
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

 Supreme Court of Canada / Cour suprême du Canada



(Le français suit)




April 22, 2024


OTTAWA – The Supreme Court of Canada will decide the following leave applications at 9:45 a.m. ET on Thursday, April 25, 2024. This list might change.



1.       Attorney General of Québec, et al. v. Louis-Pier Senneville, et al. (Que.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (40882)


2.       Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, et al. v. Attorney General of Canada, et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40978)


3.       Canadian Civil Liberties Association, et al. v. His Majesty the King in Right of Newfoundland and Labrador, et al. (N.L.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40952)


4.       Métis Nation of Ontario, et al. v. Chief Kirby Whiteduck on his own behalf and on the behalf of the Algonquins and the Algonquin Opportunity (No.2) Corporation (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40954)


5.       His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry and the Minister of Indigenous Affairs v. Chief Kirby Whiteduck on his own behalf and on behalf of the Algonquins of Ontario, and the Algonquin Opportunity (No. 2) Corporation (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40955)


6.       Uyi Jackson Obazughanmwen v. Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Fed.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40972)


7.       Janet Clarke v. Agracity Crop & Nutrition Ltd. and Jason Mann (Sask.) (Civil) (By Leave) (40975)


8.       Pacific Atlantic Pipeline Construction Ltd. and Bonatti S.P.A. v. Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Limited Partnership, by its General Partner Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Ltd. (Alta.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41146)







Le 22 avril 2024


OTTAWA – La Cour suprême du Canada se prononcera sur les demandes d’autorisation suivantes le jeudi 25 avril 2024, à 9 h 45 HE. Cette liste pourrait changer.



1.       Procureur général du Québec, et al. c. Louis-Pier Senneville, et al. (Qc) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (40882)


2.       Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, et al. c. Procureur général du Canada, et al. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40978)


3.       Canadian Civil Liberties Association, et al. c. Sa Majesté le Roi du chef de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, et al. (T.-N.-L.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40952)


4.       Nation métisse de l’Ontario, et al. c. Chef Kirby Whiteduck en son nom propre et au nom des Algonquins et de l'Algonquin Opportunity (No.2) Corporation (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40954)


5.       Sa Majesté le Roi du chef de l’Ontario, représentée par le ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts et le ministère des Affaires autochtones c. Chef Kirby Whiteduck en son propre nom et au nom des Algonquins de l’Ontario, et l’Algonquin Opportunity (No. 2) Corporation (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40955)


6.       Uyi Jackson Obazughanmwen c. Ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile (Féd.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40972)


7.       Janet Clarke c. Agracity Crop & Nutrition Ltd. and Jason Mann (Sask.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (40975)


8.       Pacific Atlantic Pipeline Construction Ltd. and Bonatti S.P.A. c. Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Limited Partnership, by its General Partner Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Ltd. (Alb.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41146)





Supreme Court of Canada / Cour suprême du Canada :




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