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SCR | RCS [1995] vol 1 - 1995-04-12
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du CanadaOsborne, Philip H. "A Review of Tort Decisions in Manitoba 1990-1993", [1993] Man. L.J. 191. APPEAL from a judgment of the Manitoba Court of Appeal (1993), 85 Man. R. (2d) 81, 41 W.A.C. 81, 101 D.L.R. (4th) 699, 15 C.C.L.T. (2d) 1, 6 C.L.R. (2d) 1, [1993] 5 W.W.R. 673, striking out a statement of claim on allowing an appeal [...] Philip H. Osborne makes the further point in "A Review of Tort Decisions in Manitoba 1990-1993", [1993] Man. L.J. 191, at p. 196, that con-tractors and builders, because of their knowledge, skill and expertise, are in the best position to ensure the reasonable structural integrity of build-ings and their freedom from latent [...] L.Q. 179 488 598 273 485 594, 629 898 530 Toronto: The Commission, 1976 583 405 Man. L.J. 191 128 237 Toronto: Carswell, 1987 487, 579, 887 J.M. V.L. 277 840 McGill L.J. 1.... 495, 588, 622 -A. Beaudoin et Ed Ratushny, Wilson & Lafleur, 1989, 505 514, 625 Crim.
SCR | RCS [1992] vol 3 - 1992-12-17
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada"Women and the Economic Consequences of Divorce in Manito- ba: An Empirical Study" (1992), 21 Man. L.J. 80 Stieber, Steven. Annotation to East Kootenay Community College v. Nixon & Browning 189 Stoljar, S. J. "The Internal Affairs of Associations". [...] "Women and the Economic Consequences of Divorce in Mani- c toba: An Empirical Study" (1992), 21 Man. L.J. 80. Trebilcock, Michael J., and Rosemin Keshvani. "The Role of Private Ordering in Family Law: A Law and Economics Perspective" (1991), 41 U.T.L.J. 533. [...] (1991), 52 Ohio St. L.J. 55; J. A. Scutt, Women and the Law: Commentary and Materials (1990), at pp. 247ff.; and D. G. Stewart and L. E. McFadyen, "Women and the Economic Consequences of Divorce in Manitoba: An Empirical Study" (1992), 21 Man. L.J. 80. [1992] 3 S.C.R. du seul modèle de l'indépendance économique en matière
3e cahier, 2020 Vol. 2 ([2020] 2 RCS i-lxi 587-849) - 2020-09-18
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du CanadaBogden, John-Paul F. “On the ‘Agreement Most Foul’: A Reconsideration of the Doctrine of Unconscionabil-ity” (1997), 25 Man. L.J. 187. ..................................................................................................................
3e cahier, 2020 Vol. 1 ([2020] 1 RCS i-lxxi 577-863) - 2020-06-12
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada“Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales after Bill C-15” (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549. .....................................................................................................................................................
SCR | RCS [2001] vol 3 - 2001-12-20
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du CanadaToronto: 998 Scarborough, 934 Man. L.J. 145. 1040 R.D. Man. 145. 1040 Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 305 Couronne au Canada. [...] Hunter, Ian. "Individual and Collective Rights in Canadian Labour Law" (1993), 22 Man. L.J. 145. International Labour Office. Committee on Freedom of Association. [...] have mean-ing only at the hiring stage" (per Laskin C.J., at p. 725)); I. Hunter, "Individual and Collective Rights in Canadian Labour Law" (1993), 22 Man. L.J. 145, at p. 147 ("[i]ndividual rights vis-à-vis their employer are replaced by: rights in respect of their Bastarache J. [2001] 3 S.C.R. Il y a cependant des
SCR | RCS [1993] vol 1 - 1993-03-31
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada«Distinguishing the Governors from the Governed: The Meaning of «Government» under Section 32(1) of the Charter» (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 505. Hatsell, John. Precedents of Proceedings in the House of c Commons, vol. 1, 3rd ed. [...] L. Rev. 361; D. Gibson, "Dis-tinguishing the Governors from the Governed: The Meaning of "Government" under Section 32(1) of the Charter" (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 505; and R. Tassé, "À qui incombe l'obligation de respecter les droits et libertés garantis par la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés?" [...] L. Rev. 361; D. Gibson, «Distinguishing the Governors from the Governed: The Meaning of «Government» under Section 32(1) of the Charter» (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 505, et R. Tassé, «À qui incombe l'obligation de respecter les droits et libertés garantis par la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés?»
SCR | RCS [1991] vol 1 - 1991-05-27
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du CanadaSupreme Court Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. S-26, s. 40(3). a Authors Cited Jordan, James C. "Application and Limitations of the b Rule Prohibiting Multiple Convictions: Kienapple v. The Queen to R. v. Prince" (1985), 14 Man. L.J. 341. APPEAL from a judgment of the British Columbia Court of Appeal (1990), 54 C.C.C. (3d) 368, c [...] 470 R. V. BARNES L'Heureux-Dubé J. and Limitations of thé Rule Prcihibiting Multiple Convictions: Kienapple v. The Queen to R. v. Prince" (1985), 14 Man. L.J. 341). As Laskin J. (as he then was), for the majority, inn Kienapple v. The Queen, supra, pointed out, the rule formulated in that case is a logical application of [...] Convictions: a Kienapple v. The Queen to R. v. Prince» (1985), 14 Man. L.J. 341). Comme le juge Laskin (plus tard Juge en chef) l'a b fait remarquer au nom de la majorité dans l'arrêt Kienapple c. La Reine, précité, la règle formulée dans cet arrêt est une application logique du principe de l'autorité de la chose jugée.
SCR | RCS [1982] vol 2 - 1982-12-31
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du CanadaIt is not a problem which "is beyond the power of the provinces to deal with" (Professor Gibson (1976-77), 7 Man. L.J. 15, at p. 33). Failure by one province to provide treatment facilities will not endanger the interests of another province. [...] Ce n'est pas un problème qui [TRADUCTION] «dépasse la capa-.f cité des provinces de s'en occuper» (le professeur Gibson (1976-77) 7 Man. L.J. 15, à la p. 33). L'omission d'une province d'établir des services de cure ne met pas en péril les intérêts d'une autre province.
SCR | RCS [1996] vol 2 - 1996-08-22
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du Canada"Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C-15" (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549. Mewett, Alan W. Witnesses. Scarborough, Ont.: Carswell, 1991 (loose-leaf updated 1995, release 1). [...] A. McGillivray, "Abused Chil-dren in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C-15" (1990), 19 Man. LJ. 549, at pp. 550-51 and 572. Accordingly, this case stands out, not only because of the severity of the abuse suffered by the complainants, but also because of the strength of the Crown's case against the appellants.
SCR | RCS [1980] vol 2 - 1980-12-18
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du CanadaI know of no authority by which this Court, if so Je ne connais aucune jurisprudence qui permet-minded, could legislate a fixed discount rate, appli- trait à cette Cour, si elle le désirait, d'imposer un 6 (1978), 8 Man. L.J. 637, 651. 6 (1978), 8 Man. L.J. 637, 651. 7 (1979), 37 U.T. Fac. L. Rev. 1, 26.
SCR | RCS [1979] vol 1 - 1979-05-01
Recueil des arrêts de la Cour suprême du CanadaScar-man L.J. at p. 529 stated: As to the first problem, I agree with Lord Denning M.R., in thinking that the law must be such that, in a factual situation where all have the same actual or imputed knowledge and the contract contains no term limiting the damages recoverable for breach, the amount of damages recoverable does