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Part 3, 2020 Vol. 3 ([2020] 3 SCR 499-783) - 2020-12-04
Canada Supreme Court Reports“The Judicial Notwithstanding Clause: Suspended Declarations of Invalidity” (2019), 42 Man. L.J. 23. Blakeney, Allan E. “The Notwithstanding Clause, the Charter, and Cana da’s Patriated Constitution: What I Thought We Were Doing” (2010), 19 Const. [...] “Remedying the Remedy: Bedford’s Suspended Declaration of Invalidity” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 281. Newman, Dwight. “Can ada’s Notwithstanding Clause, Dialogue, and Constitutional Identities”, in Geoffrey [...] « Remedying the Remedy : Bedford’s Suspended Declaration of Invalidity » (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 281. Newman, Dwight. « Can ada’s Notwithstanding Clause, Dialogue, and Constitutional Identities », in Geoffrey
Part 2, 2022 Vol. 1 ([2022] 1 SCR 283-596) - 2022-05-20
Canada Supreme Court ReportsLawrence, Michelle S. “Voluntary Intoxication and the Charter: Revisiting the Constitutionality of Section 33.1 of the Criminal Code” (2017), 40:3 Man. L.J. 391. Parent, Hugues. “La constitutionnalité de l’article 33.1 du Code criminel: analyse et commentaires” (2022), 26 Can. Crim. [...] Contemporary Approaches to Precedent in Canada” (2006), 32 Man. L.J. 135, at p. 141; see also R. v. Nur, 2015 SCC 15, [2015] 1 S.C.R. 773, at para. 71). [...] Contemporary Approaches to Precedent in Canada » (2006), 32 Man. L.J. 135, p. 141; voir aussi R. c. Nur, 2015 CSC 15, [2015] 1 R.C.S. 773, par. 71).
Part 1, 2019 Vol. 3 ([2019] 3 SCR 3-294) - 2019-07-31
Canada Supreme Court Reports“Sexual Assault in Spousal Relation- ships, ‘Continuous Consent’, and the Law: Honest But Mistaken Judicial Beliefs” (2008), 32 Man. L.J. 144. Rosenbury, Laura A. “Friends with Benefits?” (2007), 106 Mich. [...] Silver, Lisa A. “The WD Revolution” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 307. Stuart, Don. “Twin Myth Hypotheses in Rape Shield Laws are Too Rigid and Darrach is Unclear” (2009), 64 C.R. (6th) 74. [...] Silver, Lisa A. « The WD Revolution » (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 307. Stuart, Don. « Twin Myth Hypotheses in Rape Shield Laws are Too Rigid and Darrach is Unclear » (2009), 64 C.R. (6th) 74.
Part 2, 2021 Vol. 1 ([2021] 1 SCR 175-520) - 2021-03-25
Canada Supreme Court Reports“Measuring ‘National Dimensions’” (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 15. Hawkins, François. “Duties, Confl icts, and Politics in the Litigation Offi ces of the Attorney General” (2018), 12 J.P.P.L. 193. [...] « Measuring “National Dimensions” » (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 15. Groupe de travail sur les mécanismes d’instauration d’un prix sur le carbone. [...] Professor Hogg explains that evaluating extraprovincial harm helps to determine whether a national law “is not merely desirable, but essential, in the sense that the problem ‘is be- yond the power of the provinces to deal with it’”: p. 17-14, quoting D. Gibson, “Measuring ‘National Dimensions’” (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 15, at p.
SCR | RCS [1986] vol 2 - 1986-12-18
Canada Supreme Court Reports«The Charter of Rights and the Private Sector" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 213. Sector» (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 213. Gibson, Dale. "Distinguishing the Governors from the Gibson, Dale. [...] (1986), 15 Man. L.J. 199. Schiff, Stanley A. Evidence in the Litigation Process, vol. 2. [...] (1986), 15 Man. L.J. 199. Schiff, Stanley A. Evidence in the Litigation Process, vol. 2.
Part 2, 2021 Vol. 3 ([2021] 3 SCR 285-530) - 2021-11-18
Canada Supreme Court Reports“A Bad Deal: British Columbia’s Emphasis on Deterrence and Increasing Prison Sentences for Street- Level Fentanyl Traffi ckers” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 149. Isaacs, Daniel M. “Baseline Framing in Sentencing” (2011), 121 Yale L.J. 426. [...] « A Bad Deal : British Columbia’s Em phasis on Deterrence and Increasing Prison Sentences for Street- Level Fentanyl Traffi ckers » (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 149. Isaacs, Daniel M. « Baseline Framing in Sentencing » (2011), 121 Yale L.J. 426. [...] 41 Man. L.J. 149, at p. 153). This deceptive practice leaves users vulner- able and unaware, especially as fentanyl is physically indistinguishable from other hard drugs, such as her- oin, oxycodone, and cocaine (C. C. Ruby, Sentencing (10th ed. 2020); Smith, at para. 24; R. v. Joumaa, 2018 ONSC 317, at para. 12 (CanLII)).
Part 2, 2020 Vol. 1 ([2020] 1 SCR 319-576) - 2020-05-08
Canada Supreme Court Reports“Abused Children in the Courts: Ad- justing the Scales after Bill C-15” (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549. Moreau, Paul. “In Defence of Starting Point Sentencing” (2016), 63 Crim. [...] « Abused Children in the Courts : Adjusting the Scales after Bill C-15 » (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549. Moreau, Paul. « In Defence of Starting Point Sentencing » (2016), 63 Crim. [...] Scales after Bill C-15” (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549, at p. 556). As Professor Anne McGillivray wrote, Parliament thus shifted the focus of sexual offences against chil- dren from chastity or propriety to a “child-c entred” approach that emphasizes the trauma to the child vic- tim from all acts of sexual violence (pp. 558-60).
Part 1, 2020 Vol. 2 ([2020] 2 SCR 3-281) - 2020-06-26
Canada Supreme Court ReportsBogden, John- Paul F. “On the ‘Agreement Most Foul’: A Reconsideration of the Doctrine of Unconscionability” (1997), 25 Man. L.J. 187. Born, Gary B. International Commercial Arbitration, vol. I, International Arbitration Agreements, 2nd ed. [...] Bogden, John- Paul F. « On the “Agreement Most Foul” : A Reconsideration of the Doctrine of Unconscionability » (1997), 25 Man. L.J. 187. Born, Gary B. International Commercial Arbitration, vol. I, International Arbitration Agreements, 2nd ed., Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2014. [...] their circumstances are such that the agreement now works a hardship upon them” (John- Paul F. Bogden, “On the ‘Agreement Most Foul’: A Reconsideration of the Doctrine of Unconscionability” (1997), 25 Man. L.J. 187, at p. 202 (emphasis in original)). [75] Improvidence must be assessed contextually (McInnes, at p. 528).
SCR | RCS [1990] vol 3 - 1990-12-20
Canada Supreme Court Reports"Distinguishing the Governors from the g Governed: The Meaning of "Government" Under Section 32(1) of the Charter" (1983), 13 Man L.J. 505. Gibson, Dale. "The Charter of Rights and the Private Sector" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 213. h Gibson, Dale. [...] «Distinguishing the Governors from the Governed: The Meaning of «Government» Under Sec-tion 32(1) of the Charter» (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 505. Gibson, Dale. «The Charter of Rights and the Private Sector» (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 213. [...] "The Charter of Rights and the Private Sector" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. Gibson, Dale. The Law of the Charter: General Principles. Toronto: Carswells, 1986 Gibson, Dale.
SCR | RCS [1986] vol 1 - 1986-06-26
Canada Supreme Court ReportsGautron, A. "French/English Discrepancies in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 220. Jacob, I. H. "The Inherent Jurisdiction of the Court" (1970), 23 Current Legal Problems 23. [...] Gautron, A. «French/English Discrepancies in the Cana-dian Charter of Rights and Freedoms» (1982), 12 c Man. L.J. 220. Jacob, I. H. «The Inherent Jurisdiction of the Court» (1970), 23 Current Legal Problems 23. [...] Gautron, A. "French/English Discrepancies in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 220. Gellhorn, Ernest. "Limitations on Contract Termination Rights — Franchise Cancellations," [1967] L.J. 465, 465-521.
Part 2, 2019 Vol. 3 ([2019] 3 SCR 295-641) - 2019-10-18
Canada Supreme Court ReportsPolicing and the Resilience of the Common Law » (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 161. Ceyssens, Paul. Legal Aspects of Policing, vol. 1, Saltspring Island (B.C.), Earlscourt Legal Press, 1994 (loose-l eaf updated December 2018, release 34). [...] Policing and the Resilience of the Common Law” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 161, at p. 175). For example, the three factors from MacDonald re- quire a proportionality assessment. [...] Policing and the Resilience of the Common Law » (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 161, p. 175). Par exemple, les trois facteurs énoncés dans l’arrêt MacDonald exigent une évaluation de la propor-tionnalité.
SCR | RCS [1998] vol 3 - 1998-12-17
Canada Supreme Court Reports"Mobility Rights in Canada" (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 615. Shores, William. "Walking Onto an Unfamiliar Playing Field — Expanding the Freedom of Association to Cover Trade" (1996), 6 Reid's Administrative Law 1. [...] «Mobi-lity Rights in Canada» (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 615. Shores, William. «Walking Onto an Unfamiliar Playing Field — Expanding the Freedom of Association to Cover Trade» (1996), 6 Reid's Administrative Law 1. [...] "Mobility Rights in Canada" (1983), 13 Man. L.J. Schultz, D. P. "Primacy-Recency Within a Sensory Variation Framework" (1963), 13 Shakespeare, William.
SCR | RCS [1988] vol 1 - 1988-06-30
Canada Supreme Court Reports(Voir, par ex., Whyte, «Fundamental of Section 7 of the Charter" (1983), 13 Man. L.J. Justice: The Scope and Application of Section 7 of 455, and Garant, "Fundamental Freedoms and the Charter» (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 455, et Garant, Natural Justice" in W. S. Tarnopolsky and G.-A. h «Libertés fondamentales et justice naturelle» [...] "Measuring `National Dimensions"' (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 15 432 Gibson, Dale. "The `Federal Enclave' Fallacy in Canadian Constitutional Law" (1976), 14 Alta. [...] (1983), 13 Man L.J. 455. Wigmore, John Henry. Evidence in Trials at Common Law, ton: Little, Brown & Co., 1970 Wigmore, John Henry.
Part 3, 2019 Vol. 3 ([2019] 3 SCR i-liii 643-930) - 2019-11-13
Canada Supreme Court ReportsPolicing and the Resilience of the Common Law” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 161. ...................................................................................................................................... [...] “Sexual Assault in Spousal Relationships, ‘Continuous Consent’, and the Law: Honest But Mistaken Judicial Beliefs” (2008), 32 Man. L.J. 144. .............................................................................. [...] Silver, Lisa A. “The WD Revolution” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 307. ....................................................................
SCR | RCS [1993] vol 4 - 1993-12-16
Canada Supreme Court Reports"Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C-15" (1990), 19 d Man. L.J. 549. McGillivray, Anne. "R. v. Laramee: Forgetting Chil-dren, Forgetting Truth" (1991), 6 C.R. (4th) 325. [...] "Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C-15" (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549. Schmolka, Vicki. Is Bill C-15 Working? An Overview of the Research on the Effects of the 1988 Child Sexual Abuse Amendments. [...] Sher- 170 Queen's Q. 831 49 C.F.L. Q. 1 68 43 New Law Journal 623 444 Man. L.J. 213 807 Toronto: Richard De Boo, 724, 797 Can. Bar Rev. 94 652 Melbourne: Law Book Co., 1988 83 629 de loi C-15.
SCR | RCS [2008] vol 3 - 2008-12-11
Canada Supreme Court Reports(B. Laskin, "A Judge and His Constituencies" (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 1, at pp. 3-4) [9] Judicial reasons of the 19th and early 20th century, when given, tended to be cryptic. [...] (B. Laskin, « A Judge and His Constituencies » (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 1, p. 3-4) [9] Les motifs exprimés par les tribunaux, le cas échéant, aux 19e et 20e siècles tendaient à être ob-scurs. [...] "A Judge and His Constituencies" (1976), 7 Man. L.J. Linden, Allen M., and Bruce Feldthusen. Canadian Tort Law, Butterworths, 2006.
SCR | RCS [1987] vol 1 - 1987-06-25
Canada Supreme Court Reports(1982), 12 Man. L.J. 109. Côté, Pierre-André. "La préséance de la Charte cana-Côté, Pierre-André. [...] (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 109. dienne des droits et libertés,» dans La Charte cana-dienne des droits et libertés: Concepts et impacts. [...] "Jurisdictional Fact, Constitutional Fact and the Presumption of Constitutionality" (1980), 11 Man. L.J. 21 Maxwell on the Interpretation of Statutes, 12th ed. by P. St. J. Langan.
SCR | RCS [2010] vol 2 - 2010-11-04
Canada Supreme Court ReportsStuesser, Lee. "The Accused's Right to Silence: No Doesn't Mean No" (2002), 29 Man. L.J. 149. Weisselberg, Charles D. "Mourning Miranda" (2008), 96 Cal. L. Rev. 1519. [...] See L. Stuesser "The Accused's Right to Silence: No Doesn't Mean No" (2002), 29 Man. L.J. 149, at p. 150. [38] We are not persuaded that the Miranda rule should be transplanted in Canadian soil. [...] Voir L. Stuesser : « The Accused's Right to Silence : No Doesn't Mean No » (2002), 29 Man. L.J. 149, p. 150. [38] Nous ne sommes pas convaincues que la règle Miranda devrait être implantée en droit cana-dien.
Part 4, 2020 Vol. 3 ([2020] 3 SCR i-lxviii 785-1033) - 2020-12-18
Canada Supreme Court Reports“The Judicial Notwithstanding Clause: Suspended Declarations of Invalidity” (2019), 42 Man. L.J. 23 ........................................................................................................................................................ 698, 746 [...] “Remedying the Remedy: Bedford’s Suspended Declaration of Invalidity” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 281 ............................................................................................................................................. 730, 758
SCR | RCS [2016] vol 1 - 2016-07-29
Canada Supreme Court ReportsEngland, G. “Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdic tion: The First Three Years” (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9. Evans, John M. “Triumph of Reasonableness: But How Much Does It Really Matter? [...] England, G. « Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdic tion : The First Three Years » (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9. Evans, John M. « Triumph of Reasonableness : But How Much Does It Really Matter? » [...] England, G. “Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdiction: The First Three Years” (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9. .... Eskridge, William N., Jr. Dishonorable Passions: Sodomy Laws in America, 1861-2003.
SCR | RCS [2014] vol 1 - 2014-05-08
Canada Supreme Court ReportsHabeas Corpus in Contemporary Canada” (2010), 36 Man. L.J. 351. Sharpe, Robert J. “Habeas Corpus in Canada” (1976), 2 Dal. L.J. 241. [...] Habeas Corpus in Contemporary Canada » (2010), 36 Man. L.J. 351. Sharpe, Robert J. « Habeas Corpus in Canada » (1976), 2 Dal. L.J. 241. [...] Habeas Corpus in Contemporary Canada » (2012), 36 Man. L.J. 351, p. 352; May, par. 19; W. F. Duker, A Constitutional History of Habeas Corpus (1980), p. 3).
SCR | RCS [1993] vol 3 - 1993-10-21
Canada Supreme Court Reports"The Federal Declaratory Power Under the British North America Act" (1968-69), 3 Man. L.J. 87. Hogg, Peter W. Constitutional Law of Canada, vol. 1, 3rd ed. [...] «The Federal Declaratory Power c Under the British North America Act» (1968-69), 3 Man. L.J. 87. Hogg, Peter W. Constitutional Law of Canada, vol. 1, 3rd ed. [...] "The Federal Declaratory Power Under the British North America Act" (1968-69), 3 Man. L.J. 87 Harris, Edwin C. Canadian Income Taxation, 4th ed. Toronto: Butterworths, 1986 Hart, H. L. A. "Negligence, Mens Rea and Criminal Responsibility".
SCR | RCS [2000] vol 1 - 2000-07-20
Canada Supreme Court Reports"R. v. Bauder: Seductive Children, Safe Rapists, and Other Justice Tales" (1998), 25 Man. L.J. 359. APPEAL from a judgment of the Ontario Court of Appeal (1998), 130 C.C.C. (3d) 30, 114 O.A.C. 336, 21 C.R. (5th) 149, [1998] O.J. No. 4031 (QL), dismissing the accused's appeal from his convic-tion of sexual assault. [...] Seductive Children, Safe Rapists, and Other Justice Tales" (1998), 25 Man. L.J. 359. 443 McGuinness, Kevin Patrick. The Law and Practice of Canadian Business Corporations. [...] "Section 15, Benefits Programs and Other Benefits at Law: The Interpretation of Section 15 of the Charter since Andrews" (1990), 19 Man. L.J. Pétel, Philippe. Les obligations du mandataire. Paris: Litec, 1988.
SCR | RCS [1989] vol 1 - 1989-06-29
Canada Supreme Court ReportsEngland, G. "Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdic-tion: The First Three Years" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9. Freedland, Mark Robert. The Contract of Employment. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976. [...] Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1978. d Hickling, M. A. "Employer's Liability for Sexual Harassment" (1988), 17 Man. L.J. 124. MacKinnon, Catharine. Sexual Harassment of Work-ing Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination. [...] Hickling, M. A. «Employer's Liability for Sexual Harassment» (1988), 17 Man. L.J. 124. MacKinnon, Catharine. Sexual Harassment of Wor-king Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination.
SCR | RCS [2002] vol 1 - 2002-03-21
Canada Supreme Court Reports[2002] 1 R.C.S. R. C. GUIGNARD Rothstein, M. "Section 1: Justifying Breaches of Charter Rights and Freedoms" (1999-2000), 27 Man. L.J. 171. APPEAL from a judgment of the Quebec Court of Appeal rendered November 17, 1999, dismiss-ing the appellant's appeal from a judgment of the Superior Court (Criminal Division), [1997] [...] A loss occurred Le juge LeBel 475 Rothstein, M. « Section 1 : Justifying Breaches of Charter Rights and Freedoms » (1999-2000), 27 Man. L.J. 171. POURVOI contre un arrêt de la Cour d'appel du Québec rendu le 17 novembre 1999, qui a rejeté l' appel de l'appelant contre un jugement de la Cour supérieure (chambre criminelle), [...] Québec : janvier 1997). 340 Man. L.J. 487 530 34 L 53 631 812 J.L. 294 Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's 803 40 426 The Law of Evidence in Canada, 2nd ed 559 The Law of Actionable Misrepresentation, 3rd ed 707 216 895 761 (2001), 896 624 Aggravated, Exemplary and 623 44 53 44