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RWDSU v. Dolphin Delivery Ltd. - [1986] 2 SCR 573 - 1986-12-18
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
"The Charter of Rights and the Private Sector" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 213. Gibson, Dale. "Distinguishing the Governors from the Governed: The Meaning of ‘Government’ under Section 32(1) of the Charter " (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 505. [...] 32. Views to the contrary have been expressed in articles by Dale Gibson: "The Charter of Rights and the Private Sector" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 213; "Distinguishing the Governors from the Governed: The Meaning of ‘Government’ under Section 32(1) of the Charter " (1983), 13 Man. L.J. 505, as well as Morris Manning, Rights,
Manitoba (A.G.) v. Metropolitan Stores Ltd. - [1987] 1 SCR 110 - 1987-03-05
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
(1982), 12 Man. L.J. 109. Côté, Pierre‐André. "La préséance de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés ," dans La Charte canadienne des droits et libertés : Concepts et impacts. [...] (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 109; B. M. Rogers and G. W. Hately, "Getting the Pre‐Trial Injunction" (1982), 60 Can. Bar Rev. 1, at pp. 9‐19; R. J. Sharpe, Injunctions and Specific Performance (Toronto 1983), at pp. 66‐77. [...] (J. E. Magnet, "Jurisdictional Fact, Constitutional Fact and the Presumption of Constitutionality" (1980), 11 Man. L.J. 21, at p. 29.) 50. However, the principle I am discussing is not absolute.
R. v. A.G. - 2000 SCC 17 - [2000] 1 SCR 439 - 2000-04-13
Supreme Court JudgmentsCriminal law
“R. v. Bauder: Seductive Children, Safe Rapists, and Other Justice Tales” (1998), 25 Man. L.J. 359. APPEAL from a judgment of the Ontario Court of Appeal (1998), 130 C.C.C. (3d) 30, 114 O.A.C. 336, 21 C.R. (5th) 149, [1998] O.J. No. 4031 (QL), dismissing the accused’s appeal from his conviction of sexual assault. [...] (See Seaboyer, supra, at pp. 652 and 690, per L’Heureux-Dubé J., dissenting in part; R. v. W. (R.), [1992] 2 S.C.R. 122, at p. 134; R. v. François, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 827; W. (G.), supra; A. McGillivray, “R. v. Bauder: Seductive Children, Safe Rapists, and Other Justice Tales” (1998), 25 Man. L.J. 359, at p. 381; M. Burt,
R. v. Guignard - 2002 SCC 14 - [2002] 1 SCR 472 - 2002-02-21
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
Municipal law
Rothstein, M. “Section 1: Justifying Breaches of Charter Rights and Freedoms” (1999-2000), 27 Man. L.J. 171. APPEAL from a judgment of the Quebec Court of Appeal rendered November 17, 1999, dismissing the appellant’s appeal from a judgment of the Superior Court (Criminal Division), [1997] Q.J. No. 3213 (QL), dismissing the [...] (See Sharpe, at para. 78; P. W. Hogg, Constitutional Law of Canada (loose-leaf ed.), vol. 2, at pp. 35-16 and 35‐17; H. Brun and G. Tremblay, Droit constitutionnel (3rd ed. 1997), at pp. 930-36; M. Rothstein, “Section 1: Justifying Breaches of Charter Rights and Freedoms” (1999‐2000), 27 Man. L.J. 171.) 29 In this case, in
R. v. Levogiannis - [1993] 4 SCR 475 - 1993-11-18
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
"Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C‐15" (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549. Schmolka, Vicki. Is Bill C‐15 Working? An Overview of the Research on the Effects of the 1988 Child Sexual Abuse Amendments. [...] In fact, as I commented in L. (D.O.), despite the increase in child sexual assault complaints since the early 1980s, the ratio of charge to conviction rate remains unchanged (A. McGillivray, "Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C-15" (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549). In addition, young complainants often
Chartier v. Chartier - [1999] 1 SCR 242 - 1999-01-28
Supreme Court JudgmentsFamily law
Another Historical Perspective”(1990), 19 Man. L.J. 580. Farquhar, Keith B. “Termination of the In Loco Parentis Obligation of Child Support” (1990), 9 Can. J. Fam. L. 99. [...] Another Historical Perspective” (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 580, explains how this common law doctrine was applied in family matters, over the years, in various jurisdictions.
R. v. Goldfinch - 2019 SCC 38 - [2019] 3 SCR 3 - 2019-06-28
Supreme Court JudgmentsCriminal law
” (2008), 32 Man. L.J. 144. Rosenbury, Laura A. “Friends with Benefits?” (2007), 106 Mich. [...] Silver, Lisa A. “The WD Revolution” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 307. Stuart, Don. “Twin Myth Hypotheses in Rape Shield Laws are Too Rigid and Darrach is Unclear” (2009), 64 C.R. (6th) 74. [...] Indeed, it went to what Sopinka J. (albeit in dissent) once described as “the most fundamental rule of the game” (R. v. W.(D.), [1991] 1 S.C.R. 742, at p. 750; see also L. A. Silver, “The WD Revolution” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 307), since it went to this accused’s capacity to raise a reasonable doubt on the strength of his own
Ontario (Attorney General) v. G - 2020 SCC 38 - [2020] 3 SCR 629 - 2020-11-20
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
“The Judicial Notwithstanding Clause: Suspended Declarations of Invalidity” (2019), 42 Man. L.J. 23. Blakeney, Allan E. “The Notwithstanding Clause, the Charter , and Canada’s Patriated Constitution: What I Thought We Were Doing” (2010), 19 Const. [...] “Remedying the Remedy: Bedford’s Suspended Declaration of Invalidity” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 281. Newman, Dwight. “Canada’s Notwithstanding Clause, Dialogue, and Constitutional Identities”, in Geoffrey Sigalet, Grégoire Webber and Rosalind Dixon, eds., Constitutional Dialogue: Rights, Democracy, Institutions. [...] Some argue suspensions should only be granted in “extreme cases” in order to prevent “legal chaos” (B. Bird, “The Judicial Notwithstanding Clause: Suspended Declarations of Invalidity” (2019), 42 Man. L.J. 23, at pp. 39 and 46). Others suggest that suspensions can be granted to “remand complex issues to legislative
R. v. R.E.M. - 2008 SCC 51 - [2008] 3 SCR 3 - 2008-10-02
Supreme Court JudgmentsCriminal law
“A Judge and His Constituencies” (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 1. Liston, Mary. “‘Alert, alive and sensitive’: Baker, the Duty to Give Reasons, and the Ethos of Justification in Canadian Public Law”, in David Dyzenhaus, ed., The Unity of Public Law. Portland, Oregon: Hart, 2004, 113. [...] (B. Laskin, “A Judge and His Constituencies” (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 1, at pp. 3-4) [9] Judicial reasons of the 19th and early 20th century, when given, tended to be cryptic.
R. v. Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd. - [1988] 1 SCR 401 - 1988-03-24
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
"Measuring `National Dimensions'" (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 15. Great Lakes Science Advisory Board to the International Joint Commission. 1980 Annual Report: A Perspective on the Problem of Hazardous Substances in the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, presented November 13, 1980, Toronto. [...] It is not a problem which "is beyond the power of the provinces to deal with" (Professor Gibson (1976‐77), 7 Man. L.J. 15, at p. 33). Failure by one province to provide treatment facilities will not endanger the interests of another province. [...] 34. This last factor, generally referred to as the "provincial inability" test and noted with apparent approval in this Court in Labatt, Schneider and Wetmore, was suggested, as Professor Hogg acknowledges, by Professor Gibson in his article, "Measuring `National Dimensions'" (1976), 7 Man. L.J. 15, as the most satisfactory
Fletcher v. Manitoba Public Insurance Co. - [1990] 3 SCR 191 - 1990-11-22
Supreme Court JudgmentsAppeal
Civil procedure
Snow, H. "Liability of Insurance Agents for Failure to Obtain Effective Coverage: Fine's Flowers Ltd. v. General Accident Assurance Co." (1979), 9 Man. L.J. 165. APPEAL from a judgment of the Ontario Court of Appeal (1989), 68 O.R. (2d) 193, 32 O.A.C. 81, 36 C.C.L.I. 157, [1989] I.L.R. 9391, reversing the judgment of [...] I note that Professor Snow has summarized the effect of Fine's Flowers in "Liability of Insurance Agents for Failure to Obtain Effective Coverage: Fine's Flowers Ltd. v. General Accident Assurance Co." (1979), 9 Man. L.J. 165, in the following terms, at p. 169: The implication of this case and many others like it in recent
Fleming v. Ontario - 2019 SCC 45 - [2019] 3 SCR 519 - 2019-10-04
Supreme Court JudgmentsPolicing and the Resilience of the Common Law” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 161. Ceyssens, Paul. Legal Aspects of Policing, vol. 1. Saltspring Island, B.C.: Earlscourt Legal Press, 1994 (loose‐leaf updated December 2018, release 34). [...] Policing and the Resilience of the Common Law” (2018), 41 Man. L.J. 161, at p. 175). For example, the three factors from MacDonald require a proportionality assessment.
R. v. Barnes - [1991] 1 SCR 449 - 1991-02-28
Supreme Court JudgmentsCourts
Criminal law
Jordan, James C. "Application and Limitations of the Rule Prohibiting Multiple Convictions: Kienapple v. The Queen to R. v. Prince" (1985), 14 Man. L.J. 341. APPEAL from a judgment of the British Columbia Court of Appeal (1990), 54 C.C.C. (3d) 368, allowing an appeal, setting aside a stay granted by Leggatt Co. Ct. J. and [...] Jordan, "Application and Limitations of the Rule Prohibiting Multiple Convictions: Kienapple v. The Queen to R. v. Prince" (1985), 14 Man. L.J. 341). As Laskin J. (as he then was), for the majority, in Kienapple v. The Queen, supra, pointed out, the rule formulated in that case is a logical application of res judicata.
Wilson v. Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. - 2016 SCC 29 - [2016] 1 SCR 770 - 2016-07-14
Supreme Court JudgmentsAdministrative law
England, G. “Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdiction: The First Three Years” (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9. Evans, John M. “Triumph of Reasonableness: But How Much Does It Really Matter? [...] from unjust dismissals for non-unionized federal employees with those available to unionized employees: Geoffrey England, “Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdiction: The First Three Years” (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9, at p. 10; Innis Christie, Employment Law in Canada (2nd ed. 1993), at p. 669; Arthurs Report, at p. 172. [...] Indeed, as Geoffrey England has documented, in the first two years after these provisions were enacted, “Ministerial consent to adjudication was denied in 19% of all cases in which it was requested”: ‟Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdiction: The First Three Yearsˮ (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9, at p. 11. We know of no similar
Mission Institution v. Khela - 2014 SCC 24 - [2014] 1 SCR 502 - 2014-03-27
Supreme Court JudgmentsAdministrative law
Habeas Corpus in Contemporary Canada” (2010), 36 Man. L.J. 351. Sharpe, Robert J. “Habeas Corpus in Canada” (1976), 2 Dal. L.J. 241. [...] Habeas Corpus in Contemporary Canada” (2012), 36 Man. L.J. 351, at p. 352; May, at para. 19; W. F. Duker, A Constitutional History of Habeas Corpus (1980), at p. 3).
Winnipeg Condominium Corporation No. 36 v. Bird Construction Co. - [1995] 1 SCR 85 - 1995-01-26
Supreme Court JudgmentsTorts
Osborne, Philip H. "A Review of Tort Decisions in Manitoba 1990‐1993", [1993] Man. L.J. 191. APPEAL from a judgment of the Manitoba Court of Appeal (1993), 85 Man. R. (2d) 81, 41 W.A.C. 81, 101 D.L.R. (4th) 699, 15 C.C.L.T. (2d) 1, 6 C.L.R. (2d) 1, [1993] 5 W.W.R. 673, striking out a statement of claim on allowing an appeal [...] Philip H. Osborne makes the further point in "A Review of Tort Decisions in Manitoba 1990-1993", [1993] Man. L.J. 191, at p. 196, that contractors and builders, because of their knowledge, skill and expertise, are in the best position to ensure the reasonable structural integrity of buildings and their freedom from latent
Janzen v. Platy Enterprises Ltd. - [1989] 1 SCR 1252 - 1989-05-04
Supreme Court JudgmentsCivil procedure
Constitutional law
Hickling, M. A. "Employer's Liability for Sexual Harassment" (1988), 17 Man. L.J. 124. MacKinnon, Catharine. Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination. [...] Professor Hickling documents this situation in an article entitled "Employer's Liability for Sexual Harassment" (1988), 17 Man. L.J. 124, at p. 127: Sexual harassment as a phenomenon of the workplace is not new.
Newfoundland (Treasury Board) v. N.A.P.E. - 2004 SCC 66 - [2004] 3 SCR 381 - 2004-10-28
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
“Employment Equity” (1987), 16 Man. L.J. 185. Morgan, Edmund M. “Judicial Notice” (1944), 57 Harv. L. Rev. 269. [...] (R. S. Abella, “Employment Equity” (1987), 16 Man. L.J. 185, at p. 185) 46 Postponement of pay equity and extinguishment of the 1988-91 arrears could reasonably be taken by the women, already underpaid, as confirmation that their work was valued less highly than the work of those in male-dominated jobs.
R. v. Kirkpatrick - 2022 SCC 33 - 2022-07-29
Supreme Court JudgmentsCriminal law
“Nuancing Feminist Perspectives on the Voluntary Intoxication Defence” (2020), 43:5 Man. L.J. 65. Benedet, Janine. “Judicial Misconduct in the Sexual Assault Trial” (2019), 52 U.B.C. L. Rev. 1. [...] Contemporary Approaches to Precedent in Canada” (2006), 32 Man. L.J. 135. Phillips, Dana. “Let’s Talk About Sexual Assault: Survivor Stories and the Law in the Jian Ghomeshi Media Discourse” (2017), 54 Osgoode Hall L.J. 1133. [...] Contemporary Approaches to Precedent in Canada” (2006), 32 Man. L.J. 135, at pp. 141-42). It leaves the previous precedent in place and, in my respectful view, is consonant “with the basic fundamental principle that the common law develops by experience” (R. v. Henry, 2005 SCC 76, [2005] 3 S.C.R. 609, at para. 57).
R. v. Sullivan - 2022 SCC 19 - [2022] 1 SCR 460 - 2022-05-13
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
Criminal law
Contemporary Approaches to Precedent in Canada » (2006), 32 Man. L.J. 135. Pinard, Danielle. “De l’inhabilité des juges à modifier le texte des lois déclarées inconstitutionnelles”, dans Patrick Taillon, Eugénie Brouillet et Amélie Binette, dir., Un regard québécois sur le droit constitutionnel: Mélanges en l’honneur [...] Contemporary Approaches to Precedent in Canada” (2006), 32 Man. L.J. 135, at p. 141; see also R. v. Nur, 2015 SCC 15, [2015] 1 S.C.R. 773, at para. 71).
R. v. R. (D.) - [1996] 2 SCR 291 - 1996-06-20
Supreme Court JudgmentsCriminal law
“Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C‐15” (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549. Mewett, Alan W. Witnesses. Scarborough, Ont.: Carswell, 1991 (loose‐leaf updated 1995, release 1). [...] “Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C-15” (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549, at pp. 550-51 and 572. XLIX. Accordingly, this case stands out, not only because of the severity of the abuse suffered by the complainants, but also because of the strength of the Crown’s case against the appellants.
Sobeys Stores Ltd. v. Yeomans and Labour Standards Tribunal (N.S.) - [1989] 1 SCR 238 - 1989-03-02
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
England, G. "Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdiction: The First Three Years" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9. Freedland, Mark Robert. The Contract of Employment. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976. [...] As G. England "Unjust Dismissal in the Federal Jurisdiction: The First Three Years" (1982), 12 Man. L.J. 9, at p. 10, puts it: The protection afforded by a common law action for wrongful dismissal was seen as deficient in several respects.
Lovelace v. Ontario - 2000 SCC 37 - [2000] 1 SCR 950 - 2000-07-20
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
“Section 15, Benefits Programs and Other Benefits at Law: The Interpretation of Section 15 of the Charter since Andrews” (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 288. Tarnopolsky, Walter S. “The Equality Rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ” (1983), 61 Can. Bar Rev. 242. [...] at Law: The Interpretation of Section 15 of the Charter since Andrews” (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 288, at p. 299). In short, s. 15(2) is referenced to the s. 15(1) subsection and there is no language of exemption; on its face s. 15(2) describes the scope of the s. 15(1) equality right (Iacobucci, supra, at p. 328, ftn. 85).
Dagg v. Canada (Minister of Finance) - [1997] 2 SCR 403 - 1997-06-26
Supreme Court JudgmentsAccess to information
Onyshko, Tom. “The Federal Court and the Access to Information Act ” (1993), 22 Man. L.J. 73. Plamenatz, John. Democracy and Illusion. London: Longman, 1973. [...] See, for example, Tom Onyshko, “The Federal Court and the Access to Information Act ” (1993), 22 Man. L.J. 73, at p. 106. It is suggested that the two statutes should be considered conceptually distinct and that the right to access should be the paramount consideration under the access legislation.
R. v. L. (D.O.) - [1993] 4 SCR 419 - 1993-11-18
Supreme Court JudgmentsConstitutional law
Criminal law
"Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C‐15" (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549. McGillivray, Anne. "R. v. Laramee: Forgetting Children, Forgetting Truth" (1991), 6 C.R. (4th) 325. [...] In 1986, only one in five of those charged with child sexual assault were convicted compared to a conviction rate of four out of five of those accused of other offences (A. McGillivray, "Abused Children in the Courts: Adjusting the Scales After Bill C-15" (1990), 19 Man. L.J. 549, at p. 563). As "increasing numbers of