
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Supreme Court of Canada / Cour suprême du Canada



(Le français suit)




September 23, 2024


OTTAWA – The Supreme Court of Canada will decide the following leave applications at 9:45 a.m. ET on Thursday, September 26, 2024. This list might change.



1.       Rakesh Kumar Sidhu v. His Majesty the King (Alta.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (41197)


2.       Eric Holder v. His Majesty the King (N.B.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (41250)


3.       Lily Monier, Stéphane Blais, Richard Girgis, Denis Larrivée, Sonia Grewal v. Attorney General of Québec, et al. (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41193)


4.       City of Vancouver, et al. v. Pender Lodge Holdings Ltd., et al. (B.C.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41198)


5.       Darryl Byrd v. Douglas K. Murdoch, as Trustee of The Douglas K. Murdoch Revocable Trust, et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41300)


6.       Duc Tung Hoang v. His Majesty the King (Ont.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (41295)


7.       OZ Optics Ltd., et al. v. Emond Harnden LLP, et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41204)


8.       Saskatchewan Power Corporation v. Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, et al. (Sask.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41226)


9.       Paul Veeken v. His Majesty the King, et al. (B.C.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41275)


10.    Trustees of the Drywall Acoustic Lathing and Insulation Local 675 Pension Fund and Royce Lee v. Barrick Gold Corporation, Aaron W. Regent, Jamie C. Sokalsky, Ammar Al-Joundi and Peter Kinver (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41228)


11.    Ruediger Martin Graaf, et al. v. Atkinsréalis Group Inc. (formerly known as SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.), et al. (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41256)


12.    RC Limited Partner Inc. v. His Majesty the King in Right of the Province of British Columbia (B.C.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41240)


13.    Mahmoud Zaerian v. His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41297)


14.    Trevor Hannan v. His Majesty the King (N.S.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (41281)


15.    Nicholas Doering v. His Majesty the King (Ont.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (41302)


16.    John Peters v. AtkinsRealis Group Inc. (previously known as SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.), et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41224)


17.    Karl Anthony Wilson v. Department of Social Development (N.B.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41258)


18.    His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario v. Kathryn Roberston by her estate representative Allison Gaanderse, et al. (Ont.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41214)


19.    Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. v. His Majesty the King (Fed.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41243)


20.    Defense Construction Canada v. Atwill-Morin Group Inc. (Que.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41264)


21.    Sproule Lumber, a division of J.D. Irving, Limited v. United Food and Commercial Workers Union Canada, Local 864, et al. (N.S.) (Civil) (By Leave) (41253)







Le 23 septembre 2024


OTTAWA – La Cour suprême du Canada se prononcera sur les demandes d’autorisation suivantes le jeudi 26 septembre 2024, à 9 h 45 HE. Cette liste pourrait changer.



1.       Rakesh Kumar Sidhu c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Alb.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (41197)


2.       Eric Holder c. Sa Majesté le Roi (N.-B.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (41250)


3.       Lily Monier, Stéphane Blais, Richard Girgis, Denis Larrivée, Sonia Grewal c. Procureur général du Québec, et al. (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41193)


4.       City of Vancouver, et al. c. Pender Lodge Holdings Ltd., et al. (C.-B.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41198)


5.       Darryl Byrd c. Douglas K. Murdoch, as Trustee of The Douglas K. Murdoch Revocable Trust, et al. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41300)


6.       Duc Tung Hoang c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Ont.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (41295)


7.       OZ Optics Ltd., et al. c. Emond Harnden LLP, et al. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41204)


8.       Saskatchewan Power Corporation c. Commission des droits de la personne de la Saskatchewan, et al. (Sask.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41226)


9.       Paul Veeken c. Sa Majesté le Roi, et al. (C.-B.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41275)


10.    Trustees of the Drywall Acoustic Lathing and Insulation Local 675 Pension Fund and Royce Lee c. Barrick Gold Corporation, Aaron W. Regent, Jamie C. Sokalsky, Ammar Al-Joundi and Peter Kinver (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41228)


11.    Ruediger Martin Graaf, et al. c. Groupe Atkinsréalis inc. (autrefois connue sous le nom de Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.), et al. (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41256)


12.    RC Limited Partner Inc. c. Sa Majesté le Roi du chef de la province de la Colombie-Britannique (C.-B.) (Civile) (B Autorisation) (41240)


13.    Mahmoud Zaerian c. Majesté le Roi du chef de l’Ontario (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41297)


14.    Trevor Hannan c. Sa Majesté le Roi (N.S.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (41281)


15.    Nicholas Doering c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Ont.) (Criminelle) (Autorisation) (41302)


16.    John Peters c. Groupe AtkinsRealis inc. (anciennement connu sous le nom Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc.), et al. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41224)


17.    Karl Anthony Wilson c. Ministère du développement social (N.-B.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41258)


18.    Sa Majesté le Roi du chef de l’Ontario c. Kathryn Roberston by her estate representative Allison Gaanderse, et al. (Ont.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41214)


19.    Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. c. Sa Majesté le Roi (Féd.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41243)


20.    Construction de Défense Canada c. Groupe Atwill-Morin inc. (Qc) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41264)


21.    Sproule Lumber, a division of J.D. Irving, Limitée (JDI) c. United Food and Commercial Workers Union Canada, Local 864, et al. (N.-É.) (Civile) (Autorisation) (41253)





Supreme Court of Canada / Cour suprême du Canada :




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