
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Supreme Court of Canada / Cour suprême du Canada



(Le français suit)




October 30, 2023


OTTAWA – The Supreme Court of Canada will decide the following leave applications at 9:45 a.m. ET on Thursday, November 2, 2023. This list might change.



1.       Brian Wheeler v. His Majesty the King (Ont.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40746)


2.       Hypertec Real Estate Inc. v. Equinix Canada Ltd. (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40649)


3.       Sarto Landry v. Mario Giroux (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40751)


4.       Daniel Prasad v. Kathleen Daluz, et al. (B.C.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40783)


5.       Suneet Sharma v. His Majesty the King (Ont.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40773)


6.       Barry Rebuck v. Ford Motor Company, et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40698)


7.       Rosie Gagnon v. Canadian Association of Professional Employees (Fed.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40728)


8.       Arnaud Kafando v. His Majesty the King, et al. (Que.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40765)


9.       Shane Fraser v. Attorney General of Canada on behalf of the United States of America (B.C.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40706)


10.    Daniel James Joinson v. Attorney General of Canada on behalf of the United States of America (B.C.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40707)


11.    Todd Ian Ferguson v. Attorney General of Canada on behalf of the United States of America (B.C.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40708)


12.    Tanya Rebello v. Minister of Justice, et al. (Fed.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40752)


13.    Georges Jr. Pierre v. Autorité des marchés financiers (Que.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40647)


14.    J.N. v. C.G. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40677)


15.    Gurmeet Brar, et al. v. Kootenay Savings Credit Union (B.C.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40689)


16.    Park Lawn Corporation, et al. v. Kahu Capital Partners Ltd. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40715)


17.    John Darrell McDonald v. Jay Allison Barkwell (Alta.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40742)


18.    Xiufeng Xue v. Suncor Energy Inc., et al. (Alta.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40758)


19.    Kawalpreet Pal Singh v. His Majesty the King (Man.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40801)


20.    F.H. v. J.A. (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40683)


21.    Don Marlen Sandwell v. Marleane Sayers also known as Marleane Maxwell, et al. (B.C.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40770)


22.    M.C.D. v. Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40775)







Le 30 octobre 2023


OTTAWA – La Cour suprême du Canada se prononcera sur les demandes d’autorisation suivantes le jeudi 2 novembre 2023, à 9 h 45 HE. Cette liste pourrait changer.



1.       Brian Wheeler c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Ont.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40746)


2.       Hypertec Immobilier inc. c. Equinix Canada Ltd. (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40649)


3.       Sarto Landry c. Mario Giroux (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40751)


4.       Daniel Prasad c. Kathleen Daluz, et al. (C.-B.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40783)


5.       Suneet Sharma c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Ont.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40773)


6.       Barry Rebuck c. Ford Motor Company, et al. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40698)


7.       Rosie Gagnon c. Association canadienne des employés professionnels (Féd.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40728)


8.       Arnaud Kafando c. Sa Majesté le Roi, et al. (Qc) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40765)


9.       Shane Fraser c. Procureur général du Canada au nom des États-Unis (C.-B.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40706)


10.    Daniel James Joinson c. Procureur général du Canada au nom des États-Unis (C.-B.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40707)


11.    Todd Ian Ferguson c. Procureur général du Canada au nom des États-Unis (C.-B.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40708)


12.    Tanya Rebello c. Minister of Justice, et al. (Féd.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40752)


13.    Georges Jr. Pierre c. Autorité des marchés financiers (Qc) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40647)


14.    J.N. c. C.G. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40677)


15.    Gurmeet Brar, et al. c. Kootenay Savings Credit Union (C.-B.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40689)


16.    Park Lawn Corporation, et al. c. Kahu Capital Partners Ltd. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40715)


17.    John Darrell McDonald c. Jay Allison Barkwell (Alb.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40742)


18.    Xiufeng Xue c. Suncor Énergie inc., et al. (Alb.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40758)


19.    Kawalpreet Pal Singh c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Man.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40801)


20.    F.H. c. J.A. (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40683)


21.    Don Marlen Sandwell c. Marleane Sayers also known as Marleane Maxwell, et al. (C.-B.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40770)


22.    M.C.D. c. Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, et al. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40775)





Supreme Court of Canada / Cour suprême du Canada :


 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.