neither necessary nor reliable - Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding that evidence linking Applicant to third party was sufficient to establish Applicant’s control over narcotics in possession of third party.




May 28, 1998

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Baker J.)

June 11, 1998

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Baker J.)


Ruling on voir dire that certain evidence the Crown sought to admit was admissible



Conviction: possession of a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking




September 29, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Hollinrake, Braidwood and Mackenzie JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




November 29, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





The Estate of Yuan Vercingetorix Woo

(also known as Jean‑Paul Martineau)


v. (27497)


The Privacy Commissioner of Canada and The National Archivist of Canada (F.C.A.)




Administrative Law - Procedural Law - Mootness - Whether the Federal Court of Appeal erred in confirming the judgement of the Federal Court Trial Division - Whether the Trial Division erred in finding that the Applicant’s application was moot - Whether the Federal Court of Canada violated its duty to the Applicant according to “the rule of law” and principles of procedural fairness by failing to provide reasons explaining the logical basis for the judgments rendered.




September 16, 1998

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division

(McGillis J.)


Application for judicial review dismissed




June 18, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Desjardins, Décary, and Létourneau JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




September 17, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Ville de Montréal


c. (27398)


Canderel Limited, et Nalcan Properties Inc. et Bleury Dorchester Realties Inc. et  Dorsity Holdings Inc. et Peel de Maisonneuve Investments Ltd. et 3744 Jean Brillant Properties Inc. et 1407 Mountain Street Building Inc. et Place Financière de Maisonneuve Inc. et, Viger Street Holdings Inc, et Place St‑François Xavier Inc. et 148136 Canada Inc. et Drummond de Maissonneuve Properties Inc. et North American Life Assurance Company (Qué.)




Procédure - Dépens - Taxation du mémoire de frais - Amendement - Lorsqu’un amendement a été fait de plein droit selon l’article 199 C.p.c. dans le but de réduire le montant de la réclamation ainsi que les frais de l’action, est-ce que le mémoire de frais est taxable selon le montant à l’origine ou le montant tel que réduit par l’amendement?




Le 3 décembre 1998

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Bénard j.c.s.)


Requête en révision de la taxation du mémoire de frais rejetée




Le 29 avril 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Rousseau‑Houle, Otis et Nuss jj.c.a.)


Appel accueilli




Le 28 juin 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée





Raj Ahluwalia


v. (27382)


The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (Man.)




Labour law - Physicians and surgeons -  Professional misconduct - Unfitness to practise medicine - Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons ordering Applicant’s name erased from College register - Court of Queen’s Bench upholding decision - Court of Appeal setting aside order of erasure and ordering six-month suspension - Whether superior court entitled to review disciplinary bodies' deliberations with same authority as it is entitled to review decision of a superior court judge - Whether inquiry panel hearing fairly conducted - Whether participation of College’s solicitor in hearing leads to appearance of bias which would invalidate any discipline imposed - Whether fact major participants in a citation concerning a professional are all associated with the professional association results in an apprehension of bias - Whether citizen’s reliance on solicitor-client privilege as ground for excluding evidence raises inference against citizen with respect to evidence for which privilege is claimed.




January 8, 1997

Executive Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba


Erasure of Applicant’s name from College register ordered




July 30, 1998

Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba

(Krindle J.)


Application for review and application for fresh evidence dismissed




January 25, 1999

Court of Appeal of Manitoba

(Huband, Helper, and Monnin JJ.A.)






Applicant’s appeal respecting findings of professional misconduct and unfitness to practise medicine dismissedMay 14, 1999

Court of Appeal of Manitoba

(Huband, Helper and Monnin JJ.A.)


Order of erasure from register set aside; six-month suspension ordered




June 28, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





William Frederick Dawes and Lorraine Beverly Dawes


v. (27403)


Peter Edward Jajcaj and Beverly Lynn Schouten (B.C.)




Torts - Motor vehicles - Damages - Spoliation - Doctrine of spoliation has not been considered by this Court since the case of St. Louis v. The Queen, [1895] 25 S.C.R. 649 - Whether the state of the law, as a result of this appellate decision, will probably result in significant injustice in other cases as well as this case - Whether the Court of Appeal misapprehended its duty with respect to appeals based upon an argument of palpable and overriding error.




November 3, 1995

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Boyd J.)


Applicants’ action seeking damages for personal injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident dismissed




November 10, 1995

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Boyd J.)


Ruling: Respondent’s expert’s reports are relevant and admissible




April 14, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Prowse, Finch, and Mackenzie JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 10, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Esson J.A.)


Motion to extend time to file application for leave to appeal granted




July 23, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Canada Post Corporation


v. (27377)


Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (F.C.A.)




Administrative law - Judicial review - Standard of review - Whether standard of review on issue of bad faith involving general legal reasoning is one of correctness under s. 41 (d) of the Canadian   Human Rights Act,  R.S.C. 1985, c. H-6  - Whether Federal Court of Appeal erred in failing to hold that the Canadian Human Rights Commission exceeded its authority by taking into account whether other procedures were “more appropriate” rather than “otherwise available” pursuant to s. 41(d) of the Act




May 8, 1997

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division (Rothstein J.)


Application for judicial review of a decision of the Canadian Human Rights Commission dismissed




April 29, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Isaac C.J., Stone and Desjardins JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 25, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Dans l’affaire de la faillite de: André L’Heureux



Jean Fortin, ès qualité de syndic à la faillite de André L'Heureux (Qué.) (27350)




Droit commercial - Faillite - Rémunération du syndic - Art. 39  de la Loi sur la faillite et l’insolvabilité , L.R.C. (1985), ch. B-3  - Le tribunal siégeant en matière de faillite a-t-il juridiction pour intervenir proprio motu et réviser la rémunération attribuée au syndic par les créanciers réunis en assemblée? - La Cour d’appel du Québec aurait-elle dû exercer la juridiction qui lui était conférée aux termes de l’art. 187(5) de la Loi aux fins de rescinder son arrêt?




Le 13 mars 1998

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Gomery j.c.s.)


Appel à l’encontre de la décision du registraire de faillite réduisant la rémunération du syndic de 18 000$ à 7 000$ rejeté




Le 15 avril 1999

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Baudouin, Otis et Denis [ad hoc] jj.c.a.)


Pourvoi rejeté




Le 17 mai 1999

Cour d’appel du Québec

(Baudouin, Otis et Denis [ad hoc] jj.c.a.)


Requête en rescision, révision et modification de l’arrêt du 15 avril rejetée




Le 14 juin 1999

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée





CORAM:   Gonthier, Binnie and Arbour JJ. /

Les juges Gonthier, Binnie et Arbour


Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia


v. (27318)


Seline Alice Davies, Linda May Mailhot and

 Brenda Lynn Marshall


- and -


 Clifford Andrew Hounsell, Eric Everett Pearson and Eric Everett Pearson

for the Estate of Margaret Pearson (B.C.)




Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia


v. (27318)


Keith Leonard Beadle, Philip Beadle and Henry Beadle


- and -


 Florence Pleasance, Reginald Pleasance, Freda Hart,

Vernon Hart, Jane Doe and John Doe (B.C.)




Procedural law - Limitation of actions - Negligence and breach of fiduciary duty - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in broadening the application of the common law discoverability rule to jurisdiction-conferring statutes - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in its interpretation of the meaning of the phrase “cause of action” - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in applying the common law discoverability rule to the Crown Proceeding Act, R.S.B.C., 1979, c. 236.




March 5, 1996

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Saunders J.)


Applicants’ motion for an order pursuant to Rule 34: ruling on three points of law relating to the Crown Proceeding Act ordered




October 11, 1996

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Dillon J.)


Negative rulings on points 1 and 2; no need to consider point 3 dealing with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 




March 30, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Esson, Cumming, Ryan [dissenting], Donald and Hall JJ.A.)






Applicant’s appeal dismissedMay 27, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Bri‑Mel Developments Limited and Sandra Swick


v. (27411)


Charles S. McLaren and Shon June McLaren (Ont.)




Property Law - Real property - Registration - Investigation of title - Restrictive covenants - Statutory Interpretation - Respondents filing Notice of Claim one month after expiry of 40 year notice period following registration of a deed - Whether Court of Appeal erred in interpreting s. 113(2)(b) of the Registry Act, R.S.O.1990, c. R.20 - Whether Court of Appeal decision conflicts with principles established in Fire v. Longtin, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 3.




September 10, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice

(MacDonald J.)


Application dismissed 




May 7, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Doherty, Moldaver, and Feldman JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




July 30, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Yaw Dwomoh


v. (27534)


The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.) (Ont.)




Immigration law -Administrative law - Appeal - Jurisdiction - Application for sponsorship for immigration purposes of putative daughter denied - DNA testing excluding proposed sponsor as father of the person sought to be sponsored and therefore removing that person from the family class - Immigration and Refugee Board (Appeal Division) without jurisdiction to consider compassionate and humanitarian grounds for applicants not part of family class - Whether opportunity should have been given to make plea on humanitarian and compassionate grounds and to speak on the presented sworn affidavit of putative daughter’s mother testifying to the truth of Applicant’s paternity - Whether Board has jurisdiction to hear appeal.




June 25, 1998

Immigration and Refugee Board (Appeal

Division) (D’Ignazio D.)


Applicant’s appeal from the refusal of sponsorship application of his daughter dismissed




September 30, 1998

Immigration and Refugee Board (Appeal

 Division) (Aterman P.)


Applicant’s motion to reopen appeal denied




July 6, 1999

Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division

(Gibson J.)


Application for leave to appeal dismissed




September 29, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





Ajmer Singh Gill also known as Randy Gill,

 carrying on business under the firm name and style of Randy's

Backhoe Service also known as Randy's Backhoe

 & Trucking


v. (27025)


Gurcharn Gill, and Piar Gill,

 carrying on business under the firm name and style of G & P Gill

 Farm, and the said Gurcharn Gill and Piar Gill (B.C.)




Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Commercial law - Contracts - Interpretation of contract - Whether trial judge and court of appeal erred in interpretation of contract - Whether court of appeal erred in dismissing the Applicant’s appeal on the basis that Tonneguzzo Norvell et. al v. Savein et al. (1984) 110 D.L.R. (4th) 289, at p. 292, had no application on the facts and did not necessitate a second warning pursuant to s. 10 ( b )  of the Charter .




December 12, 1997

Supreme Court of British Columbia (Grist J.)


Respondents’ action for breach of contract allowed




November 20, 1998

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Hinds, Hollinrake, Ryan JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




March 3, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Hinds, Hollinrake, Ryan JJ.A.)


Application for re-hearing dismissed




June 2, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for extension of time filed and application for leave to appeal filed





Leroy Butcher


v. (27375)


Government of St. Lucia (Ont.)




International law - State immunity - Employment contract between sovereign state and person offered position of consul to Canada - Consul designate’s services suspended - Whether the negotiations leading up to a contract between a Canadian citizen and a foreign state fall within the exception of “commercial activity” pursuant to s. 5  of the State   Immunity Act , R.S.C., 1985, c. S-18  - Whether Canadian courts have jurisdiction to inquire into the functions and duties of a Canadian citizen providing consular services for a foreign state as part of its determination of whether the s. 5 exemption for “commercial activity” is applicable - Whether Canadian courts have jurisdiction to hear a claim for damages for breach of contract or negligent misrepresentation brought by a Canadian citizen, contracted to provide consular services in Canada, against a foreign state pursuant to s. 6  of the State Immunity Act .




May 13, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Aitken J.)


Respondent’s motion for an order permanently staying the action granted




April 15, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Morden, Laskin, Rosenberg JJ.A.)


Motion to adduce fresh evidence dismissed; appeal dismissed




June 25, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for extension of time filed; application for leave to appeal filed





Royal Shirt Company Ltd.


v. (27412)


Ontario Labour Relations Board (Ont.)




Labour law - Labour relations - Certification - Procedural law - Actions -  Applicant claiming damages against Respondent Ontario Labour Relations Board for breach of a duty of care in failing to properly exercise its authority granted pursuant to Ontario Labour Relations Act - Applicant’s statement of claim struck out - Whether Board should enjoy special and absolute immunity from suit by persons appearing before it even when bias, bad faith, or mala fides with intent to injure as against such persons is demonstrated.




November 2, 1998

Ontario Court (General Division)

(Hawkins J.)






Respondent’s motion for an order striking the Applicant’s statement of claim allowedMay 17, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Catzman, Abella and Moldaver JJ.A.)


Applicant’s appeal dismissed




July 29, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed











MARCH 16, 2000 / LE 16 MARS 2000




CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal and the ancillary motion are dismissed.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel et la requête accessoire sont rejetées.




Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Procedural law - Judgment and orders - Action against partnership alleging copyright infringement - Interlocutory application by partners to act for partnership and file joint defence and counterclaim dismissed - Application to reconsider dismissed - On motion for default judgment by Respondent, order issuing allowing Applicants 15 days to retain lawyer, failing which default judgment would issue - Applicants’ appeal quashed - Whether time to appeal from interlocutory orders of Federal Court (Trial Division) expired.




March 23, 1999

Federal Court of Canada (Trial Division)

(Teitelbaum J.F.C.C.)

Application for an order authorizing the human Applicants to act for the defendant Synchronics, and for an order permitting all three defendants to file a joint statement of defence and counterclaim denied

May 7, 1999

Federal Court of Canada (Trial Division) (Teitelbaum J.F.C.C.)

Application for reconsideration denied;

Applicants ordered to retain the services of legal counsel within 15 days of order, failing which judgment would be granted by default  

June 15, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Linden, Rothstein and Noël JJ.A.)

Respondent's application to quash Applicants' appeal allowed

August 26, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Strayer J.A.)

Motion for an order staying the execution of judgment dismissed

September 14, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

Application for leave to appeal filed


27344                    KARIN A. RUGGEBERG v. BANCOMER, S.A. (Ont.)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.



Procedural law - Civil procedure - Conflict of laws - Forum non conveniens - Applicant commencing action in Ontario for damages arising out of termination of employment with Mexican bank - Ontario action stayed on ground that Mexico was appropriate forum - Whether, in absence of contractual stipulation, employees working in Canada for foreign employers are presumptively governed by employment law of Canada or by that of employer’s jurisdiction - Whether Canadian law should be applied to determine whether or not a jurisdiction clause unilaterally imposed by a foreign employer after employment has commenced should apply to the contract of employment - Whether there are circumstances where a dismissed employee may have resort to remedies in more than one jurisdiction - Whether contracts of employment with foreign employers are treated differently from those with domestic employers.




February 13, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Cullity J.)


Respondent’s motion for a permanent stay granted




April 16, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Doherty, Abella and O'Connor JJ.A.)


Applicant’s appeal dismissed




June 10, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed





27174                    MATTEL CANADA INC. v. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (F.C.A.)


CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal and the application for leave to cross-appeal are granted.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel et la demande d’autorisation d’appel incident sont accordées.




Taxation - Customs and excise - Royalties - Applicant, as purchaser, discharged vendor’s obligation to make royalty payment on goods sold for export to Canada - Whether Court of Appeal erred in selecting the relevant sale of goods sold for export to Canada under the Customs Act - Whether Court of Appeal erred in distinguishing American cases and other sections of the Customs Act - Whether Court of Appeal erred in finding that royalty payments made by the Applicant were to be included in the purchase price for the purpose of calculating duty - Whether Court of Appeal erred in finding ss. 48(5)(a)(iv) and 48(5)(a)(v) of the Customs Act applicable to the indirect royalty payments.




January 15, 1997

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

(Trudeau, Gracey and Russell, members)






Appeals allowed in partJanuary 13, 1999

Federal Court of Appeal

(Strayer, Létourneau, and Robertson JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed in part; cross‑appeal dismissed




March 15, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed




March 24, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

(Major J.)


All confidential material in the Federal Court record to be bound separately and clearly marked as confidential




March 29, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada

(Major J.)


Paragraphs 6, 7, 37, 38 and 39 of the Applicant’s memorandum of argument in the application for leave to appeal are sealed




April 15, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to cross-appeal filed







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is granted.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est accordée.




Administrative law - Administrative tribunals - Liquor Appeal Board - Institutional independence - Liquor Appeal Board suspending hotel’s licence for two days - Whether fact that members of Board are appointed at the pleasure of the Lieutenant Governor denies them security of tenure, a component of that tribunal’s independence - If so, whether Board’s decision should be set aside.




December 10, 1997

Liquor Appeal Board

(McCallum, Parker, Saini, members)


Appeal from a decision of the Senior Inspector suspending the Respondent’s liquor licence for two days denied




May 12, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Macfarlane, Donald, Huddart JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed




June 23, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               The Chief Justice, Iacobucci and Major JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is granted.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est accordée.




Commercial law - Insurance - Duty to defend - Evidence - In determining the existence of a “duty to defend” under a policy of insurance is the inquiry to be confined to the policy at issue and the pleadings in the underlying action, or is extrinsic evidence admissible?




August 28, 1997

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Taylor J.)


Action dismissed




February 19, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Lambert, Southin, and Braidwood JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




April 19, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is granted.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est accordée.




Family law - Spousal support - Material change in circumstances - Pension in payment - Payor having few assets but having pension income of $98,000 per annum -  Recipient spouse having assets of $495,000 but little income - Pension previously subject to equalization of assets with recipient spouse - Whether support paid from pension income is “double dipping” - Whether only unequalized portion of pension should be considered as income for spousal support - Whether recipient spouse obliged to maximize income potential of her assets - Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F-3.





March 16, 1999

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Robertson J.)


Application to vary consent judgment: Orders reducing spousal support to $950 per month, non-indexed; review of support when wife reaches 65 years; and rescinding arrears of spousal support




November 5, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Catzman, Labrosse and Moldaver JJ.A.)


Order increasing spousal support to $2,000 per month, indexed, arrears to be paid




January 4, 2000

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed







CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The motion for extension of time is granted and the application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande de prorogation de délai est accordée et la demande dautorisation dappel est rejetée avec dépens.




Canadian Charter  - Criminal law - Crown liability - Torts - Malicious prosecution - What is the nature and scope of the cause of action created by sections 7  and 24  of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Whether that cause of action is separate and distinct from the common law tort of malicious prosecution - Whether the prosecution of an individual for the offence of fraud, in the circumstances of the present case, where there is no evidence of mens rea, is a violation of the individual's rights under section 7  of the Charter  - Whether the Crown has an absolute right to prosecute - Whether the Supreme Court's decision in Weber v. Ontario Hydro, [1995] 2 S.C.R. 929, applies to the facts of this case?




August 4, 1998

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(LaForme J.)


Applicant’s motion to amend his statement of claim and add a defendant dismissed; Respondent’s motion for summary judgment allowed; Applicant’s action dismissed




April 8, 1999

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Labrosse, Abella and Charron JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 10, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal and motion for  extension of time filed







CORAM:               L’Heureux-Dubé, Bastarache and LeBel JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d’autorisation d’appel est rejetée avec dépens.




Commercial law - Insurance - Breach of contract - Long term disability benefits - “Total disability” within the policy of insurance - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law in dismissing the appeal - Whether uncontradicted expert testimony given at trial may be disregarded without making any adverse finding as to the credibility of the expert witness - Whether expert medical evidence may be disregarded where the trial judge does not agree with the expert’s methodology of diagnosis, in the absence of expert evidence contradicting the validity of the methodology used - Whether a trial judge may substitute her own opinion for that of an expert witness - Whether subjective pain and genuine belief in disability can satisfy the test for total disability in the absence of medical evidence as to the cause of the pain.




March 11, 1998

Supreme Court of British Columbia

(Allan J.)


Applicant’s claim for damages for breach of contract dismissed




April 28, 1999

Court of Appeal for British Columbia

(Goldie, Finch, Ryan JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed




June 28, 1999

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed












Before / Devant:   BASTARACHE J.


Motions for additional time to present oral argument


The Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta, et al.


     v. (26701)


The Attorney General of Alberta, et al. (Alta.)


Requêtes en prorogation du temps accordé pour la plaidoirie








The two motions were considered together.  Time afforded to the main parties shall be as follows: PSBAA & Calgary Board are allowed 1 hour;   the respondent ACSTA is allowed 30 minutes; the respondent Alberta is allowed 1 hour and 30 minutes.





Before / Devant:   BASTARACHE J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file an application for leave




     v. (27734)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(Man.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer une demande d’autorisation



REFERRED / RÉFÉRÉE   The motion will be presented with the application for leave an dealt with together with the leave application.





Before / Devant:   LE JUGE EN CHEF


Requête pour ajourner l'audition de l'appel


M. le juge Richard Therrien, J.C.Q.


     c. (27004)


Ministre de la Justice et al. (Qué.)

Motion to adjourn the hearing of the appeal




La requête de l’appelant pour obtenir une ordonnance ajournant l’audition du présent appel à la session de l’automne 2000 est accordée.  L’appel sera entendu dans les deux premières semaines de la session.





Before / Devant:   THE CHIEF JUSTICE


Miscellaneous motion


Rui Wen Pan


     v. (27424)


Her Majesty the Queen (Crim.)(Ont.)

Autre requête





UPON APPLICATION by counsel for the appellant for an order allowing the within appeal to be heard at the same time as the appeal in Bradley Sawyer v. The Queen (27277);


HAVING READ the material filed and with the consents of the parties in both appeals;




1)             This appeal be heard together with the appeal in Bradley Sawyer v. The Queen (27277);


2)             The time limits for the filing of the facta by the respondent and by the interveners in Bradley Sawyer v. The Queen (27277) be extended to coincide with the time limits therefor in the within appeal;


3)             That both appeals be heard together in the first two weeks of the Fall session.





Before / Devant:   BINNIE J.


Motion for extension of time and leave to intervene


BY/PAR:                Corporation of the Township of Bexley et al.


IN/DANS:              The Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta, et al.


                                                v. (26701)


The Attorney General of Alberta, et al. (Alta.)

Requête en prorogation de délai et en autorisation d'intervenir





UPON APPLICATION by The Corporation of the Township of Bexley, the Corporation of The Municipality of Bobcaygeon/Verulam, the Corporation of the Township of Fenelon, The Corporation of the Township of Somerville, the Corporation of the Village of Sturgeon Point and 1401900 Ontario Limited, c.o.b. Victoria Citizens Legal Challenge for an extension of time and for leave to intervene;


AND UPON READING the material filed;


AND HAVING REGARD TO the following considerations;


The applicants are a group of municipalities in Ontario who contemplate commencing an action in Ontario against the Attorney General of Ontario relying on some of the same legal arguments to be canvassed in this Alberta appeal which is scheduled to be heard on March 21, 2000.  The material shows that the applicants retained solicitors to advise with regard to the proposed Ontario proceedings on January 5, 2000.  Those proceedings are still in contemplation but not yet commenced.  The Court has not been provided with a draft factum setting out the arguments the applicants wish to advance in this appeal and it is therefore not possible to ascertain whether the applicants are able to bring a unique perspective to the legal issues, or indeed whether they have any submissions that would differ in any material respect from those already made in the factum of the experienced counsel for the appellants.  The hearing of the appeal is less than two weeks away and it would be unfair to the other parties to inject a new intervener with undisclosed arguments into the controversy at this late stage.  As none of the present parties or interveners has yet filed any material on the motion, the dismissal is without costs.


IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the application for an extension of time and for leave to intervene is dismissed without costs.





Before / Devant:   THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the applicant’s reply


Her Majesty the Queen


     v. (27724)


Jack Walls, et al. (F.C.A.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la réplique de la demanderesse



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to March 6, 2000.





Before / Devant:   LE REGISTRAIRE


Requête  pour permission de déposer un mémoire d'appel de plus de 40 pages


Sa Majesté la Reine


     c. (27050)


Marie-Suzanne Caouette (Crim.)(Qué.)

Motion to file a factum on appeal over 40 pages



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Production d’un mémoire de 49 pages est accordée.





Before / Devant:   LE REGISTRAIRE


Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer le mémoire des intervenants l’Office des droits de détenus et l’Association des services de réhabilitation sociale du Québec


Mr. le juge Richard Therrien, J.C.Q.


      c. (27004)


Ministre de la Justice, et al. (Qué.)

Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the factum of the interveners L’Office des droits de détenus and L’Association des services de réhabilitation sociale du Québec


ACCORDÉE / GRANTED    Délai prorogé au 13 avril 2000.





Before / Devant:   BASTARACHE J.


Motion to extend the time in which to serve and file the application for leave


Apotex Inc.


     v. (27764)


Merck & Co. Inc., et al. (F.C.A.)

Requête en prorogation du délai imparti pour signifier et déposer la demande d’autorisation



GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to February 15, 2000.









CORAM:               Chief Justice McLachlin and L’Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier, Iacobucci, Major, Binnie and Arbour JJ.


Her Majesty the Queen


     v. (27013)


D.D. (Crim.)(Ont.)


M. David Lepofsky and Christopher Webb, for the appellant.



P. Andras Schreck, for the respondent.






Nature of the case:


Criminal Law - Evidence - Expert opinions - Psychologist’s testimony admitted at trial to explain why complainant of tender years had delayed disclosure of sexual abuse for two to three years - Whether it is open to a trial judge in his or her discretion to permit the Crown to call an expert psychologist to establish that this delay is of no assistance in assessing whether the allegation of sexual abuse is true, particularly where the defence intends to argue that “common sense” shows that this delay in disclosure indicates that the allegation is false.

Nature de la cause:


Droit criminel - Preuve - Opinions d’expert - Témoignage d’un psychologue admis au procès pour expliquer pourquoi la plaignante en bas âge avait mis de deux à trois ans avant de divulguer l’abus sexuel - Le juge du procès a-t-il le pouvoir discrétionnaire de permettre au ministère public de citer un psychologue comme témoin expert pour établir que ce retard n’est d’aucune aide quand il s’agit de déterminer si l’allégation d’abus sexuel est vraie, particulièrement lorsque la défense a l’intention d’alléguer que « le bon sens » montre que ce retard à divulguer est une indication que l’allégation est fausse?









AGENDA for the week beginning March 20, 2000.

ORDRE DU JOUR pour la semaine commençant le 20 mars 2000.






Date of Hearing/                                     Case Number and Name/    

Date d'audition                                        Numéro et nom de la cause


2000/03/20                                                Advance Cutting & Coring Ltd, et al v. Her Majesty the Queen (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (26664)


2000/03/21 & 00/03/22                            Public School Boards' Association of Alberta, et al. v. Attorney General of Alberta, et al. (Alta.) (Civil) (By Leave) (26701)


2000/03/23                                                Sa Majesté la Reine c. Renaud Lévesque (Qué.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (26939)


2000/03/24                                                Howard Shulman v. United States of America (Ont.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (26912)


2000/03/24                                                Paul Yick Wai Kwok, et al. v. United States of America, et al. (Ont.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (26919)


2000/03/24                                                Harry Cobb and Allen Grossman v. The United States of America (Ont.)(Crim.)(By Leave) (27610)


2000/03/24                                                James Tsioubris v. The United States of America (Ont.)(Crim.)(By Leave) (27774)






This agenda is subject to change.  Hearing dates should be confirmed with Registry staff at (613) 996-8666.


Cet ordre du jour est sujet à modification.  Les dates d'audience devraient être confirmées auprès du personnel du greffe au (613) 996-8666.






26664    Advance Cutting & Coring Ltd. et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen


Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Labour law - Labour relations - Statutes - Interpretation - Construction industry - Obligation to belong to an association of employees - Freedom of non-association - Sections 28-40, 85.5 85.6, 119.1(1) and 120 of an Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and manpower management in the construction industry, R.S.Q., c. R-20, as well as section 23 of the Regulation respecting the election of a representative association by the employees of the construction industry violate section 2( d )  of the Canadian Charter  - Challenge dismissed at the Court of Quebec and the Superior Court - Appellant’s motion for leave to appeal dismissed by the Court of Appeal.


The Appellant, as well as several other employees and contractors, were charged with breaching several provisions of an Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and manpower management in the construction industry, R.S.Q., c. R-20 (hereafter the Act).  The Appellant, as an employer, is charged with having hired the services of or assigned to construction work an employee who was not the holder of the required competency certificate or the recipient of an exemption (s. 119.1(3) of the Act).


In all of these cases, the definitional elements of the offences were admitted.  However, the accused claim that sections 28, 30, 32, 39, 119.1(1) and 120 of the Act are unlawful because they violate section 2( d )  of the Canadian Charter .


Bonin J. of the Court of Quebec dismissed the constitutional argument.  Before Trudel J. of the Superior Court, the accused argued that the Quebec legislator was using sections 28 et seq. of the Act to require them to be unionized in order to find employment in the construction industry.  Based on section 2( d )  of the Canadian Charter , they argued that the Charter  includes the right of non-association.  They added that in the instant case, foreign law must be used to interpret the Charter  and to strike down all of the provisions of the Act which support closed shops and which limit the right to individual freedom.  Finally, they added that these sections of the Act can no longer be justified in a free and democratic society.


The Attorney General stated that the impugned provisions do not infringe the freedom of association guaranteed in the Charter .  If that were the case, the infringement would be justified in a free and democratic society.  The Attorney General also raised two other preliminary arguments: the lack of nexus between these offences and the constitutional argument raised and the related principle of judicial deference.  Trudel J. dismissed the appeal of the accused.


The Quebec Court of Appeal dismissed the motion for leave to appeal by the Appellant, one of the accused at first instance.  The Appellant appeals by leave of the Court.


Origin of the case:                                Quebec


File No.:                                                 26664


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:     March 31, 1998


Counsel:                                                                Julius H. Grey for the Appellant

Martin Lamontagne for the Respondent


26664      Advance Cutting & Coring Ltd. et al. c. Sa Majesté la Reine


Charte canadienne des droits et libertés  - Droit du travail - Relations de travail - Législation - Interprétation - Industrie de la construction - Obligation d’appartenir à une association d’employés - Liberté de non-association - Les articles 28-40, 85.5, 85.6, 119.1(1) et 120 de la Loi sur les relations de travail, la formation professionnelle et la gestion de la main-d’oeuvre dans l’industrie de la construction, L.R.Q., chap. R- 20, de même que l’article 23 du Règlement sur le choix d’une association représentative par les salariés de l’industrie de la construction, portent-ils atteinte à l’alinéa 2d)  de la Charte canadienne  - Contestation rejetée en Cour du Québec et en Cour supérieure - Requête du demandeur pour permission d’appel rejetée par la Cour d’appel.


L’appelante, ainsi que plusieurs autres salariés et entrepreneurs, sont accusés d’avoir contrevenu à diverses dispositions de la Loi sur les relations de travail, la formation professionnelle et la gestion de la main-d’oeuvre dans l’industrie de la construction, L.R.Q., chap. R- 20 (ci-après la “Loi”).  L’appelante, comme employeur, est accusée d’avoir utilisé les services d’un salarié ou de l’avoir affecté à des travaux de construction sans qu’il soit titulaire du certificat de compétence requis ou d’une exemption (art. 119.1(3) de la Loi).


Dans tous les dossiers, les faits constitutifs des infractions sont admis.  Les accusés soulèvent cependant l’invalidité des articles 28, 30, 32, 39, 119.1(1) et 120 de la Loi parce qu’ils porteraient atteinte l’alinéa 2d)  de la Charte canadienne .


Le juge Bonin de la Cour du Québec rejette l’argument constitutionnel.  Devant le juge Trudel de la Cour supérieure, les accusés reprochent au législateur québécois, par le truchement des articles 28 et suivants de la Loi, de leur imposer le syndicalisme pour avoir un emploi dans le secteur de la construction.  S’appuyant sur l’alinéa 2d)  de la Charte canadienne , ils soutiennent que la Charte  comprend le droit de ne pas s’associer.  Ils ajoutent que le droit étranger doit servir, en l’espèce, à interpréter la Charte  et à écarter toutes dispositions de la Loi favorisant les ateliers fermés et défavorisant le droit à la liberté individuelle.  Enfin, ils ajoutent que les dispositions précitées de la Loi ne peuvent plus se justifier dans le cadre d’une société libre et démocratique.


Le procureur général affirme que les dispositions contestées ne portent aucunement atteinte à la liberté d’association garantie par la Charte .  Si tel était le cas, cette atteinte serait justifiée dans le cadre d’une société libre et démocratique.  Le procureur général soulève en outre deux moyens préliminaires: l’absence de lien entre les infractions reprochées et l’argument constitutionnel plaidé, et le principe de la retenue judiciaire qui en découle.  Le juge Trudel rejette l’appel des accusés.


La Cour d’appel du Québec rejette la requête pour permission d’appel de l’appelante, l’une des accusées en première instance.  L’appelante en appelle maintenant sur permission de cette Cour.


Origine:                                                                  Québec


No du greffe:                                                          26664


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel:                                    Le 31 mars 1998


Avocats:                                                                                Me Julius H. Grey pour l’appelante

Me Martin Lamontagne pour l’intimée




26701      The Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta et al v. The Attorney General


Constitutional Law  - Schools - Whether the Constitution of Canada impliedly or by convention guarantees the reasonable autonomy of school boards - Whether the School Act, S.A. 1988,  c. S-3.1, as amended, violates the Constitution of Canada - Whether public schools have been denied a right enjoyed by separate schools to opt out of a provincial system of school funding in violation of a constitutional guarantee of “mirror” equality between public and separate schools - Whether Court of Appeal erred in concluding that s.17(1) of the Alberta Act does not provide for “mirror equality” between public and separate school boards - Whether Court of Appeal erred in concluding that the School Act, S.A. 1988, c. S-3.1, as amended, is not discriminatory within the meaning of s. 17(2) of the Alberta Act.


In May 1994, the Legislature of Alberta amended the School Act, S.A. 1988, c. S‑3.1, by passing the School Amendment Act, 1994, S.A. 1994, c. 29 and the Government Organization Act, S.A. 1994, c. G‑8.5.  The amendments centralize control of education, compel boards to meet Ministerial standards, increase the Minister’s control over school boards’ senior staff, and create a new scheme for funding school boards.  The objective of the funding amendments is to remove previously existing fiscal inequity and disparity within the school system that was caused by variances in individual school boards’ requisition mill rates.


Public school boards can no longer retain money raised through direct taxation.  All revenues from property assessments are pooled into the Alberta School Foundation Fund and then distributed to school boards in “per student” allotments such that each board receives an amount determined by multiplying the “per student” allotment by the number of students enrolled within that school board’s jurisdiction.  Separate boards may opt to continue requisitioning taxes directly from ratepayers, however, under section 159.1(4) of the School Act, they may not retain more or less revenue per student than the per student allotment distributed from the Fund.


Two groups of individuals, school boards, boards of trustees, trustees’ associations and school board associations formed and commenced actions challenging the amendments.  The Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta heard both actions together and rendered one judgment.  It held that local government institutions, including school boards, do not have a constitutional right to reasonable autonomy.  It held that the impugned legislation did not contravene s. 17(2) of the Alberta Act,  S.C. 1905, c. 3 but did contravene a guarantee of mirror equality.


On appeal, the Court of Appeal allowed the cross-appeal by the Government on mirror equality.  It dismissed the appeal and cross-appeal brought by the School Boards’ Associations.


Origin of the case:                                                Alberta


File No.:                                                                 26701


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     March 31, 1998


Counsel:                                                                                Dale Gibson and Rangi Jeerakathil and Ritu Khullar for the Appellants Public School Board’s Association

Eric Groody for the Appellants Board of Trustees of Calgary

Robert C. Maybank for the Respondent Attorney General

James E. Redmond Q.C. and Kevin P. Feehan for the Respondents Alberta Catholic School Trustees’



26701      The Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta et al c. Le procureur général


Droit constitutionnel - Écoles - La constitution du Canada garantit-elle, implicitement ou par convention, l’autonomie raisonnable des conseils scolaires? - La School Act, S.A. 1988, ch. S‑3.1, et modifications, viole-t-elle la constitution du Canada? - A-t-on nié aux écoles publiques le droit dont bénéficient les écoles séparées de se retirer d’un système provincial de financement scolaire en violation d’une garantie constitutionnelle d’égalité « parallèle » entre les écoles publiques et les écoles séparées? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en concluant que l’art. 17(1) de la Loi sur l’Alberta ne prévoit pas l’ « égalité parallèle » entre les conseils scolaires publics et séparés? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en concluant que la  School Act, S.A. 1988, ch. S-3.1, et modifications, n’est pas discriminatoire au sens de l’art. 17(2) de la Loi sur l’Alberta?


En mai 1994, l’assemblée législative de l’Alberta a modifié la School Act, S.A. 1988, ch. S‑3.1, en adoptant la School Amendment Act, 1994, S.A. 1994, ch. 29, et la Government Organization Act, S.A. 1994, ch. G-8.5. Les modifications centralisent le contrôle de l’éducation, forcent les conseils à respecter des normes ministérielles, accroissent le contrôle du ministre sur les cadres supérieurs des conseils scolaires et créent un nouveau régime de financement des conseils scolaires. Les modifications apportées au financement ont pour objectif de faire disparaître l’inégalité et la disparité fiscales qui existaient au sein du système scolaire et qui résultaient des différences dans les taux par mille des prélèvements effectués par les conseils scolaires individuels.


Les conseils scolaires publics ne peuvent plus conserver les sommes obtenues par la taxation directe. Tous les revenus provenant des évaluations de biens sont réunis dans l’Alberta School Foundation Fund (le Fonds) puis distribués aux conseils scolaires en portions « par élève », de sorte que chaque conseil reçoit un montant obtenu par la multiplication de la portion « par élève » par le nombre d’élèves inscrits dans ce conseil scolaire. Les conseils d’écoles séparées peuvent choisir de continuer de prélever des taxes directement des contribuables; cependant, en vertu du par. 159.1(4) de la School Act, ils ne peuvent conserver plus ou moins de revenu par élève que la portion par élève distribuée par le Fonds.


Deux groupes d’individus, de conseils scolaires, de conseils d’administration, d’associations d’administrateurs et d’associations de conseils scolaires se sont formés et ont intenté des actions contestant les modifications. La Cour du Banc de la Reine de l’Alberta a entendu les deux actions ensemble et rendu un seul jugement. Elle a conclu que les institutions gouvernementales locales, y compris les conseils scolaires, ne sont pas titulaires d’un droit constitutionnel à l’autonomie raisonnable. Elle a conclu que la loi contestée ne violait pas le par. 17(2) de la Loi sur l’Alberta, S.C. 1905, ch. 3, mais violait une garantie d’égalité parallèle.


La Cour d’appel a accueilli l’appel incident formé par le gouvernement sur l’égalité parallèle. Elle a rejeté l’appel et l’appel incident interjetés par les associations de conseils scolaires.


Origine:                                                                  Alberta


No du greffe:                                                          26701


Arrêt de la Cour d'appel:                                     Le 31 mars 1998


Avocats:                                                                                Dale Gibson, Rangi Jeerakathil et Ritu Khullar pour l’appelante Public School Board’s Association

Eric Groody pour l’appelante Board of Trustees of Calgary

Robert C. Maybank pour l’intimé le procureur général

James E. Redmon, c.r., et Kevin P. Feehan pour les intimés Alberta Catholic School Trustees



26939      Her Majesty the Queen v. Renaud Lévesque


Criminal law - Legislation - Sentencing - Evidence - Interpretation  - Fresh evidence - Whether the Court of Appeal erred, based on a misinterpretation of the case law, in holding that a liberal attitude must be adopted where the admissibility of evidence on sentence appeal is a live issue - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that section 687  of the Criminal Code  dictates a relaxed and generous application in what were clearly adversarial proceedings regarding the admissibility of critical evidence going to sentence - Whether the Court of Appeal usurped the functions of the National Parole Board by basing its decision on the fresh evidence led by the accused - Application of the principles set out by the Supreme Court in R. v.Gardiner, [1982] 2 S.C.R. 368.


The Respondent pleaded guilty to a charge of kidnapping and hostage‑taking, and to a series of charges in relation to incidents which took place on June 22, 1996, when he broke and entered into a home and unlawfully confined three members of a family, including a child, in order to lay hands on large sums of money he believed held in a safe. On February 19, 1997, he was given concurrent prison sentences on each count, the stiffest sentence being ten years and six months.


The Respondent appealed his sentence to the Court of Appeal, arguing it was disproportionate to those imposed for similar crimes. He brought an application to adduce fresh evidence before the Court. He wanted three post-sentencing expert reports admitted in evidence. The first, dated April 3, 1997, was prepared by psychologist Marc Daigle for the correctional service. The second, dated March 17, 1998, was by psychiatrist Louis Morissette. The third, dated March 31, 1998, was prepared by psychologist Jacques Bigras for the correctional service at the conclusion of a program undertaken during imprisonment. The Crown objected to the admission of the first two reports on the ground that the assessments could have been obtained by the Respondent at the time of sentencing.


The majority of the Court of Appeal allowed the application for leave to appeal and the application to adduce the reports of psychologist Daigle and psychiatrist Morissette. They substituted a sentence of five and one-half years’ imprisonment for the previously imposed sentence. Chamberland J.A., dissenting, would not have accepted the reports of the first two experts and would have reduced the sentence to eight years and six months’ imprisonment.


Origin of the case:                                                Quebec


File No.:                                                                 26939


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     September 8, 1998


Counsel:                                                                                Henri-Pierre Labrie for the Appellant

Pauline Bouchard for the Respondent



26939      Sa Majesté la Reine c. Renaud Lévesque


Droit criminel - Législation - Détermination de la peine - Preuve - Interprétation - Nouvelle preuve - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur lorsqu’elle a décidé qu’une attitude libérale devait être adoptée là où l’admissibilité d’une preuve en appel sur sentence est litigieuse, se fondant sur une interprétation erronée de la jurisprudence? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur lorsqu’elle a décidé que le texte de l’article 687  du Code criminel  dicte une approche souple et généreuse dans ce qui était nettement un débat contradictoire portant sur l’admissibilité d’une preuve déterminante quant à la sentence? - La Cour d’appel s’est-elle indûment substituée à la Commission nationale des libérations conditionnelles en se servant de la preuve nouvelle présentée par l’accusé pour rendre sa décision? - Application des principes énoncés par la Cour suprême dans R. c. Gardiner, [1982] 2 R.C.S.  368.


L’intimé a plaidé coupable à une accusation d’enlèvement et prise d’otage, et à une série d’accusations reliées à des événements survenus le 22 juin 1996.  Il s’était alors introduit par effraction et avait séquestré trois membres d’une famille, dont un enfant, dans leur propre maison afin de s’emparer de fortes sommes d’argent qu’il croyait gardées dans un coffre-fort.  Le 9 février 1997, il a été condamné à des peines de prison applicables à chaque chef d’accusation, la plus sévère étant de dix ans et six mois, à être purgées de façon concurrente.


L’intimé en appelle de sa sentence à la Cour d’appel, soutenant que la peine était disproportionnée par rapport aux peines imposées pour des crimes similaires. Il a présenté une requête pour production de nouvelle preuve devant la Cour.  Il voulait faire admettre en preuve trois rapports d’experts, tous postérieurs à la sentence.  Un premier était daté du 3 avril 1997 et provenait du psychologue Marc Daigle pour le compte des services correctionnels.  Le deuxième avait été préparé par le psychiatre Louis Morrissette et était daté du 17 mars 1998.  Le troisième était celui du psychologue Jacques Bigras, daté du 31 mars 1998, et préparé pour le compte des services correctionnels au terme d’un programme entrepris dans le cadre de sa détention.  La poursuite s’est opposé à l’admission des deux premiers rapports, au motif que ces évaluations auraient pu être obtenues par l’intimé au moment de la détermination de la peine.


La majorité de la Cour d’appel a accueilli la requête en autorisation d’appel ainsi que la requête pour production en ce qui concernait les rapports du psychologue Daigle et le psychiatre Morrissette.  Ils ont substitué une peine de cinq ans et demi d’incarcération à celle précédemment accordée.  Le juge Chamberland, minoritaire, n’aurait pas retenu les rapports des deux premiers experts, et aurait diminué la peine à huit ans et six mois de prison.


Origine:                                                                  Québec


No du greffe:                                                          26939


Arrêt de la Cour d’appel:                                    Le 8 septembre 1998


Avocats:                                                                                Me Henri-Pierre Labrie, pour l’appelante

Me Pauline Bouchard pour l’intimé



26912      Howard Shulman v. The United States of America


Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Criminal law - Extradition - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding that considerations relating to mobility rights under s. 6(1)  of the Charter  are not engaged at the committal stage of extradition proceedings, and are beyond the jurisdiction of the extradition judge - Whether s. 6(1) considerations are only engaged at the time of the decision of the Minister of Justice to surrender the fugitive - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding that considerations relating to s. 7  of the Charter  are not engaged at the committal stage of extradition proceedings and are beyond the jurisdiction of the extradition judge - Whether s. 7 considerations are only engaged at the time of the decision of the Minister of Justice to surrender the fugitive - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding that the extradition judge was correct in denying the Appellant’s request for additional disclosure relevant to issues of ss. 6  and 7  of the Charter  - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding that the fact that the alleged co-conspirators were convicted but not sentenced at the time that they provided their affidavit material was not a basis for excluding their affidavit evidence from the extradition proceedings.


The Appellant, a Canadian citizen, was sought for extradition by the United States in connection with charges including conspiracy to commit fraud, in relation to allegations that he and others, while in Canada, made illegal sales of gemstones to residents of the United States through telephone contact originating in Canada.  The RCMP conducted an extensive investigation on behalf of the Canadian authorities into the circumstances that were the basis for the American charges, but ultimately decided that Canadian proceedings would not be initiated against the Appellant and others.  Instead, much of the material obtained during the Canadian police investigation was provided to the American authorities, and some of it was relied upon by the United States in the extradition proceedings.  All of the affidavit evidence directly referring to the Appellant and his allegedly unlawful activities was provided by alleged co-conspirators who themselves faced outstanding charges in the United States, and who had subsequently pled guilty to some or all of those charges, but who were not sentenced at the time that their affidavit material was prepared. 


At the extradition hearing, the Appellant sought disclosure concerning the status of the American proceedings as they related to each of the alleged co-conspirators.  The Appellant also sought disclosure of all discussions between Canadian police and American prosecutors concerning the decision by the Canadian authorities not to prosecute in Canada.  The Appellant also made an application to stay the extradition proceedings or alternatively, to exclude the affidavit evidence under s. 24(2)  of the Charter 


The extradition judge dismissed the Appellant’s applications and ordered the Appellant to be committed for surrender to the United States.  The Appellant appealed the decision of the extradition judge to the Court of Appeal.  He also brought a motion to adduce fresh evidence.  The subject of the motion was certain comments by the judge assigned to hear the Appellant’s trial in connection with the charges should the Appellant be extradited and the prosecutor assigned to the case.  The prospective trial judge said that he would impose the maximum sentence on any co-conspirators who fought extradition.  The prosecutor stated on television that those who fought extradition would have a more difficult time in the long run as they would be serving longer sentences under more stringent conditions.  The Court of Appeal dismissed the motion to adduce fresh evidence and dismissed the appeal.


Origin of the case:                                                Ontario


File No.:                                                                 26912


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     August 20, 1998


Counsel:                                                                                Chris N. Buhr and Shayne Kert for the Appellant

David Littlefield for the Respondent



26912 Howard Shulman c. Les États‑Unis d'Amérique


Charte canadienne des droits et libertés Droit criminel - Extradition - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en concluant que les considérations relatives à la liberté de circulation et d'établissement reconnue à l’art. 6(1)  de la Charte  ne trouvent pas application au stade d’incarcération de la procédure d’extradition, et ne relèvent pas de la compétence du juge d’extradition? - Les considérations relatives à l’art. 6(1) trouvent-elles application seulement au moment où le ministre de la Justice prend la décision d’extrader un fugitif? - La Cour d’appel a‑t‑elle commis une erreur en décidant que les considérations relatives à l’art. 7  de la Charte  ne trouvent pas application au stade d’incarcération de la procédure d’extradition et ne relèvent pas de la compétence du juge d’extradition? - Les considérations relatives à l’art. 7 trouvent-elles application seulement au moment où le ministre de la Justice prend la décision d’extrader un fugitif? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en concluant que le juge d’extradition a eu raison de refuser la demande d’un supplément de divulgation pertinent quant aux questions relatives aux art. 6  et 7  de la Charte ? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en décidant que le fait que les personnes accusées de complot avaient été reconnues coupables mais que leur peine n’avait pas été déterminée au moment où elles ont fourni leurs affidavits, n’était pas un motif pour exclure leur preuve par affidavit de la procédure d’extradition?


Les États‑Unis cherchaient à extrader l’appelant, un citoyen canadien, concernant des accusations incluant un complot en vue de commettre une fraude, relativement à des allégations selon lesquelles lui et d’autres, alors qu’ils étaient au Canada, auraient vendu illégalement des gemmes à des résidents des États‑Unis en logeant des appels téléphoniques à partir du Canada. La GRC a mené une enquête d’envergure pour le compte des autorités canadiennes sur les circonstances ayant mené les Américains à porter des accusations, mais a finalement décidé que le Canada n’intenterait pas de poursuites contre l’appelant ou d’autres personnes. Une bonne partie de la preuve recueillie au cours de l’enquête de la police canadienne a été transmise aux autorités américaines, et les États‑Unis se sont servis de certains de ces éléments dans la procédure d’extradition. Toute la preuve par affidavit faisant directement référence à l’appelant et aux activités illicites qui lui sont reprochées a été fournie par des allégués comploteurs qui faisaient eux‑mêmes face à des accusations aux États‑Unis, et qui avaient ultérieurement inscrit des plaidoyers de culpabilité pour certaines ou pour l’ensemble des accusations, mais leur peine n’avait pas été déterminée au moment de la préparation de leurs affidavits.


À l’audience d’extradition, l’appelant a demandé la divulgation de l’état des poursuites aux États‑Unis étant donné qu’elles concernent chacune des personnes accusées de complot. L’appelant a également demandé la divulgation de toutes les discussions entre la police canadienne et les procureurs américains concernant la décision des autorités canadiennes de ne pas intenter de poursuites au Canada. L’appelant a également demandé la suspension de la procédure d’extradition ou à défaut, l’exclusion de la preuve par affidavit en vertu du par. 24(2)  de la Charte .


Le juge d’extradition a rejeté les demandes de l’appelant et a ordonné que l’appelant soit incarcéré jusqu’à ce qu’il soit remis aux autorités américaines. L’appelant a interjeté appel de la décision du juge d’extradition devant la Cour d’appel.  L’appelant a également déposé une requête pour présenter une nouvelle preuve. La requête visait certains commentaires du juge saisi du procès de l’appelant relativement aux accusations, advenant le cas où il soit extradé et que le procureur soit assigné au dossier. L’éventuel juge du procès a dit qu’il imposerait la peine maximale à tout comploteur qui contesterait l’extradition. Le procureur a dit à la télévision que ceux qui contesteraient l’extradition auraient la vie plus difficile en bout de ligne puisqu’ils purgeraient des peines plus longues dans des conditions plus rigoureuses. La Cour d’appel a rejeté la requête pour présenter de la nouvelle preuve et a rejeté l’appel.


Origine :                                                                 Ontario


No du greffe :                                                         26912


Jugement de la Cour d’appel :                            le 20 août 1998


Avocats :                                                               Chris N. Buhr et Shayne Kert pour l’appelant

David Littlefield pour l’intimé

26919      Paul Yick Wai Kwok v. The United States of America and Paul Yick Wai Kwok v. The Minister of Justice


Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Criminal law - Extradition - Evidence - Disclosure - Mobility rights - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that consideration of mobility rights under s. 6(1)  of the Charter  is not engaged at the committal stage of extradition proceedings and is beyond the jurisdiction of the extradition judge - Whether consideration of s. 6(1)  is only engaged at the time of the Minister’s decision to surrender the fugitive - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding that the extradition judge was correct in denying the Appellant’s request for additional disclosure - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding that the Minister was correct in denying the Appellant’s request for additional disclosure.


The Appellant is a Canadian citizen.  The Respondent United States of America alleges that the Appellant, while in Canada, supplied heroin from Canada on numerous occasions to co-conspirators who distributed that heroin within the United States, and that, on numerous other occasions while not supplying heroin, he played a critical role in bringing together customers and suppliers and received a share of the resulting profits.


A significant portion of the evidence in the American prosecution is in the form of intercepted telephone conversations involving various co-conspirators, including the Appellant, who himself remained in Canada throughout the relevant period.  At the time of these interceptions by the American authorities, the Appellant was also the object of two authorizations to intercept private communications granted in Canada.  As part of the investigation by the American authorities, the FBI sought and received information regarding the Appellant from the RCMP.


In September 1995, a grand jury in New York returned an indictment with one count of conspiracy to distribute and to possess with intent to distribute heroin, and in October 1995, a second count of conspiracy to import heroin into the United States.  The Respondent United States of America sought the Appellant’s extradition.  Before the commencement of the extradition hearing, the Appellant sought unsuccessfully from Crown counsel in Canada, acting on behalf of the requesting state, complete disclosure of the Canadian police investigation including the applicable authorizations and affidavits used to obtain the authorizations.


The Appellant then brought an application for disclosure before the extradition judge and requested the disclosure of all of the Canadian investigation into the Appellant’s alleged involvement in the trafficking of narcotics and all discussions between Canadian police and American investigative authorities. The extradition judge dismissed the application for disclosure.  The extradition hearing proceeded and the Appellant was committed for surrender .  Following his committal, the Appellant renewed his request for disclosure by letter to counsel acting on behalf of the Minister.  His request was refused.


The Minister ordered the Appellant’s immediate surrender.  The Appellant appealed the extradition judge’s committal order and sought judicial review of the Minister’s decision in the Court of Appeal.  The Court of Appeal dismissed both the appeal and the application for judicial review.


Origin of the case:                                                Ontario


File No.:                                                                 26919


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     August 4, 1998


Counsel:                                                                                Chris N. Buhr and Shayne G. Kert for the Appellant

David Littlefield and Kevin Wilson for the Respondents



26919 Paul Yick Wai Kwok c. Les États‑Unis d'Amérique et Paul Yick Wai Kwok c. Le ministre de la Justice


Charte canadienne des droits et libertés Droit criminel - Extradition ‑ Preuve - Divulgation ‑ Liberté de circulation et d'établissement ‑ La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en concluant que les considérations relatives à la liberté de circulation et d'établissement reconnue à l’art. 6(1)  de la Charte  ne trouvent pas application au stade d’incarcération de la procédure d’extradition, et ne relèvent pas de la compétence du juge d’extradition? - Les considérations relatives à l’art. 6(1) trouvent‑elles seulement application au moment où le ministre prend la décision d’extrader le fugitif? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en décidant que le juge d’extradition a eu raison de refuser la demande de l’appelant pour un supplément de divulgation? - La Cour d’appel a-t-elle commis une erreur en décidant que le ministre a eu raison de refuser la demande de l’appelant pour un supplément de divulgation?


L’appelant est un citoyen canadien. L’intimé, les États‑Unis d'Amérique, allègue que l’appelant, alors qu’il était au Canada, a fourni de l’héroïne du Canada à plusieurs occasions à des comploteurs qui distribuaient l’héroïne aux États‑Unis, et qu’à plusieurs reprises, lorsqu’il ne fournissait pas de l’héroïne, il jouait un rôle critique en agissant à titre d’intermédiaire entre les clients et les fournisseurs et recevait sa quote‑part des profits ainsi générés.


La poursuite américaine repose en grande partie sur de la preuve issue de conversations téléphoniques interceptées; elles impliquent de nombreux comploteurs incluant l’appelant, qui lui, est demeuré au Canada durant toute la période en question. Au moment où les autorités américaines ont effectué ces interceptions, l’appelant faisait également l’objet de deux demandes d’autorisation d’interception de communications privées, qui avaient été accordées au Canada. Dans le cadre de l’enquête menée par les autorités américaines, le F.B.I. a obtenu de la G.R.C. de l’information concernant l’appelant.


Au mois de septembre 1995, une chambre des mises en accusation de l’État de New‑York a retenu un chef d’accusation de complot pour distribution et pour possession avec l’intention de distribuer de l’héroïne, et au mois d’octobre 1995, un deuxième chef d’accusation de complot pour importation d’héroïne aux États‑Unis. L’intimé, les États‑Unis d'Amérique, a demandé l’extradition de l’appelant. Avant le commencement de l’audition de la procédure d’extradition, l’appelant a demandé en vain au substitut du procureur général du Canada, agissant pour le compte de l’État requérant, la divulgation complète de l’enquête policière canadienne incluant les autorisations applicables et les affidavits qui ont été utilisés afin d’obtenir les autorisations.


L’appelant a ensuite présenté une demande de divulgation de la preuve au juge d’extradition et a demandé la divulgation de la totalité de l’enquête menée au Canada sur la participation alléguée de l’appelant au trafic de stupéfiants et de toutes les discussions entre les organismes d’enquête des polices canadienne et américaine. Le juge d’extradition a rejeté la demande de divulgation. L’audience d’extradition a eu lieu et l’appelant a été incarcéré jusqu’à son extradition. À la suite de son incarcération, l’appelant a de nouveau demandé, par voie de lettre à l’avocat agissant pour le compte du ministre, la divulgation de l’information en question. Sa demande a été rejetée.


Le ministre a ordonné l’extradition immédiate de l’appelant. L’appelant a interjeté appel de l’ordonnance d’incarcération émise par le juge d’extradition et a présenté à la Cour d’appel une demande de contrôle judiciaire de la décision du ministre. La Cour d’appel a rejeté l’appel ainsi que la demande de contrôle judiciaire.


Origine :                                                                 Ontario


No du greffe :                                                         26919


Jugement de la Cour d’appel :                            le 4 août 1998


Avocats :                                                               Chris N. Buhr et Shayne G. Kert pour l’appelant

David Littlefield et Kevin Wilson pour les intimés


27610 and 27774   Harry Cobb, Allen Grossman and James Tsioubris v. The United States of America


Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  - Criminal law - Extradition - Jurisdiction of extradition judge at the committal stage of extradition proceedings - Sections 7  and 24  of the Charter .


The Appellants, Canadian citizens, along with several others, were indicted in Pennsylvania on charges of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and the substantive offences of mail fraud and wire fraud relating to the sale of gemstones to American residents.  The Respondent United States of America requested the extradition of the Appellants.  The extradition judge found that the Respondent had made out a prima facie case, but based on statements made by the prosecutor who was to prosecute them and the judge who was to try them, he refused to commit the Appellants.


The extradition judge stayed the proceedings. The Court of Appeal set aside the stay and remitted the matter to the extradition judge. 


Origin of the case:                                                Ontario


File No.:                                                                 27610 and 27774


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                     September 13, 1999 with supplementary reasons on September 27, 1999


Counsel:                                                                                Paul D. Stern for the Appellant Cobb

Brian H. Greenspan Q.C. for the Appellant Grossman

James Stribopoulos for the Appellant Tsioubris

Kevin Wilson for the Respondent



27610 et 27774       Harry Cobb, Allen Grossman et James Tsioubris c. Les États‑Unis d’Amérique


Charte canadienne des droits et libertés  - Droit criminel - Extradition - Compétence du juge d’extradition à l’étape de la décision relative à l’incarcération dans le cadre de procédures d’extradition - Articles 7  et 24  de la Charte .


Les appelants, des citoyens canadiens, ainsi que plusieurs autres personnes, ont été inculpés, en Pennsylvanie, de complot en vue de commettre de la fraude postale et de plusieurs infractions de fraude postale et de fraude par télécommunication relativement à la vente de pierres précieuses à des résidents américains.  Les États‑Unis d’Amérique intimés ont demandé l’extradition des appelants.  Le juge d’extradition a estimé que les intimés avaient établi prima facie le bien‑fondé des accusations, mais, à la lumière de déclaration faites par la personne chargée des poursuites et le juge qui entendrait le procès, il a refusé d’ordonner l’incarcération des appelants.


Le juge d’extradition a ordonné l’arrêt des procédures.  La Cour d’appel a annulé cette décision et renvoyé l’affaire au juge d’extradition.


Origine:                                                  Ontario


No du greffe:                                          27610 et 27774


Jugement de la Cour d’appel:             13 septembre, 1999, motifs supplémentaires déposés le 27 septembre, 1999


Avocats:                                                                Paul D. Stern pour l’appelant Cobb

Brian H. Greenspan, c.r. pour l’appelant Grossman

James Stribopoulos pour l’appelant Tsioubris

Kevin Wilson pour les intimés



CUMULATIVE INDEX -                                                                                                         INDEX CUMULATIF - REQUÊTES

APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE TO                                                                                   EN AUTORISATION DE POURVOI




This index includes applications for leave to appeal standing for judgment at the beginning of 2000 and all the applications for leave to appeal filed or heard in 2000 up to now.


Cet index comprend les requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi en délibéré au début de 2000 et toutes celles produites ou entendues en 2000 jusqu'à maintenant.



*01            Refused/Refusée

*02            Refused with costs/Refusée avec dépens

*03            Granted/Accordée

*04            Granted with costs/Accordée avec dépens

*05            Discontinuance filed/Désistement produit

*06            Others/Autres


*A             Applications for leave to appeal filed/Requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi produites

*B             Submitted to the Court/Soumises à la Cour

*C             Oral Hearing/Audience

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CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                                                                          Statut                       Résultat                                                                       Page                                                                                      



1858-0894 Québec Inc. c. Compagnie d’assurance Standard Life (Qué.), 27302,

   *02 27.1.00                                                                                                                                 1752(99)                           157(00)

2849-6180 Québec Inc. c. 3099-2325 Québec Inc. (Qué.), 27557, *A                              1815(99)

2858-0702 Québec Inc. c. Lac D’Amiante du Québec Ltée (Qué.), 27324, *03

   27.1.00                                                                                                                                         15(00)                               162(00)

2859-8803 Québec Inc. c. Jean Fortin & Associés Inc. (Qué.), 27368, *02 2.3.00           206(00)                             395(00)

156036 Canada Inc. c. Les Pétroles Therrien Inc. (Qué.), 27158, *02 27.1.00                  16(00)                               163(00)

539938 Ontario Ltd. v. Derksen (Ont.), 27524, *A                                                               1519(99)

610990 Ontario Inc. v. Business Development Bank of Canada (Ont.), 27479, *01

   3.2.00                                                                                                                                           19(00)                               214(00)

656203 Ontario Inc. v. Soloway, Wright (Ont.), 27525, *A                                                 1519(99)

A.K. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27697, *A                                                                                         132(00)

Abbott Laboratories, Ltd. v. Nu-Pharm Inc. (F.C.A.), 27051, *B                                        787(99)

AGB Halifax Enterprises Inc. v. Wood Street Developments Inc.  (Ont.), 27668, *A       88(00)

Agricore Cooperative Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27347, *B                                              450(00)

Ahluwalia v. College of Physician and Surgeons of Manitoba (Man.), 27382, *B         491(00)

Aiken v. Aitken (B.C.), 27728, *A                                                                                             294(00)

Albert v. Albert (Ont.), 27637, *A                                                                                             4(00)

Ali c. Compagnie d’Assurance Guardian du Canada (Qué.), 27458, *A                         1319(99)

Alpha Laboratories Inc. v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27419, *A                  1202(99)

Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co. (F.C.A.), 27764, *A                                                                    370(00)

Arcand c. Denharco Inc. (Qué.), 27372, *A                                                                            1145(99)

Arthur c. Procureur général du Canada (C.A.F.), 27772, *A                                             371(00)

Ashmore v. Van Mol (B.C.), 27171, *01 20.1.00                                                                       2013(99)                           98(00)

Askey v The Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia (B.C.), 27607, *A      2010(99)

Association des policiers provinciaux du Québec c. Lauzon (Qué.), 27619, *A             1(00)

Association des radiologistes du Québec c. Rochon (Qué.), 27313, *02 20.1.00              1968(99)                           101(00)

Atlas Industries v. Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board (Sask.), 27402, *A              1150(99)

Atomic Energy Control Board v. Danilow (Ont.), 27632, *A                                              3(00)

Attorney General of Canada v. Matthews (F.C.A.), 27456, *B                                            381(00)

Attorney General of Canada v. Pleau (N.S.), 27770, *A                                                      371(00)

Augustine v. The Queen (N.B.), 27695, *A                                                                              482(00)

Austie v. Aksnowicz (Alta.), 27248, *02 17.2.00                                                                      136(00)                             304(00)

B. G. Schickedanz Investments Ltd. v. Szasz (Ont.), 27557, *A                                           1718(99)

Backman v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27561, *A                                                                            1961(99)

Bacon v. Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (Sask.), 27469, *A                       1490(99)

Bagola v. Ovadya (Ont.), 27691, *A                                                                                        91(00)

Bailey c. The Queen in Right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27427, *A                                             1317(99)

Banca Commerciale Italiana of Canada c. Soeurs du Bon Pasteur de Québec

   (Qué.), 27627, *A                                                                                                                      2(00)

Banque nationale du Canada v. Sous-ministre du Revenu du Québec (Qué.),

   26988, *B                                                                                                                                    1153(99)

Bareau v. Governors of the University of Alberta (Alta.), 27330, *02 27.1.00                   2015(99)                           167(00)

Barreau de Montréal c. Association professionnelle des sténographes officiels du

   Québec (Qué.), 27472, *A                                                                                                       1319(99)

Bayer Inc. v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27436, *A                                          1318(99)

BDO Dunwoody Ltd. v. Superintendant of Bankruptcy (Man.), 27501, *A                      1516(99)

Beamish v. The Queen (P.E.I.), 27545, *A                                                                                369(00)

Beaver Lumber Co. v. Epoch (Ont.), 27193, *01 20.1.00                                                        1912(99)                           104(00)

Béliard c. Husbands (Qué.), 27241, *01 17.2.00                                                                      139(00)                             307(00)

Belships (Far East) Shipping (Pte.) Ltd. v. Canadian Pacific Forest Products Ltd

   (F.C.A.), 27471, *A                                                                                                                   1323(99)

Benard v. The Queen (Man.), 27175, *B                                                                                  386(00)

Ben-Hafsia c. City of Vancouver (B.C.), 27337, *02 27.1.00                                                  18(00)                               153(00)

Berendsen v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27312, *B                                            452(00)

Bernier c. Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec (Qué.), 27416, *A                  1204(99)

Bertrix Corp. c. Valeurs mobilières Desjardins Inc. (Qué.), 27401, *A                             1150(99)

Bérubé c. La Reine (Qué.), 27530, *01 20.1.00                                                                        1966(99)                           99(00)

Bhandar v. Bains (B.C.), 27199, *02 24.2.00                                                                            13(00)                               355(00)

Biron c. Arthur Anderson Inc. (Qué.), 27426, *A                                                                   87(00)

Bloom v. Meditrust Healthcare Inc. (Ont.), 27571, *B                                                          485(00)

Bonamy v. The Queen (B.C.), 27631, *A                                                                                  3(00)

Boston v. Boston (Ont.), 27682, *03 16.3.00                                                                             298(00)                      502(00)

Boudreault c. Procureur général du Canada (C.A.F.), 27660, *A                       87(00)

Braintech Inc. v. Kostiuk (B.C.), 27296, *02 9.3.00                                         297(00)                    453(00)

Brault & Bisaillon (1986) Inc. c. Éditions Le Canada Français Ltée (Qué.), 27409,

   *B                                                                                                           388(00)

Brertton v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *B                                                        441(00)

Brett v. Halifax Regional Municipality (N.S.), 27640, *A                                    4(00)

Bri-Mel Developments Ltd. v. McLaren (Ont.), 27411, *B                                  495(00)                   

British Aviation Insurance Group (Canada) Ltd. v. West Central Air Ltd. (Sask.),

   27590, *A                                                                                                 1790(99)

British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority v. Tenneco Canada Inc. (B.C.),

   27507, *A                                                                                                 1517(99)

Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees v. Litke (Man.), 27622, *A       1(00)

Brown v. Synchronics Inc. (F.C.A.), 27405, *01 16.3.00                                   347(00)                    499(00)

Bruce Agra Foods Inc. v. Trilwood Investments Ltd (Ont.), 27260, *B               207(00)

Bryan v. The Queen (Man.), 27222, *01 3.2.00                                               94(00)                      211(00)

Buck Consultants Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27707, *A                                270(00)

Buhlers v. Superintendent of Motor Vehicles for the Province of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 27268, *01 24.2.00                                                                         203(00)                    352(00)

Bull v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *B                                                              441(00)

Butcher v. Government of St. Lucia (Ont.), 27375, *B                                     497(00)

C.A.L. v. The Queen (N.S.), 27758, *A                                                          372(00)

C.L.L. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), *B                                                            373(00)

C.M.V. v. The Queen (Alta.), 27779, *A                                                         483(00)

Cadillac Fairview Corp. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 27214, *02 3.2.00            92(00)                      209(00)

Cadillac Fairview Corp. v. Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (Sask.),

   27537, *B                                                                                                 445(00)

Comeau c. Comeau, (Qué.), 27692, *A                                                                                    91(00)

Cameron v. Attorney-General of Nova Scotia (N.S.), 27584, *A                        1790(99)

Campbell (Dwaine) v. The Queen (Ont.), 27606, *05 23.12.99                          40(00)                      40(00)

Campbell v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27685, *A                                                   90(00)

Carrie v. The Queen (B.C.), 27684, *A                                                           90(00)

Canada Life Assurance Co. v. Ryan (Nfld.), 27603, *A                                     1961(99)

Canada Post Corp. v. Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (F.C.A.),

   27377, *B                                                                                                 492(00)

Canadian Media Guild, Local 30213 of the Newspaper Guild v. Canadian Broad-

   casting Corp. (Nfld.), 27378, *A                                                                  1146(99)

Cannella v. Toronto Transit Commission (Ont.), 27705, *A                              270(00)

Cardinal v. The Queen (Alta.), 26669, *B                                                        441(00)

Carmichael v. The Queen (Ont.), 27634, *B                                                    373(00)

Carrie v.  The Queen (B.C.), 27684, *A                                                          90(00)

Caswell v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27538, *01 2.3.00                                    272(00)                    392(00)

Cavan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27587, *B                                                 440(00)

Centra Gas Manitoba v. Bohemier (Man.), 27197, *02 20.1.00                         1967(99)                   100(00)

Chan v. Chiasson (Ont.), 27498, *A                                                               1492(99)

Chase Manhattan Bank of Canada v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27740, *A               294(00)

Chaudhary v. The Queen (Ont.), 27672, *A                                                     89(00)

Chung v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27508, *01 27.1.00                                   2014(99)                   165(00)

Claveau c. Durand (Qué.), 27349, *02 2.3.00                                                  274(00)                    397(00)

Club Juridique c. Lafrenière (Qué.), 27633, *A                                                3(00)

Cobb v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27610, *03 17.2.00                 142(00)                    310(00)

Coca-Cola Ltd. v. Pardhan (F.C.A.), 27392, *A                                               1148(99)

Committee for the Equal Treatment of Asbestos Minority Shareholders v. La Reine

   (Ont.), 27252, *03 27.1.00                                                                         1964(99)                   155(00)

Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail c. Société canadienne des postes

   (Qué.), 27311, *B                                                                                      350(00)

Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse c. Centre dhé-

   bergement et de soins de longue durée Champlain-Manoir de Verdun (Qué.),

   27639, *A                                                                                                 4(00)

Commission des lésions professionnelles c. Société canadienne des postes (Qué.),

   27311, *B                                                                                                 350(00)

Commission scolaire dIberville c. Syndicat de lenseignement du Haut-Richelieu

   (Qué.), 27369, *B                                                                                      446(00)

Conex Services Inc. v. Bogner Developments Ltd.  (B.C.), 27671, *A                                89(00)

Conrad v. Imperial Oil Ltd. (N.S.), 27270, *02 2.3.00                                       274(00)                    396(00)

Conroy v. Friesen (B.C.), 27200, *01 27.1.00                                                  11(00)                      151(00)

Conseil scolaire de l’Île de Montréal c. Ville de l’Île Bizard (Qué.), 27651, *A     6(00)

Conway v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27519, *A                              1519(99)

Continentale Compagnie dAssurance du Canada v. Club de Golf Oka Inc (Qué.),

   27379, *A                                                                                                 1146(99)

Co-pac Ltd. v. Toronto-Dominion Bank (Ont.), 27551, *A                                 1717(99)

Corporation of the City of Brampton v. Bisoukis (Ont.), 27742, *A                    295(00)

Corporation of the City of Kelowna v. Labour Relations Board of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 27315, *B                                                                                      299(00)

Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay v. 1037618 Ontario Inc. (Ont.), 27549, *A                             1717(99)

Corporation of the City of Toronto v. Toronto Terminals Railways Co. (Ont.),

   27626, *A                                                                                                 2(00)

Corsano v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27319, *B                                                     451(00)

Côté c. La Reine (Qué.), 27656, *A                                                                88(00)

Coulombe c. Office municipal dhabitation de Pointe-Claire (Qué.), 27536, *A   1790(99)

Couture (François) c. Ferme La Champignière Inc. (Qué.), 27301, *A                1320(99)

Couture (Paul) c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.) 27530, *B                                         1966(99)                  

Crawford v. The Queen (Sask.), 27195, *B                                                     440(00)

Crestwood Lake Ltd. v. Pizzey (Ont.), 27462, *A                                            1322(99)

Dawes v. Jajcaj (B.C.), 27403, *B                                                                  492(00)

Dawson v. Attorney General of Alberta (Alta.), 27629, *B                                 385(00)

De-Jai Holdings Inc. v. Corporation of the City of Guelph (Ont.), 27364, *02 3.2.00                           94(00)  210(00)

Deane v. The Queen (Ont.), 27776, *05 22.2.00                                              461(00)

Del Grande v. Toronto Dominion Bank (Ont.), 27522, *B                                 447(00)

Derksen v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 27642, *B                                            444(00)

Devgan v. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 27567, *B                              374(00)

Devinat c. Commission de lImmigration et du Statut de réfugié (C.A.F.), 27727, *A                          293(00)

Devji v. Corporation of the District of Burnaby (B.C.), 27667, *A                       88(00)

Dick v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27641, *A                                                          4(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Collin (C.A.F.), 27451, *B                    383(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Couture (C.A.F.), 27447, *B                 380(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Cyr (C.A.F.), 27446, *B                       380(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27448, *B                 382(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27449, *B                 384(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Duguay (C.A.F.), 27452, *B                 384(00)

Directeur général, Région du Québec c. Leblanc (C.A.F.), 27450, *B                382(00)

Dobie v. Boushey (Ont.), 27468, *01 23.12.99                                                1817(99)                   21(00)

Dominion Bridge Inc. v. The Queen (Sask.), 27355, *B                                   445(00)

Dominion of Canada General Insurance Co. v. Marchand (Ont.), 27244, *02

   17.2.00                                                                                                                                   141(00) 309(00)

Doody v. Professional Training Committee of the Barreau du Québec (Qué.),

   27334, *02 27.1.00                                                                                    8(00)                        160(00)

Doyle v. The Queen (P.E.I.), 27702, *A                                                          271(00)

Dr. William N. Campbell Professional Corporation v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27687,

   *A                                                                                                           91(00)

Duca Community Credit Union Ltd. v. Sugarman (Ont.), 27417, *A                   1201(99)

Duchesne c. Picard (Qué.), 27625, *A                                                           2(00)

Dunmore v. Attorney General for Ontario (Ont.), 27216, *03 24.2.00                 140(00)                    353(00)

Dwomoh v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Ont.), 27534, *B               495(00)

Eamor v. Air Canada Ltd. (B.C.), 27661, *A                                                    87(00)

Eastern Power Ltd. v. Azienda Comunale Energia & Ambiente (Ont), 27595, *A                               1815(99)

Eholor v. The Queen (Ont.), 27504, *02 6.1.00                                               1963(99)                   22(00)

Elder v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27219, *05 26.1.00                                      752(99)                    181(00)

Ellis-Don Ltd. v. Naylor Group Inc. (Ont.), 27321, *B                                       376(00)

Emballage Graham du Canada Ltée c. Commission des droits de la personne et

   des droits de la jeunesse (Qué.), 27336, *02 17.2.00                                    138(00)                    307(00)

Endean v. The Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia (B.C.), 26679,

   05 19.1.00                                                                                                113(00)                    113(00)

Entreprises Ludco Ltée v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27320, *B                               487(00)

Epstein v. Salvation Army Scarborough Grace General Hospital (Ont.), 27608, *05

   18.2.00                                                                                                                                   2010(99)           362(00)

Estate of Yuan Vercingetorix Woo v. Privacy Commissioner of Canada (F.C.A.)

   27497, *B                                                                                                 490(00)

Éthier c. Entreprises P. F. St-Laurent (Qué.), 27413, *02 2.3.00                       275(00)                    398(00)

Favreau c. Productions Avanti Cinévidéo Inc. (Qué.), 27527, *A                       1519(99)

Flamand c. La Reine (Qué.), 27589, *B                                                          444(00)

Feuerweker c. La Reine (Ont.), 27664, *A                                                      88(00)

Firm of Kirkland, Murpphy & Ain v. Wernikowski (Ont.), 27763, *A                   483(00)

Filmaier v. O.K.W. Ltd. (Ont.) 27700, *A                                                        269(00)

Flexi-Coil Ltd. v. Bourgault Industries Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Sask.), 27273, *B               377(00)

Fortin c. Fonds dassurance responsabilité professionnelle dela chambre des

   notaires du Québec (Qué.), 27400, *A                                                         1149(99)

Franks v. Attorney General of British Columbia (B.C.), 27414, *01 2.3.00         272(00)                    392(00)

Francis v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Ont.), 27615, *B                 137(00)

Fraternité des préposés à lentretien des voies c. Canadien Pacifique Ltée (Qué.),

   27434, *A                                                                                                 1317(99)

Friedland v. United States of America (Ont.), 27773, *A                                  439(00)

Friends of the West Country Association v. Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

   (F.C.A.), 27644, *A                                                                                   5(00)

Frito Lay Canada Ltd. v. Heynen (Ont.), 27628, *A                                          2(00)

G.P. c. S.B. (Qué.), 27593, *02 3.2.00                                                           95(00)                      211(00)

Gajic v. Wolverton Securities Ltd. (B.C.), 27679, *A                                        269(00)

Gajic (Dragisa) v. The Queen (B.C.), 27750, *A                                              482(00)

Galuego v. Canadian Human Rights Commission (F.C.A.), 27553, *A               1718(99)

Gauthier c. Gauthier (Qué.), 27592, *A                                                           1790(99)

Gavelin v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27686, *A                                                      90(00)

General Manager, Liquor Control v. Ocean Port Hotel Ltd. (B.C.), 27371, *03

   16.3.00                                                                                                                                   377(00) 501(00)

Gill v. Gill (B.C.), 27025, *B                                                                          496(00)

Glaxo Group Ltd. v. Novopharm Ltd. (F.C.A.), 27457, *A                                 1318(99)

Glengarry Bingo Association v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27166, *A                        773(99)

Godbout c. Municipalité de la paroisse de St-Pie (Qué.), 27428, *A                  1203(99)

Golden v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27547, *B                                                143(00)

Gorenko v. The Queen (Qué.), 27266, *03 27.1.00                                          1965(99)                   155(00)

Gordon v. Winnipeg Canoe Club (Man.), 27358, *B                                         442(00)

Gosselin c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 27418, *A                             1201(99)

Gramaglia v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27729, *A                          294(00)

Grant v. The Queen (Ont.), 27243, *B                                                            1151(99)

Great Lakes Power Ltd. v. Regional Assessment Commissioner, Region No. 31

   (Ont.), 27532, *A                                                                                      1520(99)

Greater Europe Mission (Canada) v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27696, *A                 269(00)

Groleau-Roberge c. Paradis (Qué.), 27591, *A                                                1790(99)

Grossman v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27610, *03 17.2.00          142(00)                    310(00)

Guignard c. Ville de Saint-Hyacinthe (Qué.), 27704, *A                                    269(00)

Guilbault v. Investors Group Trust Co. (Ont.), 27613, *A                                 2010(99)

Guyot c. La Reine (Qué.), 27739, *A                                                              346(00)

H.K. c. Le tribunal de la jeunesse (Qué.), 27745, *A                                       346(00)

Halteren v. Wilhelm (B.C.), 27786, *A                                                            484(00)

Hammell v. Friesen (B.C.), 27200, *01 27.1.00                                               11(00)                      151(00)

Harel c. Montambault (Qué.), 27517, *A                                                         1518(99)

Hayat v. Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto (Ont.), 27698, *A                269(00)

Hettema Inc. v. Claude & Conrad Toner Ltd. (N.B.), 27755, *A                         369(00)

Hollick v. City of Toronto (Ont.), 27699, *A                                                     293(00)

Huard c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 27530, *B                                                    1966(99)

Hynes v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27443, *03 27.1.00                                    1816(99)                   149(00)

Imperial Oil Ltd. v. Lloyd (Alta.), 27744, *A                                                     296(00)

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia v. Bevacqua (B.C.), 27614, *A         2010(99)

Interboro Mutual Indemnity Insurance Co. v. Guardian Insurance Company of

   Canada (Ont.), 27431, *A                                                                          1317(99)

Isert v. Santos (B.C.), 27190,*02 17.2.00                                                       93(00)                      300(00)

J.H. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27670, *A                                                              89(00)

Jabarianha v. The Queen (B.C.), 27725, *A                                                    201(00)

Jagna Limited c. Techno Bloc Inc.  (C.A.F.), 27657, *A                                  88(00)

Jazairi v. Ontario Human Rights Commission (Ont.), 27500, *A                       1492(99)

Joly v. The Queen (Ont.), 27715, *A                                                              201(00)

Jordan v. Salgado de Leon (Sask.), 27404, *02 17.2.00                                   134(00)                    302(00)

Jorgensen c. Crédit M.P. Ltée (Qué.), 27560, *A                                             1719(99)

Jumelle c. Soloway (Man.), 27701, *B                                                            450(00)

K.M.C. v. The Queen (Nfld.), 27731, *A                                                          295(00)

Kadziolka v. Royal Bank of Canada (Sask.), 27220, *02 17.2.00                      747(99)                    303(00)

Kakfwi v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27577, *A                                                       1788(99)

Karamouzos v. John and Jane Doe (B.C.), 27780, *A                                     483(00)

Katriuk v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27741 , *A             372(00)

Kebe c. Agbor (Qué.), 27612, *A                                                                   2010(99)

Kelemen v. El-Homeira (Ont.), 27693, *A                                                       293(00)

Ken Toby Ltd. v. British Columbia Buildings Corp. (B.C.), 27326, *02 17.2.00   133(00)                    304(00)

Khan v. The Queen (Ont.), 27737,  *A                                                           372(00)

Kiloh v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27511, *B                                                         375(00)

Kieling v. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (Sask.), 27322, *01 27.1.00                    17(00)                      153(00)

Kilkanis v. Allstate Insurance Company of Canada (Ont.), 27309, *B                388(00)

Kinkartz v. Kinkartz (Ont.), 27689, *B                                                           390(00)

Kloepfer v. The Queen (N.S.), 27453, *A                                                        1322(99)

Kosikar v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27604, *B                                               386(00)

Ku v. The Queen (B.C.), 27466, *A                                                                1323(99)

Lackowiak v. Maple Engineering & Construction Canada (Ont.), 27562, *A       1719(99)

Lafrentz v. Michel (Alta.), 27234, *02 24.2.00                                                 202(00)                    352(00)

Lamerton & Associates Professional Surveyors v. Quinn (Y.T.), 27746, *A       295(00)

Lamy c. Société canadienne des postes (Qué.), 27311, *B                              350(00)

Langlois c. La Reine (Qué.), 27430, *A                                                          1203(99)

Lanteigne c. La Reine (Crim.)(N.-B.), 27528, *01 27.1.00                                 15(00)                      162(00)

Lapointe v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 26578, *06 The case is remanded to the Court

    of Appeal of Alberta to be reconsidered in accordance with the decision of this

   Court in Her Majesty the Queen v. Thomas Andrew Bunn (Crim.)(Man.)(26339),

   Her Majesty the Queen v. Jeromie Keith D. Proulx (Crim.)(Man.)(26376), Her

   Majesty the Queen v. R.A.R. (Crim.)(Man.)(26377), Her Majesty the Queen v.

   R.N.S. (Crim.)(B.C.)(26462), Her Majesty the Queen v. L.F.W. (Crim.)(Nfld.)

   (26329)./Laffaire est renvoyée à la Cour dAppel de lAlberta pour réexamen

   conformément à larrêt de notre Cour dans Sa Majesté la Reine c. Thomas Andrew

   Bunn (Crim.)(Man.)(26339), Sa Majesté la Reine c. Jeromie Keith D. Proulx

   (Crim.)(Man.)(26376), Sa Majesté la Reine c. R.A.R. (Crim.)(Man.)(26377), Sa

   Majesté la Reine c. R.N.S. (Crim.)(B.C.)(26462), Sa Majesté la Reine c. L.F.W.

   (Crim.)(T.-N.)(26329) 3.2.00.                                                                      1134(98)                   209(00)

Laufer v. Bucklaschuk (Man.), 27761, *A                                                       370(00)

Laurendeau c. La Reine (Qué.), 27563, *02 20.1.00                                         2011(99)                   102(00)

Lavoie v. The Queen in Right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27427, *A                            1317(99)

Lawpost, a division of Legal Research Consultants Inc. v. New Brunswick (N.B.),

   27683, *A                                                                                                                                   90(00)

Lenhardt v. The Queen (B.C.), 27396, *02 17.2.00                                          138(00)                    306(00)

Lévesque c. Commission des lésions professionnelles (Qué.), 27535, *A          1520(99)

Lévesque Automobile Ltée c. Denis (Qué.), 27730, *A                                     294(00)

Lewis Energy Management Inc. v. MacKinnon (Ont.), 27294, *02 2.3.00            204(00)                    393(00)

LHeureux c. Fortin (Qué), 27350, *B                                                             493(00)

Lim v. Lim (B.C.), 27635, *A                                                                         3(00)

Locke c. City of Calgary (Alta.), 27385, *B                                                     208(00)

Lord v. Maritime Life Assurance Co. (Ont.), 27630, *B                                     146(00)

Lortie c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions professionnelles (Qué.), 27331,

   *02 2.3.00                                                                                                204(00)                    394(00)

Lowe v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (N.S.), 27533, *A                                             1520(99)

Luscar Ltd. v. Smoky River Coal Ltd. (Alta.), 27432, *05 12.1.00                      1317(99)                   113(00)

M.E.P. c. K.R.O. (Qué.), 27602, *02 27.1.00                                                  8(00)                        160(00)

Mach v. The Queen (Ont.), 27674, *A                                                            89(00)

MacPherson v. Adga Systems International Inc. (Ont.), 27184, *B                   485(00)

Madsen v. The Queen (F.C.A.) 27473, *A                                                      1324(99)

Magda v. St. Catharines Standard, a division of Southam Inc. (Ont.), 27420, *A                               1202(99)

Marcoux v. Bouchard (Qué.), 27554, *A                                                          1718(99)

Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline Management Ltd. v. Union of Nova Scotia

   Indians (F.C.A.), 27262, *01 17.2.00                                                           135(00)                    302(00)

Markel Insurance Co. of Canada v. Azevedo (Alta.), 27663, *A                        88(00)

Martens v. Gulfstream Resources Canada Ltd. (Alta.), 27638, *A                     4(00)

Martin v. Municipalité de la paroisse de St-Hubert (Qué.), 27568, *A                 1787(99)

Mathers c. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (B.C.), 27387, *02 16.3.00                               349(00) 504(00)

Mattel Canada Inc. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27174, *03 16.3.00                        10(00)                      500(00)

Mayer Diamond c. Surintendant des faillites (Qué.), 27460, *A                         1442(99)

McCorrister v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27677, *A                        89(00)

McDonald v. Lesage (Ont.), 27365, *01 2.3.00                                                205(00)                    395(00)

McKinley v. B.C. Tel (B.C.), 27410, *B                                                           488(00)

Melville v. NBD Bank (Ont.), 27754, *A                                                          486(00)

Mennes (Emile) v. Attorney-General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27588, *A                  1790(99)

Mennes (Emile) v. Attorney-General of Canada (Ont.), 27706, *A                     270(00)

Merasty v. The Queen (Sask.), 27756, *A                                                      370(00)

Merck Frosst Canada Inc. v. Minister of National Health and Welfare (F.C.A.),

   27370, *02 17.2.00                                                                                    96(00)                      309(00)

Metzner v. Metzner (B.C.), 27529, *06 (The Court of Appeal having rendered its

   decision on the basis of the impact on custodial arrangements occasioned by the

   application of the Federal Child Support Guidelines, and under s. 17(6.2) of the

   Divorce Act , without the benefit of the judgment of this Court in Francis v. Baker,

   [1999] 3 S.C.R. 250, which provides for support corresponding to the actual

   conditions of the children, the matter is remanded to the Court of Appeal to be

   disposed of in accordance with the decision in Francis v. Baker/Étant donné que

   la Cour dappel a rendu sa décision en fonction de lincidence de lapplication des

   Lignes directrices fédérales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants sur les

   modalités de la garde, et du par. 17(6.2)  de la Loi sur le divorce , sans bénéficier

   de larrêt de notre Cour Francis c. Baker, [1999] 3 R.C.S. 250, qui prescrit une

   pension alimentaire correspondant aux conditions de vie réelles des enfants,

   laffaire est renvoyée à la Cour dappel pour que celle-ci la tranche conformément

   à larrêt Francis c. Baker) 27.1.00                                                              1910(99)                   159(00)

Midland Mortgage Corp. v. Jawl & Bundon (B.C.), 27520, *A                            1519(99)

Millette (Régent) c. Individual Investment Corp.(Qué.), 27585, *A                      1790(99)

Millette (Régent) c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 27605, *A                                            1962(99)

Ministère des affaires municipales c. Communauté urbaine de Québec (Qué.),

   27455, *A                                                                                                 1318(99)

Ministry of Finance v. Higgins (Ont.), 27191, *02 20.1.00                                 1969(99)                   105(00)

Minors v. Toronto Sun Publishing Corp. (Ont.), 27518, *A                                1518(99)

Mohammed v. The Queen in right of Canada (F.C.A.), 27690, *A                     91(00)

Mole Construction Inc. c. Compagnie dassurances Canadian Surety (Qué.), 27643,

   *A                                                                                                           5(00)

Monenco Ltd. v. Commonwealth Insurance Co. (B.C.), 27258, *03 16.3.00        273(00)                    502(00)

Montreuil c. Directeur de l’État civil (Qué.), 27621, *A                                      1(00)

Morris v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.), 27354, *B                                447(00)

Morrow (Valerie) v. Constantini (B.C.), 27332, *01 3.2.00                                 12(00)                      212(00)

Morrow (Valerie) v. Acedemy Mechanical Services Ltd. (Alta.), 27531, *A          1589(99)

Morrow (Valerie) v. The Queen (Alta.), 27441,*02 20.1.00                                1911(99)                   103(00)

Mulligan v. The Queen (Alta.), 27726, *A                                                        482(00)

Mullings v. The Queen (Ont.), 27710, *A                                                        369(00)

Nadeau v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27478, *01 27.1.00                                  1820(99)                   164(00)

Narvey v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27785, *A               483(00)

Nelson (Terrance) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 27594, *01 17.2.00                  92(00)                      300(00)

Nelson (Vena) v. Lodin (Ont.), 27437, *A                                                        1204(99)

Nette v. The Queen (B.C.), 27669, *A                                                            88(00)

Nichols Gravel Ltd. v. Corporation of the Township of Delhi (Ont.), 27720, *A    293(00)

Nourcy c. Compagnie dAssurance-vie Transamerica du Canada (Qué.), 27335,*B                           207(00)

Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital (Ont.), 27425, *B                                         378(00)

Oerlikon Aérospatiale Inc. c. La Reine (C.A.F.), 27352, *A                              1045(99)

Offei-Tsumasi v. The Queen (Ont.), 27749, *A                                               372(00)

Oger c. Boulakia (Ont.), 27681, *B                                                                390(00)

OGrady v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.) 27278, *01 23.12.99                                1816(99)                   21(00)

ONeill c. Sirois (Qué.) 27464, *05 10.2.00                                                     1322(99)                   316(00)

Olszynko v. Larocque (Ont.), 27665, *A                                                         88(00)

Olympia Interiors Ltd. v. Her Majesty The Queen (F.C.A.), 27550, *02 20.1.00   1969(99)                   105(00)

Ontario Power Generation Inc. v. Minister of Revenue (Ont.), 27435, *A            1203(99)

Osoyoos Indian Band v. Town of Oliver (B.C.), 27408, *A                                1200(99)

P. (G.) v. B. (S.) (Qué.), 27583, *A                                                                1908(99)

Palmer v. The Queen (Sask.), 27574, *A                                                       1788(99)

Pan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27424, *03 27.1.00                                       2012(99)                   150(00)

Panduit Corp. v. Thomas & Betts Lld. (F.C.A.), 27789, *A                               484(00)

Paramount Resources Ltd. v. Metis Settlements Appeal Tribunal Existing Leases

   Land Access Panel (Alta.), 27743, *A                                                         296(00)

Pardee Equipment Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 27165, *01 20.1.00          2013(99)                   98(00)

Paquet c. Les Banquets Fine-Gueule Inc. (Qué.), 27569, *A                            1787(99)

Pascal c. Household Trust Co. (Qué.), 27769, *A                                           371(00)

Patterson v. Attorney General of British Columbia (B.C.), 27757, *A                 372(00)

Paul DAoust Construction Ltd. v. Markel Insurance Company of Canada (Ont.),

   27438, *A                                                                                                 1318(99)

Pawar v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27578, *A                                                        1788(99)

Penty v. The Law Society of British Columbia (B.C.), 27676, *A                       89(00)

Persaud v. The Queen (Ont.), 27771, *A                                                        371(00)

Pham v. The Queen (B.C.), 27572, *B                                                           489(00)

Phillips v. R. D. Realty Ltd. (Ont.), 27566, *A                                                 1787(99)

Placements R.I.O. Inc. c. La Reine (Qué.), 27454, *A                                     1442(99)

Poulin c. Solidarité, Compagnie dassurance sur la vie (Qué.), 27303, *01 27.1.00                            1751(99)           156(00)

Premier Horticulture Ltée c. Lévesque (Qué.), 27654, *A                                  7(00)

Prévost-Masson c. Perras (Qué.), 27623, *A                                                   2(00)

Procureur général du Canada c. Thibault (C.A.F.), 27445, *B                           379(00)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Le Camp Watchichou Inc. (Qué.), 27463, *A                               1322(99)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Raymond, Chabot Inc. (Qué.), 27653, *A     7(00)

Procureure générale du Québec c. Ville de l’Île Bizard (Qué.), 27651, *A           6(00)

Provincial Superior v. Health Services Restructuring Commission (Ont.), 27475,

   *02 17.2.00                                                                                              202(00)                    305(00)

Quinlan v. The Queen in Right of Newfoundland (Nfld.), 27510, *A                    1518(99)

R. c. Bolduc (Crim.)(Qué.), 27580, *B                                                            387(00)

R. c. Cinous (Qué.), 27788, *A                                                                      483(00)

R. v. Denton (Crim.)(Qué.), 27579, *B                                                            448(00)

R. v. Dew (Crim.)(Man.), 27017, *01 27.1.00                                                   202(99)                    148(00)

R. v. Groot (Crim.)(Ont.), 26929, 4.3.99 (The application for leave to cross-appeal

   is dismissed/la demande dautorisation dappel incident est rejetée)              393(99)                   

R. v. Hoyles (Nfld.), 27678, *A                                                                                                   90(00)

R. c. Kébreau (Crim.)(Qué.), 27114, *01 27.1.00                                             667(99)                    148(00)

R. c. Maxwell (Qué.), 27759, *A                                                                     482(00)

R. v. McIntosh (Ont.), 27768, *A                                                                   371(00)

R. v. Mentuck (Man.), 27738, *A                                                                   439(00)

R. c. Parent (Qué.), 27652, *A                                                                      6(00)

R. v. Peters (Crim.)(Qué.), 27581, *B                                                             449(00)

R. v. Rulli (Crim.)(Ont.), 27338, *01 27.1.00                                                    2015(99)                   166(00)

R. v. Sheppard (Nfld.), 27439, *A                                                                   1204(99)

R. v. Singleton (F.C.A.), 27477, *B                                                                488(00)

R. v. Walls (F.C.A.), 27724, *A                                                                     201(00)

R. v. Ward (Nfld.), 27717, *A                                                                         293(00)

R. in right of Alberta v. Alberta Provincial Judges Association (Alta.), 27516, *A                             1518(99)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Beadle (B.C.), 27318, *B        494(00)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Davies (B.C.), 27318, *B        494(00)

R. in right of the Province of British Columbia v. Rumley (B.C.), 27721, *A       201(00)

R. in right of the Province of New Brunswick v. Mackin (N.B.), 27722, *A          201(00)

Rahall v. Superintendent of Financial Institutions (Ont.), 27648, *A                  5(00)

Ramlall v. Ontario International Medical Graduate Program (Ont.), 27444, *B    145(00)

Rauw v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27688, *A                                                         91(00)

Razac v. Lehrer (Qué.), 27552, *A                                                                 1718(99)

Reeves v. Arsenault (P.E.I.), 27086, *A                                                         1147(99)

Richelieu Métal Inc. v. Éditions Le Canada Français Ltée (Qué.), 27409, *B       288(00)

Rideout v. The Queen (Nfld.), 27675, *A                                                         295(00)

Roberts v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27641, *A                                                     5(00)

Robertson v. Ontario Human Rights Commission (Ont.), 27514, *A                  1518(99)

Rocky Mountain Ecosystem Coalition v. Joint Review Panel (F.C.A.)(Alta.),

   25618, *06 Application for leave to appeal deemed abandoned/demande

   dautorisation dappel réputée abandonnée 24.3.97                                       1958(96)

Rodrigue c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 26884, *A                             1657(98)

Romkey v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27777, *A                                                     372(00)

Rosati v.Liakus (Ont.), 27719, *A                                                                  201(00)

Roy v. The Queen (Ont.), 27650, *05 21.12.99                                                87(00)                      113(00)

Royal Shirt Co. v. Ontario Labour Relations Board (Ont.), 27412, *B                 497(00)

Ruggeberg v. Bancomer, S.A. (Ont.), 27344, *02 16.3.00                                347(00)                    499(00)

Ruttan v. The Queen (Ont.), 27736, *A                                                          296(00)

S. (B.) v. Director of Child, Family and Community Service (B.C.), 27048, *A    779(99)

Sam Lévy & Associés Inc. c. 2858-4665 Québec Inc. (Qué.), 27327, *02 20.1.00                             2011(99)           102(00)

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27346, *B                         450(00)

Saskferco Products Inc. v. Wellington Insurance Co. (Sask.), 27218, *02 17.2.00                            133(00) 301(00)

Sauve v. The Chief Electoral Officer of Canada (F.C.A.), 27677, *A                 89(00)

Sawyer c. La Reine (Qué.), 27115, *A                                                            329(99)

Schepanow v. The Queen in right of Ontario (F.C.A.), 27733, *A                      294(00)

Scott (Douglas) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27587, *A                                    440(00)

Scott (Yvette) v. Continental Insurance Co. of Canada (Ont.), 27573, *A           1788(99)

Sekhon v. The Queen (B.C.), 27647, *A                                                        5(00)

Serin Holdings Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27499, *A                                     1516(99)

Serré c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 27470, *01 27.1.00                                        1964(99)                   154(00)

Seward v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27298, *01 9.3.00                                    297(00)                    453(00)

Sheppard v. Bank of Montreal (Sask.), 27407, *A                                           1200(99)

Sherriah v. The Queen in right of Canada (Y.T.), 27762, *A                              370(00)

Shuman v. Ontario New Home Warranty Program (Ont.), 27256, *B                  276(00)

Sidbec-Dosco (ISPAT) Inc. c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions profes-

   sionnelles (Qué.), 27716, *A                                                                      270(00)

Sidbec-Dosco (ISPAT) Inc. c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions profes-

   sionnelles (Qué.), 27718, *A                                                                      270(00)

Simon (Christopher) v. Simon (Ont.), 27723, *B                                              389(00)

Simon (Llewelyn) v. The Queen (Ont.), 27345, *02 16.3.00                               348(00)                    503(00)

Singh v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27747, *A                295(00)

Singh v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27491, *A                1491(99)

Smith v. New Brunswick Human Rights Commission (N.B.), 27596, *A             1815(99)

Snider v. Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses (Man.), 27783, *A           483(00)

Société en commandite 2858-9893 Québec c. 2420-3242 Québec Inc.  (Qué.),

   27673, *A                                                                                                 89(00)

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Canadian

   Association of Broadcasters (F.C.A.), 27304, *B                                         349(00)

Sokolov v. Minister of Immigration and Citizenship (F.C.A.)(Que.), 27328, *01

   27.1.00                                                                                                                                   14(00)  167(00)

Sokolov v. Ministry of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.), 27546, *A           1717(99)

Solunac c. Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (Qué.), 27636, *A         4(00)

Spire Freezers Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27415, *A                                     1201(99)

St-Jean v. Mercier (Qué.), 27515, *A                                                              1518(99)

Stanwick v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 27366, *B                                           20(00)

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Vijeyekumar (Ont.), 27484, *A                               1490(99)

Steckmar National Realty & Investment Corp. v. Mirabelle (Qué.), 27760, *A    370(00)

Stenset v. The Queen (Queen)(Alta.), 27465, *01 27.1.00                                17(00)                      152(00)

Stone v. Wellington County Board of Education (Ont.), 27389, *B                    443(00)

Stromberg v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 27183, *01 27.1.00                              10(00)                      150(00)

Susin v. Harper Haney and White (Ont.), 27221, *02 20.1.00                           1970(99)                   106(00)

Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada v. McIsaac (B.C.), 27373, *02 23.12.99                             1909(99)           22(00)

Suresh v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (F.C.A.), 27790, *A                 484(00)

Syndicat canadien de la Fonction publique, section locale 302 c. Ville de Verdun

   (Qué.), 27461 , *A                                                                                     1490(99)

Syndicat des employé(es) du C.E.V. d’Aylmer c. Pavillon du Parc (Qué.), 27680,

   *A                                                                                                                                               90(00)

Syndicat des fonctionnaires municipaux de Montréal SCFP Section locale 429

   c. Communauté urbaine de Montréal (Qué.), 27600, *A                                 1961(99)

Syndicat des travailleurs des pavillons jeunesse v. Boivert (Qué.), 27548, *A    1717(99)

Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes c. Société canadienne des postes

   (Qué.), 27539, *A                                                                                      1716(99)

Syndicat national des employés de laluminium dAlma Inc. c. Fédération des

   syndicats du secteur de laluminium Inc. (Qué.), 27272, *A                          776(99)

Szasz v. Standard Trust Co. (Ont.), 27558, *A                                               1718(99)

T.V. v. The Queen (Ont.), 27556, *B                                                              375(00)

Tait v. Royal Insurance Company of Canada (N.S.), 27422, *A                         1202(99)

Tamimi v. Toronto Hospital (Western Division) (Ont.), 27509, *A                      1517(99)

Tejani v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 27459, *B                                                 142(00)

Terra Energy Ltd. v. Kilborn Engineering Alberta Ltd. (Alta), 27341, *02 27.1.00                               1970(99)           165(00)

Thangarajan v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (F.C.A.), 27713, *A          271(00)

The Gazette c. Syndicat canadien des communications, de l’énergie et du papier,

   section locale 145 (Qué.), 27753, *A                                                           369(00)

Thériault c. Commission dappel en matière de lésions professionnelles (Qué.),

   27624, *A                                                                                                 7(00)

Thiffault c. Caisse populaire St-Frédéric La Poudrière (Qué.), 27544, *A            1(00)

Thomas v. Alcan Aluminium Ltd. (B.C.), 27583, *A                                         1908(99)

Thomas-Robinson v. Song (Ont.), 27323, *02 27.1.00                                     9(00)                        161(00)

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. Peat Marwick Thorne Inc. (Ont.), 27570, *A             1787(99)

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. Schumacher (Ont.), 27423, *02 20.1.00                  1967(99)                   100(00)

Total Leisure R.V. Manufacturing Ltd. v. Olympic Building Systems Ltd. (Man.),

   27357, *B                                                                                                 487(00)

Tourigny c. La Reine (Qué.), 27646, *05 11.1.00                                             113(00)                    113(00)

Trifox, Inc. v. Angoss II Partnership (Ont.), 27649, *A                                     6(00)

Tri-Tex Co. c. Gideon (Qué.), 27575, *A                                                         1788(99)

Trussler v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27542, *A                                                     1716(99)

Tsioubris v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 27774, *03 2.3.00             387(00)                    398(00)

Turmel c. La Reine (Qué.), 27752, *A                                                            369(00)

Twin City Mechanical v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.), 27196, *02 17.2.00                              136(00) 305(00)

Ulybel Enterprises Ltd. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27543, *B                         144(00)

Union québécoise pour la conservation de la nature c. Brassard (Qué.), 27421, *A                            1202(99)

United States of America v. Cheema (B.C.), 27467, *B                                   1746(99)

United Transportation Union v. International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers

   (F.C.A.), 27765, *A                                                                                   370(00)

Vachon (Danyèle) c. Ville de Montréal (Qué.), 27565, *A                                  1787(99)

Vachon (Réjean) c. Caisse Desjardins Lachine/St-Pierre (Qué.), 27703, *A       269(00)

Vanek v. Great Atlantic & Pacific Co. of Canada, 27735, *A                            294(00)

Varma c. Canada Post Corporation (F.C.A.), 27662, *B                                   146(00)

Venturedyne Ltd. v. General Refractories Co. of Canada Ltd. (Ont.), 27310, *B 276(00)

Vigi Santé Ltée c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 27351, *B                    378(00)

Vik v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Alberta (Alta),

   27359, *B                                                                                                 376(00)

Ville dAmos c. Raymond, Chabot Inc. (Qué.), 27653, *A                                6(00)

Ville de l’Île Bizard c. Conseil scolaire de l’Île-de-Montréal (Qué.), 27651, *A     6(00)

Ville de Montréal c. Canderel Ltd. (Qué.), 27398, *B                                        490(00)

Ville de Montréal c. Samen Investments Inc. (Qué.), 27503, *A                        1516(99)

Ville de Sept-Îles c. Syndicat de la Fonction publique, section locale 2589 (Qué.)

   27291, *03 27.1.00                                                                                    1909(99)                   158(00)

Walters v. Northland Bank (In Liquidation) (B.C.), 27293, *B                            277(00)

Waterloo County Board of Education v. Kennedy (Ont.), 27481, *B                   145(00)

Web Offset Publications Ltd. v. Vickery (Ont.), 27505, *A                              1517(99)

Westec Aerospace Inc. v. Raytheon Aircraft Co. (B.C.), 27356, *B                  443(00)

Westergard-Thorpe v. Attorney General of Canada (Man.), 27778, *A               483(00)

White Spot Limited v. British Columbia Labour Relations Board (B.C.), 27249,

   *02 17.2.00                                                                                              139(00)                    308(00)

Wilson (Kathleen A.) v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(N.S.), 27283, *02 3.2.00               19(00)                      214(00)

Wilson (Ronald H.) v. Anderson (Ont.), 27523, *A                                           1519(99)

Witte v. Workers Compensation Board of the Northwest Territories (N.W.T.),

   27751, *A                                                                                                 369(00)

World Relief Canada v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27694, *A                                   269(00)

Wu v. The Queen (Crim.)(Qué.), 27599, *B                                                     95(00)

Zellers Inc. v. Sharab Developments Ltd. (B.C.), 27211, *02 10.2.00                96(00)                      278(00)

Zellinski v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 27748, *A                                                    295(00)

Zundel v. Boudria (Ont.), 27655, *A                                                               7(00)

Zurich Insurance Co. v. Parkway Enterprises Ltd. (Nfld.), 27486, *A                 1491(99)

CUMULATIVE INDEX ‑ APPEALS                                    INDEX CUMULATIF ‑ POURVOIS



This index includes appeals standing for judgment at the beginning of 2000 and all appeals heard in 2000 up to now.


Cet index comprend les pourvois en délibéré au début de 2000 et tous ceux entendus en 2000 jusqu'à maintenant.



*01 dismissed/rejeté

*02 dismissed with costs/rejeté avec dépens

*03 allowed/accueilli

­*04 allowed with costs/accueilli avec dépens

*05 discontinuance/désistement


                                                                                                                                                   Hearing/                         Judgment/

CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                                                                      Audition                          Jugement




Arrance v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26802                                                                          1780(99)

Arsenault-Cameron v. Government of Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.), 26682, *04

   13.1.00                                                                                                                                    1777(99)                           41(00)

Arthurs v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26800                                                                           1780(99)

Avetysan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 27279                                                                       227(00)

Board of Police Commissioners of the City of Regina c. Regina Police Association

   (Sask.), 26871, *04 2.3.00                                                                                                     1805(99)                           408(00)

British Columbia Human Rights Commission v. Blencoe (B.C.), 26789                        182(00)

British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal v. Blencoe (B.C.), 26789                              182(00)

British Columbia Securities Commission v. Global Securities Corp. (B.C.), 26887

   03 25.1.00                                                                                                                               183(00)                             183(00)

Camco Inc. c. Whirlpool Corp. (F.C.A.), 27208                                                                 2033(99)

Corporation of the Town of Ajax v. National Automobile, Aerospace and Agricul-

   tural Implement Workers Union of Canada (Ont.), 26994                                            318(00)

Darrach v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 26564                                                                         364(00)

Ellis-Don Ltd. v. Ontario Labour Relations Board (Ont.), 26709                                  317(00)

Free World Trust c. Électro Santé Inc. (Qué.), 26406                                                       2032(99)

Friedmann Equity Developments Inc. v. Adatia (Ont.), 26971                                        227(00)

G. (A.) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 26924                                                                            1561(99)

G.D.B. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 27240                                                                           228(00)

Granovsky v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.), 26615                     1804(99)

Ingles v. Corporation of the City of Toronto (Ont.), 26634, *04 2.3.00                          1564(99)                           408(00)

K.L.W. v. Winnipeg Child and Family Services (Man.), 26779                                       406(00)

Lindsay v. Workers’ Compensation Board (Sask.), 26954, *01 20.1.00                          116(00)                             116(00)

Lovelace c. The Queen in Right of Ontario (Ont.), 26165                                                2028(99)

Maytag Crop. c. Whirlpool Corp. (F.C.A.), 27209                                                            2033(99)

Minister of Justice v. Burns (Crim.)(B.C.), 26129                                                                504(99)

Molodowic v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 26645                                                                  1561(99)

Morrissey v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 26703                                                                      2030(99)

N. (F.) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 26805                                                                           1741(99)

Nanaimo (City) v. Rascal Trucking Ltd. (B.C.), 26786, *04 2.3.00                                 1742(99)                           408(00)

Placements Armand Laflamme Inc. c. Roy (Qué.), 26659                                                 1740(99)

R. v. Biniaris (Crim.)(B.C.), 26570                                                                                         1561(99)

R. v. Brooks (Crim.)(Ont.), 26948, *03 17.2.00                                                                     1563(99)                           320(00)

R. v. Bunn (Crim.)(Man.), 26339, *01 31.1.00                                                                       869(99)                             230(00)

R. v. D.D. (Crim.)(Ont.), 27013                                                                                                509(00)

R. c. J. (J.-L.) (Crim.)(Qué.), 26830                                                                                        2031(99)

R. c. Jolivet (Crim.)(Qué.), 26646                                                                                           360(99)

R. v. Martel Building Ltd. (F.C.A.), 26893                                                                          318(00)

R. v. Oickle (Crim.)(Ont.), 26535                                                                                            1740(99)

R. v. Parrott (Crim.)(Ont.), 27305                                                                                          184(00)

R. v. Proulx (Crim.)(Alta.), 26376, *03 31.1.00                                                                     869(99)                             229(00)

R. v. R. (R.A.) (Crim.)(Man.), 26377, *03 31.1.00                                                                 870(99)                             229(00)

R. v. S. (R.N.) (Crim.)(B.C.), 26462, *03 31.1.00                                                                   870(99)                             229(00)

R. v. Sharpe (Crim.)(B.C.), 27376                                                                                           114(00)

R. v. W. (L.F.) (Crim.)(Nfld.), 26329, *01 31.1.00                                                                  871(99)                             230(00)

Reference respecting the firearms Act (Alta), 26933                                                         363(00)

Russell v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 26699                                                                          1778(99)

Sansalone v. Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. (B.C.), 26708                                        1610(99)

Scalera v. Oppenheim (B.C.), 26695                                                                                     1610(99)

Singh v. Kovach (Crim.)(B.C.), 25784, *04 20.1.00                                                              115(00)                             115(00)

Starr v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 26514                                                                             406(00)

Ville de Boisbriand c. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la

   jeunesse (Qué.), 26583                                                                                                         1779(99)

Ville de Montréal c. Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la

   jeunesse (Qué.), 26583                                                                                                         1779(99)

Wells v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 26642, *01 17.2.00                                                        872(99)                             320(00)

Will-Kare Paving & Contracting Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 26601                            1804(99)

Willis v. Blencoe (B.C.), 26789                                                                                              182(00)

Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia v. Kovach (B.C.), 25784, *04

   20.1.00                                                                                                                                    115(00)                             115(00)

Wust v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 26732                                                                                1780(99)







The Spring Session of the Supreme Court of Canada will commence April 10, 2000.


Pursuant to the Supreme Court Act and Rules, the following requirements for filing must be complied with before an appeal can be inscribed for hearing:


Appellants record; appellants factum; and appellants book(s) of authorities  must be filed within four months of the filing of the notice of appeal.


Respondents record (if any); respondents factum; and respondents book(s) of authorities must be filed within eight weeks of the date of service of the appellant's factum.


Intervener's factum and interveners book(s) of authorities, if any, must be filed within four weeks of the date of service of the respondent's factum, unless otherwise ordered.


Parties condensed book, if required, must be filed on or before the day of hearing of the appeal.



Please consult the Notice to the Profession of October 1997 for further information.


The Registrar shall inscribe the appeal for hearing upon the filing of the respondent's factum or after the expiry of the time for filing the respondent's factum.




La session de printemps de la Cour suprême du Canada commencera le 10 avril 2000.


Conformément à la Loi sur la Cour suprême et aux Règles, il faut se conformer aux exigences suivantes avant qu'un appel puisse être inscrit pour audition:


Le dossier de lappelant, son mémoire et son recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine doivent être déposés dans les quatre mois de lavis dappel.



Le dossier de lintimé (le cas échéant), son mémoire et son recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine doivent être déposés dans les huit semaines suivant la signification de ceux de lappelant.


Le mémoire de l'intervenant et son recueil de jurisprudence et de doctrine, le cas échéant, doivent être déposés dans les quatre semaines suivant la signification de ceux de l'intimé.


Le recueil condensé des parties, le cas échéant, doivent être déposés au plus tard le jour de laudition de lappel.


Veuillez consulter lavis aux avocats du mois doctobre 1997 pour plus de renseignements.


Le registraire inscrit l'appel pour audition après le dépôt du mémoire de l'intimé ou à l'expiration du délai pour le dépôt du mémoire de l'intimé.







- 1999 -


























































































































































































































































































































































































































- 2000 -
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sittings of the court:

Séances de la cour:




                                      18  sitting weeks / semaines séances de la cour 

                                       77 sitting days / journées séances de la cour

                                         9   motion and conference days / journées requêtes, conférences

                                         4  holidays during sitting / jours fériés durant les sessions








Jours fériés:











 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.