Applications for Leave

Decision Information

Decision Content

No. 40519     



May 11, 2023


Le 11 mai 2023






Dale Richardson


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Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Civilian Review and Complaints Commission, Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan, Justice Caldwell, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Corecivic, Derek Allchurch, Attorney General of Canada (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), Burton Roy, Battlefords Seventh-Day Adventist Church, James Kwon, Mazel Holm, Gary Lund, Dawn Lund, Ciprian Bolah, Jeannie Johnson, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference, Michael Collins, Matrix Law Group, Clifford Holm, Patricia J. Meiklejohn, Chantelle Thompson, Jennifer Schmidt, Mark Clements, Chad Gartner, Brad Appel, Ian McArthur, Bryce Bohun, Kathy Irwin, Jason Panchyshyn, Cary Ransome, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Dr. Alabi, Rikki Morrisson, Cora Swerid, Dr. Elekwem, Dr. Sunday, Court of Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan, Jill Cook, Glen Metiver, Justice R.W. Elson, Justice Crooks, Owzw Lawyers LLP, Virgil A. Thomson, Provincial Court of Saskatchewan, Justice M. Pelletier, Raymond Hebert, Linda Hebert, Emi Holm, Char Blair, Community Futures, Lisa Cimmer and Kimberley A. Richardson





Dale Richardson


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Église adventiste du septième jour, Commission civile d’examen et de traitement des plaintes, Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, Cour d’appel de la Saskatchewan, juge Caldwell, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Corecivic, Derek Allchurch, procureur général du Canada (Gendarmerie royale du Canada), Burton Roy, Battlefords Seventh-Day Adventist Church, James Kwon, Mazel Holm, Gary Lund, Dawn Lund, Ciprian Bolah, Jeannie Johnson, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference, Michael Collins, Matrix Law Group, Clifford Holm, Patricia J. Meiklejohn, Chantelle Thompson, Jennifer Schmidt, Mark Clements, Chad Gartner, Brad Appel, Ian McArthur, Bryce Bohun, Kathy Irwin, Jason Panchyshyn, Cary Ransome, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Dr Alabi, Rikki Morrisson, Cora Swerid, Dr Elekwem, Dr Sunday, Cour du Banc de la Reine de la Saskatchewan, Jill Cook, Glen Metiver, juge R.W. Elson, juge Crooks, Owzw Lawyers LLP, Virgil A. Thomson, Cour provinciale de la Saskatchewan, juge M. Pelletier, Raymond Hebert, Linda Hebert, Emi Holm, Char Blair, Community Futures, Lisa Cimmer et Kimberley A. Richardson








The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal, Number A-183-22, dated October 18, 2022 is dismissed with costs to the respondents Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Battlefords Seventh-Day Adventist Church, James Kwon, Mazel Holm, Gary Lund, Dawn Lund, Jeannie Johnson, Ciprian Bolah, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference, Michael Collins, Matrix Law Group, Clifford Holm, Patricia J. Meiklejohn, Kimberley A. Richardson, and the Attorney General of Canada (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).





La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour d’appel fédérale, numéro A-183-22, daté du 18 octobre 2022, est rejetée avec dépens en faveur des intimés Église adventiste du septième jour, Battlefords Seventh-Day Adventist Church, James Kwon, Mazel Holm, Gary Lund, Dawn Lund, Jeannie Johnson, Ciprian Bolah, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference, Michael Collins, Matrix Law Group, Clifford Holm, Patricia J. Meiklejohn, Kimberley A. Richardson, et procureur général du Canada (Gendarmerie royale du Canada).







 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.