BETWEEN: BAE-Newplan Group Limited Applicant - and - Brian Dalton, D. Harry Dobson, Stephen Posford, John A. Baker, Jonathan Comerford, Brian Dalton, Geoffrey J. Thurlow, Fred Mifflin, Don Warr, Susan Sherk, John A. Baker, Roland W. Butler, Brian Dalton, Geoffrey Thurlow, John Baker and Roland W. Butler Respondents |
ENTRE : BAE-Newplan Group Limited Demanderesse - et - Brian Dalton, D. Harry Dobson, Stephen Posford, John A. Baker, Jonathan Comerford, Brian Dalton, Geoffrey J. Thurlow, Fred Mifflin, Don Warr, Susan Sherk, John A. Baker, Roland W. Butler, Brian Dalton, Geoffrey Thurlow, John Baker et Roland W. Butler Intimés |
JUDGMENT The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador - Court of Appeal, Numbers 10/128, 10/129, 10/131, 11/17 and 11/28, 2012 NLCA 21, dated April 2, 2012, is dismissed with costs. |
JUGEMENT La demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’arrêt de la Cour suprême de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador - Cour d'appel, numéros 10/128, 10/129, 10/131, 11/17 et 11/28, 2012 NLCA 21, daté du 2 avril 2012, est rejetée avec dépens. |