Applications for Leave

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                                                                                                                                           No. 33466   



April 8, 2010


Le 8 avril 2010




Coram:  LeBel, Deschamps and Cromwell JJ.


Coram : Les juges LeBel, Deschamps et Cromwell






Her Majesty the Queen




‑ and ‑


Thomas Robert Shea







Sa Majesté la Reine




‑ et ‑


Thomas Robert Shea









The motion for an extension of time to serve and file the amended application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Number M37645, dated October 9, 2009, is granted. An oral hearing of the application for leave to appeal is ordered in accordance with s. 43(1)(c) of the Supreme Court Act. The hearing is scheduled for May 10, 2010.




La requête en prorogation du délai de signification et de dépôt de la demande dautorisation dappel amendée de larrêt de la Cour dappel de lOntario, numéro M37645, daté du 9 octobre 2009, est accordée. La tenue dune audience pour décider de la demande dautorisation dappel est ordonnée, conformément à larticle 43(1)(c) de la Loi sur la Cour suprême. Laudition est prévue le 10 mai 2010.







 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.