Applications for Leave

Decision Information

Decision Content

                                                                                                                                           No. 31883   




August 23, 2007


Le 23 août 2007




Coram:  McLachlin C.J. and Charron and Rothstein JJ.


Coram : La juge en chef McLachlin et les juges Charron et Rothstein







Danian Wang




‑ and ‑


Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia as Represented by British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education Student Service Branch








Danian Wang




‑ et ‑


Sa Majesté la Reine du chef de la province de la Colombie-Britannique représentée par la British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education Student Service Branch










The application for an extension of time to apply for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for British Columbia (Vancouver), Number CA033858, dated December 8, 2006, is dismissed.  In any event, had such application been granted, the application for leave to appeal from the said judgment would have been dismissed.





La demande de prorogation de délai pour le dépôt dune demande dautorisation dappel de larrêt de la Cour dappel de la Colombie-Britannique (Vancouver), numéro CA033858, daté du 8 décembre 2006, est rejetée.  Quoi quil en soit, même si la demande de prorogation avait été accueillie, la demande dautorisation dappel aurait été rejetée.   









 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.