
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

SUPREME COURT                                              COUR SUPR Ê ME

OF CANADA                                                        DU CANADA   

              BULLETIN  OF                                          BULLETIN DES

            PROCEEDINGS                                         PROCÉDURES

This Bulletin is published at the direction of the Registrar and is for general information only.  It is not to be used as evidence of its content, which, if required, should be proved by Certificate of the Registrar under the Seal of the Court.  While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.


Ce Bulletin, publié sous l'autorité du registraire, ne vise qu'à fournir des renseignements d'ordre général.  Il ne peut servir de preuve de son contenu.  Celle‐ci s'établit par un certificat du registraire donné sous le sceau de la Cour.  Rien n'est négligé pour assurer l'exactitude du contenu, mais la Cour décline toute responsabilité pour les erreurs ou omissions.





Subscriptions may be had at $100 per year, payable in advance, in accordance with the Court tariff.  During Court sessions it is usually issued weekly.


Le prix de l'abonnement, fixé dans le tarif de la Cour, est de 100 $ l'an, payable d'avance.  Le Bulletin paraît en principe toutes les semaines pendant les sessions de la Cour.





The Bulletin, being a factual report of recorded proceedings, is produced in the language of record.  Where a judgment has been rendered, requests for copies should be made to the Registrar, with a remittance of $10 for each set of reasons.  All remittances should be made payable to the Receiver General for Canada.


Le Bulletin rassemble les procédures devant la Cour dans la langue du dossier.  Quand un arrêt est rendu, on peut se procurer les motifs de jugement en adressant sa demande au registraire, accompagnée de 10 $ par exemplaire.  Le paiement doit être fait à l'ordre du Receveur général du Canada.






November 24, 1995                                    1840 - 1888 (INDEX)                                  le 24 novembre 1995

CONTENTS                                                                                       TABLE DES MATIÈRES


Applications for leave to appeal                              1840                      Demandes d'autorisation d'appel

filed                                                                                                  déposées


Applications for leave submitted                          1841 - 1845               Demandes soumises à la Cour depuis la

to Court since last issue                                                                     dernière parution


Oral hearing ordered                                                 -                         Audience ordonnée


Oral hearing on applications for                                 -                         Audience sur les demandes d'autorisation



Judgments on applications for                                1846                      Jugements rendus sur les demandes

leave                                                                                                 d'autorisation


Motions                                                             1847 - 1849               Requêtes


Notices of appeal filed since last                            1850                      Avis d'appel déposés depuis la dernière

issue                                                                                                parution


Notices of intervention filed since                               -                         Avis d'intervention déposés depuis la

last issue                                                                                          dernière parution


Notices of discontinuance filed since                         -                         Avis de désistement déposés depuis la

last issue                                                                                          dernière parution


Appeals heard since last issue and                           -                         Appels entendus depuis la dernière

disposition                                                                                         parution et résultat


Pronouncements of appeals reserved                         -                         Jugements rendus sur les appels en



Headnotes of recent judgments                                 -                         Sommaires des arrêts récents


Weekly agenda                                                     1851                      Ordre du jour de la semaine


Summaries of the cases                                     1852 - 1861               Résumés des affaires


Cumulative Index ‐ Leave                                    1862 - 1881               Index cumulatif ‐ Autorisations


Cumulative Index ‐ Appeals                                 1882 - 1885               Index cumulatif ‐ Appels


Appeals inscribed ‐ Session                                      -                         Appels inscrits ‐ Session

beginning                                                                                          commençant le


Notices to the Profession and                                   -                         Avis aux avocats et communiqué

Press Release                                                                                   de presse


Deadlines: Motions before the Court                       1886                      Délais: Requêtes devant la Cour


Deadlines: Appeals                                               1887                      Délais: Appels


Judgments reported in S.C.R.                                1888                      Jugements publiés au R.C.S.





Gurdial Singh Fiji

Gurdial Singh Fiji


v. (24923)


The Law Society of Upper Canada et al. (Ont.)

Julia E.A. West


FILING DATE  14.11.1995



G & W Electric Ltd.

André Simard

Guy & Gilbert


c. (24996)


Commission Hydro-Électrique du Québec (Hydro-Québec) (Qué.)

Richard Paquette

Marchand, Lemieux





United States of America et al.

Michael R. Dambrot, Q.C.

Dept. A.G. of Canada


v. (24997)


Arye Dynar (Ont.)

Frank Addario

Ruby & Edwardh


FILING DATE  7.11.1995



General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada

Barry R. Morrison, Q.C.

Clark, Drummie & Co.


v. (24998)


State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. (N.B.)

Richard B. Costello, Q.C.

Barry & O'Neil


FILING DATE  17.11.1995



Paul Leeann Lewis et al.

John N. Laxton, Q.C.

Laxton & Co.


v. (24999)


Her Majesty The Queen in right of the province of British Columbia (B.C.)

William A. Pearce, Q.C.

Min. of the A.G.


FILING DATE  17.11.1995



Sunday Odutola Oduneye

R.S. Prithipaul

Gunn & Prithipaul


v. (25000)


Her Majesty The Queen (Alta.)

B. Rosborough

A.G. of Canada


FILING DATE  17.11.1995



Francis Eric Boyd Giles

Francis Eric Boyd Giles


v. (25002)


Marion Beatrice Giles (Alta.)

Robert V.T. Boyden

Soby Boyden Lenz


FILING DATE  17.11.1995



Blaiklock Inc.

Pierre Bourque, c.r.

Desjardins Ducharme Stein Monast


v. (25003)


Banque canadienne impériale de Commerce et al. (Qué.)

Mortimer Freiheit

Stikeman Elliott












                                                                                                                                               NOVEMBER 22, 1995 / LE 22 NOVEMBRE 1995





                                                           Rodney Tyler Fieldhouse


                                                                        v. (24785)


                                                        Her Majesty the Queen (Ont.)




Criminal law - Evidence - Trial - Cross-Examination - Whether Court of Appeal erred in allowing cross-examination on Applicant's diary during defence case rather than during Crown case - Whether Court of Appeal erred in allowing cross-examination on letters without first proving the truth of their contents.




May 17, 1991

Ontario Court of Justice (General Division)

(Hurley J.)


Conviction:  first degree murder




September 6, 1994

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Osborne, Brooke and Catzman JJ.A.)


Appeal dismissed





July 21, 1995

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal and motion for extension of time filed









                                                             Beloit Canada Ltée/Ltd.

                                                             and Beloit Corporation


                                                                        v. (24887)


                                                            Valmet Oy (F.C.A.)(Qué.)




Property law - Patents - Commercial law - Accounting - Infringement - Accounting of profits - Apportionment of profits - Whether an infringer must account for the profits from the sale of an entire machine or simply the profits relating to the sale of an integral, infringing part of the machine - Whether an infringer must account for the profits from the sale of spare parts and auxiliary equipment relating to the infringing parts of a machine - Whether potential use of hypothetical, non-infringing alternatives should be considered - Unjust enrichment.



May 12, 1994

Federal Court,Trial Division

(Rouleau J., sitting as referee)


Judgment on accounting of profits for patent infringement: profits awarded from sales of infringing parts only; Finnish base rate of interest and simple 5% interest awarded


July 12, 1995

Federal Court of Appeal

(Hugessen,Desjardins,Décary JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed with costs: lower court decision varied on entitlement to profits from government subsidies and on the  calculation of interest




September 27, 1995

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal and motion for an extension of time filed




Southam Inc., Lower Mainland Publishing Ltd., RIM Publishing Inc., Yellow Cedar Properties Ltd., North Shore Free Press Ltd., Specialty Publishers Inc.,

and Elty Publications Ltd.


                                                                        v. (24915)


                                   The Director of Investigation and Research (F.C.A.)(Ont.)




Administrative law - Competition law - Tribunals - Remedies - Mergers - Mergers by acquisition - Relevant product market - Curial deference - Competition Tribunal considering the proposed mergers of several newspapers - Divestiture of Southam's community newspapers and real estate publication sought by Respondent, on the ground that the joint control of these publications and the two daily newspapers reduces competition in newspaper retail advertising services and real estate advertising in various markets in the Vancouver area - Finding of substantial lessening of competition only in print real estate advertising market - Whether the question of market definition, a pivotal consideration in the merger review process of the Competition Act , R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34 , is a matter falling within the Tribunal's specialized expertise, such that appellate courts should treat the Tribunal's market definition decisions with deference - The proper approach for the Competition Tribunal to adopt with respect to the exercise of its remedial powers under section 92  of the Competition Act  given Parliament's shift of merger review from a criminal to a civil regime.




June 2, 1992

Competition Tribunal

(Teitelbaum J., Roseman and Clarke, Members)


Application by the Respondent Director of Investigation and Research to require divestiture of certain publications in the Vancouver area, granted in part


December 10, 1992

Competition Tribunal

(Teitelbaum J., Roseman and Clarke, Members)


Remedies in respect of finding by the Competition Tribunal on June 2, 1992, of a substantial lessening of competition in the real estate advertising market in the North Shore, Vancouver:  Divestiture ordered


March 8, 1992

Competition Tribunal(Teitelbaum J., Roseman and Clarke, Members)






Formal order of divestiture issued August 8, 1995

Federal Court of Appeal

(Isaac C.J., Pratte and Robertson J.A.)


Appeal by Respondent of Competition Tribunal Decision dated June 2, 1992, allowed; matter remitted to the Tribunal for determination by a differently constituted panel




August 8, 1995

Federal Court of Appeal

(Isaac C.J., Pratte and Robertson J.A.)


Appeal by the Applicants of Competition Tribunal Decision dated December 10, 1992, dismissed




October 13, 1995

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal from both judgments of the Federal Court of Appeal and application for a stay of execution filed








                                                                Sa Majesté la Reine


                                                                        c. (24867)


                                                         Pierre Patoine (Crim.)(Qué.)




Droit criminel - Procédure - Preuve - Nouvelle preuve - Diligence raisonnable - Témoignage d'un expert en projection de gouttes de sang - Application des al. 683(1) a) et b) du Code Criminel  - Application des arrêts Palmer c. La Reine, [1980] 1 R.C.S. 759, R. c. Stolar, [1988] 1 R.C.S. 480, et R. c. Price, [1993] 3 R.C.S. 633 - La nouvelle preuve satisfait-elle aux conditions fixées par la Cour suprême du Canada quant au critère de la diligence, quant au caractère décisif ou potentiellement décisif de la preuve et quant à son influence sur le résultat du procès?




Le 8 juin 1989

Cour supérieure du Québec (Hannan, J.C.S.)


Déclaration de culpabilité: meurtre au deuxième degré




Le 22 décembre 1993

Cour d'appel du Québec (Tourigny, Baudouin et

Chamberland, JJ.C.A.)


Requête de l'intimé en application de l'al. 683(1)(b)(ii) du C. cr. en vue de permettre l'audition d'un témoin accueillie




Le 6 juillet 1995

Cour d'appel du Québec (Tourigny, Baudouin et

Chamberland, JJ.C.A.)


Nouvelle preuve admise, appel accueilli, verdict de culpabilité cassé, tenue d'un nouveau procès ordonnée




Le 13 septembre 1995

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée



                                           Ascenza Scamolla, Administratix of the Estate

                                         of Vincenzo Scamolla, deceased, Lou Scamolla,

                                       Antonetta Scamolla and Victoria Ashley Scamolla,

                                               by her litigation guardian, Lou Scamolla


                                                                        v. (24828)


                                             Tenax Limited, Alex Deliulis, Unicrane Inc.,

                                              Battista Damatto, Burrell Engineering Ltd.,

                                         Michael Burrell, Kroll Cranes A/S, ASX 9472 A/S,

                                           Kroll Giant Cranes A/S, Thomas Schmidt A/S,

                                            Bagsvaerd and Aktieselskabet Voelund (Ont.)




Torts - Negligence - Damages - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in reducing the amounts of non-pecuniary general damages awarded by the jury following the trial of an action for wrongful death - Whether there should be a cap on non-pecuniary damage awards made to claimants under wrongful death legislation?




August 10, 1993

Ontario Court (General Division)

(Ewaschuk J.)


Jury assessment of non-pecuniary general damages following wrongful death trial:  Applicant Ascenza Scamolla - $373,031.00; Antonetta Scamolla - $100,000.00 and Lou Scamolla - $45,000.00




April 25, 1995

Court of Appeal for Ontario

(Goodman, Robins and Catzman JJ.A.)


Appeal allowed in part: reduction in non-pecuniary general damage award




August 8, 1995

Supreme Court of Canada


Application for leave to appeal filed









                                                                       André Roy


                                                                        c. (24878)


                                                     Le Procureur général du Québec,

                                    La direction de la protection, ministère de l'agriculture,

                                          des pêcheries et de l'alimentation du Québec et

                          Le ministère du loisir, de la chasse et de la pêche du Québec (Qué.)




Responsabilité civile - Dommages-intérêts - Couronne - Pêches - Interdiction provisoire de la pêche commerciale au saumon - L'action en dommages-intérêts intentée par le demandeur contre les intimés a-t-elle un fondement juridique? - La Cour supérieure et la Cour d'appel ont-elles erré en concluant que le demandeur n'avait pas de droits acquis à l'exercice de la pêche commerciale, qu'il ne s'agissait pas ici d'un cas d'expropriation déguisée et qu'il n'avait pas été victime de discrimination? - Le Règlement de pêche du Québec, C.R.C. 1978, ch. 852, peut-il être appliqué de façon à anéantir le droit de pêche du demandeur?




Le 1er mars 1990

Cour supérieure du Québec

(Gagnon j.c.s.)


Action en dommages-intérêts rejetée




Le 24 mai 1995

Cour d'appel du Québec

(Gendreau, Baudouin et Brossard jj.c.a.)


Pourvoi rejeté




Le 14 septembre 1995

Cour suprême du Canada


Demande d'autorisation d'appel déposée












NOVEMBER 23, 1995 / LE 23 NOVEMBRE 1995




CORAM:           L'Heureux-Dubé, Sopinka and McLachlin JJ.


The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs.


La demande d'autorisation d'appel est rejetée avec dépens.





Administrative law - Procedural law - Appeal - Courts - Interest - Claim for interest - Whether or to what extent the doctrine of res judicata applies to decisions of administrative tribunals - Whether or to what extent courts can interfere with findings of fact or policy decisions by administrative tribunals on matters within their jurisdiction -  Whether the Court of Appeal failed to apply applicable standard of review - Natural Gas Pricing Agreement Act, R.S.A. 1980, c. N-4, Natural Gas Price Administration Act, R.S.A. 1980, c. N-3, Public Utilities Board Act, R.S.A. 1980, c. P-37.










Before / Devant:  L'HEUREUX-DUBÉ J.


Motion to extend the time in which to file the notice of appeal


Michael McCarthy


   v. (24995)


Her Majesty The Queen (Ont.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de dépôt de l'avis d'appel


With the consent of the parties.







GRANTED / ACCORDÉE   Time extended to November 15, 1995.






Before / Devant:  THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to file the respondent's response


Terry Sanderson et al.


   v. (24776)


The Master of Titles (Saskatchewan) (Sask.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de dépôt de la réponse de l'intimé


With the consent of the parties.




GRANTED / ACCORDÉE  Time extended to November 2, 1995.






Before / Devant:  LA FOREST J.


Motion for a stay of execution


Southam Inc. et al.


   v. (24915)


The Director of Investigation and Research (Ont.)


Requête en vue de surseoir à l'exécution












Before / Devant:  L'HEUREUX-DUBÉ J.


Motion to extend the time for leave to intervene and for leave to intervene


BY/PAR:           Canadian Mental Health Association


IN/DANS:          Battleford and District Cooperative Ltd.


v. (24342)


Betty-Lu Clara Gibbs et al. (Sask.)


Requête en prorogation du délai pour la demande d'autorisation et demande d'autorisation d'intervention


With the consent of the parties.













Before / Devant:  THE REGISTRAR


Motion to extend the time in which to file the intervener's factum


BY/PAR:           Ontario Multi-Faith Coalition for Equity


IN/DANS:          Susie Adler et al.


   v. (24347)


Her Majesty The Queen in right of Ontario et al. (Ont.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de dépôt du mémoire d'une intervenant


With the consent of the parties.







GRANTED / ACCORDÉE  Time extended to November 24, 1995.






Before / Devant:  L'HEUREUX-DUBÉ


Motion to extend the time in which to apply for leave to appeal


Kenneth Ray Howard


   v. (24826)


The Honourable Allan Rock et al. (Ont.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de dépôt de la  demande d'autorisation















Before / Devant:  L'HEUREUX-DUBÉ J.


Motion to extend the time in which to apply for leave to appeal


Sunday Odutola Oduneye


   v. (25000)


Her Majesty The Queen (Alta.)


Requête en prorogation du délai de dépôt de la demande d'autorisation


With the consent of the parties.







GRANTED / ACCORDÉE  Time extended to November 17, 1995.











Roger Alfredo Bardales


   v. (25001)


Her Majesty The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.)










   v. (24612)


Clive Ryan et al. (B.C.)






Alfred Goodswimmer et al.


   v. (24745)


The Attorney General of Canada et al. (F.C.A.)(Alta.)





Jon Athey


   v. (24725)


Ferdinando Leonati et al. (B.C.)






Alfred Goodswimmer et al.


   v. (24737)


The Attorney General of Canada et al. (F.C.A.)(Alta.)







Shawn Leon


   v. (24522)


The United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.)






The Brant County Board of Education


   v. (24668)


Carol Eaton et al. (Ont.)










AGENDA for the week beginning November 27, 1995.

ORDRE DU JOUR pour la semaine commençant le 27 novembre 1995.






Date of Hearing/                           Case Number and Name/    

Date d'audition                             Numéro et nom de la cause



27/11/95 TO/AU                           NTC Smokehouse Ltd. v. Her Majesty The Queen (B.C.) - AND BETWEEN

01/12/95                                      - Donald Gladstone et al. v. Her Majesty The Queen (B.C.) - AND BETWEEN - Allan Jacob Lewis v. Her Majesty The Queen and between Allan Frances Lewis v. Her Majesty The Queen and between Jacob Kenneth Lewis v. Her Majesty The Queen (B.C.) - AND BETWEEN - Dorothy Marie Van Der Peet v. Her Majesty The Queen (B.C.) - AND BETWEEN - Jerry Benjamin Nikal v. Her Majesty The Queen in right of Canada (B.C.)(23800, 23801, 23802, 23803, 23804)






This agenda is subject to change.  Hearing dates should be confirmed with Process Registry staff at (613) 996-8666.


Cet ordre du jour est sujet à modification.  Les dates d'audience devraient être confirmées auprès du personnel du greffe au (613) 996-8666.





                                                                                                                                               23800                NTC SMOKEHOUSE LTD. V. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN


Indians - Constitutional - Fisheries - Whether native Indians have a right to sell fish which were legally caught under licence from their traditional, customary fishery - Whether sections 4(5) and 27(5) of the British Columbia Fishery (General) Regulations, SOR/84-248, as they read in September of 1986, of no force and effect with respect to the Appellant in the circumstances of these proceedings, in virtue of section 52  of the Constitution Act, 1982 , by reason of the aboriginal rights within the meaning of section 35  of the Constitution Act, 1982  invoked by the Appellant?


The Appellant, owner and operator of a food processing plant near Port Alberni, purchased approximately 119,435 pounds of Chinook salmon between September 7 and 23, 1986.  The fish were caught under the authority of Indian Food Fishing licences from the Somass River at the "Paper Mill Dam" site by 80 native Indians, 65 members of the Sheshaht Band and 15 members of the Opetchesaht Band.  The Indians, who have reserve lands adjacent to the Somass River which runs into Port Alberni Inlet, traditionally fished for salmon in the river, the taking of salmon being integral to the cultural and traditional way of life.  The Indians were issued Indian Food Fish licences, pursuant to regulations under the Fisheries Act, which permitted fishing during certain specified days and hours.


At trial the Respondent claimed that, although the fish were lawfully caught under the authority of an Indian Food Fish licence, the purchase and sale by the Appellant contravened ss. 4(5) and 27(5) of the B.C. Fishery (General) Regulations.  The Appellant claimed that the Paper Mill Dam site where the salmon were caught is part of the Reserve and the Sheshaht Band By-Law of March 9, 1982, SOR-82-471, authorizing the sale of fish, was applicable.  The Appellant also claimed that the sale of Indian Food fishery was an exercise of an aboriginal right.  The Appellant then claimed that the Regulations prohibiting the sale were ultra vires.


On August 19, 1988, the Appellant was convicted of one count of unlawfully buying fish, approximately 119,000 pounds of chinook salmon, that were not lawfully caught under the authority of a commercial fishing licence, and one count of selling fish, approximately 105,000 pounds of chinook salmon, between September 8 and October 24, 1986, caught under the authority of an Indian Food Fish Licence. 


The Appellant's summary conviction appeal was dismissed, and an appeal was taken to the British Columbia Court of Appeal.  The appeal was dismissed.


Origin of the case:                                                                                                            British Columbia


File No.:                                                                                                                                         23800


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                                                                                           June 25, 1993


Counsel:                                                                                            David M. Rosenberg for the Appellant

                                                                   S. David Frankel, Q.C. and Cheryl J. Tobias for the Respondent





Indiens - Constitutionnel - Pêcheries - Les autochtones ont‐ils le droit de vendre du poisson qu'ils ont pris légalement aux termes d'un permis dans leur lieu de pêche coutumier et traditionnel? - Les paragraphes 4(5) et 27(5) du Règlement de pêche général de la Colombie‐Britannique, DORS/84‐248, tels qu'ils étaient libellés en septembre 1986, sont‐ils inopérants à l'égard de l'appelante dans les circonstances de l'espèce aux termes de l'art.   52  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 , en raison des droits ancestraux invoqués par l'appelante, au sens où l'entend l'art.   35  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 ?


L'appelante, propriétaire et exploitante d'une entreprise de transformation des aliments près de Port Alberni, a acheté approximativement 119 435 livres de saumon quinnat entre le 7 et le 23 septembre 1986.  Le poisson avait été pris aux termes d'un permis de pêche de subsistance des Indiens dans la rivière Somass au site du barrage de la papeterie par 80 autochtones, 65 membres de la bande Sheshaht et 15 membres de la bande Opetchesaht.  Les Indiens, qui ont des terres de réserve adjacentes à la rivière Somass qui se déverse dans l'anse de Port Alberni, ont traditionnellement pêché le saumon dans la rivière, la pêche au saumon faisant partie intégrante de leur mode de vie culturel et traditionnel.  Les permis de pêche de subsistance des Indiens délivrés aux Indiens conformément au règlement pris en vertu de la Loi sur les pêcheries autorisaient la pêche à des heures et à des jours déterminés.


Au procès, l'intimée a fait valoir que, bien que le poisson ait été pris légalement aux termes d'un permis de pêche de subsistance des Indiens, l'achat et la vente par l'appelante contrevenaient aux par. 4(5) et 27(5) du Règlement de pêche général de la Colombie‐Britannique.  L'appelante a soutenu que le site du barrage de la papeterie où le saumon a été pris fait partie de la réserve et que le règlement administratif pris par la bande Sheshaht le 9 mars 1982, DORS/82‐471, et autorisant la vente de poisson, s'applique.  L'appelante a également soutenu que la vente des fruits de la pêche de subsistance des Indiens était l'exercice d'un droit ancestral.  Elle a ensuite prétendu que le Règlement interdisant la vente était inconstitutionnel.


Le 19 août 1988, l'appelante a été déclarée coupable relativement à un chef d'accusation d'achat illégal de poisson, environ 119 000 livres de saumon quinnat, qui n'a pas été pris légalement aux termes d'un permis de pêche commerciale, et à un chef d'accusation de vente de poisson, approximativement 105 000 livres de saumon quinnat, entre le 8 et le 24 octobre 1986, pris aux termes d'un permis de pêche de subsistance des Indiens.


L'appel de l'appelante contre sa déclaration sommaire de culpabilité a été rejeté, et l'appel interjeté à la Cour d'appel de la Colombie‐Britannique a également été rejeté.


Origine :                                                            Colombie‐Britannique


No du greffe :                                                      23800


Arrêt de la Cour d'appel:                                      Le 25 juin 1993


Avocats :                                                           David M. Rosenberg pour l'appelante

S. David Frankel, c.r., et Cheryl J. Tobias pour l'intimée




23801   Donald and William Gladstone v. Her Majesty the Queen


Indians - Constitutional - Fisheries - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that the Appellants do not have an aboriginal right to trade and sell herring spawn on kelp - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that if there was a prima facie infringement of an aboriginal right to trade and sell herring spawn on kelp, the infringement was justified - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in supporting the conclusion of the trial judge that the Respondent proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the Appellants unlawfully attempted to sell a shipment of herring spawn on kelp.


The Appellants are members of the Heiltsuk Indian Band of Bella Coola which lives on the reserve at Waglisha on the east coast of Campbell Island, near Bella Bella.  The Appellants arranged to ship from Bella Bella to Vancouver approximately 4,200 pounds of herring spawn on kelp.  The herring spawn was in white plastic containers held in five crates which were said by the Appellants to contain personal belongings.  The fisheries officers, alerted by an informant, kept under surveillance the transportation of the crates from the freight carrier in Vancouver to a warehouse in Richmond where they determined that the crates contained herring spawn on kelp.  The Appellant William Gladstone picked up the crates and drove to a parking lot in Vancouver.  The Appellants then went to a retail fish store with one white container of herring spawn.  The Appellant William Gladstone asked the owner if he was "interested in herring on kelp" to which the owner replied he "never touched herring on kelp from native Indians".  The Appellants left and returned to the parking lot where they were arrested.  The Appellants had an Indian Food Fish Licence for 1988, which authorized the harvesting of not more than 500 pounds of herring spawn on kelp for food purposes.


The Appellants were charged with one count of unlawfully offering to sell herring spawn on kelp, caught under the authority of an Indian Food Fish Licence, contrary to s. 27(5) of the British Columbia Fishery (General) Regulations, and one count of unlawfully attempting to sell herring spawn on kelp other than herring spawn on kelp taken or collected under the authority of a Category J. Licence, contrary to s. 20(3) of the Pacific Herring Fishery Regulation.  The Appellants were convicted on both counts in the Provincial Court of British Columbia.  The Appellants' summary conviction appeal was allowed in part by the Supreme Court of British Columbia which allowed the appeal on the first count.  The Court of Appeal for British Columbia dismissed the Appellants' appeal, Lambert J.A. dissenting.


Origin of the case:                                                                                                            British Columbia


File No.:                                                                                                                                         23801


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                                                                                           June 25, 1993


Counsel:                                                                               Marvin R.V. Storrow, Q.C., Naria A. Morellato,

                                                                                                            Joanne R. Lysyk, for the Appellant

                                                                                                S. David Frankel, Q.C., for the Respondent




23801   Donald et William Gladstone c. Sa Majesté la Reine


Indiens - Constitutionnel - Pêcheries - La Cour d'appel a‐t‐elle commis une erreur en concluant que les appelants n'avaient aucun droit ancestral de vendre des oeufs de hareng sur varech? - La Cour d'appel a‐t‐elle commis une erreur en concluant que, s'il y a eu violation à première vue d'un droit ancestral de vendre des oeufs de hareng sur varech, la violation était justifiée? - La Cour d'appel a‐t‐elle commis une erreur en se ralliant à la conclusion du juge du procès selon laquelle l'intimée a prouvé hors de tout doute raisonnable que les appelants ont tenté illégalement de vendre un chargement d'oeufs de hareng sur varech?


Les appelants font partie de la bande indienne des Heiltsuk de Bella Coola qui vit sur la réserve située à Waglisha sur la côte est de l'île Campbell, près de Bella Bella.  Les appelants ont pris des mesures pour expédier de Bella Bella à Vancouver environ 4 200 livres d'oeufs de hareng sur varech.  Les oeufs de hareng se trouvaient dans des contenants de plastique blanc placés dans cinq caisses qui, selon les appelants, étaient censées contenir des effets personnels.  Les agents des pêches, alertés par un informateur, ont surveillé le transport des caisses à partir de l'expéditeur de Vancouver jusqu'à un entrepôt de Richmond où ils établirent que les caisses contenaient des oeufs de hareng sur varech.  L'appelant William Gladstone est allé prendre les caisses et s'est dirigé vers un terrain de stationnement de Vancouver.  Les appelants se sont ensuite rendus chez un détaillant de poissons avec un contenant blanc d'oeufs de hareng sur varech.  L'appelant William Gladstone a demandé au propriétaire s'il était «intéressé à acheter du hareng sur varech», ce à quoi le propriétaire a répondu qu'il «ne touchait jamais au hareng sur varech qui venait des autochtones».  Les appelants sont partis et sont retournés au terrain de stationnement, où ils ont été arrêtés.  L'appelant avait un permis de pêche de subsistance des Indiens pour l'année 1988, qui autorisait le ramassage d'au plus 500 livres d'oeufs de hareng sur varech à des fins alimentaires.


Les appelants ont été accusés d'avoir offert illégalement de vendre des oeufs de hareng sur varech, ramassés en vertu d'un permis de pêche de subsistance des Indiens, en violation du par. 27(5) du Règlement général de pêche de la Colombie-Britannique et d'avoir tenté illégalement de vendre des oeufs de hareng sur varech autres que des oeufs de hareng sur varech pris ou ramassés en vertu du permis de catégorie J, en violation du par. 20(3) du Règlement de pêche du hareng du Pacifique.  Les appelants ont été reconnus coupables sous les deux chefs d'accusation devant la Cour provinciale de la Colombie-Britannique.  L'appel interjeté par les appelants contre leurs déclarations de culpabilité par procédure sommaire a été accueilli en partie par la Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique, qui a accueilli l'appel relativement au premier chef d'accusation.  La Cour d'appel de la Colombie-Britannique a rejeté l'appel des appelants, mais le juge Lambert était dissident.


Origine:                                                                                                                    Colombie-Britannique


No du greffe:                                                                                                                                    23801


Arrêt de la Cour d'appel:                                                                                                       le 25 juin 1993


Avocats:                                                                                 Marvin R.V. Storrow, c.r., Naria A. Morellato,

                                                                                                         Joanne R. Lysyk, pour les appelants

                                                                                                           S. David Frankel, c.r., pour l'intimée




23802   Lewis et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen


Indians - Constitutional - Fisheries - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that the presumption ad medium filum aquae does not apply to the Squamish River where it runs adjacent to the boundaries of Cheakamus Indian Reserve No. 11 - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that a fishery in the Squamish River adjacent to Cheakamus I.R. No. 11 was not reserved to the Squamish Indians and transferred to the federal Crown as part of Cheakamus I.R. No. 11 -Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that the Squamish Indian Band By-law No. 10 has no effect with respect to the regulation of fishing on the Squamish River adjacent to Cheakamus I.R. No. 11.


On October 6, 1986, the Appellants, members of the Squamish Band, engaged in net fishing on the Squamish River in an area immediately contiguous to the Cheakamus Indian Reserve No. 11.  The Appellants were charged with contravening the British Columbia Fishery (General) Regulations made pursuant to the Fisheries Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. F-14, on the ground that they were fishing at a time not authorized by an Indian Food Fish Licence and were fishing with a greater net length than that authorized by such a licence.  The Appellants claimed that they were authorized by the Squamish Indian Band By-law No. 10 to fish at the time and in the manner in question.  The Appellants were convicted on all counts in the Provincial Court of British Columbia.  The Appellants appealed their convictions to the County Court of British Columbia.  The County Court judge applied the presumption ad medium filum aquae, found that the boundary of the Cheakamus Indian Reserve extended to the mid-line of the Squamish River and concluded that the Squamish Indian Band By-law No. 10 constituted a complete defence where the fishing took place on the east, or reserve side, of the centre line of the Squamish River.  The appeals of the Appellants A.F. Lewis and A.J. Lewis were allowed since they had been fishing on the east, or reserve side, of the centre line of the river where their conduct was authorized by the Band By-law.  The appeal of the Appellant J.K. Lewis was dismissed because he had been fishing on the westerly side of the centre of the river.  The Court of Appeal for British Columbia allowed the Respondent's appeals against the acquittals of the Appellants A.F. Lewis and A.J. Lewis and dismissed the Appellant J.K. Lewis' appeal.


Origin of the case:                                                                                                            British Columbia


File No.:                                                                                                                                         23802


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                                                                                           June 25, 1993


Counsel:                                                                       Harry A. Slade and John R. Rich, for the Appellants

                                                                                                S. David Frankel, Q.C., for the Respondent




23802   Lewis et autres c. Sa Majesté la Reine


Indiens - Constitutionnel - Pêcheries - La Cour d'appel a‐t‐elle commis une erreur en concluant que la présomption ad medium filum aquae ne s'applique pas à la rivière Squamish où elle jouxte les limites de la réserve indienne Cheakamus no 11? - La Cour d'appel a‐t‐elle commis une erreur en concluant qu'aucun droit de pêche dans la rivière Squamish où elle jouxte les limites de la réserve indienne Cheakamus no 11 n'était réservé aux Indiens squamish ni transféré à la Couronne fédérale comme partie intégrante de la réserve indienne Cheakamus no 11? - La Cour d'appel a‐t‐elle commis une erreur en concluant que le règlement no 10 de la bande indienne des Squamish est inopérant en ce qui concerne la réglementation de la pêche sur la rivière Squamish où elle jouxte les limites de la réserve indienne Cheakamus no 11?


Le 6 octobre 1986, les appelants, qui font partie de la bande des Squamish, ont entrepris de pêcher au filet sur la rivière Squamish dans une région immédiatement contiguë à la réserve indienne Cheakamus no 11.  Les appelants ont été accusés d'avoir contrevenu au Règlement général de pêche de la Colombie-Britannique pris conformément à la Loi sur les pêches, S.R.C. 1970, ch. F‐14, pour le motif qu'ils pêchaient à une époque de l'année qui n'était pas autorisée par un permis de pêche de subsistance des Indiens et qu'ils utilisaient un filet plus long que ne l'autorisait un tel permis.  Les appelants ont prétendu que le règlement no 10 de la bande indienne des Squamish les autorisait à pêcher à cette époque de l'année et de la manière en question.  Les appelants ont été reconnus coupables sous tous les chefs d'accusation en Cour provinciale de la Colombie-Britannique.  Ils ont interjeté appel de leurs déclarations de culpabilité devant la Cour de comté de la Colombie-Britannique.  Le juge de cette cour a appliqué la présomption ad medium filum aquae, estimé que les limites de la réserve indienne Cheakamus s'étendaient jusqu'à la ligne médiane de la rivière Squamish et conclu que le règlement no 10 de la bande indienne des Squamish constituait une défense pleine et entière si la pêche avait lieu du côté est, ou du côté de la réserve, de la ligne médiane de la rivière Squamish.  Les appels interjetés par les appelants A.F. Lewis et A.J. Lewis ont été accueillis parce qu'ils pêchaient du côté est, ou du côté de la réserve, de la ligne médiane de la rivière, où leur activité était autorisée par le règlement de la bande indienne.  L'appel de l'appelant J.K. Lewis a été rejeté parce qu'il pêchait du côté ouest du milieu de la rivière.  La Cour d'appel de la Colombie-Britannique a accueilli les appels interjetés par l'intimée contre l'acquittement des appelants A.F. Lewis et A.J. Lewis et a rejeté l'appel interjeté par l'appelant J.K. Lewis.


Origine:                                                                                                                    Colombie-Britannique


No du greffe:                                                                                                                                    23802


Arrêt de la Cour d'appel:                                                                                                       le 25 juin 1993


Avocats:                                                                         Harry A. Slade et John R. Rich, pour les appelants

                                                                                                           S. David Frankel, c.r., pour l'intimée





Indians - Constitutional - Fisheries - Whether the Court of Appeal erred in determining that the present day aboriginal right to sell fish is dependent upon proof of an aboriginal practice of fishing for a commercial market prior to contact with Europeans - Whether section 27(5) of the British Columbia Fishery (General) Regulations, SOR/84-248, as it read on September 11, 1987, is of no force and effect with respect to the Appellant in the circumstances of these proceedings, in virtue of section 52  of the Constitution Act, 1982 , by reasons of the aboriginal rights within the meaning of section 35  of the Constitution Act, 1982 , invoked by the Appellant? 


Scarlett P.C.J. of the Provincial Court of British Columbia convicted the Appellant, a member of the Sto:lo Indian Band, of unlawfully selling fish, 10 salmon, caught under an Indian Food Fish Licence in contravention of s. 27(5) of the British Columbia Fishery (General) Regulations.  The fish were lawfully caught by members of the Appellant's Band and delivered to the Appellant who sold some of them to a third party.  The Appellant claimed that her aboriginal right included the right to sell the fish, that this right had not been extinguished, and that legislation infringing the right was invalid.  The Appellant's summary conviction appeal was allowed by Selbie J. of the Supreme Court of British Columbia who concluded that the aboriginal right to fish included the right to barter or sell.  The Court of Appeal for British Columbia allowed the Respondent's appeal, Lambert and Hutcheon JJ.A. dissenting.


Origin of the case:                                                                                                            British Columbia


File No.:                                                                                                                                         23803


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                                                                                           June 25, 1993


Counsel:                                                                      Louise Mandell and Leslie J. Pinder for the Appellant

                                                                   S. David Frankel, Q.C. and Cheryl J. Tobias for the Respondent







Indiens - Constitutionnel - Pêcheries - La Cour d'appel a‐t‐elle commis une erreur en concluant que le droit ancestral de vendre du poisson aujourd'hui repose sur la preuve d'une pratique ancestrale de pêcher pour un marché commercial antérieure au contact avec les Européens? - Le paragraphe 27(5) du Règlement de pêche général de la Colombie-Britannique, DORS/84‐248, tel qu'il était libellé le 11 septembre 1987, est‐il inopérant à l'égard de l'appelante dans les circonstances de l'espèce aux termes de l'art.   52  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 , en raison des droits ancestraux, invoqués par l'appelante, au sens où l'entend l'art.   35  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 ?


Le juge Scarlett de la Cour provinciale de la Colombie‐Britannique a déclaré l'appelante, un membre de la bande indienne Sto:lo, coupable d'avoir vendu illégalement du poisson, 10 saumons pris en vertu d'un permis de pêche de subsistance des Indiens, en contravention du par. 27(5) du Règlement de pêche général de la Colombie‐Britannique.  Les poissons ont été pris légalement par les membres de la bande de l'appelante et livrés à cette dernière qui en a vendu une partie à un tiers.  L'appelante a fait valoir que son droit ancestral incluait celui de vendre le poisson, que ce droit n'avait pas été éteint, et que la législation portant atteinte au droit était invalide.  L'appel de l'appelante contre sa déclaration sommaire de culpabilité a été accueilli par le juge Selbie de la Cour suprême de la Colombie‐Britannique, qui a conclu que le droit ancestral de pêcher incluait celui d'échanger ou de vendre.  La Cour d'appel de la Colombie‐Britannique a accueilli l'appel de l'intimée, les juges Lambert et Hutcheon étant dissidents.


Origine :                                                            Colombie‐Britannique


No du greffe :                                                      23803


Arrêt de la Cour d'appel :                         Le 25 juin 1993


Avocats :                                                           Louise Mandell et Leslie J. Pinder pour l'appelante

S. David Frankel, c.r., et Cheryl J. Tobias pour l'intimée






Indians - Constitutional - Fisheries - Whether section 4(1) of the B.C. Fishery (General) Regulations, SOR/84-248, as it read in July of 1986, and licences issued thereunder, of no force and effect with respect to the Appellant in the circumstances of these proceedings, by virtue of section 52  of the Constitution Act, 1982 , by reasons of the aboriginal rights within the meaning of section 35  of the Constitution Act, 1982 , invoked by the Appellant?


On July 20 and 23, 1986, officers of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans watched the Appellant, a member of the Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en people, gaff salmon in the waters of the Bulkley River at Moricetown, the village of Moricetown being adjacent to the Bulkley River and included within the boundaries of Moricetown Reserve No. 1.  The Appellant was charged with fishing without a licence contrary to s. 4(1) of the British Columbia Fishery (General) Regulations.  The Appellant claimed that he was governed by the Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Indian Fishing By-law made pursuant to s. 81(1)(o) of the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. I-6.  Smyth P.C.J. of the Provincial Court of British Columbia acquitted the Appellant.  Millward J. of the Supreme Court of British Columbia dismissed the Respondent's appeal.  The Court of Appeal for British Columbia allowed the Respondent's appeal, Lambert and Hutcheon JJ.A. dissenting.


Origin of the case:                                                                                                            British Columbia


File No.:                                                                                                                                         23804


Judgment of the Court of Appeal:                                                                                           June 25, 1993


Counsel:                                                                       Peter R. Grant and David Paterson for the Appellant

                                                                                                 S. David Frankel, Q.C. for the Respondent







Indiens - Constitutionnel - Pêcheries - Le paragraphe 4(1) du Règlement de pêche général de la Colombie-Britannique, DORS/84‐248, tel qu'il était libellé en juillet 1986, et les permis délivrés conformément à ce règlement, sont‐ils inopérants à l'égard de l'appelant dans les circonstances de l'espèce aux termes de l'art.   52  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 , en raison des droits ancestraux, invoqués par l'appelant, au sens où l'entend l'art.   35  de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 ?


Les 20 et 23 juillet 1986, des représentants du ministère des Pêches et des Océans ont vu l'appelant, un membre du peuple des Gitksan‐Wet'suwet'en, gaffer le saumon dans les eaux de la rivière Bulkley à Moricetown, le village de Moricetown étant adjacent à la rivière Bulkley et se trouvant dans les limites de la réserve no 1 de Moricetown.  L'appelant a été accusé d'avoir pêché sans permis, contrairement au par. 4(1) du Règlement de pêche général de la Colombie‐Britannique.  Il a fait valoir qu'il était régi par le règlement de pêche des Indiens pris par les Gitksan‐Wet'suwet'en en vertu de l'al. 81(1)o) de la Loi sur les Indiens S.R.C 1970, ch. I‐6.  Le juge Smyth de la Cour provinciale de la Colombie‐Britannique a acquitté l'appelant.  Le juge Millward de la Cour suprême de la Colombie‐Britannique a rejeté l'appel de l'intimée, dont l'appel a été accueilli par la Cour d'appel de la Colombie‐Britannique, les juges Lambert et Hutcheon étant dissidents.


Origine :                                                            Colombie‐Britannique


No du greffe :                                                      23804


Arrêt de la Cour d'appel :                         Le 25 juin 1993


Avocats :                                                           Peter R. Grant et David Paterson pour l'appelant

S. David Frankel, c.r., pour l'intimée




This index includes applications for leave to appeal standing for judgment at the beginning of 1995 and all the applications for leave to appeal filed or heard in 1995 up to now.


Cet index comprend les requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi en délibéré au début de 1995 et toutes celles produites ou entendues en 1995 jusqu'à maintenant.


*01   Refused/Refusée

*02   Refused with costs/Refusée avec dépens

*03   Granted/Accordée

*04   Granted with costs/Accordée avec dépens

*05   Discontinuance filed/Désistement produit

*A     Applications for leave to appeal filed/Requêtes en autorisation de pourvoi produites

*B     Submitted to the Court/Soumises à la Cour

*C     Oral Hearing/Audience

*D     Reserved/En délibéré


                                                                                                 Status/                                 Disposition/

 CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                         Statut                   Résultat



69971 Manitoba Ltd. v. National Bank of Canada (Man.), 24744, *02

   28.9.95                                                                                                    1215(95)                   1398(95)

771225 Ontario Inc. v. Bramco Holdings Co. (Ont.), 24649, *02

   2.11.95                                                                                                    1104(95)                   1721(95)

A.M. v. Ryan (B.C.), 24612, *03 19.10.95                                                       824(95)                    1588(95)

Accurpress Manufacturing Ltd. v. Stoddard (B.C.), 23882, *A                          2282(93)

Adler (Ralph) v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24341, *01 26.1.95                         1770(94)                   133(95)

Adler (Susie) v. The Queen (Ont.), 24347, *03 2.2.95                                      1844(94)                   248(95)

Affeldt v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24429, *01 2.3.95                                     122(95)                    466(95)

Air Canada v. Liquor Control Board of Ontario (Ont.),

   24851, *A                                                                                                 1336(95)

Alberta Union of Provincial Employees v. The Queen in right

   of Alberta (Alta.), 24794, *B                                                                       1560(95)

Alcorn v. Solomon (Ont.), 24920, *A                                                              1582(95)

Alepin c. Alepin (Qué.), 24795, *01 21.9.95                                                    1306(95)                   1389(95)

Allam c. Nessia Investments Ltd. (Qué.), 23168, *A                                        2048(92)

Allard c. Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec (Qué.), 24483, *02

   16.3.95                                                                                                    455(95)                    551(95)

Allen v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24595, *01 1.6.95                                        661(95)                    1000(95)

Alta Surety Co. v. Arnoldin Construction and Forms Ltd. (N.S.),

   24644, *02 14.9.95                                                                                    995(95)                    1358(95)

Ambrose v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24530, *01 4.5.95                                  450(95)                    774(95)

American Home Assurance Co. v. Brkich & Brkich Enterprises Ltd.

   (B.C.), 24959, *A                                                                                      1714(95)

Antoniuk v. Western Heritable Investment Co. of Canada Ltd.

   (Alta.), 24687, *02 17.8.95                                                                         1190(95)                   1314(95)

Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co. Inc. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24562, *05 27.2.95                  328(95)                    475(95)

Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co. Inc. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24751, *B                               1341(95)

Apotex Inc. v. Wellcome Foundation Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24646, *02

   28.9.95                                                                                                    997(95)                    1403(95)

Arica v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   24852, *02 16.11.95                                                                                  1716(95)                   1793(95)

Armada Lines Ltd. v. Chaleur Fertilizers Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24351, *03

   29.6.95                                                                                                    29(95)                      1225(95)

Ash v. Ash (B.C.), 24516, *02 9.11.95                                                           1524(95)                   1766(95)

Associated Respiratory Services Inc. v. Purchasing Commission (B.C.),

   24366, *02 22.6.95                                                                                    25(95)                      1114(95)

Association des policiers provinciaux du Québec c. Sûreté du Québec

   (Qué.), 24627 *02 6.7.95                                                                            843(95)                    1230(95)

Athey v. Leonati (B.C.), 24725, *03 9.11.95                                                    1216(95)                   1768(95)

Atlantic Communication and Technical Workers' Union v. Maritime

   Telegraph and Telephone Co. (N.S.), 24506, *02 22.6.95                              534(95)                    1115(95)

Atlific (Nfld.) Ltd. v. Hotel Buildings Ltd. (Nfld.), 24313, *02

   26.1.95                                                                                                    1682(94)                   132(95)

Attorney General for New Brunswick v. Morgentaler (N.B.), 24623, *02

   17.8.95                                                                                                    843(95)                    1311(95)

Attorney General of British Columbia v. Zutter (B.C.), 24742, *A                      1188(95)

Attorney General of Canada v. Jenkins (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24797, *02

   9.11.95                                                                                                    1381(95)                   1763(95)

Attorney Genaeral of Canada v. Royal Canadian Mounted Police

   Public Complaints Commission (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24319, *02 2.2.95                 1844(94)                   247(95)

Audet c. La Reine (Crim.)(N.B.), 24653, *B                                                    1558(95)

Audet c. La Reine (Crim.)(N.B.), 24653, the application for leave to cross-

   appeal is dismissed 26.10.95                                                                     1558(95)                   1659(95)

Augustus c. Montreal Urban Community (Qué.), 24607, *03 29.6.95                 825(95)                    1223(95)

Austin v. The Queen (Alta.), 24832, *B                                                          1523(95)

Azzolini v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24718, *01 21.9.95                                 1199(95)                   1392(95)

B.C. Bancorp (formerly Bank of British Columbia) v. Hockin (B.C.),

   24754, *02 28.9.95                                                                                    1305(95)                   1399(95)

B.K. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 24357, *03 2.2.95                                      1959(94)                   256(95)

Bachman v. Garden (Sask.), 24544, *02 30.3.95                                            542(95)                    611(95)

Baker Energy Resources Corporation v. Reading & Bates

   Construction Co. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24458, *02 1.6.95                                      333(95)                    1003(95)

Bank of Montreal c. The Queen (Crim.)(F.C.A.)(Qué.),

   24956, *A                                                                                                 1713(95)

Baroni v. The Queen (N.S.), 23439, *A                                                          478(93)

Baroud v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Ont.), 24610, *01

   15.6.95                                                                                                    823(95)                    1087(95)

Barrons v. Hyundai Auto Canada Inc. (Ont.), 24833, *B                                   1788(95)

Barrons v. The Queen in right of Canada (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24717, *01

   7.9.95  1198(95)                                                                                       1349(95)

Barry v. Bezanson (N.S.), 24940, *A                                                              1712(95)

Barrys Ltd. v. Fishermen, Food and Allied Workers' Uniion (Nfld.),

   24897, *A                                                                                                 1522(95)

Barrys Ltd. v. Fishermen, Food and Allied Workers' Uniion (Nfld.),

   24972, *A                                                                                                 1754(95)

Barsalou v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24498, *01 27.4.95                                371(95)                    743(95)

Barzelex Inc. c. Banque de Nouvelle-Écosse (Qué.), 24577, *02 1.6.95            674(95)                    1001(95)

Barzelex Inc. c. Geestemünder Bank AG (Qué.), 24576, *02 1.6.95                 673(95)                    1001(95)

Basra v. Gill (B.C.), 24450, *02 27.4.95                                                         293(95)                    743(95)

Bate Equipment Ltd. v. Ellis-Don Ltd. (Alta.), 24396, *02 18.5.95                     31(95)                      850(95)

Battlefords and District Co-operative Ltd. v. Gibbs

   (Sask.), 24342, *03 2.2.95                                                                         1775(94)                   247(95)

Beals v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24519, *01 27.4.95                                     577(95)                    742(95)

Beaupré c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24829, *01 19.10.95                                  1523(95)                   1587(95)

Beckei v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24657, *01 14.9.95                                  996(95)                    1360(95)

Beloit Canada Ltée/Ltd. c. Oy (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 24887, *B                                  1841(95)

Bennett v. Kynock (N.S.), 24299, *01 2.2.95                                                  1627(94)                   245(95)

Bernier c. La Reine (Qué.), 24912, *A                                                            1581(95)

Bérubé c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 24603, *02 15.6.95                  770(95)                    1085(95)

Bilinski c. Léon (Qué.), 24696, *02 21.9.95                                                     1211(95)                   1387(95)

Biscette v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24787, *B                                              1560(95)

Bissonnette c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24720, *01 17.8.95                              1102(95)                   1313(95)

Bjorge v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24976, *A                                                1754(95)

Black v. Ernst & Young Inc. (N.S.), 24792, *A                                               1188(95)

Blaiklock Inc. c. Banque canadienne impériale de Commerce

   (Qué.), 25003, *A                                                                                      1840(95)

Blanchard v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 24942, *A                                         1712(95)

Blenkin v. Regina District Health Board (Sask.), 24599, *02

   28.9.95                                                                                                    672(95)                    1402(95)

Blue v. Ontario Hydro (Ont.), 24393, *02 17.8.95                                             299(95)                    1311(95)

Bluebird Footwear Inc. c. General Motors Acceptance Corporation

   of Canada (Qué.), 24386, *A                                                                      1764(94)

Board of Education for the City of Toronto v. Ontario Secondary

   School Teachers' Federation, District 15 (Toronto) (Ont.),

   24724, *03 11.10.95                                                                                  1214(95)                   1566(95)

Bober v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24455, *01 18.5.95                                    118(95)                    847(95)

Boma Manufacturing Ltd. v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

   (B.C.), 24520, *03 1.6.95                                                                           546(95)                    1007(95)

Bossé v. Mastercraft Group Inc. (Ont.), 24702, *02 21.9.95                             1081(95)                   1393(95)

Bouchard c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24512, *01 6.4.95                                    449(95)                    676(95)

Bourbonnière c. Bureau d'expertise des assureurs Ltée

   (Qué.), 24452, *02 2.3.95                                                                           241(95)                    461(95)

Bouvillons Canada Ltée c. Labbé (Qué.), 24550, *02 6.4.95                             547(95)                    677(95)

Brant County Board of Education v. Eaton (Ont.), 24668, *03

   26.10.95                                                                                                  910(95)                    1663(95)

Brault c. Fontaine (Qué.), 23953, *A                                                              196(94)

British Columbia Rugby Union v. Hamstra (B.C.), 24743, *A                            988(95)

Broderick v. The Queen (P.E.I.), 24733, *05 5.7.95                                         1243(95)                   1243(95)

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers c. Picher (Qué.), 24541, *02

   11.5.95                                                                                                    577(95)                    829(95)

Brousseau c. Stewart-Wolf (Qué.), 24407, *02 26.1.95                                    19(95)                      129(95)

Brown (Edmond) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24892, *A                                  1521(95)

Brown (Elvin Kyle) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24594, *01 1.6.95                     656(95)                    999(95)

Burden v. Scurry-Rainbow Oil Ltd. (Alta.), 24405, *02 30.3.95                          18(95)                      615(95)

C.A.D. Ringrose Therapy Institute Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.),

   24673, *02 21.9.95                                                                                    1079(95)                   1392(95)

C.N. Weber Ltd. v. Dooley (Ont.), 24693, *01 19.10.95                                    1210(95)                   1589(95)

Callahan v. Courtnage (Ont.), 24916, *A                                                         1581(95)

Camani v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24369, *01 16.2.95                                  9(95)                        339(95)

Canadian Association of Fire Bomber Pilots v. Government of

   Saskatchewan (Sask.), 24214, *02 2.2.95                                                   1313(94)                   254(95)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Attorney General for New

   Brunswick (Crim.)(N.B.), 24305, *03 30.3.95                                               1847(94)                   613(95)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Attorney General of the

   province of Saskatchewan (Sask.), 23738, *02 12.1.95                                1797(93)                   34(95)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Bank of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 24934, *A                                                                                      1653(95)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24579,

   *01 4.5.95                                                                                                576(95)                    773(95)

Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association v. The Queen in right of

   Alberta (Alta.), 24925, *A                                                                          1652(95)

Canadian National Railway Co. v. Burlington Northern Railroad Co.

  (B.C.), 24857, *A                                                                                       1337(95)

Canadian National Railway Co. v. National Transportation Agency

   (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24919, *A                                                                           1712(95)

Canadian National Railway Co. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24340, *02

   26.1.95                                                                                                    1771(94)                   133(95)

Canadian Pacific Ltd. v. Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees

   Canadian Pacific System Federation (B.C.), 24317, *03 20.7.95                   1683(94)                   1231(95)

Canadian Pacific Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24315, *02 26.1.95            1771(94)                   133(95)

Canderel Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24663, *02 17.8.95                        1077(95)                   1313(95)

Candy v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24902, *A                                                 1557(95)

Canson Enterprises Ltd. v. Boughton & Co. (B.C.), 24991, *A                          1784(95)

Casselman v. Serban (B.C.), 24613, *02 26.10.95                                          825(95)                    1662(95)

Castor Holdings Ltd. c. Elliott (Qué.), 24910, *A                                             1580(95)

Catholic Children's Aid society of Metropolitan Toronto v. Volker (Ont.),

   24961, *A                                                                                                 1714(95)

Centre communautaire juridique de l'Estrie c. Ville de

   Sherbrooke (Qué.), 24425, *03 2.3.95                                                         243(95)                    460(95)

Chaba v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24380, *01 19.1.95                                   1849(94)                   42(95)

Chabotar c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24563, *01 18.5.95                                  581(95)                    855(95)

Chalkley v. Chalkley (Man.), 24515, *01 L'Heureux-Dubé J. dissenting

   30.3.95                                                                                                    501(95)                    618(95)

Chan v. Cheung (Alta.), 24527, *02 28.9.95                                                    533(95)                    1396(95)

Charlebois (Gilles) v. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 279 (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   24219, *02 12.1.95                                                                                    1323(94)                   37(95)

Charlebois (Sylvain) c. Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (Qué.),

   24656, *02 31.08.95                                                                                  1194(95)                   1347(95)

Chavali v. Ng (Ont.), 24461, *02 16.3.95                                                        294(95)                    552(95)

Cheticamp Fish Co-Operative Ltd. v. The Queen in right of Canada

   (N.S.), 24700, *02 11.10.95                                                                       1199(95)                   1569(95)

Chetty v. Burlingham Associates Inc. (Sask.), 24590, *02 14.9.95                   666(95)                    1354(95)

Choudhury c. Bernier (Qué.), 24747, *02 21.9.95                                             1298(95)                   1387(95)

Chouinard c. Procureur général du Canada (Qué.), 24664, *02 29.6.95              1108(95)                   1221(95)

City of Dartmouth v. Pay Equity Commissiion (N.S.), 24447, *02

   30.3.95                                                                                                    234(95)                    612(95)

City of Prince George v. A.L. Sims & Sons Ltd. (B.C.),

   24966, *A                                                                                                 1754(95)

Clair v. The Queen (N.S.), 24951, *A                                                             1713(95)

Clark v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24635, *02 6.7.95                                       989(95)                    1227(95)

Clark v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24676, *02 6.7.95                                     993(95)                    1227(95)

Clarke v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24583, *01 28.9.95                                    581(95)                    1400(95)

Cloutier c. Ferland (Qué.), 24349, *02 26.1.95                                                1846(94)                   131(95)

Club juridique c. Dufour (Qué.), 24937, *A                                                      1653(95)

Codina v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24597, *01 28.9.95                                   672(95)                    1401(95)

College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick v. Kenney

   (N.B.), 24488, *02 18.5.95                                                                         297(95)                    850(95)

Collier v. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (B.C.), 24560,

   *01 26.10.95                                                                                             659(95)                    1661(95)

Comeau's Sea Foods Ltd. v. The Queen in right of Canada

   (F.C.A.)(Crim.)(Ont.), 24682, *03 9.11.95                                                    1105(95)                   1764(95)

Commission des droits de la personne du Québec c. Commission

   scolaire régionale Chauveau (Qué.), 24291, *02 2.2.95                                 1561(94)                   254(95)

Commission scolaire de la Jonquière c. Syndicat du personnel

   de soutien de Jonquière (Qué.), 24338, *02 26.1.95                                      1767(94)                   128(95)

Commission scolaire Les Écores c. Syndicat de l'enseignement de

   la région des Mille-Îles (Qué.), 24456, *02 9.3.95                                          336(95)                    502(95)

Commission scolaire Jérôme Le Royer c. Syndicat des enseignantes

   et des enseignants de Le Royer (Qué.), 24620, *03 20.7.95                          769(95)                    1232(95)

Commonwealth Investors Syndicate Ltd. v. Laxton (B.C.),

   24353, *02 30.3.95                                                                                    124(95)                    616(95)

Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson c. Désjardins-Ferland (Qué.), 24482, *02

   9.3.95  377(95)                                                                                         504(95)

Compagnie Montréal Trust c. Gestion d'investissements Jadeau Inc. (Qué.),

   24843, *02 2.11.95                                                                                    1562(95)                   1721(95)

Construction Acibec (1980) Ltée c. Résidence Marro Inc. (Qué.),

   24575, *02 27.4.95                                                                                    584(95)                    742(95)

Construction Amtron Inc. c. Corbeil (Qué.), 22562, *A                                     1783(91)

Coopers & Lybrand Ltd. v. Bruncor Leasing Inc. (N.S.),

   24279, *02 19.1.95                                                                                    1511(94)                   40(95)

Coopers & Lybrand Ltd. v. The Queen in right of Canada (F.C.A.)(N.S.),

   24329, *02 26.1.95                                                                                    1955(94)                   130(95)

Corporation d'assurance de personne La Laurentienne c. Ville de Québec

   (Qué.), 24703, *02 7.9.95                                                                           1204(95)                   1350(95)

Corporation municipale de la ville de Bécancour c. Enfoui-Bec Inc.

   (Qué.), 24422, *02 16.3.95                                                                         127(95)                    550(95)

Corporation of the City of Mississauga v. The Queen in right of

   Ontario (Ont.), 24774, *B                                                                           1719(95)

Corporation of the City of York v. Superior Propane Inc. (Ont.),

   24793, *B                                                                                                 1757(95)

Country Music Television Inc. v. Canadian Radio-Television and

   Telecommunications Commission (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24477, leave to

   appeal dismissed with costs to the respondent MH Radio/Rawlco

   Partnership 26.1.95                                                                                   32(95)                      130(95)

County of Strathcona No. 20 v. Alberta Assessment Appeal Board (Alta.),

   24780, *05 7.9.95                                                                                     1101(95)                   1373(95)

Courtcliffe Parks Ltd. v. Hamilton Wentworth Credit Union (Ont.),

   24106, *02 2.2.95                                                                                     1857(94)                   251(95)

Couture (Jacynthe) c. Gagnon (Qué.), 24491, *02 16.3.95                                456(95)                    551(95)

Couture (Richard) c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24392, *01 26.1.95                      1960(94)                   135(95)

Couture (Richard) c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24505, *05 11.5.95                      832(95)                    832(95)

Crews v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24521, *01 18.5.95                                    453(95)                    852(95)

Cross v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24371, *01 9.3.95                                      11(95)                      504(95)

Crossley v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24726, *01 28.9.95                                1206(95)                   1394(95)

Crown Parking Co. v. City of Calgary (Alta.), 24377, *02 2.3.95                        1850(94)                   464(95)

Cuenca c. Procureur général du Canada (Qué.), 24909, *A                               1580(95)

D & B Companies of Canada Ltd. v. Director of Investigation

   and Research (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24423, *02 23.2.95                                         1957(94)                   385(95)

D.G.R. v. K.L.V. (B.C.), 24365, *05 26.5.95                                                   1859(94)                   1013(95)

D.M. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24462, *01 23.3.95                                      115(95)                    587(95)

Dagg v. Minister of Finance (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24786, *B                                     1308(95)

D'Amato v. Badger (B.C.), 24364, *03 2.3.95                                                  14(95)                      463(95)

D'Amore Construction (Windsor) Ltd. v. The Queen (Ont.),

   24372, *02 23.2.95                                                                                    13(95)                      386(95)

David Hunt Farms Ltd. v. Minister of Agriculture (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   24281, *02 2.2.95                                                                                     1511(94)                   249(95)

Davidovits v. Bank of Credit and Commerce Canada (Ont.),

   24957, *A                                                                                                 1753(95)

Debra P. v. The Queen (Ont.), 24823, *A                                                       1753(95)

DeCoste v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24306, *01 2.3.95                                  8(95)                        459(95)

De Francesca v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24767, *B                                      1759(95)

Dell Holdings Ltd. v. Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority

   (Ont.), 24695, *03 9.11.95                                                                         1208(95)                   1765(95)

Dempsey v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24888, *A                                            1521(95)

Derksen Brothers Holdings Ltd. v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

   (Man.), 24765, *B                                                                                     1583(95)

Désaulniers c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24356, *01 19.1.95                               1772(94)                   40(95)

Devereaux v. Morrow (Ont.), 23798, *A                                                           2068(93)

Dewald v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24363, *03 2.2.95                                     1774(94)                   247(95)

Dick v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24059, *01 2.2.95                                        730(94)                    245(95)

Didone c. Didone-Gagnon (Qué.), 24440, *02 23.2.95                                      240(95)                    380(95)

Directeur de la protection de la jeunesse c. Dubois (Qué.),

   24953, *A                                                                                                 1714(95)

Disco Gas & Oil Ltd. v. Petro-Canada Inc. (B.C.), 24379, *02

   2.2.95  56(94)                                                                                           251(95)

D'Onofrio v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24277, *01 2.2.95                                  1510(94)                   253(95)

Dorscheid v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24420, *01 16.2.95                              21(95)                      339(95)

Dubasz v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24874, *B                                              1788(95)

Dubé c. Bélec (Qué.), 24759, *02 28.9.95                                                       1218(95)                   1394(95)

Dubé c. Ville de Hull (Qué.), 24760, *02 28.9.95                                             1218(95)                   1394(95)

Dubeau c. Gestion Jean-Paul Rickner Ltée (Qué.), 24701, *02

   7.9.95  1204(95)                                                                                       1350(95)

Dubuc v. Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (Man.),

   24569, *02 14.9.95                                                                                    841(95)                    1356(95)

Dumesnil c. Dionne (Crim.)(Qué.), 24618, *02 8.6.95                                       736(95)                    1048(95)

Dundas v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 24591, *02 14.9.95                                670(95)                    1354(95)

Dupont Canada Inc. v. AlliedSignal Inc. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24781, *B                    1755(95)

Dussiaume v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24777, *B                                          1383(95)

E. A. Manning Ltd. v. Ontario Securities Commission (Ont.),

   24773, *02 17.8.95                                                                                    1304(95)                   1316(95)

Eakin v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24451, *01 23.3.95                                     116(95)                    587(95)

Eldridge v. Attorney General of British Columbia (B.C.),

   24896, *A                                                                                                 1522(95)

Elgersma (Leo) v. Attorney General for Ontario (Ont.), 24347, *03

   2.2.95                                                                                                      1844(94)                   248(95)

Elgersma (Melvin) v. Minister of Agriculture for Canada (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   24658, *01 14.9.95                                                                                    1043(95)                   1358(95)

Elguindy v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24736, *A                                              1338(95)

Eljer Manufacturing Canada Inc. c. Syndicat national des

   salariés des outils Simonds (C.S.N.) (Qué.), 24683, *02 Lamer C.J.

   dissenting 29.6.95                                                                                    1046(95)                   1225(95)

Elliott v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Ont.), 24895, *A                         1521(95)

Ellis-Don Ltd. v. Ontario Labour Relations Board (Ont.),

   24243, *02 12.1.95                                                                                    1324(94)                   37(95)

Eltassi v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24679, *01 28.9.95                                   1078(95)                   1397(95)

Eneas v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24086, *B                                                 732(94)

Entreprise Maridey Inc. c. Procureur général du Québec

   (Qué.), 24536, *A                                                                                      1337(95)

Erdman v. Chaput (Ont.), 24686, *02 16.11.95                                                1191(95)                   1793(95)

Ernst & Young Inc. v. B.J. Robertson & Associates Ltd. (Alta.),

   24545, *02 9.11.95                                                                                    545(95)                    1767(95)

Ernst & Young Inc. v. Dylex Ltd. (Ont.), 24557, *02 22.6.95                             665(95)                    1117(95)

Ernst & Young Inc. v. Price Waterhouse Ltd. (Ont.), 24259, *03 2.2.95            1329(94)                   255(95)

Escobar-Molina v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24473, *05 11.5.95                       865(95)                    865(95)

Exarhos c. Bank of Nova Scotia (Qué.), 24608, *02 15.6.95                            826(95)                    1085(95)

Fabrikant c. Adolph (Qué.), 24655, *02 19.10.95                                            1525(95)                   1588(95)

Fabrikant c. The Queen (Crim.)(Qué.), 24677, *01 17.8.95                              1190(95)                   1314(95)

Falkenberg v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24493, *01 22.6.95                            656(95)                    1116(95)

Farber c. Royal Trust Co. (Qué.), 24885, *A                                                   1521(95)

Farshid-Ghazi v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24561, *01 28.9.95                         582(95)                    1400(95)

Fazl v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.)(Crim.)(Ont.),

   24973, *A                                                                                                 1754(95)

Fecteau c. Hôpital St. François d'Assise (Qué.), 24518, *02 27.4.95                 660(95)                    742(95)

Fenney v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24752, *03 9.11.95                                  1209(95)                   1768(95)

Fieldhouse v. The Queen (Ont.), 24785, *B                                                    1841(95)

Fiji v. Law Society of Upper Canada (Ont.), 24923, *A                                     1840(95)

Fletcher v. Scurry-Rainbow Oil Ltd. (Alta.), 24404, *02 30.3.95                         17(95)                      615(95)

Fong v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24448, *01 23.2.95                                     116(95)                    381(95)

Fontaine c. La Reine (Qué.), 24734, *01 7.9.95                                               1197(95)                   1349(95)

Forseth v. Attorney General for British Columbia (B.C.),

   24927, *A                                                                                                 1652(95)

Foshay v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24274, *01 27.4.95                                   530(95)                    740(95)

Foster c. Procureur général de la province de Québec (Qué.),

   24858, *A                                                                                                 1338(95)

Fou du Roi Inc. c. Morin (Qué.), 24463, *02 9.3.95                                          337(95)                    503(95)

Foulston v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24529, *01 18.5.95                                454(95)                    852(95)

Fountain v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24716, *B                                              1107(95)

Fraternité des policiers de la communauté urbaine de Montréal c.

   Communauté urbaine de Montréal (Qué.), 24445, *02 2.3.95                         300(95)                    462(95)

Fraternité des préposés à l'entretien des voies c. Compagnie

   des chemins de fer nationaux du Canada (C.A.F.)(Qué.),

   24868, *A                                                                                                 1378(95)

French v. Bernardo (Crim.)(Ont.), 24748, *01 15.6.95                                      1083(95)                   1088(95)

Friday v. Attorney General for Ontario (Ont.), 24639, *02 6.7.95                       992(95)                    1229(95)

Funk (Harold Chalmers) v. Royal Bank of Canada (Ont.), 24443, *02

   30.3.95                                                                                                    292(95)                    608(95)

Funk (Steven Christopher) v. Labus Investments Ltd. (B.C.), 24416, *01

   1.6.95  125(95)                                                                                         1005(95)

G & W Electric Ltd. c. Commission Hydro-Électrique du Québec

   (Hydro-Québec), (Qué.), 24996, *A                                                             1840(95)

G.W.M. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24394, *01 16.3.95                                  232(95)                    550(95)

Gadoury c. Fortin (Qué.), 24738, *02 21.9.95                                                  1299(95)                   1387(95)

Galuego (Leonardo) v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24580, *01 28.9.95               668(95)                    1400(95)

Galuego (Rosario) v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24581, *01 28.9.95                 669(95)                    1401(95)

Gardner (Arnold) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24596, *03 1.6.95                       655(95)                    999(95)

Gardner (Steven Joseph) v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24678, *01

   7.9.95  1196(95)                                                                                       1348(95)

Garnett v. Attorney General of New Brunswick (N.B.), 24507, *05

   3.3.95  511(95)                                                                                         511(95)

Garrett v. Clayton (B.C.), 24685, *02 2.11.95                                                  1106(95)                   1722(95)

Gaucher c. J. M. Asbestos Inc. (Qué.), 24441, *02 2.3.95                               302(95)                    462(95)

Gendron c. 2968-1467 Québec Inc. (Qué.), 24555, *02 27.4.95                        585(95)                    741(95)

General Accident Assurance Co. of Canada v. State Farm Mutual

   Automobile Insurance Co. (N.B.), 24998, *A                                               1840(95)

George v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24722, *02 6.7.95                                   994(95)                    1228(95)

Gerber Scientific Instrument Co. v. Bell-Northern Research Ltd. (Ont.),

   24449, *02 18.5.95                                                                                    296(95)                    849(95)

Germain c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 24964, *A                             1714(95)

Gestion Gilles Ménard Inc. c. Filion (Qué.), 24375, *02 9.11.95                        1858(94)                   1767(95)

Gharavy c. Institut Philippe Pinel (Qué.), 24460, *01 17.2.95                            301(95)                    378(95)

Giles v. Giles (Alta.), 25002, *A                                                                    1840(95)

Gillen v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24801, *01 19.10.95                                   1382(95)                   1587(95)

Gillis v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24453, *01 30.3.95                                      233(95                     612(95)

Girard c. Moisan (Qué.), 24704, *02 29.6.95                                                   1110(95)                   1223(95)

Glengarry Memorial Hospital v. Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal (Ont.),

   24757, *02 28.9.95                                                                                    1307(95)                   1395(95)

Goodswimmer v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 24737, *03

   19.10.95                                                                                                  1301(95)                   1590(95)

Goodswimmer v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 24745, *03

   19.10.95                                                                                                  1301(95)                   1590(95)

Gorman c. Azrieli (Qué.), 24926, *05 10.11.95                                                1652(95)                   1802(95)

Governing Council of the Universsity of Toronto v. Budget Rent A Car

   of Edmonton Ltd. (Alta. ), 24647, *02 11.10.95                                            995(95)                    1568(95)

Government of Saskatchewan v. Pasiechnyk (Sask.), 24913, *A                     1581(95)

Government of the Yukon v. Taga Ku Development Corporation (Yuk.),

   24938, *A                                                                                                 1653(95)

Goyette c. Laporte (Qué.), 24659, *02 15.6.95                                                827(95)                    1086(95)

Graham Construction and Engineering (1985) Ltd. v. Thunderbrick Ltd.

   (Sask.), 24762, *02 16.11.95                                                                     1340(95)                   1794(95)

Gramaglia v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24707, *01 28.9.95                              1080(95)                   1403(95)

Grant v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24890, *A                        1522(95)

Gray v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24532, *01 6.7.95                                        839(95)                    1230(95)

Greenbaum c. Public Curator of Quebec (Qué.), 24434, *02 2.3.95                  126(95)                    460(95)

Greenpeace Canada v. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. (B.C.), 24437, *03

   1.6.95  238(95)                                                                                         1006(95)

Grenkow v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24616, *01 15.6.95                                764(95)                    1085(95)

Gresham v. Ernst & Young Inc. (Sask.), 22888, *A                                         716(92)

Guns N'Roses Missouri Storm Inc. c. Productions Musicales

   Donald K. Donald Inc. (Qué.), 24286, *02 2.2.95                                          1562(94)                   255(95)

Guzyk v. Hare (B.C.), 24373, *02 2.3.95                                                        1851(94)                   464(95)

Gymnase Longueuil Inc. c. Construction Dupal Inc. (Qué.), 24348, *01

   26.1.95                                                                                                    1960(94)                   128(95)

H.A. c. M.T. (Qué.), 24534, *02 29.6.95                                                         827(95)                    1225(95)

Haberman v. Peixeiro (Ont.), 24981, *A                                                         1783(95)

Haisman v. Haisman (Alta.), 24589, *01 14.9.95                                             737(95)                    1355(95)

Hammami v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 24708, *02 28.9.95                                                                         1201(95)                   1404(95)

Hasan v. Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons

   of New Brunswick (N.B.), 24398, *02 18.5.95                                              29(95)                      846(95)

Hatton v. Dagneault (B.C.), 24799, *B                                                            1760(95)

Haughton v. Parker (Ont.), 24710, *02 2.11.95                                               1203(95)                   1724(95)

Hawrish v. Saskatchewan Trust Co. (Sask.), 24884, *A                                   1379(95)

Hay v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24480, *01 1.6.95                                         535(95)                    1006(95)

Hayes v. Hayes (N.B.), 24876, *A                                                                  1379(95)

Hayoun c. Compagnie T. Eaton Ltée (Qué.), 24501, *02 16.3.95                       457(95)                    552(95)

D.H. c. S.B. (Qué.), 24526, *02 6.4.95                                                           548(95)                    677(95)

D.H. c. S.B. (Qué.), 24559, *02 6.4.95                                                           549(95)                    678(95)

Hennick v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24699, *01

   26.10.95                                                                                                  1209(95)                   1660(95)

Henry v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24384, *01 30.3.95                                     1958(94)                   614(95)

Hercules Managements Ltd. v. Ernst & Young (Man.), 24882, *A                     1379(95)

Hershkovitz c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24417, *01 2.3.95                                123(95)                    467(95)

Hill v. Attorney General of Nova Scotia (N.S.), 24782, *B                                 1757(95)

Hinchey v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24430, *03 30.3.95                                 298(95)                    618(95)

Hinse c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24320, *01 26.1.95                                       1679(94)                   129(95)

Holland v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 24503, *01

   8.6.95  658(95)                                                                                         1049(95)

Holmes v. McGrath (N.W.T.), 24730, *02 28.9.95                                            1217(95)                   1405(95)

Holt v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24362, *01 12.1.95                                       1769(94)                   33(95)

Howe v. Professional Conduct Committee (Ont.), 24275, *02 2.2.95                 1333(94)                   252(95)

Hunter v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24552, *01 14.9.95                                    578(95)                    1353(95)

Husky Oil Operations Ltd. v. Saint John Shipbuilding Ltd. (Nfld.),

   24855, *A                                                                                                 1783(95)

Imperial Oil Ltd. v. Superintendent of Pensions for the province

   of N.S. (N.S.), 24859, *A                                                                           1338(95)

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia v. Manitoba Public

   Insurance Coropration (B.C.), 24935, *A                                                     1653(95)

J.F. c. M.G. (Qué.), 24796, *02 19.10.95                                                        1525(95)                   1588(95)

J.F.S. c. E.V. (Qué.), 24817, *02 9.11.95                                                       1345(95)                   1766(95)

JMSC Holdings Inc. v. Oshawa Group Ltd. (N.S.), 24617, *02

   26.10.95                                                                                                  1208(95)                   1660(95)

Jackson v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24241, *01 2.2.95                                  1247(94)                   252(95)

Jacquard v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24660, *03 11.10.95                              1077(95)                   1568(95)

Jacques c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24012, *05 17.2.95                                   395(95)                    395(95)

Jaffe v. Miller (Ont.), 24971, *A                                                                     1754(95)

Jansen v. Kroeker (B.C.), 24763, *02 2.11.95                                                 1344(95)                   1722(95)

Jaslowski v. The Queen in right of the province of Manitoba

   (Man.), 24968, *A                                                                                     1753(95)

Johnson (Clayton Norman) v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24133, *01 2.2.95        1319(94)                   249(95)

Johnson (Stanley Gordon) v. The Queen (N.S.), 24862, *A                              1338(95)

Jones v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23667, *03 22.12.94                                  1467(93)                   33(95)

Judges of the Provincial Court of Manitoba as represented by

   the Manitoba Provincial Judges Association v. The Queen

   in right of the province of Manitoba (Man.), 24846, *B                                  1786(95)

K.L. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24651, *01 6.7.95                                         907(95)                    1231(95)

Kaban v. Sett (Man.), 24444, *02 30.3.95                                                      236(95)                    613(95)

Kalin v. City of Calgary (Alta.), 24418, *A                                                       1799(94)

Kalmacoff v. Richardson Greenshields of Canada Ltd. (Ont.), 24758, *02

   28.9.95                                                                                                    1139(95)                   1395(95)

Kansa General Insurance Co. v. Simcoe & Erie General

   Insurance Co. (B.C.), 24368, *02 2.3.95                                                      30(95)                      466(95)

Karpiel v. Pelican (Ont.), 24490, *02 25.5.95                                                  295(95)                    913(95)

Kartsonas v. Grey (B.C.), 24825, *B                                                              1718(95)

Kathleen H. v. Ross (Ont.), 24823, *A                                                           1337(95)

Kawula v. Metropolitan Trust Co. of Canada (Sask.), 24988, *A                        1784(95)

Kerrar c. Souyad (Qué.), 24470, *02 23.2.95                                                   242(95)                    382(95)

Kerrar c. Souyad (Qué.), 24479, *02 23.2.95                                                   241(95)                    382(95)

Kieling v. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool (Sask.), 24285, *02 12.1.95                    1556(94)                   38(95)

Kindret v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Crim.)(Man.), 24215, *01 12.1.95                      1331(94)                   37(95)

Klevering v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24619, *01 28.9.95                                766(95)                    1397(95)

Kopyto v. Law Society of Upper Canada (Ont.), 24723, *02 28.9.95                  1214(95)                   1398(95)

Korkontzilas v. Soulos (Ont.), 24949, *A                                                        1784(95)

Kosanovich v. Byers Transport Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 24944, *A                          1712(95)

Krusel v. Firth (B.C.), 24764, *02 2.11.95                                                       1380(95)                   1723(95)

Kubel v. Kubel (Alta.), 24806, *05 27.10.95                                                    1729(95)                   1729(95)

Kujawa v. Milgaard (Sask.), 24382, *02 2.2.95                                                1855(94)                   250(95)

L.L.A. v. A.B. (Crim.)(Ont.), 24568, *03 17.3.95                                              541(95)                    554(95)

Lacey v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 24800, *B                             1309(95)

Laidlaw Carriers Inc. v. Ford (Ont.), 24539, *02 22.6.95                                   657(95)                    1116(95)

Landry c. La Reine (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 24370, *01 26.1.95                                    1854(94)                   130(95)

Langer v. MacMillan Bloedel (B.C.), 24437, *B                                                238(95)

Langner v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   24740, *02 17.8.95                                                                                    1103(95)                   1313(95)

Lareau c. Productions mise en scène Ltée (Qué.), 24841, *A                           1713(95)

Lasecki v. The Queen (Alta.), 24983, *A                                                        1783(95)

Latimer v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 24818, *A                                             1713(95)

Lavoie c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 24674, *02 7.9.95                     911(95)                    1348(95)

Lawrence v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24524, *01 22.6.95                               663(95)                    1117(95)

Laws v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24504, *01 30.3.95                                      371(95)                    609(95)

Lawson v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24331, *01 19.1.95                                  1850(94)                   42(95)

Lehndorff United Properties (Canada) Ltd. v. City of Edmonton

   (Alta.), 24412, *02 18.5.95                                                                         120(95)                    848(95)

Leiriao c. Ville de Val-Bélair (Qué.), 24967, *A                                                1714(95)

Lemky v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24454, *03 2.3.95                                     10(95)                      458(95)

Leon v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 24522, *03

   26.10.95                                                                                                  666(95)                    1661(95)

Letourneau v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24645, *01 2.11.95                             1192(95)                   1723(95)

Levert v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24411, *01 27.4.95                                    372(95)                    743(95)

Lewis (Irene Marie) v. Minister of Education for British

   Columbia (B.C.), 24514, *02 21.9.95                                                          822(95)                    1390(95)

Lewis (Paul Leeann) v. The Queen in right of the province

   of British Columbia (B.C.), 24999, *A                                                         1840(95)

Libman c. Attorney General of Quebec (Qué.), 24960, *A                                1753(95)

Liotta v. Emery (Ont.), 24697, *02 28.9.95                                                      1211(95)                   1404(95)

Liquor Depot at Callingwook Ltd. v. City of Edmonton (Alta.),

   24914, *A                                                                                                 1581(95)

Litchfield v. Vanderkerkhove (B.C.), 24630, *02 28.9.95                                  911(95)                    1402(95)

Lo v. The Queen (B.C.), 24928, *A                                                                1652(95)

Logozar v. Golder (Alta.), 24406, *02 18.5.95                                                 125(95)                    851(95)

Loken v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24853, *A                       1337(95)

Lowther v. The Queen (P.E.I.), 24735, *B                                                       1206(95)

Loya v. Cooper (Ont.), 24574, *02 22.6.95                                                      767(95)                    1118(95)

Lozinski v. Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan

   (Sask.), 24326, *02 26.1.95                                                                       1681(94)                   132(95)

Ludmer v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24573, *01 26.10.95                               659(95)                    1661(95)

Ludwig v. Crick (B.C.), 24327, *02 2.3.95                                                       1773(94)                   464(95)

Luscar Ltd. v. Pembina Resources Ltd. (Alta.), 24496, *02

   17.8.95                                                                                                    455(95)                    1311(95)

M.D.C. v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24811, *01 14.9.95                                   1304(95)                   1352(95)

M.S. v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24431, *02 23.2.95                                      23(95)                      383(95)

MacIsaac v. MacNeil (N.S.), 24180, *01 23.2.95                                             1957(94)                   385(95)

Mackie v. Milgaard (Sask.), 24382, *02 2.2.95                                                1855(94)                   250(95)

Mackinnon v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24624, *02

   7.9.95  840(95)                                                                                         1347(95)

MacNeil v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24665, *01 14.9.95                                 908(95)                    1356(95)

MacNeill v. Attorney General of Canada (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24231,

   *02 12.1.95                                                                                              1322(94)                   36(95)

Malhotra (Charles C. M.) v. Ontario Human Rights Commission

   (Ont.), 24969, *A                                                                                      1753(95)

Malhotra (Prem) v. Minister of Transport (F.CA.)(Ont.), 24975, *A                     1754(95)

Manj v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24870, *B                                                   1785(95)

Manley v. Clarfield (Ont.), 24476, *01 30.3.95                                                 330(95)                    609(95)

Manning v. Corporation of Delta (B.C.), 24789, *A                                           1186(95)

Manulife Bank of Canada v. Conlin (Ont.), 24499, *03 4.5.95                           453(95)                    775(95)

Mara Properties Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24684, *03

   11.10.95                                                                                                  1102(95)                   1568(95)

Marchés Bonanza (Lachine) Inc. c. Procureur général du Québec

   (Qué.), 24547, *02 18.5.95                                                                         536(95)                    854(95)

Marchés Bonanza (Lachine) Inc. c. Procureur général du Québec

   (Qué.), 24548, *02 18.5.95                                                                         537(95)                    854(95)

Marinaro v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24322, *01 27.4.95                                 531(95)                    740(95)

Mattice v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24808, *01 26.10.95                                 1558(95)                   1659(95)

McCabe v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24602, *01 28.9.95                                 739(95)                    1402(95)

McDonnell v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24814, *B                                           1755(95)

McDowall v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24390, *01 30.3.95                                299(95)                    616(95)

McGillivary v. Province of New Brunswick (N.B.), 24336, *02

   23.3.95                                                                                                    1848(94)                   588(95)

McLeod v. Law Society of Saskatchewan (Sask.), 24459, *02 15.6.95              122(95)                    1087(95)

McMaster v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24395, *03 2.3.95                                449(95)                    459(95)

McMaster v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24569, *A                                            328(95)

McMillan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24570, *01 1.6.95                                  543(95)                    1004(95)

McMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Galiano Island Trust Committee

   (B.C.), 24941, *A                                                                                      1712(95)

McMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. The Queen in right of the province

   of British Columbia (B.C.), 24987, *A                                                         1783(95)

McPhillips v. British Columbia Ferry Corporation (B.C.),

   24246, *02 26.1.95                                                                                    1329(94)                   134(95)

Meditrust Pharmacy Services Inc. c. Ordre des Pharmaciens

   du Québec (Qué.), 24487, *02 30.3.95                                                        376(95)                    611(95)

Merck & Co. v. Apotex Inc. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24751, *B                                      1341(95)

Merck Frosst Canada Inc. v. Minister of National Health and

   Welfare (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24260, *02 2.2.95                                                   1318(94)                   257(95)

Meubles du Québec Inspiration XIXe Ltée c. Ville de

   Chicoutimi (Qué.), 24355, *02 26.1.95                                                         1858(94)                   134(95)

Michaud v. Bank of Montreal (N.B.), 24497, *02 25.5.95                                  332(95)                    913(95)

Minister of Justice of Canada c. Jamieson (Crim.)(Qué.), 24253, *03

   2.2.95  77(94)                                                                                           256(95)

Ministry of Labour for the Province of Ontario, Employment Standards

   Branch v. Zittrer, Siblin & Associates Inc. (Ont.), 24711, *05

   30.8.95                                                                                                    1193(95)                   1373(95)

Moghbel c. The Queen (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 24307, *02 26.10.95                             842(95)                    1662(95)

Mohan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24523, *01 18.5.95                                   536(95)                    853(95)

Moldowan v. Saskatchewan Government Employees Union (Sask.),

   24954, *A                                                                                                 1753(95)

Momeni v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24900, *A                                               1557(95)

Morin (Ivan Joseph) v. The Queen (Sask.), 24894, *A                                     1521(95)

Morin (Richard W. O.) v. Board of School Trustees of Regional

   Administration Unit No. 3 (P.E.I.), 24614, *02 14.9.95                                  909(95)                    1357(95)

Morrissey v. Morrissey (P.E.I.), 24202, *02 12.1.95                                         1322(94)                   36(95)

Multitech Warehouse (Manitoba) Direct Inc. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.),

   24950, *A                                                                                                 1713(95)

Municipalité de la paroisse de Ste-Rose-du-Nord c. Procureur

   général du Québec (Qué.), 24354, *02 16.2.95                                             1854(94)                   339(95)

NB Power Corporation v. Sivret (N.B.), 24538, *02 22.6.95                               580(95)                    1116(95)

Nagel v. Hunter (Alta.), 24609, *02 8.6.95                                                      822(95)                    1048(95)

Nand v. Edmonton Public School District # 7 (Alta.), 24500, *02 27.4.95          373(95)                    744(95)

Naredo v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.)(Ont.),

   24820, *B                                                                                                 1561(95)

Nasssar v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (Man.),

   24893, *A                                                                                                 1521(95)

National Parole Board v. Mooring (Crim.)(B.C.), 24436, *03

   15.12.94                                                                                                  1953(94)                   52(95)

Neuberger v. Connors (Ont.), 24346, *02 2.3.95                                              22(95)                      465(95)

Newfoundland Association of Public Employees v. The Queen in

   right of Newfoundland (Nfld.), 24525, *03 4.5.95                                           543(95)                    773(95)

Newfoundland Telephone Co. v. Canadian Radio-Television and

   Telecommunications Commission (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24705, *02 21.9.95            1200(95)                   1392(95)

Noble v. First City Trust Co. (Alta.), 24403, *02 30.3.95                                  16(95)                      615(95)

Noftall v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24426, *01 18.5.95                                    118(95)                    846(95)

Northeast Marine Services Ltd. v. Atlantic Pilotage Authority

   (F.C.A.)(N.S.), 24629, *03 6.11.95                                                              1563(95)                   1762(95)

Nuosci v. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (F.C.A.)(Crim.)(Ont.),

   24689, *02 17.8.95                                                                                    1076(95)                   1312(95)

O.E.X. Electromagnetic Inc. v. Coopers & Lybrand (B.C.), 24886,

   *A        1521(95)

Ochapowace First Nation v. V. A.  (Sask.), 24571, *02 8.6.95                          667(95)                    1049(95)

O'Connor v. The Queen (Ont.), 24952, *A                                                       1753(95)

Oduneye v. The Queen (Alta.), 25000, *A                                                       1840(95)

Olson v. Law Society of Manitoba (Man.), 24803, *B                                       1559(95)

Omar C. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24283, *05 (as of right) 27.2.95                475(95)                    475(95)

Omar C. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24283, *01 2.10.95                                 1220(95)                   1527(95)

Oniel v. Marks (Ont.), 24977, *A                                                                   1754(95)

Osbourne v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24595, *01 1.6.95                                 661(95)                    1000(95)

P.L. v. Director of Child Welfare (Nfld.), 23886, *01

   2.2.95  93(93)                                                                                           252(95)

P. (S.) c. R. (M.) (Qué.), 24251, *03 2.2.95                                                     1239(4)                    255(95)

Pacific Fishermen's Alliance v. The Queen (B.C.), 24750, *B                           1384(95)

Painchaud v. Yorkton Securities Inc. (Alta.), 24749, *02 14.9.95                      1301(95)                   1360(95)

Paintings, Drawings and Photographic Slides of Paintings v.

   The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24791, the application for leave to

   appeal and the application for leave to cross-appeal

   are dismissed 11.10.95                                                                             1294(95)                   1566(95)

Pamajewon v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24596, *03 1.6.95                              655(95)                    999(95)

Paramadevan v. Semelhago (Ont.), 24325, *03 2.2.95                                     1682(94)                   253(95)

Pascal v. The Queen (B.C.), 24638, *02 6.7.95                                              990(95)                    1228(95)

Patenaude c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 24415, *02

   23.2.95                                                                                                    302(95)                    380(95)

Pathak v. Canadian Human Rights Council (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24809, *B               1385(95)

Patrick Press Ltd. v. Pierre (B.C.), 23837, *A                                                 2069(93)

Patterson v. Chrastina (Ont.), 24864, *A                                                        1378(95)

Pearson c. Procureur général du Canada (Qué.), 24929/30/31, *A                     1712(95)

Peat Marwick Thorne Inc. v. Atherley (Ont.), 24681, *02 22.6.95                      907(95)                    1113(95)

Peckham v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24401, *01 23.2.95                               1955(94)                   383(95)

Pennie v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24432, *01 18.5.95                                   237(95)                    851(95)

Peroux c. Cité de la Santé de Laval (Qué.), 24464, *02 9.3.95                          335(95)                    502(95)

Peters v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 24391, *01 23.2.95                                 7(95)                        378(95)

Petrini v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Crim.)(Ont.), 24433, *02 23.2.95                        28(95)                      379(95)

Philippe c. Université de Montréal (Qué.), 24807, *02 21.9.95                           1303(95)                   1388(95)

Pilote c. Corporation de l'hôpital Bellechasse de Montréal

   (Qué.), 24419, *02 2.3.95                                                                           25(95)                      466(95)

Pocklington v. Gainers Inc. (Alta.), 24856, *A                                                1337(95)

Poirier c. Ville de Lachine (Qué.), 24836, *02 9.11.95                                      1293(95)                   1763(95)

Portree v. Woodsmill Homes Ltd. (Man.), 24289, *02 12.1.95                          1557(94)                   39(95)

Poznekoff v. Elasoff (B.C.), 24572, *01 1.6.95                                               663(95)                    1000(95)

Prince Rupert Grain Ltd. v. International Longshoremen's and

   Warehousemen's Union, Ship and Dock Foremen, Local

   514 (F.C.A)(B.C.), 24428, *03 30.3.95                                                        117(95)                    610(95)

Prince Rupert Hotel (1957) Ltd. v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.),

   24755, *02 21.9.95                                                                                    1300(95)                   1390(95)

Procureur général du Canada c. Hydro-Québec (Qué.), 24652, *03

   11.10.95                                                                                                  1043(95)                   1564(95)

Procureur général du Québec c. 2747-3174 Québec Inc. (Qué.),

   24309, *03 2.3.95                                                                                     239(95)                    461(95)

Procureur général du Québec c. Guimond (Qué.), 24625, *03 1.6.95                 771(95)                    1002(95)

Purolator Courier Ltd. v. Meditek Laboratory Services Ltd. (Man.),

   24903, *A                                                                                                 1580(95)

R. v. Adams (Crim.)(Alta.), 24252, *03 6.2.95                                                 1896(94)                   306(95)

R. c. Aubin (Crim.)(Qué.), 24350, *01 19.1.95                                                 1777(94)                   41(95)

R. v. Austin (Crim.)(B.C.), 24486, *03 30.3.95                                                231(95)                    610(95)

R. v. Calder Crim.)((Ont.), 24323, *01 23.2.95                                                 7(95)                        381(95)

R. v. Campbell (Crim.)(Alta.), 24831, *B                                                         1785(95)

R. v. Carlile (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24955, *A                                                            1713(95)

R. c. Chevrier (Qué.), 23126, *A                                                                    2510(92)

R. v. D.E.F. (Crim.)(Alta.), 24587, *01 1.6.95                                                  670(95)                    1000(95)

R. v. Fibreco Pulp Inc. (F.C.A.), 24918, *A                                                    1581(95)

R. v. Fisher (Crim.)(Ont.), 24102, *01 2.2.95                                                   875(94)                    245(95)

R. v. Follett (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24775, *01 16.11.95                                               1715(95)                   1792(95)

R. c. Gauthier (Crim.)(Qué.), 24234, *01 2.3.95                                               15(95)                      467(95)

R. v. Gillis (Crim.)(N.B.), 24621, *01 14.9.95                                                  994(95)                    1357(95)

R. v. Green (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24753, *01 26.10.95                                               1207(95)                   1659(95)

R. v. Halliday (Ont.), 24907, *A                                                                     1580(95)

R. v. Keegstra (Alta.), 24296, application for leave to

   appeal, reduced to a single constitutional ground, is dismissed

   la demande d'autorisation de pourvoi, réduite à un seul

   moyen constitutionnel, est rejetée 18.5.95                                                  1674(94)                   845(95)

R. v. L.T.C. (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24502, *01 29.6.95                                                 533(95)                    1226(95)

R. v. Lambert (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24378, *01 23.2.95                                              12(95)                      385(95)

R. v. Lima-Fernandez (Crim.)(Ont.), 24466, *05 16.3.95                                   559(95)                    559(95)

R. c. Laporte (Crim.)(Qué.), 24551, *03 1.6.95                                                531(95)                    998(95)

R. v. MacLeod (Crim.)(N.B.), 24397, *01 9.3.95                                              12(95)                      505(95)

R. v. Marrie (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24471, *01 18.5.95                                                 119(95)                    847(95)

R. v. Marwin G. (Crim.)(Ont.), 24484, *01 23.3.95                                            292(95)                    587(95)

R. v. Marwin G. (Crim.)(Ont.), 24484, *05 5.5.95                                             832(95)                    832(95)

R. v. McCormack (Crim.)(Ont.), 24873, *A                                                     1378(95)

R. v. Michaud (Crim.)(N.B.), 24798, *03 11.10.95                                            1307(95)                   1566(95)

R. v. Nikolovski (Crim.)(Ont.), 24360, *03 1.6.95                                            544(95)                    1004(95)

R. c. Patoine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24867, *B                                                           1843(95)

R. v. Peterson (Crim.)(B.C.), 24421, *01 23.2.95                                             20(95)                      379(95)

R. v. R.A.M. (Crim.)(Man.), 24475, *01 18.5.95                                               535(95)                    853(95)

R. v. Rarru (Crim.)(B.C.), 24816, *B                                                               1585(95)

R. c. Richard (Crim.)(N.-B.), 24582, *03 1.6.95                                               654(95)                    998(95)

R. v. Robinson (Crim.)(B.C.), 24302, *03 2.3.95                                              1953(94)                   458(95)

R. v. Royal Bank of Canada (Alta.), 24713, *03 11.10.95                                 1197(95)                   1565(95)

R. c. Sadek (Qué.), 24979, *A                                                                      1783(95)

R. c. Simard (Crim.)(Qué.), 24408, *01 2.3.95                                                 15(95)                      465(95)

R. v. Spellacy (Nfld.), 24837, *A                                                                    1293(95)

R. v. Sylliboy (Crim.)(N.S.), 21929, *A                                                           1015(90)

R. v. Sylvester (B.C.), 24891, *A                                                                   1522(95)

R. v. Tarnovsky (Crim.)(Ont.), 24772, *01 11.10.95                                         1343(95)                   1567(95)

R. v. Tricker (Crim.)(Ont.), 24592, *B                                                             661(95)

R. v. Wolfe (Sask.), 24993, *A                                                                      1784(95)

R. in right of the province of British Columbia v. National

   Bank of Canada (B.C.), 24509, *02 28.9.95                                                 373(95)                    1399(95)

R.J.G. v. J.R.G. (Sask.), 24622, *03 1.6.95                                                   769(95)                    1007(95)

R.J.S. v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24866, *01 2.11.95                                    1378(95)                   1721(95)

R.L. c. J.M. (Qué.), 24537, *02 9.3.95                                                            338(95)                    503(95)

R.M.G. v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24709, *03 11.10.95                                 1075(95)                   1565(95)

Radassao v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24615, *01 22.6.95                               736(95)                    1113(95)

Raîche c. Giard (Qué.), 24467, *02 9.3.95                                                      337(95)                    502(95)

Rarru v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24881, *B                                                  1790(95)

Rarru v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24865, *B                                                  1789(95)

Ratelle c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24333, *02 26.1.95                                      1769(94)                   128(95)

Reed v. Attorney General of British Columbia (B.C.),

   24982, *A                                                                                                 1783(95)

Reed v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24332, *01 2.3.95                                       27(95)                      459(95)

Rees v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24578, *01 14.9.95                                      657(95)                    1353(95)

Reid v. Ontario Securities Commission (Ont.), 24721, *02 28.9.95                   1202(95)                   1404(95)

Remington v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Alta.), 24376, *01 9.2.95                             1954(94)                   304(95)

Richardson c. Cooke (Qué.), 24546, *01 6.4.95                                              548(95)                    677(95)

Rivard c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24746, *01 14.9.95                                       1213(95)                   1351(95)

Rizk c. Syndicat des enseignantes et enseignants de Le Royer

   (Qué.), 24427, *02 20.3.95                                                                         237(95)                    589(95)

Robinson v. Laushway (Ont.), 24492, *02 25.5.95                                           331(95)                    913(95)

Rodrigue c. La Reine (Crim.)(Yuk.), 24585, *01 7.9.95                                     1205(95)                   1350(95)

Rogers v. The Queen in right of Newfoundland (Nfld.), 24531, *01

   11.5.95                                                                                                    452(95)                    829(95)

Rokanas v. Doe (B.C.), 24727, *02 14.9.95                                                    1296(95)                   1359(95)

Roland Home Improvements Ltd. v. Royal Bank of Canada

   (Ont.), 24442, *02 30.3.95                                                                         235(95)                    613(95)

Rosen (Diana Lynn) v. Rosen (Ont.), 24312, *02 16.2.95                                 1628(94)                   340(95)

Rosen (Lowie H.) v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Crim.)(Ont.),

   24965, *A                                                                                                 1753(95)

Ross v. United States of America (Crim.)(B.C.), 24400, *03 30.3.95                 124(95)                    617(95)

Rossignol c. Corporation professionnelle des dentistes du Québec

   (Qué.), 24606, *01 1.6.95                                                                           771(95)                    1003(95)

Roussel c. Ministre de l'Emploi et de l'Immigration (C.A.F.)(Qué.),

   24863, *B                                                                                                 1756(95)

Roy (André) c. Procureur général du Québec (Qué.), 24878, *B                         1844(95)

Roy (Normand) c. Patenaude (Qué.), 24469, *01 2.2.95                                   26(95)                      249(95)

Royal Bank of Canada v. North American Life Assurance Co.

   (Sask.), 24316, *03 2.3.95                                                                         1628(94)                   462(95)

Royal Bank of Canada v. Wilton (Alta.), 24650, *02 21.9.95                             1044(95)                   1391(95)

Royer v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24640, *03 11.10.95                                   1075(95)                   1564(95)

Ruffo c. Conseil de la Magistrature (Qué.), 23222, *05 29.12.94                       75(95)                      75(95)

S.P. c. M.R. (Qué.), 24251, *03 2.2.95                                                           1327(94)                   255(95)

Samson c. Addy (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 24880, *A                                                    1379(95)

Sanderson v. Master of Titles (Sask.), 24776, *A                                            1074(95)

Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners v. Saskatoon City

   Police Association (Sask.), 24869, *A                                                        1378(95)

Scamolla v. Tenax Ltd. (Ont.), 24828, *B                                                       1844(95)

Scarth v. Northland Bank (Alta.), 24424, *02 16.3.95                                      18(95)                      553(95)

Schachtschneider v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23698, *02 1.6.95                   1747(93)                   998(95)

Schemmann v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24802, *02 9.11.95                           1583(95)                   1763(95)

Schofield v. Smith (N.B.), 24282, *02 12.1.95                                                 1559(94)                   39(95)

Scott & Pichelli Ltd. v. General Motors Acceptance

   Corporation of Canada, Ltd. (Ont.), 24485, *01 1.6.95                                  334(95)                    1006(95)

Scott Maritimes Ltd. v. Labour Standards Tribunal (N.S.),

   24494, *02 27.4.95                                                                                    452(95)                    744(95)

Sebastian v. Workers' Compensation Board (Sask.), 24457, *01

   18.5.95                                                                                                    295(95)                    849(95)

Services environnementaux Laidlaw (Mercier) Ltée c. Procureur

   général du Québec (Qué.), 24632, *02 11.10.95                                           844(95)                    1564(95)

Sevillano v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24812, *B                                             1759(95)

Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County Inc. v. L.G. (Crim.)(Ont.),

   24648, *B                                                                                                 764(95)

Shah v. The Queen in right of Alberta (Alta.), 24908, *05

   10.11.95                                                                                                  1580(95)                   1802(95)

Shephard v. Colchester Regional Hospital Commission (N.S.),

   24605, *02 14.9.95                                                                                    738(95)                    1355(95)

Silbernagel v. Canadian Stevedoring Co. (B.C.), 24948, *A                              1714(95)

Simanek v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24344, *01 12.1.95                                1853(94)                   33(95)

Simcoe Erie Group v. Myers (Ont.), 24330, *02 19.1.95                                   1773(94)                   41(95)

Simpson v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24465, *01 30.3.95                                231(95)                    608(95)

Siscoe & Savoie v. Royal Bank of Canada (N.B.), 24566, *02 1.6.95                545(95)                    1005(95)

Siska Indian Band v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (F.C.A.),

   23643, *A                                                                                                 1312(93)

Skelding v. Skelding (B.C.), 24389, *02 23.2.95                                             21(95)                      387(95)

Skyview Hotels Ltd. v. Chiips Inc. (Alta.), 24374, *02 23.2.95                          13(95)                      386(95)

Smellie v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24474, *01 8.6.95                                    583(95)                    1048(95)

Smiley v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24936, *A                                                1653(95)

Smith (Margaret) v. Arndt (B.C.), 24943, *A                                                    1712(95)

Smith (Morgan) v. Howe (Alta.), 24593, *02 14.9.95                                         768(95)                    1356(95)

Snyder (Gerald M.) c. Canadian Newspaper Co. (Qué.), 24739, *02 21.9.95       1302(95)                   1388(95)

Snyder (Pierre) c. Racine et Chamberland Inc. (Qué.), 24945, *A                     1712(95)

Snyder (Wesley Everett) v. Snyder (Alta.), 24308, *02 16.2.95                         1629(94)                   340(95)

Sobieh v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 24184, *01 23.2.95                                 114(95)                    381(95)

Sobhi v. Landmark of Thornhill Ltd. (Ont.), 24901, *A                                     1580(95)

Société nationale de l'amiante c. Lab Chrysotile Inc. (Qué.),

   24731, *02 7.9.95                                                                                     1212(95)                   1351(95)

Society for Manitobans with Disabilities Inc. v. The Queen

   in right of the province of Manitoba (Man.), 24556, *01 14.9.95                     579(95)                    1353(95)

Somerset Place Developments of Georgetown v. Atherley (Ont.), 24681,

   *02 22.6.95                                                                                              907(95)                    1113(95)

Soucher c. Dubois (Qué.), 24667, *02 29.6.95                                                1109(95)                   1221(95)

Soucy v. The Queen (N.B.), 24821, *A                                                           1291(95)

Sous-ministre du revenu du Québec c. Alma Amusement Inc. (Qué.),

   24666, *02 29.6.95                                                                                    1083(95)                   1221(95)

Sous-ministre du Revenu national c. Hydro-Québec (C.A.F.)(Qué.),

   24361, *05 20.2.95                                                                                    22(95)                      395(95)

Southam Inc. v. Director of Investigation and Research

   (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24915, *B                                                                           1842(95)

St. Mary's Indian Band v. Corporation of the City of

   Cranbrook (B.C.), 24946, *A                                                                      1713(95)

St. Mary's General Hospital v. Fiorelli (Ont.), 24706, *05 19.6.95                      819(95)                    1126(95)

Stelco Inc. v. Superintendent of Pensions for Ontario (Ont.),

   24984, *A                                                                                                 1783(95)

Stephenson v. Edmonton Telephones Corporation (Alta.),

   24540, *02 16.3.95                                                                                    331(95)                    552(95)

Stevens v. Stoney Band (Alta.), 24636, *02 6.7.95                                          990(95)                    1227(95)

Stevens v. Stoney Band (Alta.), 24675, *02 6.7.95                                          992(95)                    1226(95)

Sturhahn v. Gatensbury Estates Ltd. (B.C.), 24933, *A                                   1652(95)

Sullivan (Bruce Wayne) v. Sullivan (Alta.), 24691, *02 26.10.95                        1045(95)                   1663(95)

Sullivan (Penelope Karvellas) v. Fletcher (Alta.), 24819, *B                              1585(95)

Swantje v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24439, *03 30.3.95                                235(95)                    614(95)

Syndicat de l'enseignement du Lanaudière c. Commission scolaire

   des Cascades-l'Achigan (Qué.), 24472, *01 30.3.95                                     334(95)                    617(95)

Syndicat des employés du Centre hospitalier régional de Lanaudière

   (CSN) c. Centre hospitalier régional de Lanaudière (Qué.),

   24528, *02 27.4.95                                                                                    538(95)                    740(95)

Syndicat des employés du transport en public du Québec Métropolitan Inc.

   (CSN) c. Commission de transport de la communauté urbaine du Québec

   (Qué.), 24672, *02 17.8.95                                                                         1195(95)                   1315(95)

Syndicat des professeurs de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

   c. Dupont (Qué.), 24911, *A                                                                       1581(95)

Syndicat des travailleurs(euses) de l'Hôpital Louis-H.-Lafontaine (CSN)

   c. Lussier (Qué.), 24670, *02 17.8.95                                                          1195(95)                   1315(95)

Syndicat national des employés de l'Hôpital St-Ferdinand (C.S.N.)

   c. Curateur public, Me Rémi Lussier (Qué.), 24511, *03 18.5.95                     540(95)                    845(95)

Syndicat professionnel des ingénieurs d'Hydro-Québec (C.A.F.)(Qué.),

   24875, *02 16.11.95                                                                                  1715(95)                   1792(95)

T.S.A. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24741, *01 16.11.95                                  1104(95)                   1793(95)

TSCO of Canada Ltd. c. Châteauneuf (Qué.), 24611, *02 Lamer C.J.

   dissenting 29.6.95                                                                                    1045(95)                   1224(95)

Taddéo c. Ville de Montréal-Nord (Qué.), 24510, *02 30.3.95                            539(95)                    609(95)

Taguchi v. Stuparyk (Alta.), 24756, *01 14.9.95                                              1294(95)                   1359(95)

Tardi c. General Motors Acceptance Corporation du Canada Ltée

   (Qué.), 24387, *01 26.1.95                                                                         1767(94)                   131(95)

Tarel Hotel Ltd. v. Saskatchewan Co-Operative Financial

   Services Ltd. (Sask.), 24402, *02 18.5.95                                                   120(95)                    848(95)

Taylor v. Metropolitan Toronto Housing Authority (Ont.),

   24185, *02 12.1.95                                                                                    1321(94)                   35(95)

Télé-Métropole International Inc. c. Banque mercantile du Canada

   (Qué.), 24848, *A                                                                                      1653(95)

Tennant v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24339, *03 2.3.95                                 1776(94)                   463(95)

Terminaux portuaires du Québec Inc. c. Association des employeurs

   maritimes (Qué.), 24481, *02 6.4.95                                                           375(95)                    676(95)

Terminaux portuaires du Québec Inc. c. Association des employeurs

   maritimes (Qué.), 24567, *02 27.4.95                                                          584(95)                    741(95)

Terry v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24335, *03 2.2.95                                       1680(94)                   246(95)

Tetterington v. Wiens (Alta.), 24662, *02 21.9.95                                            1079(95)                   1391(95)

Thérien c. Pellerin (Qué.), 24729, *02 29.6.95                                                 1112(95)                   1222(95)

Thérien c. Vanier (Qué.), 24728, *02 29.6.95                                                  1111(95)                   1222(95)

Thibodeau c. Corporation municipale de Ste-Julienne (Qué.),

   24468, *02 18.5.95                                                                                    374(95)                    851(95)

Tinkasimire v. Ontario Workers Compensation Board (Ont.),

   24239, *01 12.1.95                                                                                    1320(94)                   35(95)

Toronto-Dominion Bank v. Vita Health Company (1985) Ltd.

   (Man.), 24385, *02 18.5.95                                                                        24(95)                      846(95)

Tors Cove Excavating Ltd. v. Newfoundland and Labrador Housing

   Corporation (Nfld.), 24688, *02 9.11.95                                                        1192(95)                   1764(95)

Town of Lac La Biche v. The Queen in right of Alberta (Alta.),

   24413, *05 10.8.95                                                                                    1329(95)                   1329(95)

Town of St. Andrews v. Hospitality Investments Ltd. (N.B.),

   24830, *B                                                                                                 1758(95)

Trabulsey v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24854, *B                                            1787(95)

Tremblay (Christian) c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24804, *01 21.9.95                  1339(95)                   1389(95)

Tremblay (Henri Ulysse) c. Caisse populaire de Taschereau (Qué.),

   24921, *A                                                                                                 1652(95)

Tremblay (Robert) c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24922, *A                                  1652(95)

Trunzo v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 24261, *01 2.3.95                                    1330(94)                   458(95)

Tseshaht v. The Queen in right of the province of British Columbia

   (B.C.), 23234, *05 21.3.95                                                                         598(95)                    598(95)

Turf Masters Landscaping Ltd. v. City of Dartmouth (N.S.),

   24842, *A                                                                                                 1652(95)

Twin Grand Developments Ltd. v. Metropolitan Trust Co. of Canada

   (Sask.), 24988, *A                                                                                    1784(95)

Tyndall v. Manitoba Labour Board (Man.), 24272, *01 12.1.95                          1332(94)                   38(95)

Ukrainetz v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 24714, *01 14.9.95                             1106(95)                   1360(95)

Ulvestad v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24661, *B                                             1383(95)

United States Fire Insurance Co. v. Tri-Service Machine Ltd.

   (Alta.), 24294, *02 9.2.95                                                                           1557(94)                   304(95)

United States of America v. Dynar (Ont.), 24997, *A                                       1840(95)

Upper Lakes Group Inc. v. National Transportation Agency (F.C.A.),

   24849, *A                                                                                                 1336(95)

Upton v. King Island Clay Ltd. (B.C.), 24669, *02 26.10.95                              1108(95)                   1664(95)

Vancouver Island Peace Society v. R. in right of Canada

   (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24600, *02 22.6.95                                                              671(95)                    1118(95)

Vaughan v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24345, *01 23.2.95                                1956(94)                   384(95)

Verdun v. Toronto-Dominion Bank (Ont.), 24604, *03 1.6.95                            766(95)                    1002(95)

Village Commissioners of Waverly v. Kerr (N.S.), 24151, *02

   23.3.95                                                                                                    1848(94)                   588(95)

Ville de Brossard c. Malo (Qué.), 24899, *A                                                    1557(95)

Ville de Longueuil c. Godbout (Qué.), 24990, *A                                             1784(95)

Ville de Montréal c. Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique,

   section locale 301 (Qué.), 24761, *03 11.10.95                                            1342(95)                   1567(95)

Ville de Pointe-Claire c. Syndicat des employées et employés

   professionels-les et de bureau, Section locale 57 (Qué.),

   24845, *B                                                                                                 1720(95)

Ville de St-Georges c. Commission municipale du Québec

   (Qué.), 24352, *B                                                                                      1961(94)

Ville de Verdun c. Doré (Qué.), 24860, *A                                                       1338(95)

Villeneuve v. Continental Insurance Co. (P.E.I.), 24212, *02 12.1.95                 1320(94)                   34(95)

Viola v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24694, *01 19.10.95                                    1080(95)                   1589(95)

Waddington v. Murphy (Ont.), 24861, *B                                                        1717(95)

Wallace v. United Grain Growers Ltd. (Man.), 24986, *A                                  1783(95)

Watson v. Woodgate (B.C.), 24771, *B                                                          1718(95)

Webber v. A. Jourdain Investments Ltd. (Ont.), 24383, *01 23.2.95                 10(95)                      379(95)

Wedekind v. Director of Income Maintenance Branch of the Ministry

   of Community & Social Services (Ont.), 24564, *01 15.6.95                          662(95)                    1086(95)

Weisfeld v. The Queen (F.C.A.), 24334, *A                                                    1595(94)

Westcoast Energy Inc. v. Husky Oil Operations Ltd. (Alta.), 24719,

   *02 23.11.95                                                                                             1297(95)                   1846(95)

Whissell v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24517, *01 4.5.95                                  451(95)                    774(95)

White (Garnet) v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24115, *05 25.1.95                        144(95)                    144(95)

White (Linda June) v. Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Canada (Ont.),

   24850, *A                                                                                                 1336(95)

Whitmell v. Ritchie (Ont.), 24388, *02 18.5.95                                                121(95)                    848(95)

Whitley v. United States of America (Crim.)(Ont.), 24438, *03 30.3.95              297(95)                    617(95)

Widema v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24827, *01 9.11.95                                 1381(95)                   1766(95)

Wilder v. The Queen (Man.), 24904, *A                                                          1580(95)

Wilder v. The Queen (Man.), 24905, *A                                                          1580(95)

Williams (Arnold) v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24637, *02 6.7.95                      989(95)                    1229(95)

Williams (Brady Lewis) v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24770, *01 9.11.95            1344(95)                   1765(95)

Williams (Eric McDougall) v. Downey-Waterbury (Man.), 24712, *02

21.9.95                                                                                         1201(95)                   1393(95)

Williams (Theophilus) v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24783, *01 21.9.95              1299(95)                   1389(95)

Wilson (Dennis David) v. The Queen (B.C.), 24834, *A                                    1338(95)

Wilson (Ronald A.) v. McCrea (Ont.), 24358, *02 2.2.95                                  1776(94)                   250(95)

Wisotzki v. Bannon (Ont.), 23823, *A                                                            2065(93)

Woldrich v. Mental Health Review Board (Man.), 24553, *01 22.6.95                 579(95)                    1115(95)

Wolf v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24478, *01 30.3.95                                      233(95)                    608(95)

Wong v. United States of America (Crim.)(B.C.), 24698, *B                             1309(95)

Woo Investments Inc v. Confederation Life Insurance Co. (Sask.),

   24300, *02 12.1.95                                                                                    1558(94)                   39(95)

Wood v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24542, *01 14.9.95                                    532(95)                    1352(95)

Workers' Compensation Board v. Pasiechnyk (Sask.), 24913, *A                    1581(95)

Workers' Compensation Board of New Brunswick v. Savoie (N.B.),

   24813, *05 27.10.95                                                                                  1341(95)                   1729(95)

Wright v. Westfair Foods Ltd. (Alta.), 24598, *02 28.9.95                                664(95)                    1396(95)

Yarema v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24446, *01 23.2.95                                  114(95)                    380(95)

Yusuf v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 24601,

   *02 22.6.95                                                                                              765(95)                    1113(95)

Zarbatany c. Ministre de la Justice du Canada (Crim.)(Qué.), 24680,

   *01 17.7.95                                                                                              1042(95)                   1312(95)

Ziprick v. Simpson (B.C.), 24805, *B                                                             1790(95)

This index includes appeals standing for judgment at the beginning of 1995 and all appeals heard in 1995 up to now.


Cet index comprend les pourvois en délibéré au début de 1995 et tous ceux entendus en 1995 jusqu'à maintenant.

                                                                                                                                               *01 dismissed/rejeté

*02 dismissed with costs/rejeté avec dépens

*03 allowed/accueilli

­*04 allowed with costs/accueilli avec dépens

*05 discontinuance/désistement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hearing/             Judgment/

CASE/AFFAIRE                                                                            Audition                        Jugement


                                                                                                                                               A.W. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24414, *03 Gonthier J. dissenting

   10.11.95                                                                                               1803(95)                   1803(95)

Amos v. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (B.C.), 24164,

   *04 21.9.95                                                                                           923(95)                    1422(95)

Apsassin v. The Queen in right of Canada (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 23516                  1095(95)

Attis v. Human Rights Commission of New Brunswick (N.B.), 24002             1732(95)

Badger v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23603                                                  782(95)

B. K. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 24357, *03 Major J. dissenting 16.11.95  1538(95)                   1806(95)

Bardyn v. Botiuk (Ont.), 23517, appeal is dismissed with cost and the

   cross-appeal is allowed with costs 21.9.95                                              1920(94)                   1420(95)

Biddle v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23734, *03 L'Heureux-Dubé J.

   dissenting 2.3.95                                                                                   1606(94)                   481(95)

Blenner-Hassett v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23923, *01 31.1.95                  268(95)                    268(95)

Board v. Grisnich (B.C.), 23927, *03 25.4.95                                               750(95)                    750(95)

Branch v. British Columbia Securities Commission (Crim.)(B.C.),

   22978, *02 13.4.95                                                                                368(94)                    691(95)

Brydon v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24554, *03 11.10.95                              1575(95)                   1806(95)

Burke v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24071                                                   1014(95)

Burlingham v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23966, *03 L'Heureux-Dubé J.

   dissenting 18.5.95                                                                                 1758(94)                   866(95)

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Canada Labour Relations

   Board (Ont.), 23142, *02 McLachlin J. dissenting 27.1.95                          461(94)                    150(95)

Canadian Pacific Ltd. v. The Queen in right of Ontario (Ont.),

   23721, *02 20.7.95                                                                                146(95)                    1244(95)

Chaisson v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.B.), 24129, *03 15.6.95                            1097(95)                   1246(95)

Chan v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 23813,

   *01 La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé and Gonthier JJ. dissenting

   19.10.95                                                                                               267(95)                    1597(95)

Chaplin v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23865, *01 6.10.94 (reasons

   delivered 23.2.95)                                                                                  1606(94)                   403(95)

Chen v. Minister of Employment and Immigration (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23984,

   *03 23.2.95                                                                                           314(95)                    402(95)

Church of Scientology of Toronto v. Hill (Ont.), 24216                                  396(95)

Cleghorn v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24248, *01 Sopinka and Major JJ.

   dissenting 21.9.95                                                                                 750(95)                    1421(95)

Cohnstaedt v. University of Regina (Sask.), 24146 *03 12.10.95                   1575(95)                   1595(95)

Collins v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24410, *03 Cory and Iacobucci JJ.

   dissenting 20.7.95                                                                                 1094(95)                   1246(95)

Compagnie Minière Québec Cartier c. Métallurgistes Unis d'Amérique,

   Local 6869 (Qué.), 23960, *03 20.7.95                                                     833(95)                    1245(95)

Consolidated Enfield Corporation v. Blair (Ont.), 23887, *02 21.3.95              600(95)                    1598(95)

Corporation of the City of Stratford v. Large (Ont.), 24004, *03

   19.10.95                                                                                               476(95)                    1597(95)

Crawford v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23711, *03 30.3.95                             1756(94)                   624(95)

Crosby v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24116, *03 24.4.95                               750(95)                    750(95)

Dow Corning Corporation v. Hollis (B.C.), 23776                                          270(95)

Dubois c. Raymond Chabot Inc. (Qué.), 23993                                            1539(95)

Dunn v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24041, *03 L'Heureux-Dubé J.

   dissenting 27.1.95                                                                                 1700(94)                   150(95)

Durish v. White Resource Management Ltd. (Alta.), 23483, *04

   23.2.95                                                                                                 1533(94)                   402(95)

Edwards v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24297                                                1019(95)

Egan v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23636, *01 L'Heureux-Dubé, Cory,

   McLachlin and Iacobucci JJ. dissenting 25.5.95                                       1701(94)                   924(95)

Evans v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24359                                                   783(95)

F.J.U. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24159, *01 19.10.95                               751(95)                    1598(95)

Fire v. Longtin (Ont.), 24148, *02 19.10.95                                                  1540(95)                   1598(95)

Fitzpatrick v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24254, 01 16.11.95                          601(95)                    1805(95)

Friesen v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 23922, *04 Gonthier and

   Iacobucci JJ. dissenting 21.9.95                                                             479(95)                    1421(95)

G.S. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24337, *01 26.5.95                                   1014(95)                   1014(95)

Goddard v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24200, *03 20.3.95                             599(95)                    599(95)

Goldstein c. London Life Insurance Co. (Qué.), 24130                                  1595(95)

Halcrow v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23542, *01 27.1.95                              266(95)                    266(95)

Harrer v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24141, *01 19.10.95                               512(95)                    1598(95)

Hawrish v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 23898, *01 21.3.95                            600(95)                    600(95)

Hibbert v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23815, *03 20.7.95                               266(95)                    1245(95)

Imperial Tobacco Ltd. c. Attorney General of Canada (Qué.), 23490,

   *03 La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier and Cory JJ. dissenting

   21.9.95                                                                                                 1871(94)                   1419(95)

In the Matter of the Residential Tenancies Act v. Thompson (N.S.),

   24276                                                                                                   1540(95)

J. P. v. MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. (B.C.), 24171                                              1094(95)

Jobin v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23190, *01 13.4.95                                 368(94)                    690(95)

Jorgensen v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23787, *03 16.11.95                         398(95)                    1805(95)

Khela c. La Reine (Crim.)(Qué.), 24265, *03 in part, L'Heureux-Dubé J.

   dissenting 16.11.95                                                                               922(95)                    1805(95)

Kiyawasew v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23603                                            782(95)

L.G. c. G.B. (Qué.), 23629, *03 21.9.95                                                      479(95)                    1421(95)

L.L.A. v. A.B.  (Crim.)(Ont.), 24568                                                            1127(95)

Laporte v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 24140, *01 27.1.95                              266(95)                    266(95)

Lord v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23943, *01 21.2.95                                   397(95)                    397(95)

MacGillivray v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 23933, *01 23.2.95                        400(95)                    624(95)

Maksymec v. Botiuk (Ont.), 23519, appeal is dismissed with costs

   and the cross-appeal is allowed with costs 21.9.95                                   1920(94)                   1420(95)

Manning v. Hill (Ont.), 24216, *02 20.7.95                                                   396(95)                    1245(95)

Marc v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.B.), 24588, *01 7.11.95                                   1776(95)                   1776(95)

Matsqui Indian Band v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23643,

   *02 L'Heureux-Dubé, Sopinka, Gonthier and Iacobucci JJ. dissenting

   26.1.95                                                                                                 1586(94)                   149(95)

Mayfield Investments Ltd. v. Stewart (Alta.), 23739, *04 26.1.95                   1588(94)                   150(95)

Miron v. Trudel (Ont.), 22744, *04 Lamer C.J. and La Forest, Gonthier

   and Major JJ. dissenting 25.5.95                                                             967(94)                    924(95)

Montour v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.B.), 24343, *03 30.5.95                              1016(95)                   1016(95)

Moore v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 23810, *01 24.2.95                                 476(95)                    476(95)

Munroe v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24586, *01 10.11.95                              1803(95)                   1803(95)

Nagy v. The Queen (Crim.)(N.S.), 24535, *01 30.10.95                                 1731(95)                   1731(95)

National Parole Board v. Mooring (Crim.)(B.C.), 24436                                 1017(95)

Neuzen v. Korn (B.C.), 23773, *02 19.10.95                                                271(95)                    1597(95)

O'Connor v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24114                                               269(95)

O'Leary v. The Queen (Ont.), 23928, *03 29.6.95                                         1917(94)                   1244(95)

Ominayak v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 23603                                             782(95)

Ontario Homebuilders' Association v. York Region Board of Education

   (Ont.), 24085                                                                                         1574(95)

Pelfrey v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24367, *03 Cory and Iacobucci JJ.

   dissenting 20.7.95                                                                                 1094(95)                   1246(95)

Piluke v. The Queen (Crim.)(B.C.), 24070, *01 31.1.95                                268(95)                    268(95)

Primeau v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 23613, *01 13.4.95                            368(94)                    692(95)

R. v. A.B. (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24182, *03 29.5.95                                                1015(95)                   1015(95)

R. v. Adams (Crim.)(Alta.), 24252                                                              1573(95)

R. v. Ball (Crim.)(B.C.), 24157, *01 22.2.95                                                 399(95)                    399(95)

R. v. Barrett (Crim.)(Ont.), 23749, *03 22.2.95                                             399(95)                    399(95)

R. v. Bernshaw (Crim.)(B.C.), 23748, *03 7.10.94                                        1585(94)                   1585(94) &                       152(95)

R. v. C.A.M. (Crim.)(B.C.), 24027                                                               1018(95)

R. v. Calder (Crim.)(Ont.), 24323                                                                1779(95)

R. v. Crown Forest Industries Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23940, *04 22.6.95            480(95)                    1130(95)

R. c. Fleurant (Crim.)(Qué.), 24310, *03 2.11.95                                          1734(95)                   1773(95)

R. v. Lepage (Crim.)(Ont.), 23974, *03 Cory and Major JJ. dissenting

   23.2.95                                                                                                 1791(94)                   402(95)

R. v. Livermore (Crim.)(Ont.), 24143, *03 Major J. dissenting 16.11.95           601(95)                    1805(95)

R. c. Mathieu (Crim.)(Qué.), 24173, *01 2.11.95                                           1733(95)                   1772(95)

R. v. McIntosh (Crim.)(Ont.), 23843, *01 La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé,

   Gonthier and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 23.2.95                                         1869(94)                   402(95)

R. v. N.M. (Crim.)(Ont.), 24263, *01 30.5.95                                                1016(95)                   1016(95)

R. v. Park (Crim.)(Alta.), 23876, *03 22.6.95                                               1919(94)                   1131(95)

R. c. Polo (Crim.)(Qué.), 24210, *01 L'Heureux-Dubé J. dissenting

    2.11.95                                                                                                1733(95)                   1772(95)

R. v. Pontes (Crim.)(B.C.), 24020, *02 La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé,

   Gonthier and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 21.9.95                                         477(95)                    1420(95)

R. v. Province of Alberta Treasury Branches (Alta.), 24056                          1576(95)

R. v. Shropshire (Crim.)(B.C.), 24227, *03 15.6.95                                       1127(95)                   1806(95)

R. v. Tanner (Ont.), 24262, *03 18.5.95                                                      751(95)                    866(95)

R. c. Thibaudeau (C.A.F.)(Qué.), 24154, *04 L'Heureux-Dubé and

   McLachlin JJ. dissenting 25.5.95                                                            1531(94)                   925(95)

RJR -- MacDonald Inc. c. Attorney General of Canada (Qué.), 23460,

   *03 La Forest, L'Heureux-Dubé, Gonthier and Cory JJ. dissenting

   21.9.95                                                                                                 1871(94)                   1419(95)

R.J.S. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23581, *01 2.2.95                                  368(94)                    272(95)

Richard B. v. Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto                                                        595(94) &

   (Ont.), 23298, *01 17.3.94                                                                      464(94)                    151(95)

Rogalsky v. The Queen (Crim.)(Sask.), 24489, *01 7.11.95                          1775(95)                   1775(95)

Royal Bank of Canada v. Mitsui & Co. (Canada) Ltd. (N.S.), 23914, *04

   4.5.95                                                                                                   478(95)                    784(95)

Royal Bank of Canada v. North American Life Assurance Co.

   (Sask.), 24316                                                                                      1777(95)

Royal Oak Mines Inc. v. Canadian Association of Smelter and Allied

   Workers (CASAW), Local No. 4 (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24169                              1730(95)

Ruffo c. Conseil de la magistrature (Qué.), 23127                                        602(95)

S.P. c. M.R. (Qué.), 24251                                                                        1774(95)

Schwartz v. The Queen (Ont.), 24093                                                         1573(95)

Shaw Cable Systems B.C. v. B.C. Telephone Co. (F.C.A.)(B.C.),

   23717, *04 22.6.95                                                                                145(95)                    1130(95)

Silveira v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24013, *01 La Forest J. dissenting

   18.5.95                                                                                                 1758(94)                   866(95)

Siska Indian Band v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23643                 1586(94)

Simpson v. The Queen (Crim.)(Nfld.), 24099, *03 3.2.95                               314(95)                    314(95)

St-Jacques c. Fédération des employées et employés des services

   publics Inc. (C.S.N.) (Qué.), 22339                                                         1773(95)

St. Pierre v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23518, *03 La Forest,

   L'Heureux-Dubé, Gonther and McLachlin JJ. dissenting 2.3.95                   1915(94)                   481(95)

Stinchcombe v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24117, *01 23.2.95                      401(95)                    401(95)

Telecommunications Workers Union v. Canadian Radioi-Television and

   Telecommunications Commission (F.C.A.)(Ont.), 23778, *02 Lamer C.J.

   and Sopinka and Cory JJ. dissenting 22.6.95                                           145(95)                    1130(95)

Tempelaar v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 23909, *01 3.3.95                            512(95)                    512(95)

Tennant v. The Queen (F.C.A.)(B.C.), 24339                                               1777(95)

Thibert v. The Queen (Crim.)(Alta.), 24435                                                  1778(95)

United Steelworkers of America, Local 9332 v. Richard (N.S.),

   23621, *03 4.5.95                                                                                  965(94)                    784(95)

Vout v. Hay (Ont.), 24009, *03 22.6.95                                                       148(95)                    1131(95)

W.R.D. v. The Queen (Crim.)(Man.), 24120, *01 28.2.95                              477(95)                    477(95)

Wade v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24153, the appeal is dismissed, the

   cross-appeal is allowed, Lamer C.J. and Sopinka J. dissenting

   2.6.95                                                                                                   1055(95)                   1128(95)

Walker v. Government of Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.), 23861, *02

   23.5.95                                                                                                 921(95)                    921(95)

Weber v. Ontario Hydro (Ont.), 23401, the appeal is dismissed and the

   cross-appeal is allowed with costs to the respondent La Forest,

   Sopinka and Iacobucci JJ. dissenting on the cross-appeal 29.6.95             1918(94)                   1244(95)

Wijesinha v. The Queen (Crim.)(Ont.), 24015, *01 hearing and

   judgment 31.5.95 reasons delivered 21.9.95                                             1018(95)                   1055(95)

Winnipeg Condominium Corporation No. 36 v. Bird Construction Co.

   (Man.), 23624, *03 26.1.95                                                                     1587(94)                   149(95)

Workers' Compensation Board v. Husky Oil Operations Ltd. (Sask.)

   23936, *02 Sopinka, Cory, Iacobucci and Major JJ. dissenting

   19.10.95                                                                                               147(95)                    1596(95)

Yukon Human Rights Commission v. Yukon Order of Pioneers (Yuk.), 23584                               1538(95)









Pursuant to Rule 23.1 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, the following deadlines must be met before a motion before the Court can be heard:




Conformément à l'article 23.1 des Règles de la Cour suprême du Canada, les délais suivants doivent être respectés pour qu'une requête soit entendue par la Cour :









Motion day     :         December 4, 1995


Service            :         November 13, 1995

Filing              :         November 20, 1995

Respondent     :         November 27, 1995


Audience du  :         4 décembre 1995


Signification     :         13 novembre 1995

Dépôt              :         20 novembre 1995

Intimé              :         27 novembre 1995











The fall session of the Supreme Court of Canada will commence January 22, 1996.


Pursuant to the Supreme Court Act and Rules, the following requirements for filing must be complied with before an appeal will be inscribed and set down for hearing:


Case on appeal must be filed within three months of the filing of the notice of appeal.


Appellant's factum must be filed within four months of the filing of the notice of appeal. For appeals in which the notice of appeal was filed before July 26, 1995, the factum must be filed within five months.



Respondent's factum must be filed within eight weeks of the date of service of the appellant's factum.



Intervener's factum must be filed within four weeks of the date of service of the respondent's factum. For appeals in which the notice of appeal was filed before July 26, 1995, the factum must be filed within two weeks.


The Registrar shall inscribe the appeal for hearing upon the filing of the respondent's factum or after the expiry of the time for filing the respondent's factum


The Registrar shall enter on a list all appeals inscribed for hearing at the January 1996 session November 28 1995.



La session d'automne de la Cour suprême du Canada commencera le 22 janvier 1996.


Conformément à la Loi sur la Cour suprême et aux Règles, il faut se conformer aux exigences suivantes avant qu'un appel puisse être inscrit pour audition:



Le dossier d'appel doit être déposé dans les trois mois du dépôt de l'avis d'appel.


Le mémoire de l'appelant doit être déposé dans les quatre mois du dépôt de l'avis d'appel. Pour les appels dont lavis dappel a été déposé avant le 26 juillet 1995, le mémoire doit être déposé dans les cinq mois.


Le mémoire de l'intimé doit être déposé dans les huit semaines suivant la signification de celui de l'appelant.


Le mémoire de l'intervenant doit être déposé dans les quatre semaines suivant la signification de celui de l'intimé. Pour les appels dont lavis dappel a été déposé avant le 26 juillet 1995, le mémoire doit être déposé dans les deux semaines.


Le registraire inscrit l'appel pour audition après le dépôt du mémoire de l'intimé ou à l'expiration du délai de signification du mémoire de l'intimé.


Le 28 novembre 1995, le registraire mettra au rôle de la session de janvier 1996 tous les appels inscrits pour audition.

















Judgments reported in [1995] 2 S.C.R., Part 6



New Brunswick v. O'Leary, [1995] 2 S.C.R. 967


Ontario v. Canadian Pacific Ltd. (oral), [1995] 2 S.C.R. 1028


Ontario v. Canadian Pacific Ltd., [1995] 2 S.C.R.  1031


R. v. Hibbert, [1995] 2 S.C.R. 973


Weber v. Ontario Hydro, [1995] 2 S.C.R. 929



Jugements publiés dans [1995] 2 R.C.S., partie 6



Nouveau-Brunswick c. O'Leary, [1995] 2 R.C.S. 967


Ontario c. Canadien Pacifique Ltée (oral), [1995] 2 R.C.S. 1028


Ontario c. Canadien Pacifique Ltée, [1995] 2 R.C.S. 1031


R. c. Hibbert, [1995] 2 R.C.S. 973


Weber c. Ontario Hydro, [1995] 2 R.C.S. 929







 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.