Applications for Leave

Decision Information

Decision Content

                                                                                                                                           No. 31823   



May 10, 2007


Le 10 mai 2007




Coram:  Bastarache, LeBel and Fish JJ.


Coram : Les juges Bastarache, LeBel et Fish






Alberta Union of Provincial Employees




‑ and ‑


Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta, Continuing Care Employers Bargaining Association, Capital Health Authority, Attorney General of Alberta and Alberta Labour Relations Board







Alberta Union of Provincial Employees




‑ et ‑


Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta, Continuing Care Employers Bargaining Association, Capital Health Authority, Procureur général de lAlberta et Alberta Labour Relations Board









The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Alberta (Edmonton), Number 0403‑0385‑AC, 2006 ABCA 356, dated November 28, 2006, is dismissed with costs to the respondents Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta, Continuing Care Employers Bargaining Association and Capital Health Authority.





La demande dautorisation dappel de larrêt de la Cour dappel de lAlberta (Edmonton), numéro 0403‑0385‑AC, 2006 ABCA 356, daté du 28 novembre 2006, est rejetée avec dépens en faveur des intimées Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta, Continuing Care Employers Bargaining Association and Capital Health Authority.








 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.